WoW Classic Gold Farming Guide
includes the best Gold making locations
Unlike in the current World of Warcraft: BfA, Gold wasn't that easy to come by back in the vanilla version. Earning Gold for your first mount at level 40 was an accomplishment for the majority of players. When the game goes live and you decide to start your adventure, you will notice that every piece of equipment, crafting material and such is extremely expensive. That's always a thing when a new server or game is launched, as demand far exceeds the supply. You will also notice that quests give significantly less Gold compared to now, which makes it a necessity to play efficiently, and know goods spots for farming Gold and leveling.
In this Guide, we are sharing with you the most important Tips & Tricks for WoW Classic's early stages, and a detailed list of the best money making/gold farming locations in World of Warcraft. For more general information on WoW Classic for beginners, check out this interesting and in-depth guide. You can also check a more in-depth article on the best ways to earn money in World of Warcraft Classic.
Important Note: Despite being underwritten by experience and extensive research, some of the information featured in this Guide might be somewhat subjective, and not 100% accurate. Please keep that in mind, and if you notice a piece of information that you don't agree with please let us know, and we will do our best to update and correct it.
Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO gamers. It is a gamer-driven marketplace for WoW Classic Gold, Items, and Power Leveling services.
General Gold-making and Gold-saving Tips and Tricks
We present you a collection of some rules, directives, hints, and general guidelines that will help you make and save additional Gold during leveling. Some of those tips and tricks are very basic, but not everybody is used to saving Gold in World of Warcraft nowadays, so we have decided to feature them as well.
- Create a Bank Alt and level it up to level 5 - The leveling part is very important because you can pick up Enchanting after you reach it. In Classic, you can disenchant EVERY uncommon item of every level, if you have the enchanting profession. Disenchanting weak BoE Uncommon Items and selling Enchanting Materials on AH will help you make some extra money out of otherwise Vendor-destined gear. The Bank Alt will also serve as your high-capacity storage for various items* that are bound to rise in value over time or might come in handy at a later date. Overall, this is a must-have, as it will improve your overall leveling and Gold-making efficiency, let you store additional items, allow you to consolidate your Gold on a single character, and provide you with a way of squeezing some extra Gold out of various Items.
*If you run out of Bag and Bank space on your Alt, fear not, as the Mailbox itself is a great place to store your Items. Just mail everything to your Alt and keep it in the Mailbox. Expired parcels will be automatically mailed back to your Main, so you will not lose any items and be able to Mail everything to your Alt again (Mailing items cost some additional Gold, but the amount is negligible when compared to the utility provided by almost unlimited storage space).
- Loot everything - Every single item in the game has some value and you should take advantage of this fact. Grey items can be vendored for that little bit of extra pocket money and white stackable items are needed for crafting, which means that people will generally buy them if you post them on AH for low enough price (if you can't be bothered to post Auctions, you can just vendor all of them and be done with it). Some of the looted items will rise in value over time, so you might also want to take your time and store them on Bank Alt.
- Upgrade your bags as quickly as possible - This tip is closely connected to the previous one. Upgrading your bags quickly will ensure that you spend more time grinding and less time managing your inventory, which will increase your leveling speed and allow you to make some more money in the process. Bags are expensive, so it is a good idea to look for a Tailor who will make you a set of new bags for Materials and a small fee (you will surely loot some Cloths, so this will not cost you too much). There are also some Quests that reward you with Bags:
- Carry Your Weight (available from level 4 (Quest level 7) to Horde Players, Questgiver: NPC Furl Scornbrow, located on top of the Watch Tower immediate northwest of Razor Hill, Durotar. Reward: 4 Slot Bag).
- Buzzbox 525 (available from level 7 (Quest level 16) to Alliance Players, Questgiver: Buzzbox 323 (Object), located on near the bridge in the northern part of Darkshore. Reward: 6 Slot Bag).
- Poor Old Blanchy (available from level 9 (Quest level 14) to Alliance Players, Questgiver: NPC Verna Furlbrow, located near the bridge that connects Elwynn Forest with Westfall, Westfall. Reward: 4 Slot Bag).
- Deviate Hides (available from level 13 to Horde Players, Questgiver: NPC Nalpak, located near the Wailing Caverns's entrance, The Barrens (this is a Dungeon Quest). Reward: 10 Slot Bag).
- Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure (Part 4) (available from level 14 (Quest level 16) to Alliance Players, Questgiver: Old Jug (Object), located in the northern part of Westfall (near the coast, above Jangolode Mine). Reward: 8 Slot Bag).
- The Night Watch (available from level 18 (Quest level 30) to Alliance Players, Questgiver: NPC Commander Althea Ebonlocke, located in Darkshire, Duskwood. Reward: 10 Slot Bag).
- Digging Through the Ooze (available from level 19 to Alliance Players, Questgiver: NPC Sida located in Menethil Harbour, Wetlands. Reward: 10 Slot Bag).
- Cortello's Riddle (available from level 35 (Quest level 43, 51 for the last part) to Alliance and Horde Players, Questgiver: Cortello's Riddle (A Scroll), located on the floor of the various boats (Random Spawn) in Stranglethorn Vale. Reward: 14 Slot Bag).
- The Platinum Discs (available from level 40 (Quest level 47) to Alliance and Horde Players, Questgiver: The Discs of Norgannon (Object), located at the end of the Uldaman Instance, Badlands. Reward: 14 Slot Bag).
- Learn only the Essential Skills - Learning new and upgraded Skills gets very expensive very quickly (Buying a single skill that requires level 30 will cost you 1 Gold, and a single level 40 Skill costs 2 Gold) If you buy just the essentials, you can save anywhere from 15 to 30 gold before level 40, depending on your Class. Generally, higher ranks of skills that are used for their utility effects can be skipped (these include Warrior's Harmstring, Rogue's Gouge and Kick, Mage's Frost Nova, and many other CC and utility skills and abilities). Also, don't buy any ranks of abilities that you will not use during leveling (things like Rogue's Expose Armor, Hunter's Eyes of the Beast, Warlock's Eye of Kilrogg, and so on).
- Find a Mage-Friend - The other things that get very expensive over time are Food and Drinks. At levels 1-40 you will most likely spend more than 15 Gold on them in total, and that is 15% of a level 40 Mount! To save at least a portion of this money, you should ask Mages if they can Conjure Food and Drink for you in exchange for a Small tip or favor. Remember that Conjured items disappear if you are offline for longer than 15 minutes.
- Check Item's Vendor Price before posting it on the Auction House - Selling items on the Auction House below their Vendor value is a common mistake. Avoid it like fire, and always make sure that you are not losing Gold on your Auctions. If you plan to sell an item on the AH for a price just a tiny bit higher than its Vendor value, you might be better off just vendoring the said item (this will allow you to avoid the risk of losing an Auction fee if your Item doesn't sell).
- Grind - During the first few weeks after Classic's launch, making good money out of the Auction House alone will not be possible (items will be dirt cheap because no one will have Gold to spare). This means that you will be forced to Grind Mobs if you want to afford a mount at level 40, not to say level 60. Picking a right Grinding spot is very important, as the Gold/Hour differences between similar level spots can be huge. We will provide you with some worthwhile grinding locations in a further section of this Guide.
- Invest - If you do not plan to rush to level 60 and want to take your time instead, this tip might come in very handy for you. The value of many Items will increase over time because more and more Gold will find its way to the market. To take advantage of this, you can stack up on various crafting materials with the intention of selling them on a later date. This will require a lot of patience and some Grinding if you want to make a good profit but is certainly worth your while if you are an economy-oriented Player.
- Pick the Right Professions - Professions will amount to a very large portion of your Gold income if you pick the right ones. We will cover this subject in much more detail in the next section of this Guide, but here is a TL/DR version: Gathering Professions are generally better on new servers (for example, Skinning provides you with some extra money for every single Beast that you slay in the world, even if you just vendor the gathered Leather), especially if you are leveling quickly, as Crafting professions require a lot of Time and Gold investment to level up (but they get much better when you are leveling slowly and during the End-Game, because then the ability to craft some gear starts to outvalue the ability to make a quick profit).
- If possible, avoid purchasing Gear from the Auction House - Ideally, you should be able to achieve level 60 without buying anything from the Auction House. This way you will save Gold, but possibly make leveling a bit harder for yourself. If you badly require an Item upgrade, and the suitable Item is available on the Auction House for a low enough price - buy it, but only if you think that the investment will pay for itself in one way or another (the main exceptions to the Auction House ban Rule are Weapons and Wands, as they make leveling much faster, and pay for themselves by allowing you to chain-kill more mobs without Eating and Drinking, which saves Gold and time).
WoW Classic Gold Farming Spots
Below, we present you some spots that can be used for Gold Farming in the early, as well as in the late game. Some of them rely on a bit of luck, Auction House prices, or the state of the in-game economy as a whole, while others are a great source of vendor trash that provides a steady income, not affected by the economy in any way.

Gold Farming Spots in the Wetlands.
- Whelgar's Excavation Site - This Dwarven excavation site was overrun by Raptors (Mottled Scythemaws and Mottled Razormaws). These reptiles are a great source of Medium Leather (you should have Skinning Profession if you want to farm here, as a very large portion of income that comes from this spot is acquired by Skinning Raptors). They also drop some Vendor Trash Items and Raptor Eggs (these are convenient, as a Cooking Recipe for them comes from a Quest that is located just above the Site) that can be used for Leveling up Cooking Skill. However, the best part about this spot is that both Raptor types present here drop level 19 Twink Gear (Feet of the Lynx, Sentry Cloak, Redbeard Crest, and Twisted Chanter's Staff) that will achieve astronomical prices at the later stages of the Game (drop rates are very low, so some RNG is involved, sadly). Recommended Level - 25+.

Gold Farming Spots in the Stranglethorn Vale.
- Kurzen's Compound (marked BLUE on the map) - Colonel Kurzen was once a very talented Stormwind Officer. He was sent with an expedition to the Jungles of Stranglethorn, where he fell victim to Mai'Zoth, a powerful Ogre Mage and his foul magic. Majority of Colonel's troops are still loyal to him and provide Players with some valuable Loot. In this spot, you will encounter Kurzen Jungle Fighters, Kurzen Medicine Men, Kurzen Wranglers, and Kurzen Commandos. These Humanoids drop a lot of Silk Cloth (that can be generally turned into Bandages and Vendored), valuable Wool Cloth (the main source of Gold from this spot, check the AH prices), Fadeleaf (Medicine Men), Liferoot (Medicine Men), 12 Slot Bags (Commandos), Vendor Trash Items, and some Pocket Money. This spot is especially good for Rogues, as the ability to Pickpocket mobs will increase profits by a noticeable margin. Recommended Level - 34+ (36+ to be extra safe, as Humanoid mobs can be problematic because they tend to run away on low health and pull additional enemies).
- Cold Eye Basilisks (marked RED on the map) - Western shoreline of the middle Stranglethorn Vale is infested with deadly Basilisks. These monsters are a good source of Heavy Leather and Thick Leather (we recommend Skinning for this spot), they also drop a lot of Vendor Trash Items (Curved Basilisk Claw, Intact Basilisk Spine, Large Basilisk Tail, and Squishy Basilisk Eye), Large Fangs (used in Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Alchemy Recipes), Wicked Claws (used in Leatherworking and Blacksmithing Recipes), 12 Slot Bags, and most importantly, Cold Eye Basilisks have a small chance to drop the Cold Basilisk Eye (a level 35 BoE Trinket, that can be very valuable, because useful Trinkets are rare in Classic). Recommended Level - 38+.

Gold Farming Spots in the Swamp of Sorrows.
- Swamp Jaguars - Western part of the Swamp of Sorrows is inhabited by deadly feline species, the Swamp Jaguar. These big cats drop a lot of Vendor Trash Items (Long Soft Tail and Bristly Whisker), Large Fangs (used in Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Alchemy Recipes), Wicked Claws (used in Leatherworking and Blacksmithing Recipes), 12 Slot Bags, and most importantly can be Skinned for Heavy Leather and Thick Leather (Skinning is not necessary for this spot, because of Jaguar's already great loot table). This is one of the best spots for farming your Level 40 Mount Gold. Recommended level - 35+ (you might need to clear other Swamp creatures as well, just to be safe).

Gold Farming Spots in the Felwood.
- Acidmaw Bears, Grizzlies, and Maulers (marked BLUE on the map) - The once majestic Bears of Felwood are now corrupted by Fel Magic. Free them from their painful existence, and earn some Gold in the process. Felwood's Bear species drop a lot of Vendor Trash Items (Bear Jaw, Bear Flank, Savage Bear Claw, and Large Bear Bone), 14 Slot Bags, rare 16 Slot Bags, and most importantly can be Skinned for Thick Leather, Rugged Leather, Warbear Leather (used by Leatherworkers for Warbear Harness and Warbear Woolies Recipes), Thick Hide, and Rugged Hide (Skinning is recommended for this Farming Location, as it will greatly increase potential profits).
- Jadefire Betrayers, Hellcallers, and Tricksters (marked RED on the map) - These foul Satyrs infest north-western part of Felwood. Slaying them will help Druids reclaim Felwood, and provide you with a lot of Gold. These Satyrs drop a lot of Runecloth, Felcloth (the main source of income from this spot, check the AH prices), 16 Slot Bags, Vendor Trash Items, and some Pocket Money. Satyrs can be Pickpocketed, so this spot is especially good for Rogues. Recommended Level - 52+ (54+ to be extra safe, as Satyrs can be problematic because they tend to run away on low health and pull additional enemies).
- Tainted Oozes (market GREEN on the map) - Oozes infest Felwood in great numbers, and although they do not have too good Loot Table, they might be still worth Grinding. This spot is a long shot, so be warned. Felwood Oozes have a small chance to Drop Oozing Bag which in turn has a small chance to contain the Disgusting Oozeling Pet (this pet is used to throw off various Debuffs in Raids, so many Guilds will require you to have it), the Bag can also contain various Potions, Herbs, and Gems. Oozes themselves drop a lot of low-value Vendor Trash Items and some Pocket Money (they can also be Pickpocketed, so Rogues might be more interested in this spot). Recommended Level - 50+.

Gold Farming Spots in the Azshara.
- Legashi Satyrs (marked RED on the map) - Lageshi Satyrs, found in the northern Azshara are a great source of Runecloth, very valuable Felcloth (the main source of income from this spot), various Vendor Trash Items, and some Pocket Money. They can also be Pickpocketed, so Rogues will make additional Gold in this Spot. They have an annoying Mana Burn ability, so using an Interrupt is in order for all mana-based Classes. Satyrs also carry some Demonic Runes, that can be used to restore Mana at the cost of Health (basically, a Life Tap ability in the form of a Consumable. Those can't be sold on the Auction House, sadly, but are very useful nevertheless). Recommended Level - 50+ (52+ to be extra safe as Satyrs can be problematic because they tend to run away on low health and pull additional enemies).
- Thalassian Base Camp (marked BLUE on the map) - Some Blood Elves have set up a camp in the northern parts of the Azshara. Blood Elf Reclaimers and Blood Elf Surveyors that can be encountered in the said camp are rather easy to kill and have very good Loot Table. The most notable items dropped by those Elves include Runecloth, Mageweave Cloth, 16 Slot Backpacks, various Vendor Trash Items (junk weapons, armor, and so on), and Pocket Money. They can also be Pickpocketed, so this spot presents an additional value for Rogues. Blood Elf Reclaimers have access to strong Fireball, Heal, and Renew Spells, so they should be interrupted when possible and prioritized. Recommended Level - 52+ (54+ to be extra safe, and farm Elves at an increased pace).

Gold Farming Spots in the Eastern Plaguelands.
- Plaguebats (marked BLUE on the map) - These Plague-affected beastly flying creatures roam southern parts of the Eastern Plaguelands. Slaying them will provide you with a lot of Vendor Trash Items (Evil Bat Eye, Bat Ear, Sleek Bat Pelt, and Large Bat Fang), Wicked Claws (used in Leatherworking and Blacksmithing Recipes), and maybe some 16 Slot Bags. Bats can also be Skinned for Rugged Leather, Thick Leather, Thick Hide, and Rugged Hide, so Skinning Profession is recommended for this Spot. Plague Bats have access to the Terrifying Screech Ability, so they can get annoying at times, especially for melee Classes, but are a great source of Gold nevertheless. Recommended Level - 53+.
- Monstrous Plaguebats (market GREEN on the map) - These are larger cousins of the normal Plaguebats. They occupy northern parts of the Eastern Plaguelands and drop Vendor Trash Items (Evil Bat Eye, Bat Ear, Sleek Bat Pelt, and Large Bat Fang), Wicked Claws (used in Leatherworking and Blacksmithing Recipes), and maybe some 16 Slot Bags. These can also be skinned for Rugged Leather, Thick Leather, Thick Hide, and Rugged Hide, so Skinning Profession is recommended for Farming them. Monstrous Plague bats have access to the Sonic Burst ability, which is a 10-second Silence, so they are not a good choice for Spellcasting Classes. Recommended Level - 56+.
- Tyr's Hand (marked RED on the map) - One of the Scarlet Crusade's Bastions, the Tyr's Hand is located in the south-eastern part of the Eastern Plaguelands. Scarlet Crusade members that can be encountered there have a very good Loot Table. The main focus here will be the Scarlet Archmage (which is an Elite, so farming them solo might not be possible for some Classes). the Archmage drops a lot of Runecloth, ~14 Silver worth of Pocket Money on average, and most importantly, the Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader which is very valuable to all Enchanters and achieves really high prices on the Auction House. Mobs encountered in Tyr's Hand can be Pickpocketed, so this is a quite good spot for experienced Rogues. Recommended Level - 60 (some Classes might be required to find a Farming Partner and go in as a duo).

Gold Farming Spots in the Feralas.
- Isle of Dread Chimaeras (marked BLUE on the map) - The Isle of Dread, located near the Western coast of Feralas is inhabited by very dangerous, Elite Chimaeroks and Arcane Chimaeroks. These vicious beasts are rather difficult to kill solo (unless you are a Hunter or a very skilled Mage), so bringing up a Partner might be in order. These Chimaeras drop Vendor Trash Items (Brilliant Scale and Forked Tongue), but most importantly, they are the only source of the Chimaerok Tenderloin (These are used in the Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops Cooking Recipe that creates +25 Stamina Food, which is the best Food Consumable for Tanks in Classic). The Tenderloins can be sold on the Auction House for a very good price or Cooked and sold for even better profits (we have mentioned how to get the Recipe in the Cooking Profession breakdown above). The Chimaeras can also be Skinned for Rugged Leather, Thick Leather, and Rugged Hide, so Skinning Profession will provide so additional income from this Spot. Recommended Level 60 and a team of Two, unless you are a Hunter.
Odealo supports player-to-player trading for WoW Classic Gold and Items. With multiple sellers competing for your attention, you are to expect the best prices, prompt delivery and high quality of service.
WoW: Classic is still in beta stage, so this is still unclear what final shape will the game have upon release. If any of the information above appears to be out of date or inaccurate we will try to update it as soon as possible. We will also appreciate your help with catching possible mistakes and fixing this guide for other players. If you have any feedback on it, please leave it in the comments below.
We hope that you have found this Guide useful and informative and helpful!
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