Level 15: Recommended choice - Sabretooth |
Sabretooth - Increases Damage of your Ferocious Bite by 20%, and makes your Rip last 4 seconds longer per Combo Point. This is the stronger choice for Single Target and low Target count Cleave situations. It also has added value of simplifying your rotation. |
Predator resets the Cooldown of your Tiger's Fury when a Target dies with one of your Bleed effects active and makes it last 5 seconds longer. This talent generates value in add-heavy encounters and should be considered for fights where mobs die frequently.
Lunar Inspiration allows you to use the Moonfire while in Cat Form; it also causes Moonfire to generate 1 Combo Point, cost 30 Energy, and deal damage based on your Attack Power. This is a decent choice for both Single Target and AoE Damage but is generally worse than the other two choices in this row.

Level 30: Recommended choice - Wild Charge |
Wild Charge - Off global cooldown ability with a 15-second Cooldown, with its effect based on your Shapeshift form. The effects are as follows: a Forward Leap in Travel Form, Backward Leap in Moonkin Form, Charge with a 4 second immobilize in a Bear Form, Leap to the back of an enemy with a 3s Daze effect in a Cat Form, and 150% Swim Speed boost for 5s in the Aquatic Form. This is the recommended choice because of its low Cooldown and good flexibility. |
Tiger Dash is a replacement ability for Dash. It increases your movement speed for 5s; this effect starts at 200% and decays over time. This ability may be helpful if rapid bursts of movement are required during an encounter, but is less useful than Wild Charge otherwise.
Renewal is an instant heal which restores 30% of your maximum Health; it has 1,5-minute Cooldown. Additional Healing is less valuable than extra mobility, and This option should not be considered because of that.

Level 45: Recommended choice - Balance Affinity |
Balance Affinity - gives you the Astral Influence passive, which increases the range of your active abilities by 3yd. It also grants you access to Balance-specific abilities Sunfire, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike, Starsurge and Moonkin Form. The utility of additional Range on all Abilities cannot be underestimated. This Talent makes applying DoTs to multiple Targets much easier, and even a Moonkin Form has its uses when fighting in melee range is impossible for some reason. |
Guardian Affinity grants you a sizable damage reduction in a form of Thick Hide, gives you access to Frenzied Regeneration and Ironfur Guardian-specific abilities and should be considered if you desperately need more survivability,
Restoration Affinity gives you access to Restoration-Specific spells: Rejuvenation, Swiftmend, and Wild Growth while also granting you with the Ysera's Gift passive which heals you, or a nearby wounded friendly character (if your HP is full) for 3% of maximum HP every 5s. This is the least appealing option, as active abilities provided by this Talent will knock you out of Cat Form when used.

Level 60: Recommended choice - Typhoon |
Typhoon - Knocks back and Dazes (for 6s) all Targets up to 15yd in front of You; it has 30-second Cooldown and is usable in all Shapeshift forms.
Talents in this row have close to no impact on DPS, so the choice is largely up to one's preference. However, we recommend the Typhoon as it is the most versatile.
Mighty Bash gives you a 5s Stun on a 50s cooldown, which is usable in all shapeshift forms. It might be useful if you need extra hard Crowd Control or an additional interrupt on a Target not immune to Stuns.
Mass Entanglement provides you with a nice 30s AoE Root effect on a 30s Cooldown, which could be useful for kiting groups of adds around; just remember that any Damage done to rooted targets might break the effect. It is usable in Shapeshift forms.

Level 75: Recommended choice - Soul of the Forest |
Soul of the Forest - Your Finishing abilities deal 5% more Damage, and grant you 5 Energy for each Combo Point spent. This talent is very easy to use and will increase the pace of your rotation significantly. |
Savage Roar is a Finisher that increases your Damage done and Energy regeneration rate by 10%; it lasts longer per Combo Point spent. A strong option for both Single Target and AoE situations, but it complicates your Rotation slightly. It could be chosen instead of Soul of the Forest, depending on preference.
Incarnation: King of the Jungle is a replacement ability for Berserk. It provides all Berserk's bonuses, lasts 10 seconds longer, and in addition allows a single use of Prowl in combat, and causes Rake and Shred to deal Damage as if stealth was active. This Talent will increase your Burst Damage potential, but at a cost of lower sustained Damage output.

Level 90: Recommended choice - Brutal Slash |
Brutal Slash - a replacement ability for Swipe. it deals Damage to all nearby Enemies, costs 25 Energy, has 3 Charges, and 8-second recharge time. This is the only Talent in this row which affects your Single Target DPS. It also provides you with some Burst AoE Damage potential, thanks to its 3 Charges. |
Scent of Blood reduces the cost of your Swipe by 3 Energy for every enemy hit by Thrash; this effect lasts for 6 seconds. This is a quite good option for AoE Damage.
Primal Wrath is a Finisher ability that deals AoE Damage and applies Rip to all Targets within 8yd; Rip's effect lasts longer per Combo Point used. This is the best choice when fighting more than one Target.

Level 100: Recommended choice - Bloodtalons |
Bloodtalons - Using Regrowth or Entangling Roots causes your next two melee abilities to deal 25% more Damage for their full duration. Its synergy with your Bleed effects causes this Talent to be the go-to choice in this row. |
Moment of Clarity increases your maximum Energy by 30 and causes your Omen of Clarity to trigger 50% more often, stack up to 2 times, and increase Damage of your next Brutal Slash, Swipe, Thrash, or Shred ability cast by 15%. Choosing this Talent will increase the pace of your rotation without complicating it, but will not increase your DPS by as much as Bloodtalons will.
Feral Frenzy Deals high amounts of Physical Damage and applies a 6-second Bleed to your Target; it has 45-second Cooldown and grants you 5 Combo Points when used. This provides you with some Burst Damage potential, and will streamline your rotation a bit, but is worse than Bloodtalons overall.