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The Best WoW Builds for all classes

The Best WoW Builds for all classes

The Best WoW Builds for all classes updated for Battle for Azeroth and Patch 8.2

The Best World of Warcraft Builds by Odealo
Updated for BfA Patch 8.2.0

We are presenting the complete list of our Battle for Azeroth World of Warcraft builds. All the builds are updated to the Patch 8.2.0. The builds are presented in the form of a Pocket Guides, so they can serve as an easily accessible reference tool for new as well as experienced players who have decided to pick up a new class. Builds and rotations presented in our guides are ideal for getting used to the selected specialization but may require slight modifications due to certain Raid and Mythic+ requirements and challenges.

Update 25th July 2019:

We have added a new mini section with all the best Starter/Leveling builds for WoW Classic below. You can find a lot of valuable information and tips on how to get your characters level up fast. This includes build overviews, pros & cons, viable race choices, Talent builds and allocation order, weapon progression, basic rotation and recommended professions for gold farming.



Best Starter Builds and Leveling guides for WoW Classic
RogueRogue HunterHunter
PaladinPaladin PriestPriest
MageMage ShamanShaman
WarriorWarrior WarlockWarlock


Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO gamers. Here you can buy, sell, and trade WoW Gold with the use of real cash.




The best Death Knight builds

  1. Frost Death Knight PvE DPS - one of the best DPS builds for the DK class


The best Demon Hunter builds

1. Havoc Demon Hunter build - the best Demon Hunter's DPS build for Raids and Mythic+

Demon Hunter

The best Druid builds

  1. Balance Druid build - Top Tier DPS for Raiding and PvE in Patch 8.2 of the Battle for Azeroth content update
  2. Feral Druid PvE DPS build - one of the best single-target DPS builds in WoW 8.2 based on powerful Bleeding/DoT skills


The best Hunter builds

  1. Beast Mastery Hunter PvE DPS - mid-tier DPS build which provides one of the best mobility and utility traits in the game. Very solid pick for Raids and Mythic+ Dungeons
  2. Marksmanship Hunter PvE DPS - powerful ranged Hunter build which is oriented around bow-skills with very high sustained and burst DPS
  3. Survival Hunter PvE DPS - top tier DPS build for World of Warcraft: BfA. It's one of the best DPS specializations in the game which offers unparalleled mobility and single-target burst


The best Mage builds

  1. Arcane Mage Raiding DPS build - the best Mage's DPS specialization for Raiding and PvE in BfA Patch 8.2
  2. Frost Mage PvE DPS build - one of the best DPS secs for the Mage class with unparalleled crowd-control capabilities
  3. Fire Mage PvE DPS - potent Mage's specialization with amazing mobility kit and high burst DPS

Witch Doctor

The best Monk builds

  1. Windwalker Monk DPS build - one of the most versatile melee DPS class in WoW: BfA
  2. Brewmaster Monk Tank build - one of the best tanks for BfA and patch 8.2 which grants unparalleled mobility and the best damage reduction against big damage spikes


The best Paladin builds

1. Retribution Paladin PvE DPS - a solid melee DPS build which is most suited for Raids and PvE 


The best Priest builds

  1. Shadow Priest PvE build - extremely potent spellcaster build based on the Priest's Shadow Spec
  2. Holy Priest Raid Healer build - the best reactive healer spec for Raids in World of Warcraft


The best Rogue builds

  1. Assassination Rogue PvE DPS - the best Rogue DPS build for sustained damage based on poisonous attacks


The best Shaman builds

  1. Elemental Shaman PvE DPS build - the most popular DPS spec for Shaman class which offers one of the highest DPS outputs in the game
  2. Enhancement Shaman PvE DPS build - the most powerful Melee DPS specs in the game, which ranks #1 on our DPS Tier List for Patch 8.2.0


The best Warlock builds

  1. Destruction Warlock PvE build  - potent Warlock DPS build for Raiding and Mythic+ progression
  2. Affiliation Warlock PvE DPS Guide - powerful spellcaster build with high sustained DoT damage


The best Warrior builds

  1. Fury Warrior PvE DPS build - the best damage-dealing spec for Warrior class for Raids and Mythic+ Dungeons
  2. Protection Warrior PvE Tank build - one of the most popular tanking specializations in World of Warcraft. Prot. Warriors excel at mitigating physical attacks

Odealo is one of the most secure World of Warcraft marketplaces. It allows regular players to buy, sell, and trade WoW Gold and Items with the use of real cash. 

If you have any suggestions on what should be added to our WoW Pocket Guides you are more than welcome to leave a comment below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.