Games Marketplace - Odealo
0.00 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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BUY FALLOUT 76 ITEMS 5469 offers
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Trade Currency and Items in the following games

We would like to show you what we have to offer. Please select your game category and we will optimize your homepage based on your personal preferences. Feel free to visit game specific-markets for the full listings of posted items and services (available via the game index on the top of the site).

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⚜️ 500x Divine Orb |
| Necro Settlers - E
vent Softcore || Fas
test and Safest Deli
very ⚜️
price from
427.45 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

[PC} Divines orb - S
ettlers Event - Fast
 delivery - Cheapest

[PC} Divines orb - Settlers Event - Fast delivery - Cheapest Price

Settlers Event - Softcore

10 mins in 25 days
price from
0.49 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

[PC} Chaos orb - Set
tlers Event - Fast d
elivery -Cheapest Pr

[PC} Chaos orb - Settlers Event - Fast delivery -Cheapest Price

Settlers Event - Softcore

10 mins in 25 days
price from
0.03 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

⚜️ 10 Divine + 500 C
haos + 500 Fusing + 
500 Chromatic + 500 
Jeweller + 100 Regre
t ⚜️ Necro Settlers
price from
36.05 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

100* Chaos Orb PC Ne
cro Settlers Event

100* Chaos Orb PC Necro Settlers Event

multiple servers

20 mins in 1 month
price from
0.20 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

Check current offers

Build MAW Ignite Ele
mentalist / T17 Maps
 / Simulacrum 15  [C
omplete Setup][Settl
ers of Kalguur SC]
price from
79.90 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

Build Righteous Fire
 Chieftain / Walking
 Simulator [Complete
 Setup]  [Settlers E
vent SC]
price from
74.90 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

✨ Starter Leveling p
acks for Easiest Lev
eling  - Necro Settl
ers Event Softcore ✨
price from
17.90 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

Build Archmage ice N
ova of Frostbols Hie
rophant  [Complete S
etup] [Settlers Even
t SC]
price from
79.90 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

Build Immortal Summo
n Holy Relic of Conv
iction Necromancer [
Complete Setup]  [Se
ttlers Event SC]
price from
79.90 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

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Odealo transactions, and the security of our users' accounts and personal information, are our main priority. In order to provide a safe environment, all communication on Odealo is secured by SSL protocols and all information is handled with the utmost care. We also continuously monitor activity to maintain the Norton Secured Seal, and to ensure that our entire website remains protected and malware-free.

View all offers Mouse icon Power Leveling

Check current offers

⭐ Settlers of Kalguu
r | Leveling 1-80 +4
 Labs  ⭐ Instant sta
rt ⭐ Piloted
price from
24.99 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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⭐ Settlers of Kalguu
r | Leveling 1-70 +3
 Labs ⭐Piloted  ⭐ Fa

⭐ Settlers of Kalguur | Leveling 1-70 +3 Labs ⭐Piloted ⭐ Fast

Settlers of Kalguur - Softcore

20 mins in 5 days
price from
21.99 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

G - 10 Act + Level 6
0 + 2 Lab + All Pass
ives bonus

SETTLERS 2.0 LEVELING - 10 Act + Level 60 + 2 Lab + All Passives bonus

Settlers of Kalguur - Softcore

20 mins in 25 days
price from
25.00 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

⭐ Settlers of Kalguu
r | Leveling 1-90 +4
 Labs ⭐ instant star
t ⭐ Piloted
price from
31.19 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

ETTLERS - ACT 1-10 +
 lvl 60   ✅ Softcore

EVENT LEAGUE NECRO SETTLERS - ACT 1-10 + lvl 60 ✅ Softcore ✅

Settlers Event - Softcore

4320 mins in 24 days
price from
25.00 25 (Click on the icon to view details)

New message

We are still growing

Odealo is a fairly young project launched in 2017. We started off by supporting ten popular game titles. Our expertise, gamer-friendly approach and the mutual trust between our users -- all the foundation of our project -- have allowed us to grow quickly. Within weeks of our launch, we had already gained the support of a high number of professional gamers and high-volume, respected traders.


In order to provide the highest quality of service and the best user experience, we have decided to implement new markets and support new titles gradually. If your favorite game is still missing and you would like to have it on Odealo, please let us know.