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WoW Classic Warrior Starter Build and Leveling Guide

WoW Classic Warrior Starter Build and Leveling Guide

Check out the best Leveling/Starter build for the Warrior class in World of Warcraft Classic

Warrior Leveling Guide
for WoW Classic


If you are planning on joining the World of Warcraft Classic adventure make sure to check out our other related Guides below:

And Starter builds/Leveling Guides for all other character classes:

DruidDruid Leveling Guide HunterHunter Leveling Guide
PaladinPaladin Leveling Guide PriestPriest Leveling Guide
RogueRogue Leveling Guide ShamanShaman Leveling Guide
WarlockWarlock Leveling Guide MageMage Leveling Guide
Or if you are done with the leveling process make sure to check our Best WoW Classic Builds for level 60 characters!

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Warrior Class Overview

Warrior was by far the most popular Class in Vanilla, and all seems to suggest that he will be the most popular choice in WoW Classic as well. There is a good reason for Warrior's popularity - he is the best End-Game Tank and the backbone of any Raid. Moreover, properly geared Furry Warrior dishes out the highest DPS in the game, even surpassing Rogues who were regarded as THE melee DPS class back in Vanilla. On top of that, level 60 PvP Warriors can become unstoppable juggernauts when piloted properly and with some help from a healer. 

However, there is always a "but"... and it is quite substantial when it comes to Warriors. Leveling a Warrior is a chore, his sustain is among the lowest in the game and his gear dependence is among the highest. Repair bills are massive, and it is very easy to accidentally die from overpulling mobs as a Warrior (you may want to check out this article on how to earn enough Gold for repairs before you decide to become a Warrior). His weaknesses do not end here, sadly. Warriors also get farmed in world PvP, especially when solo and at lower levels, and their skill ceiling is very high which means that there is a lot to learn and keep track of (which is not necessarily a bad thing, but playing a Warrior without previous experience will most likely get very frustrating very quickly). Players who will manage to overcome all these early weaknesses will be rewarded with one of the strongest End-Game Classes in the game and Warrior will repay them tenfold for all the leveling mishaps.

This guide will aid you and your Warrior on your journey to level 60; it will help you choose a Race, present you with an optimal leveling Talent build, point you towards Dungeons and Quests that award worthwhile Weapons, provide some tips & tricks, and more.

Warrior's Strengths and Weaknesses

 Pros  Cons
 The best End Game Tank  Very slow to level
 Very strong in End Game PvP  Low mobility when leveling
 Top End Game melee DPS Class  High Gear dependance
 Can use almost every Weapon in the game  Gets farmed in World PvP, especially at lower levels
 Overcoming obstacles and difficulties as a Warrior feels very satisfying  Terrible self-sustain; high downtimes
 Very high Skill-cap (Warrior is a great class for minmaxers)  High repair bills will burn a large hole in your Wallet, making level 40 mount even harder to get
 Can Tank 5-man Dungeons regardless of the chosen Talent specialization  Competition for Raid spots in the End Game will be fierce for Warriors because of their popularity

Statistics Priority

  1. Agility - Provides you with Critical Strike and Dodge chances, highly increasing both offensive and defensive capabilities of your character. If you get your hands on an "of the Monkey" or "of Agility" uncommon item, don't be afraid to use it. Agility will be your primary stat at level 40+, as you will want high Critical Strike chance.
  1. Strength - Your primary statistic that provides additional Attack Power and increases the strength of your attacks. Gear pieces that give both Agility and Stamina will be of great value to you.
  1. Stamina - Improves your survivability by increasing your total Health pool. This is a very important statistic, but it shouldn't be prioritized over more offensive Str and even Agi.
  1. Spirit -  Increases your out-of-combat Health regeneration rate, allowing you to minimize your downtimes. Do not underestimate Spirit, as it will be your primary statistic when under level 30 or so (this is because most of your Damage at lower levels comes from your Weapon, so Strength and Agility do not matter that much in the early game). At higher levels, it starts to lose some of its value and should be gradually dropped in favor of Strenght, Stamina, and Agility.
  1. Intellect - This stat has close to zero value for a leveling Warrior, but... Intellect speeds up Weapon Skilling process, which means that Intellect Gear has some niche uses when a Weapon upgrade is of a different type than your current Weapon (you can put on Intellect Items when you are trying to raise your Weapon Skills quickly).

Early game stat priority:

Spirit ⇒ Strenght ⇒ Agility ⇒ Stamina ⇒ Intellect

Mid to late game stat priority:

Agility = Strenght  ⇒ Stamina  ⇒ Spirit ⇒ Intellect


The Best Warrior Races for Both Factions

Each Race has unique traits and abilities, some of which greatly benefit a Warrior, other - not so much. More competitive Players might even want to choose their Faction based on Racial traits of one of its member Races. We will take a closer look at all Races that can choose the path of a Warrior and determine which are the best for PvP and PvE.

Note: Please remember that a good Player will make all races work well, and a bad player will not get any better thanks to a Race choice. In other words - pick your Race and your Faction as you please, because after all, Fun is the most important aspect of the Game.

Alliance Races

As far as Alliance Races go, Dwarf is the best for PvP, thanks to his Stoneform ability, and Gnome comes second with his Escape Artist. Human's Racials are PvE oriented and the raw damage output that comes from them is not enough to recommend him for PvP. Night Elf can be fun with his Shadowmeld, but it is mostly just a gimmick.

Recommended choice: Dwarf 

Second choice: Gnome


If you are a PvE Player and want to choose the best PvE race, you have to decide if you want to Tank or to DPS. The Human with his Weapon Specializations surpasses all other alliance races in raw DPS and threat generation, but Night Elf has better avoidance, which will come handy during later stages. Dwarve's Stoneform is a nice defensive Cooldown that can come in handy regardless of your role (no one mentioned the Gnomes).

Recommended choice for Tanking: Night Elf

Second choice for Tanking: Human or Dwarf

Recommended choice for DPS: Human

Second choice for DPS: Dwarf

Horde Races

When it comes to PvP, Orc is the king of all Races. His Hardiness makes him difficult to control, the Blood Fury provides good burst Damage potential and the Axe Specialization increases sustained Damage output. Taurens are tough and they get access to a great AoE Stun ability, while Undead Warriors are Warlock's nightmare. Trolls do not have much going for them in PvP, sadly.

Recommended choice: Orc

Second choice: Tauren or Undead


If you are a PvE Player and want to choose the best PvE race, you have to decide if you want to Tank or to DPS. Orc comes ahead as a DPS Race, thanks to his Axe Specialization and the Blood Fury ability (in fact, Orc is the best PvE Race in the game for melee classes). The only other Horde Race with DPS-oriented Racial is a Troll, but his Berserking does not provide too much of a DPS boost, however, it is great for Threat generation when Tanking (It gets better when triggered at low health; Tanks get beaten to somewhat low health quite often, while DPS should not take too much Damage - a Troll Warrior DPS who gets Damaged on purpose to take advantage of his Berserking will be universally hated by healers). Tauren and his increased Stamina are nice but not as good as you might think, and the War Stomp helps when AoE Tanking. Undead's Will of the Forsaken is just great for Tanking some encounters, like Onyxia, for example.

Recommended choice for Tanking: Troll

Second choice for Tanking: Undead

Recommended choice for DPS: Orc

Second choice for DPS: Troll

Talent Build and Talent Allocation Order

Optimal Talent allocation is essential for smooth leveling. Here, we will describe the most optimal leveling spec and lead you through the Talent Trees level-by-level.

Talent allocation for Early Levels (10-39)
Early Game Fury Spec

  1. Levels 10-14 ⇒ 5/5 CrueltyCruelty - additional Critical Strike is always nice
  2. Levels 15-19 ⇒ 5/5 Booming VoiceBooming Voice - a good quality-of-life Talent that is especially great for PvP Realms (additional range on Demo Shout is nice against Rogues). You can consider going for 5/5 Unbridled WrathUnbridled Wrath if you roll on a PvE Realm.
  3. Level 20 ⇒ 1/1 Piercing HowlPiercing Howl - a great defensive ability that will allow you to escape from packs of mobs if needed, increasing your survivability. It is also great for world PvP.
  4. Levels 21-24 ⇒ Blood CrazeBlood Craze + Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout - you have a total of 4 points to allocate to these two Talents in this step. If you lack Sustain, pick 3/3 Blood CrazeBlood Craze + 1/5 Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout, otherwise, go for 4/5 Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout.
  5. Levels 25-29 ⇒ 5/5 EnrageEnrage - very strong offensive Talent that will increase your offensive capabilities by a large margin.
  6. Level 30 ⇒ 1/1 Death Wish Death Wish - great DPS cooldown that doubles up as a strong anti-Warlock and anti-Shadow Priest PvP tool (be careful though, as it also makes you more susceptible to all kinds of Damage).
  7. Levels 31-32 ⇒ 2/2 Improved ExecuteImproved Execute - picking this up will make your Execute more efficient, generally improving your ability to manage resources.
  8. Levels 33-34 ⇒ Blood CrazeBlood Craze + Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout - at this point, you have another 2 points to allocate into these 2 Talents. Your allocation choice will depend on your decision made during step 4.
  9. Levels 35-39 ⇒ FlurryFlurry - very solid offensive Talent that synergizes with your Critical Strike chance.

Note: Blood CrazeBlood Craze and EnrageEnrage Talents are weaker than Private Vanilla Servers had made you believe, because /sit macros do not work on the official WoW Classic Servers.

After reaching Level 40, you should visit a Class Trainer and reset your Talent Points.

Talent allocation for Levels 40-59
Leveling Arms Spec

  1. You will have 31 Talent points after resetting, you should allocate all of them into the Arms Tree:
    • 3/3 Improved RendImproved Rend - rather weak Talent, but still better than Improved Heroic StrikeImproved Heroic Strike and DeflectionDeflection for leveling (you will not use Heroic StrikeHeroic Strike at all pretty much and you just might find some uses for RendRend).
    • 2/5 DeflectionDeflection - points have to go somewhere, and they are not going into Improved Heroic StrikeImproved Heroic Strike, which leaves just one choice.
    • 5/5 Tactical MasteryTactical Mastery - great Talent for resource preservation while Stance Dancing.
    • 1/2 Improved Charge - you will have 1 flexible Talent Point; it can go into Improved ChargeImproved Charge which is actually quite good for mob farming or into Improved HamstringImproved Hamstring.
    • 2/2 Improved OverpowerImproved Overpower - 50% increased Critical Strike chance on Overpower is very solid, and landing those Crits will be very satisfying.
    • 1/1 Anger Management Anger Management - this Talent's tooltip is not accurate when it comes to describing what the Talent actually does. It was updated in the TBC, but it works the same in Classic - it generates 1 Rage per 3 s when you are in combat.
    • 3/3 Deep WoundsDeep Wounds - this will increase your sustained Damage and help you in PvP against Rogues, by denying them their Vanish (unless a Rogue happens to be a Dwarf). Be aware that skilled Rogue will still be able to chain Vanish into Cheap Shot in between Bleed ticks.
    • 5/5 Two-Handed Weapon SpecializationTwo-Handed Weapon Specialization - very straightforward Talent that will increase your sustained Damage output.
    • 2/2 ImpaleImpale - one of the main reasons why Agility is a great stat for Warriors, This Talent will increase your DPS by providing you with extra Critical Damage.
    • 5/5 Axe SpecializationAxe Specialization - another straightforward Talent. 5% extra Crit chance with Axes synergizes with almost every Warrior's offensive ability.
    • 1/1 Sweeping StrikesSweeping Strikes - this provides you with the ability to Cleave your Damage to an extra Target. Solid for both PvP and PvE.
    • 1/1 Mortal StrikeMortal Strike - this is the reason why you have reset your Talents at level 40. One of the best melee abilities in the game, and it is an Instant Cast, unlike Heroic Strike (which allows you to chain a melee swing into the ability, making you hit like a truck - get a Swing Timer addon). Mortal Strike works great in both PvE and PvP thanks to its Heal reducing debuff.
  2. Levels 41-45 ⇒ 5/5 CrueltyCruelty - at this point, increased Critical Strike chance is even better and you should capitalize on it immediately.
  3. Levels 46-50 ⇒ 5/5 Booming VoiceBooming Voice - again, a quality-of-life option that is especially great on PvP Realms (additional range on Demo Shout is great against Rogues). You can consider going for 5/5 Unbridled WrathUnbridled Wrath if you roll on a PvE Realm.
  4. Level 51 ⇒ 1/1 Piercing HowlPiercing Howl - very strong defensive tool that gets even more essential at higher levels, as content gets progressively harder as you level up.
  5. Levels 52-55 ⇒ Blood CrazeBlood Craze + Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout - you have a total of 4 points to allocate to these two Talents in this step. If you lack Sustain, pick 3/3 Blood CrazeBlood Craze + 1/5 Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout, otherwise, go for 4/5 Improved Battle ShoutImproved Battle Shout.
  6. Levels 56-59 ⇒ 4/5 EnrageEnrage - very strong offensive Talent that will increase your offensive capabilities by a large margin.

Note: At this point, you pretty much are done leveling; you can allocate the last point into EnrageEnrage as well, and do some mount Gold farming, or switch into Raiding spec immediately (if you are going for an Eng-Game Tank build, we advise you to farm in your old spec, as it will be more efficient).

After reaching Level 60, you should visit a Class Trainer, reset your Talent Points and spec into an End-Game Build.

Weapon Progression

Warrior is the most gear-dependant Class in the game and a Weapon is the most important gear piece for every leveling Warrior, as most of his Damage comes directly from it. Two most important statistics to look for in a Weapon upgrade are Speed (the higher the number, the better) and Damage spread (also, the higher the numbers, the better). These two stats overweight Weapon's DPS to a point where a slower Weapon with lower DPS is, in fact, better than a faster Weapon with higher DPS, if the Weapons are for similar level, of course.

It goes without saying that you should aim to upgrade your Weapon as often as possible because it will speed up your leveling process and make experience grinds much more bearable (at least for the next few levels after getting an upgrade). Below, we present you a short list of Weapons that you should try and get during your leveling journey. 

Note1: There will be some "weird" weapons on the list, like Staves, for example. This is because (as we have described earlier), Weapon Damage and Weapon Speed are pretty much all that matters for a leveling Warrior, and an Int/Spirit Staff with Slow Attack Speed can be a massive upgrade.

Note2: Listed Weapons are not organized in a strict order and you don't have to go for every single one of them. The list is meant to be a raw guideline for Warrior's Weapon progression.

Note3: There are a lot more weapons than those described. We have mentioned just the easy-to-get and quite essential upgrades. BoE items were excluded from the list, as there is a lot of RNG involved in getting them.

Horde Weapon Progression
Large Axe
Large Axe
  • Source: Weapon Vendors in all low-level zones. It costs 4s 36c.
  • Level Required: 3
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.80, 9-15 Damage, 4.3 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe

Note: If you don't have the Skill required for using a Two-Handed Axe, just buy a level 3 Two-Hander that you have Skill for.

Copper Battle Axe
Copper Battle Axe
  • Source: Blacksmithing (35). People will be most likely selling these for cheap. Alternatively, you can easily craft it yourself.
  • Level Required: 8
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.20, 23-35 Damage, 9.1 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: Weapon Vendors in all Horde Capital Cities
  • Level Required: 9, get this if the Copper Battle Axe is unavailable.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.20, 21-32 Damage, 8.3 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
Ironwood Maul
Ironwood Maul
  • Source: Weapon Vendors in The Barrens (NPC Lizzarik) and Silverpine Forest (this is a limited supply Item in the Barrens, but it is always available in Silverpine at NPC Wallace the Blind, south of the Pyrewood Village)
  • Level Required: 13
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.80 26-40 Damage, 11.8 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Mace
Zhovur Axe
Zhovur Axe
  • Source: "Serena Bloodfeather" Quest available from level 12 from NPC Darsok Swiftdagger, Crossroads, The Barrens.
  • Level Required: It is a level 20 Quest reward that can be acquired earlier easily, when in a group.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.10, 32-49 Damage, 13.1 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
Executioner's Sword
Executioner's Sword
  • Source: Weapon Vendors: NPC Ott - Hilsbarad Foothills, NPC Veenix - Stonetalon Mountains, NPC Wallace the Blind - Silverpine Forest (the same NPC sells before-mentioned Ironwood Maul). 
  • Level Required: 19
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.40, 43-65 Damage, 15.9 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Sword
Crescent Staff
Crescent Staff

  • Source: Dungeon Quest "Leaders of the Fang", Wailing Caverns. NPC Nara Wildmane, Thunder Bluff. 
  • Level Required: This is a Level 22 Quest Reward that can be acquired quite easily around level 18
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.90, 47-71 Damage, 20.3 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Staff
Strike of the Hydra
Strike of the Hydra
  • Source: Aku'mai Boss in the Blackfathom Deeps. Entrance: Zoram Strand, Ashenvale. Drop Chance: ~20%.
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 26 to wield and the Boss is a level 28 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.30, 67-102 Damage, 25.6 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Sword
  • Source: Overlord Ramtusk Boss in the Razorfen Kraul. Entrance: South part of The Barrens, close to Thousand Needles Elevators. Drop Chance ~50%. 
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 29 to wield and the Boss is a level 32 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.80, 88-132 Damage, 28.9 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
Whirlwind Axe
Whirlwind Axe
  • Source: Warrior Class Quest "Whirlwind Weapon", available from Level 30; the Quest becomes available after the Berserker Stance Quests are completed. Look for NPC Bath'rat the Windwatcher in Hilsbarad Foothills.
  • Level Required: This is a reward from level 40 Quest, it is not possible to do the Quest solo at level 30, and a full group might be required for completion.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.60, 102-154 Damage, 35.6 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: Herod Boss in the Scarlet Monastery: Armory. Entrance: North-east corner of the Tirisfal Glades. Drop Chance ~25%. 
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 37 to wield and the Boss is a level 40 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.50, 104-157 Damage, 37.3 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe

Fun Fact: this weapon has a very powerful on-hit effect that enabled Warriors to shred through very large mob packs with ease, even in later expansions (the effect could proc of itself, providing a constant Whirlwind-like AoE attack).

Will of the Mountain Giant
Will of the Mountain Giant
  • Source: "Weapons of Spirit" Quest available from level 40 from NPC Witch Doctor Uzer'i, Camp Mojache, Feralas. The Quest becomes available after completing "Mountain Giant Muisek" and "Natural Minerals" Quests.
  • Level Required: This is a Level 50 Quest that can be done solo around level ~47. 
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.80, 88-133 Damage, 39.5 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: "The Mighty U'cha" Quest available from level 50 from NPC Torwa Pathfinder, the south-east part of Un'Goro Crater. The Quest becomes available after completing "The Apes of Un'Goro" Quest.
  • Level Required: This is a Level 55 Quest that can be done solo around level ~52 rather easily. 
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.30, 112-169 Damage, 42.6 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: Atal'alarion Boss in the Temple of Atal'Hkkar (Sunken Temple). Entrance: Middle of the lake in the Swamp of Sorrows. Drop Chance ~33%.
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 46 to wield and the Boss is a level 50 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.00, 106-159 Damage, 44.2 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Polearm
Sarah's Guide
Sarah's Guide
  • Source: "The Corpulent One" Quest available from level 56 from NPC Nathanos Blightcaller, the south-west part of Eastern Plaguelands. The Quest becomes available after completing "To Kill With Purpose" Quest
  • Level Required: This is a reward from level 60 group Quest. It can be done at level 56 (minimum required) with proper group composition.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.50, 94-142 Damage, 47.2 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Staff
Force of Magma
Force of Magma
  • Source: Bael'Gar Boss in the Blackrock Depths. Entrance: Below the Blackrock Mountain; enter the Mountain, jump on a chain and follow the path down. Drop Chance ~25%
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 51 to wield and the Boss is a level 54 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.20, 123-185 Damage, 48.1 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Mace
Ice Barbed Spear
Ice Barbed Spear
  • Source: "Hero of the Frostwolf" Alterac Valley PvP Quest available from level 51 from NPC Voggah Deathgrip, located in the Hilsbrad Foothills at the AV Battleground entrance. The Quest becomes available after completing "The Battle for Alterac" Quest. 
  • Level Required: This is a reward from level 60 PvP Battleground Quest. It can be done at level 51 (minimum required for entering level 60 bracket AV). All you need to do is be a part of the Winning team.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.60, 155-233 Damage, 53.9 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Polearm
Alliance Weapon Progression
Large Axe
Large Axe
  • Source: Weapon Vendors in all low-level zones. It costs 4s 36c.
  • Level Required: 3
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.80, 9-15 Damage, 4.3 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe

Note: If you don't have the Skill required for using a Two-Handed Axe, just buy a level 3 Two-Hander that you have Skill for.

Copper Battle Axe
Copper Battle Axe
  • Source: Blacksmithing (35). People will be most likely selling these for cheap. Alternatively, you can easily craft it yourself.
  • Level Required: 8
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.20, 23-35 Damage, 9.1 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: Weapon Vendors in all Alliance Capital Cities
  • Level Required: 10, get this if the Copper Battle Axe is unavailable.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.20, 23-35 Damage, 9.1 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Sword
Edge of the People's Militia
Edge of the People's Militia
  • Source: "The People's Militia" Quest available from level 9 from NPC Gryan Stoutmantle, Sentinel Hill, Westfall.
  • Level Required: It is a level 17 Quest reward that can be acquired earlier easily, when in a group.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.90, 26-39 Damage, 11.2 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Sword
Ironwood Maul
Ironwood Maul
  • Source: Weapon Vendors in Loch Modan (NPC Nillen Andemar, located on the west side of the dam; unlimited supply) and Elwynn Forest/Westfall (NPC Antonio Perelli who patrols a road from Duskwood to Westfall in Elwynn; he has a limited supply of the Item)
  • Level Required: 13
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 2.80 26-40 Damage, 11.8 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Mace
Miner's Revenge
Miner's Revenge
  • Source: "Oh Brother..." Deadmines Dungeon Quest available from level 15 from NPC Wilder Thistlenettle, Dwarven District, Stormwind City.
  • Level Required: It is a level 20 Dungeon Quest reward, so a 5 man group will be required. The Quest objective is located outside the instance.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.50, 36-55 Damage, 13.0 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe

Fun Fact: This also doubles as a Pickaxe for Ore Mining.

Executioner's Sword
Executioner's Sword
  • Source: Weapon Vendors: NPC Barak Durnad - Menethil Harbor, Wetlands. NPC Antonio Perelli - Elwynn Forest/Westfall (the same NPC sells before-mentioned Ironwood Maul). 
  • Level Required: 19
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.40, 43-65 Damage, 15.9 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Sword
Staff of Westfall
Staff of Westfall
  • Source: Dungeon Quest "The Defias Brotherhood", Deadmines. NPC Gyran Stoutmantle, Sentinel Hill, Westfall. 
  • Level Required: This is a Level 22 Quest Reward that can be acquired quite easily around level 17-18
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.00, 49-74 Damage, 20.5 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Staff
Strike of the Hydra
Strike of the Hydra
  • Source: Aku'mai Boss in the Blackfathom Deeps. Entrance: Zoram Strand, Ashenvale. Drop Chance: ~20%.
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 26 to wield and the Boss is a level 28 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.30, 67-102 Damage, 25.6 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Sword
  • Source: Overlord Ramtusk Boss in the Razorfen Kraul. Entrance: South part of The Barrens, close to Thousand Needles Elevators. Drop Chance ~50%. 
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 29 to wield and the Boss is a level 32 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.80, 88-132 Damage, 28.9 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe

Note: RFK is located in The Barrens, which is a Horde Zone. Finding a group might be quite difficult, as getting to the dungeon takes a rather long time.

Whirlwind Axe
Whirlwind Axe
  • Source: Warrior Class Quest "Whirlwind Weapon", available from Level 30; the Quest becomes available after the Berserker Stance Quests are completed. Look for NPC Bath'rat the Windwatcher in Hilsbarad Foothills.
  • Level Required: This is a reward from level 40 Quest, it is not possible to do the Quest solo at level 30, and a full group might be required for completion.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.60, 102-154 Damage, 35.6 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe

Note: Questgiver NPC is friendly to both Alliance and Horde.

  • Source: Dungeon Quest "In the Name of the Light", Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glades.  Available from level 34 from NPC Raleigh the Devout, Southshore, Hilsbarad Foothills. The Quest becomes available after completing "Down the Scarlet Path" Quest - go to the Stormwind Cathedral.
  • Level Required: This is a Level 40 Dungeon Quest that can be done in a 5 man group around level ~38 rather easily. 
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.40, 105-159 Damage, 38.8 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: "The Mighty U'cha" Quest available from level 50 from NPC Torwa Pathfinder, the south-east part of Un'Goro Crater. The Quest becomes available after completing "The Apes of Un'Goro" Quest.
  • Level Required: This is a Level 55 Quest that can be done solo around level ~52 rather easily. 
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.30, 112-169 Damage, 42.6 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axe
  • Source: Atal'alarion Boss in the Temple of Atal'Hkkar (Sunken Temple). Entrance: Middle of the lake in the Swamp of Sorrows. Drop Chance ~33%.
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 46 to wield and the Boss is a level 50 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.00, 106-159 Damage, 44.2 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Polearm
Force of Magma
Force of Magma
  • Source: Bael'Gar Boss in the Blackrock Depths. Entrance: Below the Blackrock Mountain; enter the Mountain, jump on a chain and follow the path down. Drop Chance ~25%
  • Level Required: Weapon requires level 51 to wield and the Boss is a level 54 Elite.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.20, 123-185 Damage, 48.1 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Two-Handed Mace
Corrupted Blackwood Staff
Corrupted Blackwood Staff
  • Source: "Into The Maw of Madness" Quest available from level 58 from NPC Commander Mar'alith, Cenarion Hold, Silithus. 
  • Level Required: This is a reward from level 60 group Quest. It can be done at level 58 (minimum required) with proper group composition.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.40, 131-197 Damage, 48.2 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Staff
Ice Barbed Spear
Ice Barbed Spear
  • Source: "Hero of the Stormpike" Alterac Valley PvP Quest available from level 51 from NPC Prospector Stonehewer, located in the Hilsbrad Foothills at the AV Battleground entrance. The Quest becomes available after completing "The Battle for Alterac" Quest. 
  • Level Required: This is a reward from level 60 PvP Battleground Quest. It can be done at level 51 (minimum required for entering level 60 bracket AV). All you need to do is be a part of the Winning team.
  • Weapon Stats: Speed 3.60, 155-233 Damage, 53.9 DPS
  • Weapon Type: Polearm


Your rotation will greatly depend on your level and will get gradually more complex as you progress through content and get access to more tools. Before level 8 you are pretty much forced to exchange blows with mobs in close quarters. Things start to get a bit more interesting when you get access to the HamstringHamstring ability.

Let us look at basic DPS rotations for different level ranges:

Below level 8

At the beginning of your journey, your rotation will change rapidly as you will gain access to new abilities very quickly. You should try to implement every new ability to your rotation:

  • At first, you will have Battle ShoutBattle Shout ⇒ Heroic StrikeHeroic Strike only so you will be forced to use these two abilities.
  • At level 4 you get Charge Charge and RendRend. This means that you can start your engagements by charging from now on. RendRend is rather terrible, but if you want to use it, do it early in the combat, so you can get the maximum value out of it.
  • At level 6 you get Thunder ClapThunder Clap which deals low AoE Damage and increases the time between enemy's attacks. Use it as the situation dictates.
Levels 8 - 39

At level 8 you finally get the HamstringHamstring and this is where the real dance of death begins. From now on, you will be using the Hamstring kiting method that will greatly increase your efficiency and will let you avoid downtime.

What is the "Hamstring kiting method"? - Basically, it is a mob-killing technique that lets you utilize HamstringHamstring's slow effect to your advantage, by letting you avoid mob's attacks between your own, slow Weapon SwingWeapon Swings. Most mobs that you encounter during your leveling have faster attack speeds than you have, so if you stay in close quarters, you are forced to trade your 1 hit for mob's 2 or even 3. Slowing a mob with HamstringHamstring and strafing away between your Weapon swings will allow you to trade 1 for 1, which is advantageous, as you hit harder than most mobs.

Important Note: Get a Swing Timer addon as soon as possible. It is essential and will let you time your swings perfectly.

In practice, the method looks like this:

Weapon SwingWeapon Swing  HamstringHamstring  Strafe away from the mob (Standard bind: Q and E keys, or RMB + A or D keys (strafing will allow you to keep your back not exposed to mob's attacks; otherwise you might get DazedDazed⇒ Wait for your Swing Timer to reset Re-engage for a Weapon SwingWeapon Swing Repeat and reapply HamstringHamstring when needed.

When you add your other abilities to the HamstringHamstring kiting rotation, it will look, more or less, like this:

Charge Charge ⇒ Battle ShoutBattle Shout ⇒ Weapon SwingWeapon Swing ⇒ HamstringHamstring ⇒ Strafe away ⇒ Re-engage ⇒ Weapon SwingWeapon Swing ⇒ RendRend ⇒ Strafe away ⇒ Re-engage ⇒ Heroic StrikeHeroic Strike ⇒ Repeat if needed

Note: You should complete Berserker Stance Quest at level 30, which will unlock the Whirlwind Weapon Quest - try to find a group and complete it as close to level 30 as possible for a great damage boost.

Levels 40 - 60

After your level 40 re-spec, you will have access to the Mortal StrikeMortal Strike ability. You will also get Sweeping StrikesSweeping Strikes, which combined with WhirlwindWhirlwind and CleaveCleave will finally allow you to deal with multiple mobs at once with great efficiency.

From this point on, you will swap between single and multi-target rotations. 1 versus 1 fights against mobs will be used to get a high Rage pool that will be then utilized in AoE rotations against multiple enemies.

Step 1 - Single Target (use HamstringHamstring technique):

Charge Charge ⇒ Battle ShoutBattle Shout ⇒ Weapon SwingWeapon Swing ⇒ HamstringHamstring Mortal StrikeMortal Strike ⇒ Weapon SwingWeapon Swing OverpowerOverpower* ⇒ Heroic StrikeHeroic Strike

*If available

Note: If you are wounded at the end of the fight and you require some healing, you should keep yourself in combat by using BloodrageBloodrage ability to avoid Rage loss and heal yourself up with a bandage. If you are in good condition, you can immediately proceed to the next step.

Step 2 - Killing 2 mobs at once with an AoE rotation (this is where you will utilize your pooled Rage):

Charge Charge ⇒ Weapon SwingWeapon Swing ⇒ Sweeping StrikesSweeping Strikes  Berserker StanceBerserker Stance ⇒ WhirlwindWhirlwind ⇒ CleaveCleave ⇒ Mortal StrikeMortal Strike ⇒ ExecuteExecute

Repeat Step 1 followed by Step 2 as soon as you are healed back up.


First Aid
First Aid
First Aid is a must have, get it as soon as possible and skill it up as you progress through levels. You should get enough Cloths from your regular leveling routine, but if you lack some, don't be afraid to grind them out (you will have to do some grinding from time to time anyway). First Aid will greatly increase your leveling efficiency because bandaging up with a level-appropriate bandage is much faster than eating. Moreover, Bandages can be used in Combat, which means that you can combine them with your BloodrageBloodrage ability to preserve Rage after combat and regain some of your hitpoints in the process (eating after a fight would result in all your Rage decaying, which is very bad for leveling efficiency).

Other Professions

Choice of other professions will greatly depend on your planned leveling pace.


For power-leveling, we recommend Skinning in combination with a second Gathering Profession (Mining/Herbalism). This is because you will not have time for leveling up Crafting professions if you plan to reach 60 quickly. All gathered materials will be sold to a Vendor, for some additional pocket money (nobody will have any Gold to buy your Ores and Leathers on the AH anyway, and you will need your mount money as soon as possible).

Note: Rumors from the WoW Classic Beta seem to suggest that it would be more beneficial to skip professions completely when power-leveling, as there are a lot Grey Item Drops that will provide you with some money and clog up your inventory in the process, which means that Skinning will not give you almost any additional Gold, because you simply will not have spare bag space. Treat this information with a grain of salt, however, as there are a lot of variables to take into consideration (lucky Bag drops, grey item vendor prices, and so on).


Casual leveling

If you want to take your time and experience the game as it was back in 2004, we recommend you to pick up Blacksmithing and Mining. This combination will allow you to craft yourself some nice Items that will smooth out your gear progression. You will also make some additional Gold from selling Crafted Uncommon items, Rods needed by enchanters, and from charging Crafting fees from people who want to have a specific item made (this will come into play at later stages and you will most likely have to grind for some in-demand recipes).

The other great choice would be Engineering + Mining. With these, you will not make too much money, but Engineering will provide you with some great gadgets that will improve your leveling and eng-game performances by a lot. It is also THE BEST profession for PvP (others can't even compete). Grenades, Sapper Charges, Rocket Boots, Mind Control Caps, Rocket Helmets, Spell Reflectors, you name it - these are things that make Engineering the best and most versatile profession in Classic.

Note: Some more hardcore guilds might straight up require you to be an Engineer, as it raises your Damage output and allows Raid groups to nuke mobs with coordinated usage of Saper Charges. So, you might want to get a head start on leveling up Engi.

If you want to know more about all professions available in WoW Classic, please check out our WoW Classic Professions Guide.


Tips and Tricks for Warrior leveling

  1. Learn and Master the above-mentioned Hamstring Kiting Method. It will allow you to maximize your uptime which will have a great positive effect on your leveling speed. Also, get a Swing Timer addon.

Please note, that this method is not as effective on official Classic servers, but it can still be used to your advantage with some practice put into it.

  1. Preserve your Gold. Ideally, you should be able to progress through levels without any Auction House purchases (if you spot a great Weapon upgrade, do not hesitate if it is cheap, however). When it comes to Skills - you should learn just the essentials from Class Trainers:
    • If you need a Skill for its effect, keep it at Level 1 throughout your leveling. Skills like HamstringHamstring, Thunder ClapThunder Clap and Shield BashShield Bash fall into this category.
    • Some Skills get a lot less useful at higher levels - you should keep these ones at lower Ranks as well (but not necessarily at Rank 1 - learn first few, they are cheap anyway). Skills like RendRend and Heroic StrikeHeroic Strike fall into this category.
    • Some Skills based on your Weapon's Damage do not get much better with subsequent Ranks - keep these at Rank 1, you will not lose too much DPS. Skills like Cleave Cleave and OverpowerOverpower fall into this category.
    • If you will not be Tanking, you can skip the majority of Protection Skills.
  1. Learn how to Stance Dance and create some Macros. Some of your abilities have specific Stance requirements, you can smooth out your rotations by creating Macros that change your Stances accordingly before triggering specific abilities, for example:
    • # showtooltip Whirlwind
      /cast [stance:3] Whirlwind; Berserker Stance
  1. Avoid monsters that are higher level than you. Ideally, you should out-level the area that you are currently leveling in by 1 to 2 levels. This means that you shall focus on fighting monsters that are your level or 1-2 levels lower. Doing this will make your leveling much smoother and will allow you to avoid certain death from overpulling higher-level mobs.
  1. Preserve your Resources. We all know that using the ExecuteExecute on a dying mob and seeing a massive yellow number appear is very satisfying, but it is also very wasteful. Don't do that, pool your Rage instead - it will come in handy in the next fight.
  1. Keep your Weapon up to Date. Try to follow the Weapon Progression route and remember that most of your Damage comes directly from your Weapon (better Weapon = faster kill times = faster leveling).
  1. Intellect items are not useless. If you happen across some Intellect gear pieces, put them in your Bank. Intellect speeds up Weapon Skill gain rate - you should put on Int gear when you are leveling your Weapon skills up after a Weapon swap.

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Leveling process in the Classic World of Warcraft is different from leveling in the current game versions. This Guide should help you to prepare yourself for that legendary Vanilla Experience and allow you to progress through levels efficiently and with a good amount of fun.

We hope that you have found this Guide useful and informative.  If we have missed a piece of information that is important to you, please let us know! 

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment Inc.