Build notes: |
December 17, 2021 -Build created |
Build Overview
Death Sentry Trapsin is among the most reliable and the most versatile builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It's extremely powerful right from the start, thanks to the fact that it does not rely on gear too much (it's regarded as the fastest leveling build). Moreover, thanks to its amazing utility and the great scaling of Traps, it shines in end-game Magic Finding. An End-game Death Sentry Trapsin is a well-rounded build that mixes solid offensive power with high defense and the ability to farm in high-level areas like the Pit, without stacking resistances which leaves more room for offensive affixes and extra Magic Find.
Below, we present you with our take on the Magic Finding Death Sentry Trapsin build. If you're looking for a solid end-game character with relatively low gear reliance (this Trapsin can easily be used on a tight budget), this is it - the featured Death Sentry Trapsin is capable of clearing all level 85 zones thanks to the amazing scaling of its Traps and amazing utility provided by the Shadow Disciplines skill tree.
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Traps are among the most powerful and the most reliable abilities in Diablo 2 Resurrected. They will allow you to create kill zones that will simply obliterate every enemy that finds itself too close. With them, you will be able to farm anywhere in the game easily. Your main source of damage is going to be the Death Sentry, a powerful Trap that deals Lightning Damage and makes Enemies explode, dealing Physical and Fire Damage to boot. Also, this skill tree doesn't only contain Traps, it also contains the Fire Blast - a strong Ability that deals solid Fire Damage. This one will serve as your backup offensive ability. Skills:
Shadow Disciplines Skill Tree offers some of the best utility in the game. We plan on taking full advantage of it to make our Death Sentry Trapsin as strong and versatile as possible. Skills:
We're not interested in any Martial Arts skills. Skills:
The first thing to remember is that the speed at which you are able to lay down your Traps is determined by your Attack Speed, not Cast Rate (although, having some FCR is good if you're using Enigma). This means that you should get enough Increased Attack Speed to ensure that you're able to throw down Traps quickly. Another extremely important thing to have is +Skills as they will greatly increase your Damage output. Moreover, items that increase Lightning Damage are welcome as they give you more DPS than +Skills. Magic Find is another stat you should stack as this is a Magic Finding build after all. Also, don't forget about your Resistances! Extra Health and Vitality is always welcome as well, as it makes you a bit tankier. Faster Hit Recovery, Faster Run/Walk, and extra Stamina/Stamina Regen are also very useful to have. | |
Harlequin Crest (Shako) - If you want Magic Find for this build, you basically want Shako. It not only gives you +2 to all Skills but also a lot of Health and Mana. Moreover, it reduces incoming damage by 10%, which is nice. |
Griffon's Eye (Diadem) - If you're trying to boost your DPS with this build, Griffon's is the way to go. It not only increases all your Skills by 1 but also reduces the enemy Lightning Resistance and increases your Lightning Damage, which is simply amazing. |
"Two-Twenty" Rare Circlet - A high-rolled Circlet can easily be the Best in Slot helmet for a Death Sentry Trapsin. Things you really want from it include +2 Skills, FCR, and Sockets. The latter is especially important as it's going to allow you to put a Cham Rune in for the "Cannot Be Frozen" effect. |
Heart of the Oak (Runeword) - This amazing Runeword will not only significantly boost your Death Sentry's damage with its +3 Skills, but also provide you with a solid boost to all Resistances and pretty much eliminate any mana problems you might have had without it. It also offers a +40 Faster Cast Rate, which is amazing if you're running an Enigma. |
Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Greater Talons) - These Talons are relatively cheap for what they offer. They will give you +2 to all Skills, a solid stats boost (which is welcome as it's going to allow you to spend more points on Vitality), and a 30% faster hit recovery. |
Spirit Shield (Runeword) - If you prefer to use a shield instead of a second weapon, Spirit should be your first choice. It gives you some nice resistances, +1 to All Skills, whooping +55% Faster Hit Recovery, and solid magic absorb. |
Splendor (Rune Word) - this is a nice and inexpensive Magic Finding Shield Runeword that can serve this build surprisingly well. It will boost your offensive power by giving you +1 to all skills and make you a bit better at Magic Finding by giving you +20% MF. It also increases your Block Rate, which is nice. |
Stormshield (Monarch) - If you've decided to go for Max Block with this build, this might be your best option. Stormshield is great if you like to have solid defenses, just remember that you will have to spend some additional points on Dexterity to increase your block to the max. |
Call to Arms (Rune Word) - This powerful Runeword will allow you to pre-buff yourself up with Warcries (buffs persist through weapon swap). You should supplement it with a shield that gives +2 to All Skills for the best effect. |
A Magic/Rare Amulet with + Magic Find Affixes - Magic Amulets can have up to 50% MF and Rares can roll up to 35%. If you can afford one of these, go for it. If not, get a nice offensive amulet or try to craft one yourself.
Mara's Kaleidoscope - Even though it does not give you any MF, you can't go wrong with Mara's. In a build that wants +All Skills, this amulet is a BiS offensive choice for the end game. |
Enigma (Runeword) - This is a must-have for end-game Magic Finding as without it your mobility is nowhere near as good as it should be. Enigma not only gives you access to Teleport and boosts your Run/Walk speed significantly but also gives you a scaling bonus to Magic Find. Moreover, it provides +2 to all Skills and offers very high defense. |
Treachery (Runeword) - This mid-level Assassin-only Runeword often gets overlooked, but it shouldn't. It increases All Skills by +2 and gives +45% Attack Speed which is simply amazing. |
Skullder's Ire (Russet Armor) - This relatively cheap armor is going to give you quite a lot of defense, some offensive utility with +1 to All Skills, and up to 125% Magic Find. If you want to build a MF Death Sentry Trapsin on a budget, it might be worth your consideration. |
The Stone of Jordan - This ring is very important for the build as it's going to significantly increase its mana pool. If you're interested in damage more than Magic Find, double Stone of Jordan is the way to go. |
Nagelring - Stacking two of these Rings can give you up to 60% extra Magic Find, which is very solid (especially when you lack MF from other slots). |
Raven Frost - This powerful Ring provides Freeze Immunity which is extremely important to have on a Trapsin as being frozen affects your trap laying speed significantly. You'll need one of these if you don't have a Cham Rune. |
Chance Guards (Chain Gloves) - These gloves offer up to 40% MF and a nice bonus to gold drop. Because of this, they are the first pair of gloves that come to mind when we think about Magic Finding. |
Magefist (Light Gauntlets) - These gloves are going to help you with Enigma Teleports by improving your FCR, but more importantly, they will increase your Fire Skills by +1 (and Fire Blast is a Fire Skill) and greatly boost your mana regen. |
Defense: 24 - 25 Required Strength: 45 Durability: 18 Required Level: 23
War Traveler (Battle Boots) - These boots are Best in Slot for Magic Finding as they can provide up to +50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items. They also provide decent Movement Speed and some extra STR/VIT, which is nice. |
Sandstorm Trek (Scarabshell Boots) - If you feel like you don't need more Magic Find, you can go with these defense-oriented classics. They are as powerful as Unique D2R Boots can be - from them, you'll get a lot of Faster Hit Recovery, Attributes, and Poison Resistance. |
Arachnid Mesh (Spiderweb Sash) - This offensively-oriented belt will boost your damage and Faster Cast Rate. A great choice, especially if you plan on using Enigma. |
Goldwrap (Heavy Belt) - The only real Magic Finding-oriented choice for the belt slot. It's actually really good for this build as it increases your Attack Speed which affects your Trap laying speed. |
We recommend picking up Act 2 Defiance Mercenary for extra damage mitigation bonuses. He should be equipped with:
END NOTE This is the initial version of our Diablo 2 Resurrected Death Sentry Assassin Magic Finding Build, where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. |
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