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Pinnacle Glaivier Lost Ark Build

Pinnacle Glaivier Lost Ark Build

A Glaivier setup that utilizes the Pinnacle Class Engraving and its' stance switching nature

 Pinnacle Glaivier
PvE Raiding Build
for Lost Ark

Last Update: 26th April 2022



Glaivier is a Martial Artist who uses two distinct fighting stances, each one corresponding to a different weapon. In Focus Stance, She uses a spear to unleash a hailstorm of swift blows on her enemies. In Flurry Stance, she becomes a graceful yet deadly war machine able to overpower multiple enemies at a time with powerful sweeping attacks. She has access to two build-defining Class Engravings: Control Control and PinnaclePinnacle. For the purposes of this build, we will focus on the latter. 

Pinnacle Glaivier embraces the stance-switching nature of the Class and revolves around obtaining powerful self-buffs from switching between stances with maxed Identity Gauge. Unlike the Control variant, She does not rely on Back Attacks and does not experience Crit Rate problems. However, She's a bit more complicated to play as she uses more Skills. Also, identity buffs create an unexpected problem... Mainly, there are not too many Engravings that are worth using on a Pinnacle Glaivier, and most of those that are come with drawbacks. 

You can also check our other  Lost Ark Builds


 Pros  Cons
 Solid Stagger   Mediocre overall DPS 
 Powerful Identity Buffs   Relies on high Specialization 
 Very flexible Skill Set   Limited viable Engraving choices 
 Great Mobility   

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Stat Priority

Thanks to the power of Identity Gauge buff effects, Pinnacle Glaivier does not need extra Crit from gear nor does she rely on pieces that provide high Swiftness. Instead, Pinnacle Glaivier focuses on stacking Specialization to maximize the benefits provided by the buffs. Stacking 1371 Specialization will give you a 100% stance buff efficiency increase - this is the number you're aiming for (you can go higher, of course). There are two ways you can go about your stats: 

  • Full Specialization + Swiftness Necklace, which is the standard option that works with the Harsh Oath Set. 
  • Full Specialization + Crit Necklace, which will require you to use a different Set (Preordained Diligence Set) and switch some Tripods (mainly, the Crit-related ones) for proper optimization. 



Glaivier focuses her mind and gathers energy, then she aims and thrusts her spear toward an enemy within a 12 meters radius at a 90-degree angle, dealing high amounts of damage. Hitting the perfect Zone will extend the attack range up to 16 meters, while also increasing the skill's Damage and adding a knockback effect. 

This is an amazing burst damage skill that will let you nuke your target after you switch to the Focus Stance. Thanks to Tripods, it is a guaranteed Critical Strike. 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Quick PreparationQuick Preparation - Reduces the Skill's Cooldown by up to -8 seconds (at Rank 5). This can cut up to 1/3 of the skill's base Cooldown, which is a lot. 
  2. [Level II] Spear of Destruction Spear of Destruction  - Guarantees a Critical Strike with the RED DRAGON'S HORNRed Dragon's Horn, but narrows its thrust attack's width by 50%. This is a must-have if you want to optimize your single-target damage. 
  3. [Level III] Weak Point Detection Weak Point Detection - Increases the skill's Damage dealt to Named and higher tier enemies by up to +96% (at Rank 5). This is extra damage without any drawbacks. 
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster. 

Glaivier jumps within 8 meters of the target location and creates a shockwave as she lands, dealing high amounts of damage and launching enemies into the air. 

Just like the RED DRAGON'S HORNRed Dragon's Horn, this is a powerful nuke skill that will considerably increase your burst damage potential. With the Powerful FinishPowerful Finish Tripod, it will always Crit against Bosses (as they are Push-Immune). 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Weak Point Detection Weak Point Detection - Increases Damage dealt to Push-Immune enemies by up to +45% (at Rank 5). We take this to maximize the skill's damage against bosses. 
  2. [Level II] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the Skill's Cooldown by up to -10 seconds (at Rank 5). This can cut over 40% of the STARFALL POUNCEStarfall Pounce's Cooldown.
  3. [Level III] Powerful Finish Powerful Finish - Guarantees a Critical Strike when attacking Push-Immune enemies with the skill. 
  4. [RUNE] WealthWealth - With this Rune, your Identity Meter gained from using the ability will be increased by another 30% (with Epic Rune). 

Glaivier lowers her stance and thrusts her spear, dealing moderate amounts of damage. 

We use this to avoid downtime while in the Focus Stance. If you lack Specialization, run this at Level 4 with Firepower ControlFirepower Control to increase Identity Gauge gains. 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 

Level 3

  1. [RUNE] any

Optional - Pick this if you have any spare Skill Points

Glaivier blocks attacks from the front with her spear, negating Damage to up to 50% of her Max HP. If she successfully blocks an attack within 1.1 seconds, she thrusts her spear for two high damage hits. 

This is one of just two skills in the entire game with a parry mechanic (the other one is used by Gunlancer). It can serve as a panic button in situations when your mobility tolls are not available. 

  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Attack Type: Frontal Attack 
  • Super Armor: Push Immunity 

Level 4

  1. [Level I] Steady Belief  Steady Belief - Increases the time of the Counter window which makes using the skill a bit easier. 
  2. [RUNE] any

Glaivier strikes upward with her spear to inflict moderate amounts of damage and launch enemies into the air. Then, she slashes with her spear while advancing 3 meters forward, inflicting another hit. Afterward, she slashes 2 more times in the opposite direction, inflicting even more damage. Airborne enemies are launched in the air again when hit. 

This is mainly used as a gap closer/escape tool, but can also be turned into a damaging skill by simply switching SwoopSwoop for Fatal StrikeFatal Strike

  • Stagger: Low 
  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Swoop Swoop - Immediately advance 6 meters forward and perform a single slash attack. The attack deals the same total damage and you are immune to Paralysis during the advance. 
  2. [Level II] Final Decision Final Decision  - Makes you consume 20% of the Dual Meter in exchange for 96% increased (at Rank 5) Damage. This effect won't trigger if your Dual Meter is at below 20% capacity. While powerful, this will also reduce your Identity Buff's uptime. 
  3. [Level III] Brilliant Spear Brilliant Spear - Makes you Swing your spear and disperse your Energy 8 meters forward to paralyze Enemies. Skill Damage increased by up to +95.2% (at Rank 5) 
  4. [RUNE] Quick RechargeQuick Recharge - Gives a chance to reduce all Cooldowns on skill use. 

Glaivier drags her spear across the ground while moving forward, dealing 2 damaging hits, followed by a powerful diagonal upward slash that deals high amounts of damage. Hit enemies are launched in the air. 

This is a solid offensive skill that deals considerable damage and has good Stagger attached to it. Tier 2 and 3 Tripods can be swapped, depending on your preference (the current setup aims to maximize Damage without making the skill harder to use). You should use ConvictionConviction Rune on this one as it deals multiple hits. 

  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Weak Point: Level 2 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Flurry Expertise Flurry Expertise - Increases the Skill's Single-Target Damage by +45% (at Rank 5), by +25% (Rank 5) when attacking 2 enemies, +30% (Rank 5) when attacking 5, and +40% (Rank 5) when attacking at least 10.  
  2. [Level II] Final Decision Final Decision  - Makes you consume 20% of the Dual Meter in exchange for 96% increased (at Rank 5) Damage. This effect won't trigger if your Dual Meter is at below 20% capacity. While powerful, this will also reduce your Identity Buff's uptime. 
  3. [Level III] Blade of Tornado Blade of Tornado - Creates a whirlwind with an upward strike, dealing Damage equal to 80% of the skill's Base Damage (at Rank 5). This also changes the skill's mechanics a bit if you chose StretchStretch or Spin Upper SlashSpin Upper Slash from the 1st tripod tier. 
  4. [RUNE] ConvictionConviction - This rune gives you a 30% chance to imbue yourself with a "Convitvion" effect for 3 seconds. when in the "conviction" state. you can activate "Judgement" for an additional effect. 

Glaivier enlarges her spear and spins 360 degrees to inflict high amounts of damage, knocking enemies back. 

This powerful offensive skill deals massive damage and offers a very high Stagger (it's your main Stagger Damage source as a Glaivier). Its Tier 2 Tripods can be swapped, depending on your preference - we've chosen raw power, but you can use Quick SlashQuick Slash to make the skill more dynamic. 

  • Stagger: Mid-High 
  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 12

  1. [Level I] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the Skill's Cooldown by up to -5 seconds (at Rank 5). This helps quite a lot as RAGING DRAGON SLASHRaging Dragon Slash has a long base cooldown of 24 seconds. 
  2. [Level II] Precise Slash Precise Slash - Increases the skill's Attack Time by 1.3 seconds, but also boosts its Damage by up to +120% (at Rank 5). This makes the skill a bit harder to use but it also more than doubles its damage output. 
  3. [Level III] Awaken Awaken - This makes you create a Dragon along the skill's trajectory. The Dragon attacks 3 times; Skill Damage +83% (at Rank 5), Crit Rate +25%. 
  4. [RUNE] GalewindGalewind - Increase the skill's casting speed. With this, the Skill's animation becomes much faster. 

Glaivier spins sideways, inflicting 3 damaging hits, followed by a finishing blow that deals moderate amounts of damage. Airborne enemies hit by the spinning attack are launched in the air again, and then get slammed to the ground with the last blow. 

This versatile skill deals solid Stagger Damage and is perfect for triggering your JudgementJudgement because of its multi-hit nature. 

  • Stagger: Mid 
  • Attack Type: Frontal Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Magick Control Magick Control - Reduces the skill's Mana Cost by up to -67% (at Rank 5). 
  2. [Level II] Weak Point Detection Weak Point Detection - Increases the Damage dealt to Push-Immune enemies by up to +60% (at Rank 5). This makes the skill deal more damage to Bosses as they tend to be Push-Immune. 
  3. [Level III] Consecutive Spin Consecutive Spin - Changes the Skill to Combo Mode and allows you to use it 2 consecutive times. Total Damage is increased by up to +144% Iat Rank 5). This is necessary if you want to use the JudgementJudgement Rune on WHEEL OF BLADESWheel of Blades
  4. [RUNE] JudgementJudgement - Has a 30% chance to remove "Conviction" from you and increase your Combat Resource recovery and reduce Skill Cooldown for 6 seconds. 

Glaivier spins her spear where she stands and strikes down with force, creating a shockwave that deals high amounts of damage. Enemies hit by this Skill lose 8% if their Crit Resistance for 6 seconds. 

This is a team synergy skill that makes landing critical strikes on your target easier. It will mostly help your teammates, as you already have a very high Crit chance from Identity Buffs (and Tripods in case of Focus Skills). 

  • Weak Point: Level 1 
  • Stagger: Low 

Level 10

  1. [Level I] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the Skill's Cooldown by up to -5 seconds (at Rank 5). This helps quite a lot as SHACKLING BLUE DRAGONShackling Blue Dragon has a long base cooldown of 24 seconds. 
  2. [Level II] Blitz Blitz - Reduces the AoE Radius by 20% in exchange for an immediate Spear Strike. This makes the skill considerably more dynamic. 
  3. [Level III] Critical Spear Critical Spear - Reduces the Enemy Crit Resistance by a further 10% on hit. 
  4. [RUNE] FocusFocus - This Rune lowers the skill's Mana consumption by quite a lot, making it much more cost-effective. 

Glaivier moves 8 meters forward past enemies to inflict three damaging hits and return to her previous position, attacking once again. 

This is a dynamic offensive skill that generates a lot of Identity Gauge. If your Specialization is low, run Firepower ControlFirepower Control instead of Quick PreparationQuick Preparation to maximize Identity Gauge gains. 

Level 7

  1. [Level I] Quick Preparation Quick Preparation - Reduces the skill's Cooldown by up to -7 seconds (at Rank 5). This cuts over 1/3 of the skill's Cooldown. 
  2. [Level II] Quickness Quickness - Reduces the skill's AoE radius by 20%, but makes it much more dynamic. With this, CUTTING WINDCutting Wind becomes almost instantaneous. 
  3. [RUNE] any

Glaivier uses her spear to as a lever to advance 7 meters forward, dealing damage three times. The initial attack is followed by a strong kick that deals moderate amounts of Damage. 

While this skill has the potential to deal solid damage, other skills work better with the build and thus we use it only as a mobility tool/gap closer. 

  • Attack Type: Back Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 

Level 4

  1. [Level I] Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility - Increases the skill's move distance by up to +4 meters (at Rank 5). This makes FLASH KICKFlash Kick much better as a mobility tool. 
  2. [RUNE] RageRage - Gives you a chance to gain an Attack Speed/Move Speed buff for 6 seconds after the Skill is used. This Rune will help you increase the speed of your rotation. 

Glaivier sticks her spear in the ground and performs a somersault, dealing moderate amounts of damage and launching enemies into the air. 

This is a must-have as it's the only Counter Skill Glaivier has access to. We take Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility to increase its effective range. 

  • Stagger: Low 
  • Attack Type: Frontal Attack 
  • Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity 
  • Counter: Yes 

Level 4

  1. [Level I] Excellent Mobility Excellent Mobility - Increases the Skill's forward move distance by 3 meters. This makes hitting the target with VAULTVault easier. 
  2. [RUNE] any

Glaivier focuses her mind and thrusts her spear in front of her to deal high amounts of damage, then she pulls it back, dealing striking another hit and pulling enemies closer. Afterward, she swings her spear and inflicts 5 damaging hits, followed by a series of 8 thrusts that puncture enemies. After that, she moves 8 meters past the enemies and delivers a powerful finishing blow that knocks the enemies back. 

This Awakening skill has tremendous Damage potential and it starts to deal its damage instantly, however, it also has a long channeling time and you probably won't be able to fully channel it every time. If you prefer something with a better range and without channeling, pick SPEAR METEORSpear Meteor instead. 

  • Stagger: High 
  • Super Armor: Push Immunity, Debuff Immunity 


Rotations/Skill Usage

Pinnacle Glaivier uses two separate rotations, one for each of her stances. Both of these rotations revolve around building up her Identity Gauge to then sitch stances for a massive buff. 

  • Flash KickFlash Kick is your mobility skill/gap closer. Use it as an opener as it also deals decent damage. 
  • VaultVault is also your only Counter Skill. 
  • Wheel of BladesWheel of Blades, Half Moon SlashHalf Moon Slash, and Raging Dragon SlashRaging Dragon Slash are your main Stagger Damage dealers. 
  • Shackling Blue DragonShackling Blue Dragon is your tram synergy skill that can lower the enemy's Crit Resistance by 18% for 6 seconds. You should try to use it on Cooldown to maximize Debuff's uptime. 
  • If you're using the recommended Runes, you'll have the ConvictionConviction/JudgementJudgement combo attached to your Half Moon SlashHalf Moon Slash + Wheel of BladesWheel of Blades. Always use Wheel of BladesWheel of Blades after you get a ConvictionConviction proc (the text will notify you of this). Rune effect has a 30-second Cooldown. 
  • If your Identity Gauge generation feels too slow, consider using WealthWealth runes on your Skills and select the Firepower ControlFirepower Control for CUTTING WINDCutting Wind and Spiraling SpearSpiraling Spear

Your Flurry Stance Rotation looks as follows: 

  1. Use CUTTING WINDCutting Wind 
  2. Use Chain SlashChain Slash 
  3. Use Shackling Blue DragonShackling Blue Dragon (If running Specialization/Siftness Build) 
  4. Use Raging Dragon SlashRaging Dragon Slash 
  5. Use Half Moon SlashHalf Moon Slash 
  6. Use Wheel of BladesWheel of Blades 
  7. Rinse and Repeat
  • Switch to Focus Stance as soon as you max out the Identity Gauge. If you're using the Specialization/Crit Build, use Shackling Blue DragonShackling Blue Dragon immediately before doing so. 

Your Focus Stance Rotation looks as follows: 

  1. Use Red Dragon's HornRed Dragon's Horn 
  2. Use Starfall PounceStarfall Pounce 
  3. Use Spiraling SpearSpiraling Spear 
  4. Parry enemy attacks with Drasgonscale DefenseDrasgonscale Defense (if selected) 
  5. Rinse and Repeat 
  • Switch to Flurry Stance as soon as you max out the Identity Gauge. 


Recommended Engravings

  1. PinnaclePinnacle (Class Engraving) - Adds Pinnacle: Flurry/Focus (I, II, or III, depending on the Engraving's Level) instead of the Flurry/Focus Stage 3 effect added upon changing stances while the Dual Meter is maxed at Level 3. 

This replaces your Identity Buff with its more powerful version that is affected by Specialization. With this Engraving at Level 3, you'll receive the following buffs while switching Stances at maxed Identity Gauge: 

  • Flurry Stance: 25% increased Crit Chance, 15% increased Attack Speed, and 15% increased Damage. 
  • Focus Stance: 50% increased Crit Damage, 15% increased Movement Speed, and 15% increased Damage. 

The above-mentioned numbers will get even higher as you stack Specialization. You should have this Engraving at Level 3 as soon as possible. 

  1. GrudgeGrudge - Increases your Damage Dealt to Bosses (Level 1: +4%, Level 2: +10%, Level 3: +20%), but makes you take 20% more damage from them. 

This Engraving is extremely powerful, but it will punish you if you make a mistake. If you can live with the downside, it will serve you as an unconditional damage increase. Keep in mind that it's only worth using at Level 3, so never use it at level 2 and especially 1 (unless you want to take 5% more damage for every 1% increase in your own DPS). 

  1. Cursed DollCursed Doll - Increases Attack Power at the cost of reduced 25% Healing Received (does not affect natural Health recovery (Level 1 - +3% Attack Power, Level 2 - 8% Attack Power, Level 3 - +16% Attack Power).

This Engraving can boost your offensive power rather significantly, but the tradeoff is painful. Only pick it if you know encounter mechanics very well, or if you trust in your ability to avoid incoming damage. Also, using this at Levels 1 and 2 is not worth the risks involved (so, use it at Level 3 or don't use it at all). 

  1. Keen Blunt Weapon Keen Blunt Weapon - Increases your Crit Damage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +25%, Level 3: +50%) but also gives your attacks a chance to deal 20% Reduced Damage. 

The more Crit Rate you have, the more powerful this Engraving becomes. For this build, it's an excellent choice, as you should have over 60% Crit Rate after swapping to the Flurry Stance with max Identity Gauge. Also, Shackling Blue Dragon can debuff the enemy's Crit Resistance, making this Engraving even better. 

  1. Increases MassIncrease Mass - Increases your Attack Power by (Level 1: +4%, Level 2: +10%, Level 3: +18%) at the cost of 10% reduced Attack Speed. 

This is a solid choice for the build, but it does not work too well with the Cursed DollCursed Doll (the separate bonuses do not multiply, unfortunately). 

  1. Raid CaptainRaid Captain - Increases Damage Dealt by a percentage (Level 1: +10%, Level 2: +22%, Level 3: +45%) of basic Move Speed Bonus. 

This Engraving is great because you will be getting a high boost to Movement Speed from switching into Focus Stance with Max Identity Gauge. It becomes even better if you're using more than 2 Red/Focus Skills in the build. 

  1. Master of AmbushMaster of Ambush  - Increases the damage you deal with Back Attacks (Level 1 - +5%, Level 2 - +12%, Level 3 - + 25%). You should get this at Level 3 (which could amount to 25% increased DPS if you're perfect at performing back attacks). 

This is a decent starting choice, but it becomes more and more difficult to successfully perform back attacks as you progress through tiers, which makes this Engraving less and less effective as you gear up. When the encounters become too hectic and too fast for you to reliably perform Back Attacks, switch it out for something else. 


Gear Sets, Gems, Cards, etc.

  • Gear Sets - As a DPS Class, Glaivier wants Her set to boost Her offensive capabilities as much as possible. Here are the optimal Sets for each Tier: 
    • Tier 1: Seraphic Oath Set (Epic); Boisterous Elemental Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 2: Marvelous Earth Set (Epic); Unyielding Will Set (Legendary) 
    • Tier 3: Twisted Dimensional Set (Epic); Preordained Diligence Set (Legendary, For Specialization + Crit Stat Build); Harsh Oath Set (Legendary, For Specialization + Swiftness Stat Build) 
  • Gems -  With these, you can apply a Cooldown Reduction or Bonus Damage to your Skills. There is a limit of 11 Gems; you should distribute them in the following way: 
    • You should use Cooldown Reduction Gems on the following Skills: Shackling Blue Dragon, Raging Dragon SlashRaging Dragon Slash, Half Moon SlashHalf Moon Slash, Chain SlashChain Slash, Red Dragon's HornRed Dragon's Horn 
    • You should use Attack Gems on the following Skills: Chain SlashChain SlashRaging Dragon SlashRaging Dragon SlashHalf Moon SlashHalf Moon SlashWheel of BladesWheel of Blades, Red Dragon's HornRed Dragon's Horn, Starfall PounceStarfall Pounce 
  • Cards - Depending on your budget, you should go for one of the following Card Sets: 
    • Light of Salvation Set - A Full set offers +30% Dark Damage Reduction, changes your Damage type to Holy, and increases your Holy Damage dealt by 15%. This is the optimal Set for the build. 
    • Three Umar Families Set - A Full set offers +12% Back Attack Damage to Enemies, -7.5% Damage from Guardians during Guardian Raids, 5% Elemental Damage Reduction, +2% Elemental Damage Done, A chance to Increase All Elemental Damage by 24% for 8 seconds. This is a relatively cheap option, only worth using if you have the Back Attack Damage bonus from it. 
    • Lostwind Cliff Set - A Full set offers +25% Dark Damage Reduction and +7% Critical Rate. This one is the cheapest of the recommended three. 



This is the initial version of our Pinnacle Glaivier Raiding Build for Lost Ark, where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! 

If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. 

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Tripod Studio and Smilegate RPG