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Best ESO Builds and Guides for all Classes

Best ESO Builds and Guides for all Classes

The best character builds for Elder Scrolls Online. In-depth Guides and class comparison included

Best ESO Builds
Guides for all the classes included

We are presenting a complete list of the Best Builds for all ESO classes. In Elder Scrolls Online, Classes determine the role of your character in your party and impose a specific playstyle. While all the Classes in ESO have a set of restricted skills, most of them can be played in various ways, as many aspects of your character are determined by the gear you are using and via Champion Points distribution. 

We will be updating our builds for the newest Patches and game content. All the builds are for made for the current Update 21

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Dragonknight ESODragonknight

Dragonknight is a melee class in Elder Scrolls Online. It bears the closest resemblance to a classic Warrior out of all available classes in the game. Thanks to the addition of powerful Fire-based spells in Dragonknights' disposal, they can be potent spellcasters or support characters as well.

Role: Tank, DPS (melee, spellcaster), Support
Skill Trees:

  1. Ardent Flame: Fire spells, DoT, crowd control
  2. Draconic Power: AoE attacks and spells, defensive skills
  3. Earthen Heart: defensive skills which increase damage mitigation and your Life. Also offers skills that help with self-sustain and self-healing
The Best Dragonknight builds:
  1. Stamina Dragonknight PvE DPS
  2. Stamina Dragonknight Tank
  3. Magicka Dragonknight PvE DPS
Nightblade ESONightblade

Nightblade is a melee damage-dealing Class.  Nightblades are primarily oriented on using fast one-handed weapons and stealth techniques to quickly take down enemies in both PvE and PvP fights. Nightblade Class also offers a very high healing potential for both Dungeons and Trials

Role: DPS, Healer
Skill Trees:

  1. Assassination: Nightblade's primary line for direct DPS. It is oriented on melee damage, dual-wielding, and mobility skills
  2. Shadow: offers AoE DPS, self-sustain, and crowd-control
  3. Siphoning: support and DoT DPS line. Siphoning is the primary Tree for healers
The Best Nightblade builds:
  1. Stamina Nightblade PvE DPS
  2. Magicka Nightblade PvE DPS
Sorcerer ESOSorcerer

Sorcerer is a classic spellcaster Class. Sorcerers offer a wide variety of powerful damaging spells which include hurling bolts of lightning, creating tornadoes and summoning Daedric creatures to your aid. 

Role: DPS, Healer, Support
Skill Trees:

  1. Daedric Summoning: mainly oriented around DPS skills based on summoning minions. Some of the pets also offer various crowd-control effects
  2. Dark Magic: mainly support and healing abilities. Buffs, debuffs, and crowd-control spells
  3. Storm Calling: the strongest DPS line for Sorcerers. Provide high burst damaging spells and the best AoE spells
The Best Sorcerer builds:
  1. Magicka Sorcerer PvE DPS
  2. Stamina Sorcerer PvE DPS build
Templar ESOTemplar

Templar is a defensive type of character. Templar is a knight which uses holy spells to aid himself and his allies in battle. Templar is the most versatile Class in Elder Scrolls Online, which can be used as a very solid tank, damage-dealer, support character, and is widely considered the best healing Class in the game. 

Role: Healer, Support, Tank, DPS
Skill Trees:

  1. Aedric Spear - DPS line which relies on dealing high magic damage to your targets
  2. Dawn's Warth - mainly support line, with powerful burst damage spells
  3. Restoring Light - here you will find various defensive and healing spells. This line is mainly utilized by tanks and healers
The Best Templar builds:
  1. Magicka Templar PvE DPS
  2. Magicka Templar - the best Healer in ESO build
  3. Stamina Templar PvE DPS
Warden ESO Warden

Wardens harness the vast power of nature to protect life (and well, destroy enemies). Warden has powerful frost spells at his disposal and can summon animals to his aid. Warden is a versatile class which can be played in various ways. They are well-suited for all three major roles in ESO

Role: Tank, Healer, DPS
Skill Trees:

  1. Winter's Embrace - Tank line, oriented around frost defensive and utility spells
  2. Green Balance - the line you will focus on when building a Warden healer character
  3. Animal Companions - DPS Tree which is based on powerful spells that call forth animals to deal magic and poison damage to your enemies
The Best Warden builds:
  1. Stamina Warden PvE DPS
  2. Magicka Warden PvE DPS
Necromancer ESONecromancer
Necromancer is going to be a new playable class in ESO when Elsweyr expansion launches on June 4th, 2019. We will make sure to add Necromancer builds as soon as possible!
The Best Necromancer builds:
  1. Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS
  2. Magicka Necromancer PvE DPS
  3. Magicka Necromancer PvE Healer
  4. Stamina Necromancer PvE Tank

Necromancer class is yet to be released and our guides are currently in beta stage. You can also check our ESO Necromancer class and skills overview.

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Elder Scrolls Online provide amazing character customization options, and any class can be played any way you want to. Obviously, some classes are suited better for certain purposes than the others, and we have decided to define the best builds and roles for each of the ESO Classes. 

We have decided to stick to the most important aspects of each character, and most likely, we will not focus on alternative gear options and specific Dungeon/Encounter tweaking. Our guides should give you a basic understanding of each build and should be treated as a starting point. From there we encourage you to experiment with your character and try out different skill sets and gear options. After all, this is what makes this game so exciting.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Bethesda Softworks.