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Escape from Tarkov Customs Map Beginner's Guide

Escape from Tarkov Customs Map Beginner's Guide

An in-depth guide to Customs Map in EFT

Escape from Tarkov
Beginner's Guide to Customs


Tarkov's Customs area is the Cities' main industrial district of sorts, located close to the Factory. It features a range of infrastructure facilities, a freight train terminal (the place where Skier used to work - a random piece of Tarkov's lore right here), factories, dorm buildings, offices, storage areas, and some other, unfinished, structures. The map is medium-sized - 6-12 Players and up to about 20 Scav Bot spawns (in waves) and semi-open, which means that most of the firefights happen at medium ranges, but there are some areas, like Dorms, where QCB should be expected. Moreover, some areas provide good vantage points for snipers (construction site), but they tend to be open and don't offer much cover. 

Customs is regarded as the most "beginner-friendly" of all maps available in Escape from Tarkov. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Spawns/Extractions are rather straight-forward. You either spawn on the western side (Customs Side) and extract on the eastern side, or spawn in the east (Boiler Side) and extract on the west. This, combined with the fact that Spawns are easy to identify, makes the map somewhat simple to learn and navigate through. 
  • Map's main points of interest (Dorms, New Gas Station, and Construction located in the middle of the map) tend to attract most of the PMC players' attention which leaves the rest of the map surprisingly safe to new players that want to get some easy beginner's loot. 
  • The map offers quite a lot of cover, which negates the long-range advantage, that better-equipped players have, to a certain point. 

Also, let us know in the comments below if you would like to see a similar Guide on Streets of Tarkov Map when it's out! Till then you can check our Streets of Tarkov Map Preview!

Points of Interest

There is a lot to explore on Tarkov's Customs, from abandoned dorm buildings, through various warehouses and industrial facilities to construction sites; here are some of the most interesting locations (possible loot included).

Note1: Left-clicking on the map will open the full-sized version in a new window.

Note2: We plan on expanding this section of the guide and making it much more detailed in the future (some points of interest that are bulked together might be separated, other will be added, etc.)

Points of Interest on the Customs map

1. 3-Story Dorm Building

One of the two Customs' Dorm Buildings and one of the places where you should go on this map if you are looking for a fight (because of the fact that the building features some quest locations and the best loot available on the map - these things ensure that there are always players in the area). The layout of the building ensures that there will be a lot of close-quarters combat as well as some mid-range engagements along the corridors and sometimes across the two dorms buildings. This area requires you to have a range of Dorm Room Keys if you want to fully explore it. The 3-Story dorm building is one of the places where Reshala Boss and his bodyguards can spawn. Moreover, this is where the Marked Room is located (the third floor, room 314). 

Location - Northern part of Customs, north of the Construction Area, at the end of the road that is perpendicular to the main road (the said road starts in the middle of the map), the building on the western side; the higher one (duh...). The 3-Story Dorm Building is marked as number "1" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: 

Detailed Loot table for all of the rooms coming soon!


2. 2-Story Dorm Building

The shorter of the two Customs' Dorm Buildings and one of the places where you should go on this map if you are looking for a close-range PvP engagement (because of the fact that the building features some quest locations and the best loot available on the map - these things ensure that there are always players in the area). The building's layout ensures that there will be a lot of close-quarters combat as well as some mid-range engagements along the corridors (and across the two buildings). This area requires you to have a range of Dorm Room Keys if you want to fully explore it. The 2-Story dorm building is one of the places where Reshala Boss and his bodyguards can spawn.

Location - Northern part of Customs, north of the Construction Area, at the end of the road that is perpendicular to the main road (the said road starts in the middle of the map), the building on the eastern side; the shorter one. The 2-Story Dorm Building is marked as number "2" on our Map. 

Possible Loot:

Detailed Loot table for all of the rooms coming soon!

3. New Gas Station

The "new" Gas Station is one of the places on Customs that you should visit if you want a firefight. This is because some of the best loot available on the map spawns here (including keys, meds, cash, and weapons). Moreover, this is one of the Reshala Boss spawns (players will often visit the gas station to check for the boss's spawn).

Location - North of the shipping yard on the eastern part of Customs (south-east of Dorm buildings, on the Boiler side); adjacent to the main road. The New Gas Station is marked as number "3" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: Keys (Key to EMERCOM Medical Unit [MES], Key to Goshan Cash Register [Goshan], Key to the Gas Station Storage Room [Storage], East Wing Room 306 Key [San. 306]), Medical Supplies, lootable Cash Registers, multiple loose loot spawns, Weapon Box, and possibly possessions of Reshala and his 4 guards (modded AKs, a Golden TT pistol, Grenades, body armors, Labs Access Keycard, Bitcoin, Chest Rigs, Backpacks, and various other items). 

4. Construction Site

Industrial area in the middle of Tarkov's Customs. Its name comes from the unfinished building in the middle. The "construction" itself offers a good vantage point, but it is very exposed so going to the top of it is ill-advised (unless you don't mind losing your head); if you want to peek, don't leave the stairs and strafe up and down. This area does not offer too much loot, but it is one of the best places for Scav-killing missions as Scavengers are almost guaranteed to spawn here. 

Location - In the middle of the map; south of the Dorm Buildings, west of the main bridge, adjacent to the main road (just south of it). The Construction Site is marked as number "4" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: Unknown Key in a body hidden south-west of the Construction ("The Extortionist" Quest location), ammo box, a few duffle bags, and a Weapon Case in the locked Factory Shack. On top of that, loot from possible Scav Spawns. 

5. Customs Storage Area

An industrial area filled with garages, shacks and large storage containers.  If you spawn on the Customs side, it is a good idea to go here as some useful stuff can be found around the area (if you are a beginner and still need extra meds, provisions, etc.). Be aware that it is possible to jump on the garages to gain a vantage point (which also means that you should be on your toes and always ready for a possible ambush from above). This is where some of your possible extraction points will be located if you spawn on the eastern side of Customs.

Location - The western side of Customs (Customs side), just south of the Crossroads extraction point, adjacent to the Customs and Trainyard areas. The Customs Storage Area is marked as number "5" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: Keys (East Wing Room 310 Key [San.310] - at the Crossroads Extraction point, just north-west of the Storage area, in the front seat of a blue van; Dorm Room 214 Key [Room 214 Key] - Inside the "number 88" Garage, between pallets), Weapon Crates (two of them are at the Crossroads Extraction point), Medcase in the trunk of a white car, some duffle bags inside garages, some lootable jackets. 

6. Customs Area / Trainyard

An industrial zone that features the "Big Red" Factory building (western side of the area), a freight train terminal (eastern side of the area), and parking lot (southern side of the area). Some of the Customs' side spawns are also scattered around here. The "Big Red" also contains an enclosed room that requires the Customs Office Key* to be accessed (this is the Delivery from the past and Farming - Part 3 Quests location). Unless you have the key, this area does not offer too much worthwhile loot. Moreover, it is advised that you leave this area quickly if you spawn on this side, as you will be very exposed around here and there will be other players spawning around you. 

*The key can be randomly dropped by Scavs, found in Drawers, or bartered for 4 Golden Nech Chains (Therapist, LL2). 

Location - South-western part of the Customs map, just east of the Customs Storage Area, south-west of the main bridge. The Customs Area  / Trainyard is marked as number "6" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: In the locked office inside the "Big Red": Three PC Blocks, a Safe, a Jacket, and some loose loot. In other areas: various lootable containers (jackets, cabinets, duffle bags), two Weapon Crates (one inside the "Big Red" and one just north-east of it), and East Wing Room 310 Key [San.310] (on a seat inside the bus parked at the trailer park; south-western part of the area). 

7. Shipping Yard / Warehouses

An industrial area, easily recognizable thanks to the massive freight cranes in the center. This area features a locked room that can be unlocked with the Factory Exit Key [Factory] (in the north-western part of the area, just west of the parking lot. Because of the close proximity of Boilers' side, PMC spawns, caution is advised while traversing this area, especially early in the raid. 

Location - South-eastern part of Customs, just south of the "New" gas station (on the other side of the main road). The Shipping Yard / Warehouses are marked as number "7" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: Oli Logistics Department Key {Log. Office] spawns in the trunk of one of the cars parked in the north-western part of the area. A Weapon Crate and Cabinet can be found in the locked room. Two weapon boxes, some loose loot, and a Jacket can be found in the southern storage building. 

8. Old Gas Station

Placed away from the main road, this gas station was out of commission even before the City of Tarkov was deserted and fell into ruin. The old gas station serves as an extraction point, but it is not always opened (look for the green smoke, if it's active, head to the station's basement). Moreover, there is a loose loot spawn inside the station's building that can spawn almost any item in the game (including armors and weapon cases even). One of the NPC Scav spawn points is located near the station, so some caution is advised when traversing the area. 

Location - South-eastern part of Customs, south of the "New" gas station and the shipping yard. The Old Gas Station is marked as number "8" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: Some loose loot (including the above-mentioned random spawn), moreover some medical supplies that spawn in the western part of the area (in a concrete circle, behind the fence). 

9. Smokestacks / Boiler

This is one of the two general PMC extraction areas. If you spawn on the Customs Side, this is where your main extraction points will be located. Compared to the other spawn/extraction area, this side is much more interesting (there is more possible loot and more to explore), so consider yourself lucky if you spawn on this side of the map (this spawn is easily recognizable thanks to the industrial chimneys of the Smokestacks building). 

Location - The most eastern part of Customs, east of the Shipping Yard. The Smokestacks / Boiler area is marked as number "9" on our Map. 

Possible Loot: Key Spawns (Factory Exit Key [Factory Key] in the smokestack building; Military Base Checkpoint Key [Checkpoint] in the same building; Dorm Room 110 Key [110 Key] in the building north os the Smokestacks). Moreover, there is some loose loot in each of the buildings in the area and a few lootable containers can be found here (including Weapon Boxes, Jackets, and a Scav Body). 


Spawns and Extractions

Detailed Extraction/Spawn map of Customs coming soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Raid Strategy

Coming soon!



Escape of Tarkov is a tough game with a steep learning curve. This is why we have decided to aim this guide at new players who tend to struggle with their first Raids and help them learn about different maps that the game has to offer.

We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. If we have missed an important piece of information, please let us know! Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of the Battlestate Games.