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Best Builds for Lost Ark and Classes Guide

Best Builds for Lost Ark and Classes Guide

List of all the best Build Guides for Lost Ark with a detailed comparison of all the classes

In Search of the Arks
Best Lost Ark Builds and Classes Guides



While playing Lost Ark, you have access to 16 (currently) unique advanced classes. They offer a plethora of different playstyles and a range of difficulty levels, so you'll definitely find one that suits your needs. This Guide aims to introduce you to all 15 of the Lost Ark's Advanced Classes, briefly describe their main traits, and showcase the most popular and The Best Lost Ark Builds. It will highlight flavors, strong points, and main gameplay features of each of the available classes while also trying to point out their weaknesses, to create a clear comparison tool for new as well as experienced players. 

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Lost Ark Classes Overview

Warriors Warriors are melee fighters who value heavy armor and slow hard-hitting weapons over mobility. They can shrug off more hits than other classes and hit harder than most, but their preferred equipment weights them down and makes them feel rather sluggish at times. They can currently specialize in three different ways, a dedicated DPS, Tank-DPS hybrid, and a DPS-Support. 
Role Melee Support
Gender Male

Paladin offers a solid mix of melee and medium-range offensive skills that allow him to damage his enemies from a relatively safe distance, however, some of these abilities suffer from quite lengthy cast times and force you to position yourself correctly before using them. Moreover, he is one of two Classes with access to dedicated Healing/Support abilities designed to bolster and reinvigorate teammates, the other one being Bard. Of the two, Paladin is by far the more resilient one but lacks Bard's burst healing. He utilizes two types of Skills: Punish Attacks (these are mostly melee DPS Skills) and Holy Spells that offer a solid mix of Damaging and Support effects. As a Melee Support character, Paladin has to watch over himself and his allies, which makes him relatively hard to master. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Tanky melee fighter with access to powerful group support abilities 
  •  Always welcome in groups 
  •   Paladin's DPS is not the highest and his AoE skills are tricky to use because of their narrow arcs. Also, some of his abilities suffer from long cast times. 
  •  You will be expected to play the support role in the end-game, which can be tricky to master 

Paladin Builds

  • Paladin Support Builds for PvE and Raiding - one of the best Support characters for PvE and Raiding in Lost Ark. Paladin excels in buffing teammates and reducing their damage taken, while offering solid healing over time effects to allies
Role Melee DPS
Gender Male

Berserker is an imposing melee DPS who wears heavy armor and wields a 2-Handed Sword which seems so heavy that even picking it up would be a challenge. Despite his thick armor, he is actually the most mobile of the heavily armored advanced classes but pays for it in his resilience. His AoE attacks are among the easiest to use, thanks to their wide arcs. One of the most impressive traits of the Berserker is his tremendous burst damage potential that comes from his Awakening Skills. When in a group, Berserker can support his teammates with powerful buffs and debuffs (Red Dust). Thanks to all this, Berserker boasts a deadly mix of damage, mobility, support, and survivability, which makes him a great choice for experienced and new players alike. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very high DPS, solid Burst Damage, and easy-to-use AoEs 
  •  Very strong team synergy - improves everyone's Burst Damage 
  •  Offers a solid mix of resilience and mobility 
  •  Not as Tanky as some other "heavy" classes 

Berserker Builds

  • Mayhem Berserker for PvE and Raiding - a true Glass Cannon setup that makes your character limits its maximum Life and defensive capabilities, but allows you to freely use the Burst Mode for insane damage boost making it a very interesting and captivating DPS build
  • Berserker's Technique Berserker Build - a more balanced setup that offers playstyle based on two phases - a burst DPS phase while under the effect of Burst Mode, and a more sluggish phase when you are building up your Fury Meter
Role Tank/Melee DPS
Gender Male

This heavily-armored melee fighter wields a massive shield and a Gunlance, which is a melee weapon with a gun built into it. He is the most durable of all currently available Classes (he can even ignore some of the mechanics by simply soaking up the damage) and has access to abilities that allow him to act as a tank (despite the fact that Lost Ark does not follow the "holy trinity" trope and there's no dedicated "tank" role in it). For example, he can soak up the most incoming damage and taunt enemies, interrupting their abilities and forcing them to focus on him (this also works on Bosses, which is crazy). Moreover, unlike an average tank class', Gunlancer's damage output is actually very solid. His power comes at a cost, however. He's the slowest and least mobile of all Lost Ark Classes. Because of this, encounter knowledge and proper positioning are necessary to master him. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  The tankiest Class in the game with access to taunt that can interrupt Bosses and stop some encounter mechanics from happening 
  •  Gunlancer's DPS is almost on par with other classes 
  •  Always welcome in groups, thanks to his ability to act as a tank and his solid utility toolkit 
  •  Slow movement speed and lack of mobility skills make proper positioning and avoiding telegraphed attacks quite tricky 

Gunlancer Builds

  • Combat Readiness Gunlancer Build for Raiding/PvE - one of the most durable builds in the game with plenty of team utility Skills that makes this class irreplaceable for your Raiding party. While being extremely tanky, this build also stays on par with other more DPS-oriented classes in that manner. Clearly a surprising feast, but it just adds another reason to try out this setup
  • Lone Knight Gunlancer Build for Raiding/PvE - a Gunlancer setup that's oriented on maximizing your DPS at the cost of reduced defenses. The Lone Knight Engraving increases your Critical Strike Chance and Critical Damage, but makes you unable to use Battlefield Shield and increases the Shield Meter consumption. While it may seem like a substantial sacrifice, you are still going to be among the most durable classes out there
Role Tank/Melee DPS
Gender Male

Destroyer wields a ginormous Hammer as his weapon and complements it very nicely with a set of very heavy armor. As a result, he packs a considerable punch and can take a beating, but his mobility is just what you'd expect from an over-burdened pack mule. He, just like Gunlancer, has access to the Taunt ability and can greatly improve the defensive capabilities of his teammates, not to mention that he himself can become almost immortal through one of his abilities. He also deals solid burst and stagger damage (in fact, he's the best stagger damage dealer in the game currently). Destroyer's skills allow him to manipulate gravity which, combined with the size of his hammer, results in very flashy, impactful, and aesthetically pleasing gameplay. If you're looking for a tanky class that can dish out a lot of damage quickly while protecting teammates, look no further. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  A very tanky Class that has access to an ability that reduces all incoming damage by 90% 
  •  Destroyer's solid burst damage and excellent stagger are complemented nicely by his team utility toolkit 
  •  Just like Gunlancer, Destroyer can Taunt enemies 
  •  Rather sluggish - Destroyer feels like a lumbering beast when compared to most other classes 
  •  His Skills, while flashy and impactful, tend to have very long animation locks 

Destroyer Builds

  • Complete Guide to Raiding as Destroyer - a complete Build Guide for the Destroyer class which covers up the best Skill and Engraving options to dish out immense raw damage against your foes. Alternatives are included and described in this article, which should help you adjust your Destroyer based on your personal preferences 
Assassins Assassins are your sneaky, backstaby, and very shady death dealers who value surprise attacks and deadly combos and prefer to exploit enemies' weaknesses instead of being forced into face-to-face encounters. After all, fair fights are for losers, aren't they? To stay mobile, they only wear light armor and are forced to rely on their agility and swiftness to dodge blows and stay alive. There are currently two Assassins to choose from in Lost Ark. 
Role Melee DPS
Gender Female

Shadow Hunter is a powerful melee DPS that utilizes demonic power to unleash devastating attacks from a surprisingly long range. She offers high mobility and a very dynamic "in-and-out" playstyle, but her survivability is definitely on the low side. In combat, she's able to dash into melee range, destroy her adversaries with multiple quick AoE abilities, and dash out before the enemies have even a chance of thinking about retaliation. However, her true power really shows when she uses her awakening. When she does, she turns into a powerful demon and heals herself in the process. When in the demon form, She deals a lot of AoE burst damage and feels truly unstoppable. Her group synergy is similar to that of the Berserker (15% additional damage for 6 seconds with a low uptime). 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very dynamic melee DPS with an easy-to-use burst damage window 
  •  The most popular end-game build for Shadow Hunter is actually very cheap as you only need 2 Tier 3 gems for the demon form 
  •  Outside of the demon form, Her survivability is rather low 

Shadowhunter Builds

  • Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter Raid DPS Build - a very powerful Melee DPS setup for Raids with amazing self-sustain, low cooldowns, and amazing burst DPS, perfect for taking down Bosses quickly in Tier 3 Content
  • Perfect Suppression Shadowhunter Raid DPS Build - a Shadowhunter setup that focuses on its Human-form abilities to deal very high burst damage with solid stagger. By activating the Perfect Suppression, you are disabling Demonize, and boosting the global damage of all your other abilities  
Role Melee DPS
Gender Female

As far as Assassins go, Deathblade prefers a surprisingly straightforward approach to combat. She dual-wields blade weapons and uses them to quickly cut through her enemies in CQB, just like a Martial Artist would. Her armor leaves a lot to be desired, so she's forced to rely on her high mobility to avoid being hit. As a result, Deathblade's playstyle revolves around rapid attacks and quick retreats - She's always on the edge. Her team synergy is rather situational and is the main thing that can hold her back in some team compositions - she applies a debuff that makes the target take 12% additional damage from Head and Back Attacks, and 3% more from regular ones). If you're looking for a class that offers high risk and high reward gameplay, you won't be disappointed with her. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Offers fun, dynamic, high risk-high reward playstyle 
  •  Great Attack Speed and fantastic mobility 
  •  Her team synergy is situational and requires you to build your party around it, if you want to maximize the benefits 

Deathblade Builds

  • Surge Deathblade PvE/Raid DPS Build - extremely versatile Melee DPS setup that excels in high Critical Strike damage with short cooldowns, and a very dynamic and enjoyable playstyle. This build relies on Surge Engraving that simplifies Death Orb management, but at the same time, can be punishing if you miss your Blade Surge and ruin the rotation
  • Remaining Energy Deathblade PvE/Raid DPS Build - a very swift melee build that revolves around Remaining Energy Class Engraving that buffs your speed even further and offers powerful buffs whenever Blade Surge is triggered. This build is based on building up the Death Orb Meter quickly to maximize the effectiveness of Death Trance and Blade Surge


Mages As the name suggests, Mages are characters who wield powerful magic as a weapon. They can tap into their arcane powers to cast devastating elemental spells or, in some cases, aid their comrades in combat. Their power also lets them relocate very rapidly, which is a good thing as they don't use anything that would even resemble armor. You can currently choose one of two paths if you decide to play as a Mage. 
Role Ranged DPS
Gender Female

Sorceress channels the power of the elements through hell staff to unleash death and destruction upon her enemies. Each of the elements she uses has a different utility. Frost Spells freeze and slow everything they touch, Fire Spells offer extensive AoE and powerful dot effects, and Lightning Spells deal high burst damage and stun their targets. Thanks to this, she is very versatile and can dish out high amounts of punishment. Depending on the chosen engraving, She can excel at dealing high burst damage or opt for a more sustained DPS. As a caster, Sorceress does not take hits very well and must rely on her mobility to stay alive. While in a group, she offers a 6% damage increase from all sources to everyone. While in the right hands, She is a very strong ranged DPS but her glass cannon nature can discourage some players. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very high damage potential 
  •  Good utility and solid mobility 
  •  High skill cap, especially when using the burst damage engraving (Ignition) 
  •  Suffers from the glass cannon syndrome 

Sorceress Builds

  • Reflux Sorceress PvE/Raiding Build - an "easier-to-master" and versatile Sorceress setup for Raids in Lost Ark. This variant offers high DPS with an engaging playstyle but without the necessity to rely on Identity Gauge to sustain high damage output. This setup also offers better mobility with the ability to quickly Blink away from danger
  • Igniter Sorceress PvE/Raiding Build - an alternative Sorceress setup based on the Igniter Class Engraving that offers simply insane burst DPS and high Weak Point damage. Sadly, this build offers limited mobility and should be put in the Glass Cannon category because of reduced defensive capabilities
Role Ranged Support
Gender Female

Bard is a ranged, music-themed, harp-wielding, support class that fights using a plethora of magic spells. Just like the Paladin, She excels at supporting her teammates. However, while the Paladin focuses on long-lasting but not immediately impactful helpful spells, Bard excels at burst healing and keeping her teammates alive. She can reduce the group's damage taken and increase everyone's attack speed. She's also much less durable than the Paladin but offers a solid ranged damage potential and nice mobility in return. The main downside of Bard is the fact that you'll be expected to fill the support role while playing her. This means that you will have to pay more attention, than a regular ranged class, during encounters - you'll be concerned not only with your well-being but also the well-being of all your teammates. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Has access to powerful support spells and excels in keeping her teammates alive 
  •  Good DPS for a support class 
  •  Hard to master because of her role in groups 

Bard Builds

  • Bard Raid Support Build - presumably the best Healer in the game currently that's well-suited for Raiding and general end-game content. Bard excels in burst healing with a wide variety of team utility Spells that make it one of the best team players you can find in the game with additional DPS-dealing capabilities


Gunners These ranged fighters can riddle their enemies with holes without giving them a chance of retaliation. Gunners are extremely diverse when it comes to their approach to combat. Some of them prefer mobility and flexibility, while others opt for heavy armor and even heavier guns. What's common for all of them is their incredible damage potential. As of right now, you can specialize your Gunner in one of four available ways. 
Role Ranged DPS
Gender Female

Gunslinger is a versatile ranged DPS that utilizes a total of three ranged weapons: a pistol, a shotgun, and a rifle. Each of these firearms has a different effective range and Gunslinger switches between them depending on her distance to enemies. Weapon switching is a big part of the class's gameplay, which necessitates closing and extending the engagement range quite often. Luckily, Gunslinger has access to quite a few mobility skills, which helps with that. Her mechanics are not the easiest to learn and are extensively difficult to master, which means that the class has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. When mastered, however, she definitely is one of the strongest classes in Lost Ark and will reward you with high DPS numbers. As for group synergies, Gunslinger has the ability to buff up everyone's crit rate by 10%, which makes her a great addition to any raid. If you're looking for a challenging class that rewards high skill, you definitely won't be disappointed with Gunslinger. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  A very versatile ranged combatant that excels in short, mid, and especially long-range engagements 
  •  Great mobility 
  •  Your survival depends mostly on your ability to avoid being hit in the first place 
  •  Gunslinger's high learning curve can make newer and the more casual players struggle 

Gunslinger Builds

  • Peacemaker Gunslinger PvE/Raid Build - one of the best Gunslinger setups for Raids which is based on the Peacemaker Engraving that allows you to utilize all the weapons available for this class - offering the most captivating playstyle which can greatly benefit from proper positioning in combat
  • Time to Hunt Gunslinger PvE/Raid Build - a powerful Raiding/DPS setup for the Gunslinger class that makes you use longe-range abilities with Rifles and Handguns, but makes you unable to use the Shotgun weapon, making it much easier than alternative Gunslinger setups
Role Ranged DPS
Gender Male

As far as Lost Ark classes go, Artillerist is the most unique one. Basically, he is a mobile heavy artillery emplacement combined with a rocket launcher... and a flamethrower. Despite wearing heavy armor, he offers good enough mobility and plays out a bit like a Berserker who has decided that a giant melee weapon is a bit too moderate. As a class that revolves around heavy firepower should, Artillerist has access to some of the most powerful AoE attacks in the game. His attacks feel very impactful and deal a lot of damage, but suffer from long animation locks. Because of this, proper positioning is a must when playing the class. While in a group, Artillerist offers an on-demand group-wide shield and a defense debuff that helps with the group's damage by a lot, thanks to its high uptime. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very tanky, especially for a ranged damage dealer 
  •  Very impactful, hard-hitting attacks 
  •  Below average mobility
  •  Long animation locks make aiming difficult, especially when the target is moving around constantly 

Artillerist Builds

Role Ranged DPS
Gender Male

Deadeye is a male counterpart to the Gunslinger and they share a lot of similarities because of that, however, he plays a bit differently. Just like Gunslinger, he has access to three different ranged weapons and switches between them depending on the engagement distance. Unlike Gunslinger, however, Deadeye prefers his shotgun over the sniper rifle, which makes him worse at sniping but much better at brawling in close quarters. Because of this, he is also a bit trickier to play as he wants to stay close to enemies which makes him more vulnerable. Moreover, most of his shotgun attacks perform better when used from the enemy's back, which makes using their full potential quite tricky despite the class's high mobility. Luckily, he has access to a "handgunner" build that only focuses on handguns and trades some of the class's DPS for a lot of simplicity. As far as team synergies go, Deadeye offers a buff identical to the Gunslinger. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very solid mobility 
  •  high damage output and dynamic playstyle 
  •  Wants to stay in close quarters which, combined with his low survivability, makes him rather vulnerable 
  •  He's effectively a harder-to-play version of Gunslinger 

Deadeye Builds

  • Pistoleer Deadeye PvE/Raiding Build - a simple and easy-to-master setup that utilizes the Pistols to deal solid sustained damage with relatively easy rotation and smooth playstyle. The build is recommended for beginners that aren't looking to top the DPS meters right from the get-go
  • Enhanced Weapon Deadeye Build - a heavily crit-oriented setup that uses the Enhanced Weapon in order to boost the DPS as many as 16 unique Skills making it one of the most interesting and captivating builds out there. This Deadeye build is oriented on dealing very high damage in Raids and generally excelling in PvE content
Role Ranged DPS
Gender Male

Unlike other Gunners, Sharpshooter does not use a firearm. Instead, he wields a powerful bow that lets him be much quieter and a bit more sophisticated. To complete his hunter fantasy, he also has a loyal pet companion. He is one of the most mobile and dynamic classes in Lost Ark but pays for it in resilience - a single mistake during a boss fight can easily lead to Sharpshooter's death. Despite this, he is actually surprisingly easy to play and does not require high APM which makes him a solid choice for new players who like their skill rewarded and mistakes punished. When in a group, Sharpshooter boosts everyone's damage by 6%. Players who know how to utilize Sharpshooter's great mobility and are good at positioning will definitely appreciate his potential. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very good mobility and high attack range 
  •  Surprisingly easy to play 
  •  Very squishy: relies on mobility to stay alive 

Sharpshooter Builds

  • Death Strike/Loyal Companion PvE/Raiding Build - a powerful DPS build that utilizes both the class Engravements as they offer very decent synergies. In this setup, you aim to build up the Hawk Meter to have increased performance with the Silverhawk summoned to aid you


Martial Artists
Martial Artists Martial Artists are virtuosos of melee combat - they dance around the battlefield and dish out incredible amounts of punishment while jumping in and out of the enemies' effective range. These CQB (close quarters battle) specialists put high emphasis on fast movement and devastating attack combinations, which makes them extremely dynamic and quite hard to master. Currently, there are four different Martial Artists available. 
Role Melee DPS
Gender Female

As far as Martial Artists are concerned, Scrapper is the slower, more deliberate, and harder-hitting version of the Wardancer. Her abilities deal a lot of damage and feel very impactful, but often suffer from long animations that may cause you some trouble if you use them in the wrong moments. With a Scrapper, bad timing can screw you over more than it would have with other classes. On the plus side, Scrapper is quite resilient for a dynamic melee DPS and can shrug off surprisingly high amounts of incoming damage, which helps when you get locked in the above-mentioned skill animations. In groups, Scrapper is valued for her ability to stagger enemies and buff up allies. All in all, She is probably the most well-rounded Martial Artist but does not excel in any particular field, except survivability. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  A well-rounded melee fighter with solid group utility 
  •  Very tanky for a Martial Artist (Scrapper is actually one of the most durable classes) 
  •  Rather low damage output when compared to other DPS classes 
  •  Some of the Scrapper's abilities have very lengthy animations which can be problematic for a melee class 

Scrapper Builds

  • Taijutsu Scrapper Melee DPS setup - a true martial artist with insane sustained DPS, amazing mobility, and low cooldowns making it one of the best Melee classes in the game. This build can be surely put in the glass cannon category and is simply amazing during the longer Boss fights
  • Shock Training Scrapper DPS Build - a DPS-oriented setup that utilizes slow but deadly Melee attacks with Heavy Gloves and Shock Skills. You will see simply massive Hits for insane burst damage, with good Stagger, Counter and Part Break, making it all-around a very interesting pick
Role Hybrid (Melee/Ranged) DPS
Gender Female

Soulfist is rather unique because she mixes powerful melee skills with a solid selection of ranged abilities. Thanks to this, she is one of the most dynamic and versatile fighters in Lost Ark. For instance, unlike other Martial Artists, she can dish out damage while staying out of range of enemy attacks. Soulfist is also a queen of burst damage, as she has access to the single hardest-hitting ability in the entire game, in the form of her Awakening. With it, she can do some ridiculous stuff, like one-shotting enemies in PvP. The downside is, if you waste it, your overall DPS will greatly suffer. To make matters a bit more tricky, outside the burst window, Soulfist's DPS is mediocre, to say the least. All in all, Soulfist offers a lot of fun, but is quite polarizing and requires some good rng to stay competitive. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Offers a solid mix of melee and ranged attacks 
  •  Has access to the hardest-hitting Awakening ability in the entire game 
  •  Soulfist's Awakening feels like you're putting all your eggs in one basket. Miss it, and you you won't be able to recover your DPS 
  •  Rather low DPS outside the Awakening's burst window 

Soulfist Builds

  • Robust Spirit Soulfist DPS setup - a build specifically designed for Raids and PvE content with simply insane massive burst DPS that's great for Boss fights. At the same time, this build offers a very enjoyable and dynamic playstyle with good mobility, making it one of our favorite Melee setups in Lost Ark
  • Energy Overflow Soulfist DPS setup - one of the fastest and most flexible Melee builds in Lost Ark Online which is based on greatly increased Swiftness. This setup offers very solid sustainable DPS with fast attack animations and literally zero resource management required
Role Melee DPS
Gender Female

Wardancer is an agile melee DPS wielding Fist Weapons. Her main selling point is unparalleled mobility and very short cooldowns. These, however, are balanced by rather low survivability - Wardancer does not forgive mistakes and dies relatively easily when caught out of position. When playing as a Wardancer, proper positioning and high awareness are a must. For another positive, she is usually welcome in groups, thanks to her buff that grants attack speed and a higher critical chance to all party members. In fact, she offers the best group utility of all dedicated DPS classes available in Lost Ark. Surprisingly, Wardancer can be actually very easy to play, if you use the Beginner's Mind Engraving on Her. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Very high and quite easy-to-deliver DPS 
  •  The best group utility out of all DPS Classes 
  •  very good mobility and a dynamic playstyle 
  •  Rather squishy - can die very easily when caught out of position 

Wardancer Builds

  • First Intention Wardancer PvE/Raiding Build - a powerful Melee DPS setup with insane burst damage thanks to the use of First Intention Engraving. At the same time, it's a very swift build but also an extremely mana-hungry one
  • Esoteric Skill Enhancement Wardancer PvE/Raiding Build - a build that specializes in dealing increased damage with Esoteric Skills thanks to the use of Esoteric Skill Enhancement with quite a self-explanatory effect. This Engraving increases the number of your Esoteric Orbs and the damage you deal for each active one
Role Melee DPS
Gender Male

Striker is a male counterpart of the Wardancer and thus shares quite a lot of similarities with her. He offers solid mobility (but nothing to write home about) and is one of the most dynamic classes available, but can perish rather easily when caught off-guard (just like the Wardancer). Just like the Wardancer, Striker offers very potent party buffs that make him a very desirable teammate. Sadly, His buffs are weaker than Wardancer's as he does not offer the movement speed bonus. As for offensive power, Striker excels in dealing high amounts of Burst Damage and boasts a very high Critical Chance, but requires proper positioning to show his full potential (and he sacrifices mobility for burst damage, which makes positioning him properly quite tricky sometimes). If you're looking for a male Martial Artist, Striker has got you covered (and he's the only choice, so that's that). 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  High Burst Damage and solid mobility 
  •  Good group utility makes him a good addition to any party 
  •  Often regarded as a weaker Wardancer because he lacks some of her features 

Striker Builds

  • Esoteric Flurry Strike PvE/Raiding Build - a swift melee build that offers insane mobility and very high sustained damage thanks to the use of Esoteric Flurry Engraving that revolves around building up Elemental Meter to use so-called Esoteric skills with greatly increased force
  • Deathblow Striker DPS Build - a highly specialized DPS setup that requires skillful players that can manage to time the attacks well and position themselves to dish out some insane damage numbers in a short period of time, making it one of the best Melee builds when it comes to burst DPS
Role Melee DPS
Gender Female

Unlike other Martial Artists, Glaivier does not dual-wield her weapons. Instead, she swaps between them as needed. These two weapons are a Glaive and a Spear. Because of this, she has access to two distinct skill sets (Stances) that come with different playstyles. Depending on the chosen Class Engraving, she can focus on just one Weapon/Stance or embrace her identity and swap between the Stances, to buff herself up, during combat. In general, Her Spear skills deal high single-target damage and are quite bursty, especially when used with Glavier's identity buff, while Her Glaive Skills are better at dealing with multiple enemies at once and offer a plethora of long-range and sweeping attacks. If you're looking for a breath of fresh air in the Martial Artist archetype, you should definitely try Glaivier! 

Strengths and Weaknesses

  •  Has access to two different skill sets that make her very versatile 
  •  Very mobile, especially if you consider her relatively defenses and access to a parry skill (just two Classes, including her, have one) 
  •  Glaivier's team-synergy skill, while powerful, has a rather low uptime 
  •  Her playstyle is heavily reliant on the Identity Gauge, which forces some specific gear/build choices 

Glaivier Builds

  • Pinnacle Glaivier Build for Raids and PvE - a Raiding setup for Glaivier that benefits from self-buffs gained while switching stances. This setup offers above-average flexibility in terms of Skill options and great mobility while offering good stagger damage
  • Control Glaivier Build for PvE and Raids - an alternative DPS setup for the Glaivier class which prevents you from going into Focus State and gaining a massive DPS boost to your Flurry Skills. This build offers simple rotation without the necessity to switch stances and allows cooldown on most abilities


Unreleased Classes

As you probably know, Lost Ark has originally been released in South Korea, in the 4th quarter of 2019. Because of this, we more or less know what is to come in future updates. Yes, there are new Advanced Classes coming to the game, we just don't know the dates yet. Currently, we have information about eight of them, but there will be more as the game is still being developed and improved. 

Note: Names of the below-mentioned Classes are all translations from Korean which means that they might differ from the official versions. 

  • Artist - This is a completely new subclass of a completely new archetype - the Specialist. Artist will use a giant paintbrush and a plethora of ink-themed attacks to defeat her foes. Moreover, her talents will also inspire her teammates. Yes, this will be Lost Ark's third dedicated support class after Bard and Paladin. If you're looking for a unique class with a beautiful art style and dazzling aesthetics, Artist will definitely appeal to you. 
  • Reaper - This will be a new addition to the Assassin archetype. Unlike the two already available Assassins, Reaper will feature a stealth mechanic that is going to allow her to move undetected. Moreover, she will be able to create shadow clones of herself and dash around the battlefield at lightning speed. Just like an assassin should, Reaper will rely on her mobility and agility to stay alive and deliver devastating combinations of back attacks. 
  • Arcana - If you're a fan of Gambit from X-men or Twisted Fate from League, you will definitely fall in love with this new magic-wielding class. Arcana is not your everyday mage as she has swapped her wand for a card deck that allows her to draw from her magic pool in a semi-random manner. This means that the effects of her skills will depend on the type of card she has drawn. She definitely will be fun to play and her skill ceiling should be very high as her deck mechanics are quite intricate. 
  • Summoner - As the name suggests, this class will revolve around summoning magic, but not of the sort you might think of. Summoner is a Mage subclass that is able to conjure various types of elementals, including a powerful hammer-wielding avatar. It also has access to a wide range of AoE damaging moves that are able to melt down the weaker opposition in seconds and stun the more resilient of her foes. 
  • Scouter - An upcoming Gunner subclass that mixes firearms with powerful technological inventions. Scouter will deal most of his damage from a safe distance and be able to call upon his inventions to support him if the situation demands it. Once his gage is fully-loaded, he'll also be able to activate his powerful exosuit or call his gunship to perform a strafing run on his unsuspecting enemies. If there was ever a class that would make you feel like a combat engineer, this is it. 
  • Berserker (Female) - This is more of a gender unlock than a new Class but we thought we might as well mention it as a female berserker is bound to be extremely popular once it comes out. Moreover, she will play out a bit differently from her male counterpart and there will definitely be some differences in skills. Also, it makes us hope that every class will get its other gender analog in the foreseeable future. 
  • Destroyer - If Berserker is not destructive enough for you, this juggernaut might be what you're waiting for. He wields a hammer big enough to have its own postcode and uses it to lay waste to everything on his path. Just like other Warriors, Destroyer wears heavy armor, prefers devastating blunt force over precision, and does not concern himself with girly things like mobility. 
  • Aeromancer - This is the Class we know the least about as it was only teased in one picture. What we know is, it's going to be a female character who uses a magic umbrella to manipulate the weather. We expect a wind/water/lightning-themed ranged DPS with solid movement (including using the umbrella as a glider) and powerful push and slowing effects. 

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We hope that this overview will help you make the right choice and contribute to your fun and progressive in-game experience. If you've found this guide useful and informative, don't hesitate to leave a comment below, it will motivate us to continue our work. If we've missed a piece of information that is important to you, please let us know! Also, please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.