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EVE Online - Plex for Sale


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Multiple pilot training Certificate from RPGcash team

Multiple pilot training Certificate from RPGcash team


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Mid-Grade Harvest - full set with omega

Mid-Grade Harvest - full set with omega


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500 Plex eve online fast safe - RPGcash

500 Plex eve online fast safe - RPGcash


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1000 Plex (Choose bonus in description)

1000 Plex (Choose bonus in description)


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1500 Plex (Choose bonus in description)

1500 Plex (Choose bonus in description)


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2500 Plex (Choose bonus in description)

2500 Plex (Choose bonus in description)


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5000 Plex (Choose bonus in description)

5000 Plex (Choose bonus in description)


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10000 Plex + 5 bonus ships

10000 Plex + 5 bonus ships


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EVE Plex

Like most of the free-to-play online multiplayer games, EVE Online features a double currency system. Interstellar Kredit, EVE's main currency, is what fuels the game's economy and is used in the majority of transactions performed by players. Kredits run the world of EVE, but not everything can be achieved/unlocked with them (not directly, at least). If a player wants to unlock "premium" in-game features, he has no other option but to do it with the game's second currency - EVE Plex, or the "Pilot's License Extension". This second, "premium" currency is much more valuable than the primary one, and for a good reason - the game's developers sell it to players directly, for real money, which means that it possesses a substantial real-world value. Moreover, EVE Online Plex can be used in-game in a variety of ways.

PLEX is a very popular EVE Online's currency which can be used to purchase Omega game time or traded on the market for other currencies like ISK or Items. PLEX can be also bought from the official in-game store, however, it tends to be cheaper when bought from other players on Odealo. You can buy EVE PLEX from other players with the use of real money on Odealo where it's offered for sale by several reliable sellers. Odealo allows its users to buy, sell, and trade PLEX and secure each transaction between its users. If you want to extend your premium game time in EVE Online, make sure to check out this page.

Uses of EVE Plex

EVE's premium currency can be used in-game to:

  • Buy Interstellar Kredits from other players - With Plex, players are able to invest their real money into the game and exchange them for EVE's main currency. Thanks to this, it is possible to speed up your in-game progression by making a real-life purchase. However, it is worth remembering that the official store's prices are much higher than those offered by us. If you are looking to Buy EVE Online Plex, Odealo can offer you the best deals. The current price of Plex depends on the supply and demand relations and is very fluid, which means that it is possible to Buy EVE Plex while it's cheap and sell it later at a profit. 
  • Purchase 30 days of the Omega Clone status - Doing this lifts all the artificially setup limits; as an Omega Clone, you will be able to use all Skills, which will enable you to operate all ships, modules, and systems available in the game. Moreover, being an Omega Clone enables you to fly all ships present in the game and use all in-game items. On top of that, Omega status enables Multiboxing (logging into the game with more than one account from one computer), for as long as all connected accounts have the Omega status. Effectively, Omega Status unlocks the full version of the game and allows you to fully enjoy it. 30 days of Omega Clone status costs a round sum of 500 EVE Plex. 
  • Buy various cosmetic and convenience items in the New Eden Store - The New Eden Store is EVE's in-game premium shop, that allows players to make in-game purchases for real money (indirectly, as EVE Plex is the only accepted currency, which means that, to use the store, you have to obtain some Plex first). Assets available in the store include Ship Skins that will allow you to customize your vessels and make them look more unique; Apparels that include clothing and other wearables that will modify your Clone's appearance; Services (Skill Extractions; re-shaping your Clone's body and face; multiple pilot training certificates). 
  • Buy 30 days of Multiple Character Training time - Normally, only one of your characters can have a skill actively training at a time, which means that you can't develop multiple characters simultaneously, even if you have a few of them on your account. Purchasing the Multiple Character Training time removes this problem and allows you to train multiple tunes at a time. With this premium perk, you can massively speed up your account's progression and develop multiple powerful alts without the need for pausing your main's training. 

How to acquire Plex

There are a few ways of doing it, the most popular include:

  • Purchasing it from another player for Interstellar Kredits -  EVE Plex is an item like any other, which means that it can be freely traded once it is redeemed. Its prices tend to fluctuate with changing supply and demand relations, so it is advised to monitor prices for a bit before making an in-game purchase. A word of warning here: never haul Plex on your ships! Doing this is like asking for trouble; Plex is a regular in-game asset, which means that it can be recovered from your ship's wreck and there is a 50% chance that it will be just destroyed together with your vessel.
  • Making a purchase on the CCP official website - As a premium in-game currency, EVE Online Plex can be bought for real money from the game's developers. Sadly, official Plex prices are inflated and it is generally cheaper to buy it for Kredits or to use an alternative source.
  • Getting Plex from a proven outside source - You can safely Buy EVE Plex on Odealo, the safest player-to-player trading hub on the internet. Plex offers featured on our site come from seasoned EVE players, which means that our prices reflect the in-game economic situation (while official plex prices are arbitrary), and are considerably lower than official ones.  

Odealo makes player-to-player real money trades safe, fast, and easy. Thanks to our platform, you can Buy EVE Online Plex from proven sources; you can also buy, sell, and trade any other in-game asset that interests you. All our sellers have undergone a thorough verification process that ensures your safety during purchases made on our site. Chose the safest option on the web; join our steadily growing EVE community and engage in the universe-wide trading on a completely new level. 

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