Chaos Orb
Divine Orb
Mirror of Kalandra
Awakened Sextant
Blessed Orb
Cartographer's Chisel
Chromatic Orb
Exalted Orb
Gemcutter's Prism
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Alchemy
Orb of Alteration
Orb of Annulment
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Regret
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Unmaking
Portal Scroll
Regal Orb
Scroll of Wisdom
Silver Coin
Vaal Orb
Veiled Chaos Orb
RichardA1 Level: 29 Average rating: 5.0
Scroll of Wisdom | Scroll Wisdom
Seller: Panamera
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