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Unique Bows in PoE

Unique Bows in PoE

Complete List of all Unique Bowa in Path of Exile

Unique Bows in PoE
Wiki page


Updated for Patch 3.24

Bows are associated with Dexterity and can be used with Bows-specific Attack Skills or any Spell, but you won't see them being wielded often by Spell-casters as Staves or Wands are much better suited for them in almost any case. There are niche situations where Spell-casters are forced to use Bows because of the Skill Requirement (Mirror/Blink Arrow Summoner) or Support Gem Requirements (Manaforged Arrows Hierophant). Bows allow you to perform range Attacks with Projectiles often referred to as Arrows to distinguish them from other types of Projectiles. These are selected mostly by Deadeye characters - the ascendancy specialized in Projectiles, but you can of course use this weapon on any character with enough Dexterity.

Bows are some of the most used weapon types in the game, but not the Unique ones, almost all of them are bad. They're all severely understated with extremely low DPS, which is the stat most valued on any Attack build. Normally you could expect to buy a 900 Elemental DPS or 500 Physical DPS bow after day one or two of a new league. Most Unique Bows are around 300 to 500 DPS. That's very low. The exceptions to this rule are Voltaxic Rift and Widowhail​​​​​​. These can reach very high DPS, but the list we've put together should still prompt you to explore the potential of all of these weapons or explain how they work and why some builds use them.


SilverbranchSilverbranch - It's great for a level-1 weapon - it has increased Damage and Attack Speed with additional Accuracy and Mana on Kill. It would be hard to get a better Bow that early, but the Quill Rain, which is available at level 5, is usually better, so not a lot of players choose Silverbranch just to get to the Ledge a bit faster.

Required Level: 1
Required Dexterity: 14
Damage: (9-10) to (23.4-26)
Attacks per Second: 1.54
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Physical DPS: (24.9-27.7)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (24.9-27.7)

+1 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems
(80-100)% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
Gain 10 Mana per Enemy Killed
+30 to Accuracy Rating

WidowhailWidowhail - You have to have a good Quiver to make it work. Usually, it requires a high character level as Bows are supposed to provide you with necessary flat damage, but if it's sourced from elsewhere, like Hyrri's Ire, you should be able to make good use of it. It's also used in builds that don't need a weapon with flat damage at all, like Spell builds. We have implemented it in the Manaforged Attribute Stacking Inquisitor. Here it's combined with The Poised Prism and Intelligence to gain tons of added Lightning Damage with Attacks.

Required Level: 1
Required Dexterity: 14
Damage: 5-13
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Physical DPS: 12.6
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: 12.6

(150-250)% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver

Quill RainQuill Rain - It's one of the best early-level weapons, it has very high Attack Speed but low damage. You can hold onto it until Act 5 or 8, even further if you have other sources of added damage, such as Blackheart Rings, or if you don't need added damage because you scale up with DoT, as is the case with Toxic Rain. It's the most efficient in builds that value Attack Speed, such as Toxic Rain or Storm Rain builds.

Required Level: 5
Required Strength: 26
Damage: 12-32
Attacks per Second: 3.00
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Physical DPS: 66.0
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: 66.0

+(10-20) to Dexterity
100% increased Physical Damage
100% increased Attack Speed
Grants 2 Mana per Enemy Hit
(50-100)% increased Projectile Speed
+(25-50) to Accuracy Rating
30% less Damage

Replica Quill RainReplica Quill Rain - It's not as good as the original - its Attack Speed is lower. It has a built-in Arrow Nova Support that you can link with any Bow Attack which causes you to fire more Arrows in a nova-like formation while lowering the damage. It's often used with Caustic Arrow to apply additional stacks of Poison, but you can simply get the Gem, even in its awakened version, and link it up in a Bow that has more than 50DPS.

Required Level: 5
Required Strength: 26
Damage: 12-32
Attacks per Second: (1.88-1.95)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Physical DPS: (41.2-42.9)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (41.2-42.9)

Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Arrow Nova
+(10-20) to Dexterity
100% increased Physical Damage
(25-30)% increased Attack Speed
Grants 2 Mana per Enemy Hit
(50-100)% increased Projectile Speed
+(25-50) to Accuracy Rating

Storm CloudStorm Cloud - Has quite good Lightning DPS, for a level-9 weapon at least. It can be used in any low-level Lightning Damage Bow build, like Galvanic Arrow or Lightning Arrow.

Required Level: 9
Required Dexterity: 38
Damage: 1-85 Lightning
Attacks per Second: (1.77-1.95)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Physical DPS: N/A
Elemental DPS: (76.0-83.9)
DPS: (76.0-83.9)

No Physical Damage
Adds 1 to 85 Lightning Damage
(36-50)% increased Attack Speed

Roth's ReachRoth's Reach - Another fine leveling weapon for some kind of Elemental Damage Bow build, such as this Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Deadeye. It's great at clearing due to Chaining but has relatively low DPS.

Required Level: 18
Required Dexterity: 65
Damage: (24-27) to (72-81)
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Critical Strike Chance: 6.70%
Physical DPS: (60.0-67.5)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (60.0-67.5)

+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
(60-80)% increased Physical Damage
Skills Chain +2 times
30% increased Projectile Speed
(60-80)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills

DoomfletchDoomfletch - This one can be used with most Bow Attacks, especially with Trinity Support to generate Resonances and deal more Elemental Damage. Remember to Convert the remaining Physical Damage with Skills (like Lightning Arrow, Ice Shot, or Burning Arrow) and Masteries or Hrimsorrow Gloves. It's a leveling weapon.

Required Level: 28
Required Dexterity: 95
Damage: (26-30) to (76-80)
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.65)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Physical DPS: (81.3-90.9)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (81.3-90.9)

(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Adds (12-16) to (20-24) Physical Damage
(10-14)% increased Attack Speed
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Gain 100% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element

Death's HarpDeath's Harp - It has high Crit Chance, some Crit Multiplier, and fires additional Arrows. You can try it out if you want to specialize in Critical Strikes early - it's good with any Physical or Elemental Hit-based Attacks.

Required Level: 32
Required Dexterity: 107
Damage: (53.2-57.4) to (138.7-149.65)
Attacks per Second: 1.32
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: (126.7-136.7)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (126.7-136.7)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
(90-105)% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+50% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows

Iron CommanderIron Commander - Seen only in Siege Ballista Hierophant. It's a very specific build where you summon a bunch of Ballista Totems to fight for you.

Required Level: 32
Required Dexterity: 107
Damage: (36-40) to (89-97)
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.44)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: (85.5-98.6)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (85.5-98.6)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds (8-12) to (16-24) Physical Damage
(14-20)% increased Attack Speed
(14-20)% increased Totem Life
(14-20)% increased Totem Placement speed
Siege Ballista has +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems per 200 Dexterity
Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per 25 Dexterity

Iron CommanderReplica Iron Commander - It's very similar to the original, but instead of Siege Ballistas per Dexterity, it increases your maximum number of Shrapnel Ballistas per Strength. See it in action here.

Required Level: 32
Required Dexterity: 107
Damage: (36-40) to (89-97)
Attacks per Second: (1.37-1.44)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: (85.5-98.6)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (85.5-98.6)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds (8-12) to (16-24) Physical Damage
(14-20)% increased Attack Speed
(14-20)% increased Totem Life
(14-20)% increased Totem Placement speed
Shrapnel Ballista has +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems per 200 Strength
Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks per 25 Strength

InfractemInfractem - At level 53 you can start using Infractem - it has good DPS and increases your Movement Speed. Be wary, you cannot Leech Life, but you can still gain it on Hit - there's a small node for 4 Life on Hit near Ranger's starting location with the Blood Drinker notable nearby that will help you stay alive. It's good with Drillneck Quiver. Replace it later with a Bow with higher DPS.

Required Level: 53
Required Dexterity: 170
Damage: (117.3-142.2) to (258.4-289.8)
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: (225.4-259.2)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (225.4-259.2)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20-30) to Dexterity
(70-80)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (25-35) to (36-45) Physical Damage
10% increased Movement Speed
+(350-400) to Accuracy Rating
Cannot Leech Life
Arrows Pierce all Targets

InfractemReplica Infractem - This Bow, unlike the original, causes your Projectiles to Fork instead of Piercing all targets. You can even make your Projectiles Frok twice with the Snakepit Ring. It's a good substitute for the regular Infractem if you don't want your Projectiles to Pierce.

Required Level: 53
Required Dexterity: 170
Damage: (117.3-142.2) to (258.4-289.8)
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: (225.4-259.2)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (225.4-259.2)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20-30) to Dexterity
(70-80)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (25-35) to (36-45) Physical Damage
10% increased Movement Speed
+(350-400) to Accuracy Rating
Cannot Leech Life
Projectiles from Attacks Fork
Projectiles from Attacks can Fork 1 additional time

The Crimson StormThe Crimson Storm - It's fine for low-level Physical Bow builds. It can be used in rudimentary Bleed Bow builds but no one considers it a real end-game weapon as you can get a much better Rare one with higher DPS and Physical Damage over Time Multiplier.

Required Level: 57
Required Dexterity: 190
Damage: (92.8-104.4) to (137.6-154.8)
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Critical Strike Chance: (6.88-7.43)%
Physical DPS: (161.3-181.4)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (161.3-181.4)

6% increased Movement Speed
(60-80)% increased Physical Damage
(25-35)% increased Critical Strike Chance
50% chance to inflict Bleeding on Critical Strike with Attacks
Enemies you inflict Bleeding on grant (60-100)% increased Flask Charges
Adds (100-120) to (150-165) Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies
50% chance to Maim Enemies on Critical Strike with Attacks
Veiled Suffix

The Gluttonous TideThe Gluttonous Tide - We have no idea how to make it a usable item. It could make you fire a lot of Arrows if you have a high Maximum number of Frenzy Charges and at least one Minimum Frenzy Charge, but the DPS of this Bow is just too low. It's only usable on low-level characters with high Crit Chance.

Required Level: 58
Required Dexterity: 185
Damage: (79.2-93.6) to (316.8-374.4)
Attacks per Second: (1.45-1.50)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Physical DPS: (287.1-351.0)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (287.1-351.0)

(120-160)% increased Physical Damage
(16-20)% increased Attack Speed
Lose all Frenzy Charges on reaching Maximum Frenzy Charges to make the next Bow Attack you perform fire that many additional Arrows
+(30-50)% Global Critical Strike Multiplier while you have a Frenzy Charge
(20-40)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge for each Enemy you hit with a Critical Strike

Xoph's InceptionXoph's Inception - It's just a regular Bow with mediocre DPS - you can use it with a Skill where the damage type doesn't matter, like Elemental Hit of the Spectrum, or with Hit-based Burning Arrow, but typically you can get a better Bow much cheaper.

Required Level: 58
Required Dexterity: 185
Damage: (93.6-104.4) to (374.4-417.6)
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Physical DPS: (292.5-326.2)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (292.5-326.2)

(160-190)% increased Physical Damage
Gain (200-300) Life per Ignited Enemy Killed
Gain 20% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
Projectiles Pierce all Burning Enemies
Arrows deal 30 to 50 Added Fire Damage for each time they've Pierced

HopeshredderHopeshredder - A Bow with low DPS that causes you to take Cold Damage over Time. Even with excellent Recovery and 10 Frenzy Charges, it has low damage, and the chance to Avoid Elemental Hit Damage from Hits does nothing against omnipresent Physical Damage. It's bad.

Required Level: 60
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: 56-117 Physical, (130-150) to (270-300) Cold
Attacks per Second: (1.49-1.62)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Physical DPS: (129.3-140.6)
Elemental DPS: (299.0-365.6)
DPS: (428.3-506.2)

Adds (130-150) to (270-300) Cold Damage
4% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
(15-25)% increased Attack Speed
12 to 14 Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge
2% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits per Frenzy Charge
0.5% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life per Frenzy Charge
200 Cold Damage taken per second per Frenzy Charge while moving

Null's InclinationNull's Inclination - We don't know about any Minion build that can realistically scale up Dexterity (maybe with an exception for Blink/Mirror Arrow). This Bow is not a build-enabling item - it's too weak. Minion builds prefer a weapon that increases Minions' Gem Level. It can't be used in a non-Minion build either. It has too low Damage for any Attack, and the trigger-on-kill gimmick is useless during boss fights. The Blink/Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones may be good here if combined with The Writhing Jar; their 3-second Cooldown is overridden by a 0.25-second Cooldown, but this potential is yet to be explored.

Required Level: 60
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: 56-117 Physical, (50-80) to (130-180) Chaos
Attacks per Second: (1.39-1.46)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Physical DPS: (120.3-125.9)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (120.3-125.9)

Adds (50-80) to (130-180) Chaos Damage
(7-12)% increased Attack Speed
+(7-11)% to Chaos Resistance
+212 Intelligence Requirement
Minions deal 1% increased Damage per 5 Dexterity
Trigger Socketed Minion Spells on Kill with this Weapon
Minion Spells Triggered by this Item have a 0.25 second Cooldown with 5 Uses

ArborixArborix - This Bow really wants you to Dash, but it offers only ~300DPS. We would have to try very hard to justify it, and frankly, we have no idea where to even begin.

Required Level: 62
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (123-143) to (330-355)
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Critical Strike Chance: 6.70%
Physical DPS: (283.1-311.2)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (283.1-311.2)

+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Grants Level 30 Dash Skill
Adds (80-100) to (200-225) Physical Damage
Bow Attacks fire 2 additional Arrows if you haven't Cast Dash recently
(20-30)% increased Attack Speed if you haven't Cast Dash recently
(100-160)% increased Evasion Rating if you've Cast Dash recently
(20-30)% increased Movement Speed if you've Cast Dash recently
Travel Skills other than Dash are Disabled
Iron Reflexes

Chin SolChin Sol - It deals 50% more Damage at Close Range which is a lot of extra damage - you can combine it with Point Blank Keystone and Empire's Grasp Gloves to draw in the enemies instead of pushing them back. It's a niche case and definitely not end-game-oriented. Note that the Close Range applies to the source of damage, not your character, so you can combine it with Ballista Totems.

Required Level: 62
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (86-103.2) to (260-312) Physical, 25-50 Fire
Attacks per Second: (1.38-1.43)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.70%
Physical DPS: (237.9-295.8)
Elemental DPS: (51.6-53.4)
DPS: (289.4-349.3)

+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+(10-20) to Dexterity
(100-140)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 25 to 50 Fire Damage
(10-14)% increased Attack Speed
50% more Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range
Bow Knockback at Close Range

DarkscornDarkscorn - It's good in a Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain Pathfinder build. It improves Poison Damage, but requires your character to have high Chaos Resistance (it can be very good with Chaos Inoculation or Divine Flesh). Any other Attack Poison Bow build should at least consider it.

Required Level: 62
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (92.8-113.4) to (248-288)
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Critical Strike Chance: 6.70%
Physical DPS: (255.6-301.0)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (255.6-301.0)

+(15-25)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
(60-80)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (15-20) to (25-30) Physical Damage
20% increased Attack Speed
(15-30)% increased Global Accuracy Rating
25% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
25% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
20% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 300% more Damage

Reach of the CouncilReach of the Council - It's a funny Bow that has currently no use on account of its low DPS. The modifiers here apply to Arrows, so you can't benefit from these Projectile interactions in a Spell build.

Required Level: 64
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (72-94.5) to (240-306.25)
Attacks per Second: (1.51-1.57)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Physical DPS: (235.9-314.2)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (235.9-314.2)

Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Greater Volley
(50-75)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (10-16) to (45-60) Physical Damage
(8-12)% increased Attack Speed
20% reduced Projectile Speed
Arrows fired from the first firing points always Pierce
Arrows fired from the second firing points Fork
Arrows fired from the third firing points Return to you
Arrows fired from the fourth firing points Chain +2 times

Voltaxic RiftVoltaxic Rift - One of the best weapons, often irreplaceable. It Converts all Lightning Damage to Chaos, allows Chaos Damage to Shock, and lets you apply especially powerful Shocks (Shocked enemies take increased damage). Because of that, its actual DPS is higher than it may seem. It's often used in Mirror and Blink Arrow Summoner builds to apply Poison, but you can also implement it into any Lightning Damage build with only a few adjustments like we did in this Voltaxic Rift's Storm Rain Deadeye build.

Required Level: 64
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: 38-115 Physical, 1 to (600-750) Lightning
Attacks per Second: (1.54-1.61)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.50%
Physical DPS: (117.8-123.2)
Elemental DPS: (462.8-604.6)
DPS: (580.6-727.7)

Adds 1 to (600-750) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
100% of Lightning Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
Your Chaos Damage can Shock
Hits with this Weapon Shock Enemies as though dealing 300% more Damage
+40% to Maximum Effect of Shock

Xoph's NurtureXoph's Nurture - We see no use for it, even in an Ignite Bow Build (such as Explosive Arrow), you would be better off with a Rare Bow with DoT Multiplier or Gem Level mods.

Required Level: 64
Required Dexterity: 185
Damage: (95.4-106.2) to (381.6-424.8)
Attacks per Second: 1.25
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Physical DPS: (298.1-331.9)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (298.1-331.9)

Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Ignite Proliferation
(165-195)% increased Physical Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
10% chance to Ignite
Recover (40-60) Life when you Ignite an Enemy

Lioneye's GlareLioneye's Glare - The Far Shot is its most notable feature - it can significantly improve your DPS; the thing is, most Deadeyes will pick it up from their Ascendancy Skill Tree. Non-DoT non-Deadeye Elemental Bow users won't even look at the 500-DPS Bow, you can probably get twice as much for a single Divine Orb. For a Physical Bow, it's good only as a budget option. The extra Maximum Mana will also help while using Precision.

Required Level: 66
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (100.8-129) to (394.8-453)
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.74)
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Physical DPS: (395.2-506.3)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (395.2-506.3)

(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
(180-200)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (7-14) to (24-34) Physical Damage
(10-20)% increased Attack Speed
+(80-100) to maximum Mana
Hits can't be Evaded
Far Shot

WindripperWindripper - Windripper is often wielded by various low-budget MF Elemental Deadeye characters. It's also used in party play by cullers. The "15% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies" is the main reason for it, so be sure you can Freeze your foes. We recommend it for this Ice Shot Raider speed-farming build - it Freezes rather efficiently.

Required Level: 66
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: 29-117 Physical, (48-60) to (72-90) Cold, 1 to (120-150) Lightning
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.67)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.00)%
Physical DPS: (116.4-121.7)
Elemental DPS: (192.2-251.0)
DPS: (308.6-372.7)

(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Adds (48-60) to (72-90) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (120-150) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
15% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies
30% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Shocked Enemies

WindripperReplica Windripper - It's just a low-damage Elemental Bow with one unique selling point - it grants you Energy Shield on Killing a Shocked enemy. Indeed, Bow users can't easily recover their ES (you could grab the Life and ES on Kill small nodes near Shadow's starting location), but often they don't need to.

Required Level: 66
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: 29-117 Physical, (48-60) to (72-90) Cold, 1 to (120-150) Lightning
Attacks per Second: (1.59-1.67)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.00)%
Physical DPS: (116.4-121.7)
Elemental DPS: (192.2-251.0)
DPS: (308.6-372.7)

(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Adds (48-60) to (72-90) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (120-150) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(30-40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Enemies Frozen by you take 20% increased Damage
+(90-120) Energy Shield gained on Killing a Shocked Enemy

Nuro's HarpNuro's Harp - It's very bad. Light Radius is pointless. Use Frostblink/Vortex if you want to create a Chilled Ground, and a Sulphur Flask if you need Consecrated Ground. A weapon slot is too important for such shenanigans.

Required Level: 58
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (120-140) to (180-210) Cold
Attacks per Second: (1.32-1.38)
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: N/A
Elemental DPS: (198.0-241.5)
DPS: (198.0-241.5)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
No Physical Damage
Adds (120-140) to (180-210) Cold Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
(10-30)% increased Light Radius
15% chance to create Chilled Ground when you Freeze an Enemy
Create Consecrated Ground when you Shatter an Enemy
40% increased Effect of Chilled Ground

SlivertongueSlivertongue - It's another bad weapon. It improves the Projectiles that have already Forked with a decent +50% Crit Multiplier and up to 200% Crit Chance. You could set a Hydropshere near the enemy and Hit it first (just be sure your Projctiles don't Split or Pierce - these occur before Forking), and have an actual source of Fork (like Snakepit or Support Gem). It's not worth the hassle, its damage is still laughably low.

Required Level: 68
Required Dexterity: 212
Damage: (130-145) to (353-373)
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Critical Strike Chance: (6.50-7.50)%
Physical DPS: (289.8-310.8)
Elemental DPS: N/A
DPS: (289.8-310.8)

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Adds (80-95) to (220-240) Physical Damage
(150-200)% increased Critical Strike Chance with arrows that Fork
Arrows Pierce all Targets after Forking
Arrows that Pierce have +50% to Critical Strike Multiplier


If you have any other Article requests please leave that in the comments below. We are always open to suggestions and constructive feedback.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

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