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Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter Raid Build for Lost Ark

Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter Raid Build for Lost Ark

Raiding Build for Shadowhunter class that utilizes Demonic Impulse class engraving

Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter
PvE Raiding Build
for Lost Ark

Last Update: 10 March 2022



Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse Shadowhunter is a build focused on filling up the Identity Gauge (Shadowburst Meter) as quickly as possible to maximize the uptime of Demonize, which is an ability that transforms the Shadowhunter into a powerful Demon. While in the Demonic Form, Shadowhunter has access to 6 powerful abilities that are responsible for most of her outgoing damage. Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse amplifies Shadowhunter's DPS while in the Demonic Form by providing increased Critical Rate. Moreover, it removes the Composture debuff, which allows the Shadowhunter to start refilling her Identity Gauge faster. While the build is cheap to run because it only needs 2 gems, it experiences optimization problems with Tier 1 and Tier 2 equipment; There simply isn't enough Specialization to go around which hurts the build's rotation and stops it from filling up the Shadowburst Meter in a timely manner. Luckily, this problem disappears at Tier 3, where Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse Shadowhunter truly starts to show its power. 

You can also check our other  Lost Ark Builds HERE.


 Pros  Cons
 Demon Form Skills have very low Cooldowns   Optimization problems in Tiers 1 and 2 
 Transforming into a Demon heals you which improves survivability   Low uptime on the Demonic Form before reaching Tier 3 (this results in considerably lowered overall DPS) 
 Strong Stagger   Requires a lot of Specialization to work properly
 High Burst Damage  

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Stat Priority

Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse Shadowhunters benefit from high Specialization and Crit, as these two stats increase their offensive capabilities the most. With Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse, you already profit from increased Crit Rate while in the Demonic Form, so you should mainly focus on increasing your Specialization to improve your Shadowburst Meter gains, increase the damage of all your Demon Form skills, and boost your Demon Form's uptime. We recommend that you use full Specialization gear, except for the Necklace which should also have Crit. 




Shadowhunter uses a burst of her weapons' powers to pull enemies close, dealing moderate amounts of damage before quickly retreating to evade any counterattack and inflict another hit on the enemies. This Skill is one of your main Shadowburst Meter generators, thanks to the Encroaching PowerEncroaching Power Tripod. 

  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Swift Thrust Swift Thrust - Does a stabbing attack along with an explosion attack. This makes THRUST IMPACTThrust Impact faster, which smooths out the rotation a bit. 
  2. [Level II] Deep Thrust Deep Thrust  - Stabs the Shadowblades in front for a moment and explodes to inflict up to +95.2% (at Rank 5) Damage. This Tripod offers the highest DPS increase out of the three available Tier 2 upgrades. 
  3. [Level III] Encroaching Power Encroaching Power - Cooldown -4.0 seconds (at Rank 5), Shadowburst Meter gain rate +100%. In a build that revolves around generating the Identity Gauge quickly, this is a must-have. 
  4. [RUNE] none 

Shadowhunter dashes forward to deal moderate amounts of damage three times before swinging her demonic weapon for an additional powerful hit. You will use this skill mainly for mobility as it not only moves you forward but also provides a movement speed buff and can be used two times before it goes on cooldown (thanks to Tripods). 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility - Increases the move distance of the skill by up to +3 meters (at Rank 5). With this, dodging boss's mechanics with Demonic Slash becomes considerably easier. 
  2. [Level II] Nimble Movement Nimble Movement  - After using the Skill, you'll gain a 20% movement speed buff for 6 seconds (at Rank 5). This solidifies Demonic Slash's utilitarian/mobility nature.  
  3. [Level III] Chain Charge Chain Charge - Change to Chain mode. Use the skill again within 3 seconds to use 1 more time. With this, Demonic Slash will have 2 charges that can be used within 3 seconds of each other. 
  4. [RUNE] none 

Shadowhunter calls forth an incarnation of the devil to fight by her side. Then, she moves forward and performs 2 punches, dealing moderate amounts of damage. After that, she strikes the ground to deal further damage to every surrounding enemy. Thanks to the increased Shadowburst Meter gain, this is one of your main Identity Gauge generators. 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Vital Point Hit Vital Point Hit - Improves the skill's Critical Rate by up to +45% (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] Fist of Destruction Fist of Destruction - Changes to Normal Mode. Now a 2 hit forward slamming down and launching attack. Damage +58.6% (at Rank 5). Launching attack knocks foes into the air. 
  3. [Level III] Enhanced Release Encroachment Enhanced Release Encroachment -  Increases the skill's Stagger Level to Medium and increases Shadowburst Meter gain after using the skill by +100%. 
  4. [RUNE] none 

Shadowhunter focuses her demonic energy and fires forward a ray of death to deal moderate amounts of damage, knocking enemies away. She has an option to Charge up to channel the skill longer before knocking enemies away and dealing high amounts of damage. This is one of your main sources of Stagger Damage outside of the Demonic Form. 

  • Stagger: Mid-High 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Concentrated Release Concentrated Release - Increases the Firing Duration by 50% and Outgoing Damage by up to +58.6% (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] Encroaching Power Encroaching Power - Increases Shadowburst Meter gain from using the skill by up to +150% (at Rank 5). 
  3. [Level III] Instant Discharge Instant Discharge - Changes to Normal mode and fires immediately. With this, you won't have to charge up the skill anymore which will make it much more dynamic. 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth - With this Rune, your Shadowburst Meter gain from using the ability will be increased by another 30%. This is a nice buff to your Demon Form's uptime. 

Shadowhunter rapidly thrusts forward with her demonic arm and pulls enemies to her, dealing high amounts of damage. This skill is great at generating Shadowburst Meter, especially with the Encroaching PowerEncroaching Power Tripod. Also, it deals some Stagger Damage which can be helpful in some situations. 

  • Stagger: Low 

Level 11

  1. [Level I] Swift Fingers Swift Fingers - Increases the Skill's Attack Speed by up to +36% (at Rank 5). This makes Demon's Grip feel much smoother. 
  2. [Level II] Encroaching Power Encroaching Power  - Increases Shadowburst Meter gain from the skill by up to +150% (at Rank 5). 
  3. [Level III] Stretching Hand Stretching Hand - Demon Arm no longer pulls but now knocks back enemies. Damage to foes with Push Immunity +120.0%. With this, Demon's Grip will deal much more damage to Bosses (as they are push-immune). 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth -  With this Rune, your Shadowburst Meter gain from using the ability will be increased by another 30%. This is a nice buff to your Demon Form's uptime. 

Shadowhunter gathers her demonic powers to summon a pair of giant demon arms and perform a rapid forward swing with them, dealing high amounts of damage. This is a high damage, high Cooldown Skill that generates a lot of Shadowburst Meter. 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Pasalysis Immunity 

Level 7

  1. [Level I] Swift Fingers Swift Fingers - Increases the Skill's Attack Speed by up to +36% (At Rank 5). With this, Decimate's animation becomes much faster. 
  2. [Level II] Weak Point Detection Weak Point Detection  - Skill deals +94.8% (at Rank 5) more damage to enemies immune to Stun and Knockback effects. With this Tripod, Decimate will deal much more damage to Bosses as they are the main type of Stun and Knockback-immune enemies you'll be facing against. 
  3. [Level III] Cruel Hand Cruel Hand - After slamming down with the claws, a surge of dark energy bursts forth dealing 120.0% (at Rank 5) Skill Damage. This adds an additional powerful hit to the skill, which also results in a higher Shadowburst Meter generation. 
  4. [RUNE] none

Shadowhunter gathers Her demonic powers and lets out a cry that deals AoE damage to all nearby enemies, inflicting them with Fear for 2 seconds. With appropriate Tripods, this Skill becomes a very potent Shadowburst Meter generator that also applies a debuff that causes affected targets to receive 12% increased Damage for a short duration. 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Swift Fingers Swift Fingers - Increases the Skill's Attack Speed by up to +36% at Rank 5). We pick this to speed up the skill's animation. 
  2. [Level II] Encroaching Power Encroaching Power  -  Increases Shadowburst Meter gain from the skill by up to +150% (at Rank 5). 
  3. [Level III] Scream of Fury Scream of Fury - On hit, Damage to enemies from all Party Members +12.0% for 6.0 seconds. This Tripod will allow you to contribute to your team's burst damage potential by a lot. 
  4. [RUNE] OverwhelmWealth - With this Rune, your Shadowburst Meter gain from using the ability will be increased by another 30%. This is a nice buff to your Demon Form's uptime. 

Shadowhunter dashes forward and deals minor amounts of damage. Then, she hits her enemies with an uppercut, launching them into the air and dealing moderate amounts of damage. This is your Counter Skill while you're outside of the Demonic Form. 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Stagger: Low 
  • Attack Type: Front Attack 
  • Counter: Yes 

Level 7

  1. [Level I] Naively Honest Naively Honest - Grants you Paralysis Immunity while using the skill. 
  2. [Level II] Giant Hand Giant Hand  - Increases the skill's AoE radius by 20%. 
  3. [RUNE] none

Shadowhunter unleashes her demonic powers to open up the gates of hell, spilling hellish energy across the area, dealing very high amounts of AoE Damage, and inflicting Fear to all affected enemies for 4 seconds. The skill's dark energy pulsates, dealing additional damage over time and eventually exploding to deal a massive hit and knock enemies away. This Awakening Skill generates a lot of Shadowburst Meter, but its damage is spread across multiple hits which can result in some of the damage missing and thus lowering the overall Shadowburst Meter gains (it can miss if the enemy moves away). 

  • Stagger: Highest 
  • Super Armor: Debuff Immunity, Push Immunity 

Shadowhunter charges forward, dealing high amounts of damage. After the charge, She swings her Claws for another devastating hit.

  • Stagger: Low 
  • [RUNE] Quick RechargeQuick Recharge - Gives a chance to reduce all Cooldowns on skill use. 

Shadowhunter performs a quick but extremely powerful Claw attack and then delivers a vicious follow-up blow to deal very high amounts of damage. This is your Counter Skill while in the Demonic Form. 

  • Stagger: Low 
  • Attack Type: Frontal Attack 
  • Counter: Yes 
  • [RUNE] RageRage - Gives you a chance to gain an Attack Speed/Move Speed buff for 6 seconds after Death Claw is used. This Rune will help you increase the speed of your Demonic Form Skills rotation. 

Shadowhunter claws at her enemies, dealing high amounts of damage and then delivers another claw attack for yet more damage as she moves forward. 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Stagger: Mid-High 
  • [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster. 

Shadowhunter leaps to the target location and smashes the ground, causing a shockwave that inflicts high amounts of AoE damage. 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Stagger: Mid-High 
  • [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster. 

Shadowhunter raises her hands and gathers blood energy to cause an explosion that deals massive amounts of AoE damage. This is your biggest Nuke Skill while in the Demonic Form. 

  • Stagger: High 
  • [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster. 

Shadowhunter releases her latent demonic energy to cause devastating damage to every enemy in range. 

  • Stagger: Mid-High 
  • [RUNE] none 


Skill Usage

Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse Shadowhunter's rotation revolves around filling up the Shadowburst Meter as quickly as possible (with strong T3 Gear and a lot of Specialization, all it takes is a single skill rotation) to maximize Demonic Form's uptime. 

  • The main purpose of your non-Demonic Form rotation is to turn you into a Demon as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Almost every one of your Normal skills is built to generate as much Identity Gauge as possible. 
    • DEMON VISIONDemon Vision and HOWLHowl are your main Shadowburst Meter Generators but DECIMATEDecimate, THRUST IMPACTThrust Impact, DEMON'S GRIPDemon's Grip, and DEMONIC CLONEDemonic Clone also generate a good amount of Shadowburst Meter. 
  • DEMONIC SLASHDemonic Slash is your main mobility skill - use it to close your distance to the enemy. 
  • If you're unable to reach full Shadowburst Meter in a single Rotation, you should use your lowest cooldown Skills first (these are DEMONIC SLASHDemonic Slash, DEMONIC CLONEDemonic Clone, RISING CLAWRising Claw, THRUST IMPACTThrust Impact, and DEMON'S GRIPDemon's Grip), so that they are ready to use after your first rotation is finished - use them again to hopefully generate enough Shadowburst Meter to activate Demonize
  • To maximize your Damage Output, you should use HOWLHowl when you're about to transform, so it's Debuff is still active when you start using your Demonic Form Skills. 
  • While in Demonic Form, you can simply spam all your Skills - they all deal very high damage and don't require any special sequencing. 
  • After your Demonic Form ends, you can simply start over as Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse removes the Composture effect. 


Recommended Engravings

  1. Demonic ImpulseDemonic Impulse (Class Engraving) - The Composure effect does not activate when Demonize ends. Upon Demonize, Demonic Skill Cooldown is reset, and Crit Rate +30% (at Level 3) while Demonic Mode is active. 

This is the Engraving that defines the featured build. Use it at Level 3. With it, your Demonization's uptime will considerably increase and you'll get a solid Critical Rate boost while in the Demonic Form. 

  1. AdrenalineAdrenaline - When using skills other than mobile and basic attacks, attack power increases by (Lv. 1: 0.3%, Lv. 2: 0.6%, Lv. 3: 1%) for 6 seconds (stacks up to 6), and when this effect reaches its maximum stack, critical hit rate increases by an additional (Lv. 1: 5%, Lv. 2: 10%, Lv. 3: 15%). This effect is applied after the skill ends if the cooldown time reduction due to skill cancellation is applied. 

This engraving works exceptionally well for a Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter as She benefits from increased Crit and Attack Power very much. This buff will be easier to maintain once you gear up more. 

  1. GrudgeGrudge - Increases your Damage Dealt to Bosses (Level 1: +4%, Level 2: +10%, Level 3: +20%), but makes you take 20% more damage from them. 

This Engraving is extremely powerful, but it will punish you if you make a mistake. Pick it up only if you feel like you can avoid most (or all) avoidable damage during boss encounters. We advise inexperienced players to skip this one. Also, this is a BiS Engraving for Tier 3 content. 

  1. Cursed DollCursed Doll - Increases Attack Power at the cost of reduced 25% Healing Received (does not affect natural Health recovery (Level 1 - +3% Attack Power, Level 2 - 8% Attack Power, Level 3 - +16% Attack Power).

This Engraving is very powerful and very dangerous to its user, just like Grudge. Only pick it if you know encounter mechanics very well. If you lack experience, skip it. Also, this is a BiS Engraving for Tier 3 content. 

  1. Hit MasterHit Master - Increases the damage of attacks that do not correspond to back attack or front attack by (Level 1: 3%, Level 2: 8%, Level 3: 16%). This effect does not apply to Awakenings. 

Most of Shadowhunter's Demon Form Skills don't have Back or Front attack modifiers which makes this Engraving very strong for the build. 

  1. Keen Blunt Weapon Keen Blunt Weapon - Increases your Crit Damage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +25%, Level 3: +50%) but also gives your attacks a chance to deal 20% Reduced Damage. 

The more Critical Chance you have, the more beneficial this is. Luckily, you receive a lot of Crit Rate from the Demon Form, which makes this Engraving a solid option. 

  1. Spirit AbsorptionSpirit Absorption - Increases Attack Power and Movement Speed by (Level 1 - 3%, Level 2 - 8%, Level 3 - 15%). 

While this does not provide a Damage Boost by itself, it can be combined with Raid Captain to generate it. 

  1. Raid CaptainRaid Captain - Increases Damage Dealt by a percentage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +22%, Level 3: +45%) of basic Move Speed Bonus. 

With Level 3 Spirit AbsorptionSpirit Absorption and a total Movement Speed of 140%, this Engraving will give you +18% increased damage. 


Gear Sets, Gems, Cards, etc.

  • Gear Sets - As a DPS Class, Shadowhunter wants Her set to boost her offensive capabilities as much as possible. Here are the optimal Sets for each Tier: 
    • Tier 1: Seraphic Oath Set (Epic); Boisterous Elemental Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 2: Marvelous Earth Set (Epic); Unyielding Will Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 3: Twisted Dimensional Set (Epic); Chosen Set (Legendary) 
  • Gems - The best thing about the Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter is the fact that She only needs two Gems; 1 Attack Gem and 1 Cooldown Gem, both for the Demonize Ability 
  • Cards - Depending on your budget, you should go for one of the following Card Sets: 
    • Light of Salvation Set - A Full set offers +30% Dark Damage Reduction, changes your Damage type to Holy, and increases your Holy Damage dealt by 15%. 
    • Lostwind Cliff Set - A Full set offers +25% Dark Damage Reduction and +7% Critical Rate. This one is the budget Card Set choice. 



This is the initial version of our Lost Ark Demonic Impulse Shadowhunter Raiding Build, where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! 

If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. 

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Tripod Studio and Smilegate RPG