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D2R Runes


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Ladder S10-Runeswords Zephyr

Ladder S10-Runeswords Zephyr


1-PC Ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 28 days
Stock 1 - 999
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4-PC Non-ladder
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Stock 1 - 999
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4-PC Non-ladder
  • 20 mins.
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Stock 1 - 360
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1-PC Ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 3 days
Stock 1 - 999
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Ladder S10-Runeswords Breath of the Dying

Ladder S10-Runeswords Breath of the Dying


1-PC Ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 24 days
Stock 1 - 999
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Non-Ladder-Runes:18# Ko

Non-Ladder-Runes:18# Ko


4-PC Non-ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 23 days
Stock 1 - 9999
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Non-Ladder-Runeswords Doom

Non-Ladder-Runeswords Doom


4-PC Non-ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 23 days
Stock 1 - 9999
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Non-Ladder -Runes:24# Ist

Non-Ladder -Runes:24# Ist


4-PC Non-ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 23 days
Stock 1 - 9999
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Non-Ladder-Runes:27# Ohm

Non-Ladder-Runes:27# Ohm


4-PC Non-ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 23 days
Stock 1 - 9999
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Zod Rune Ladder PC SC

Zod Rune Ladder PC SC


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  • 2 hours
  • in 16 days
Stock 1 - 95
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[PC] | S10 | Rune: 30 #Ber (Ladder Softcore)

[PC] | S10 | Rune: 30 #Ber (Ladder Softcore)


1-PC Ladder
  • 5 hours
  • in 14 days
Stock 1 - 10
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[PC] | S10 | Rune: 31 #Jah (Ladder Softcore)

[PC] | S10 | Rune: 31 #Jah (Ladder Softcore)


1-PC Ladder
  • 5 hours
  • in 13 days
Stock 1 - 10
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(Ladder S10) PC-Softcore  > Vex Rune #26 (1Unit = 10 Rune)

(Ladder S10) PC-Softcore > Vex Rune #26 (1Unit = 10 Rune)


1-PC Ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 13 days
Stock 1 - 995
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(Ladder S10) PC-Softcore  > Ist Rune #24 (1Unit = 10 Rune)

(Ladder S10) PC-Softcore > Ist Rune #24 (1Unit = 10 Rune)


1-PC Ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 13 days
Stock 1 - 994
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PS4/5/Xbox Softcore (Ladder S10) > Runes:30# Ber (1Unit = 1 Rune)

PS4/5/Xbox Softcore (Ladder S10) > Runes:30# Ber (1Unit = 1 Rune)


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  • 20 mins.
  • in 11 days
Stock 1 - 999
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PC_Softcore (Ladder S10) > Runes:28# Lo(1Unit = 1 Rune)

PC_Softcore (Ladder S10) > Runes:28# Lo(1Unit = 1 Rune)


1-PC Ladder
  • 20 mins.
  • in 11 days
Stock 1 - 9997
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Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes

Getting solid equipment early is very important in a game that mainly consists of hacking and slashing through hordes of enemies. Diablo 2 is no different in this aspect, and getting better and better gear is an inherent part of its progression system. The (little) problem is, you will not always get what you need because of the random nature of loot; if you're lucky, you might be showered with magic, rare, and even unique items with affixes and suffixes needed for your build. If not, you might be gear-starved for a considerable part of the game and forced to rely on the basic equipment you get from vendors. Luckily, there is a way of improving your gear with stats and effects of your choice - It involves Diablo 2 Runes and forming Runewords out of them. You might think that it's equally RNG-heavy as just farming gear but's actually not. Firstly, if you know where to look for them, you are guaranteed to get some runes (random ones, but the method we'll show you is very consistent). Secondly, you know exactly what stats you will get as effects granted by runes and runewords are constant. If you are lucky enough to find all the required Runes, you will get extremely powerful Runeword Items in Diablo 2 Resurrected which will carry you through the content. You can also buy D2R Runes with real money, for example on marketplaces like Odealo. Thirdly, obtaining socketed gear is much easier than you might think - Normal gear, sold by vendors, will sometimes have sockets; all you need to do to get it is relog a few times to force NPCs to update their stock and simply Buy socketed equipment. Of course, normal quality gear will not be enough in further acts, and you will want to add sockets to something better via the Horadric Cube, but that's another story. Now, let us start from the beginning, by explaining what runes are, what they do, how to get them, and whether it is possible to actually Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes. 

Types Runes and How to Get Them

Firstly, what exactly are runes? They are items similar to gems and jewels, as they also can be inserted in sockets to provide a wide array of positive effects. However, unlike gems and jewels, Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes can be combined to form special runewords (more on that a bit later). There are 33 different runes in the game, all of which were added in the Lord of Destruction expansion - if you're playing the base Diablo 2, you will not have access to runes, unfortunately. Some of them can be easily acquired as early as mission 4 of Act 1 on Normal difficulty, while some others become available in the last act (5) at the hardest difficulty level. Runes, just like gems, can be upgraded with the Horadric Cube. Low-level runes upgrade in exactly the same way as gems do; three lower-tier runes can be combined into one rune of a higher level (this works for runes from El to Ort, so for the first 9 tiers). Higher tier runes require gems to upgrade, which ensures that gems maintain at least some of their value to players. Runes are much easier to get than you might think. Firstly, you can simply Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes on Odealo, and secondly, you can farm them by defeating The Countess repeatedly. 

The Countess has a very high chance to drop at least one Rune every time she is defeated (there is only about 1 in 64 chance that she will not drop any runes). The maximum she can drop is a whopping six but seeing more than one or two is very rare already. She resides on the 5th floor of her tower, somewhere in the Black Marsh zone or Act I. You can farm her repeatedly by simply relogging your character (just keep in mind that any opened portals will disappear when you relog, so you will be forced to travel to the tower from the warp point). Types of runes she drops depend on the difficulty you defeat her on:

  • On Normal, The Countess will drop random runes from the first eighteen tiers (El, Eld, Tir, nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, or Ral); the higher the tier, the lower the drop chance. 
  • On Nightmare, The Countess will drop random runes from the first eight tiers (El, Eld, Tir, nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral, Ort, Thul, Amn, Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, Io, Lum, or Ko); the higher the tier, the lower the drop chance (Tiers 17 and 18 have an extremely low drop chance). 
  • On Hell, The Countess has a chance to drop any Rune from tier 1 up to tier 28, but anything higher than 24 has a very low chance to appear. 

Make no mistake, defeating The Countess might be very easy, but farming runes can be a chore, especially if you're after a specific Runeword (another reason to simply Buy Diablo 2 Runes). There are no ways of increasing drop rates or turning the odds in your favor (other than the fact that the chance of Countess dropping multiple runes lowers while there are multiple players present - this happens because of her unique loot calculations). If you plan on farming runes, prepare for a long grind, and do not expect to get exactly what you want. If you have the Horadric Cube, however, you will eventually craft all the runes you need from the ones you find (this also means that it's better to farm for Diablo 2 Runes after you've acquired the cube in Act II. Unless you just need some low-level runes to make a decent early-game weapon, that is). 


Runewords are the reason why Diablo 2 Resurrected players are obsessed with farming and trading runes. These arcane inscriptions vary in their power (and thus Character level requirements) but even the simplest Runeword will considerably increase your character's strength in the early game - that's why farming low-level runewords is a viable strategy for speedrunning. To make a Runeword, you have to follow a few simple rules: 

  • Firstly, only grat text items can be inscribed with Diablo 2 Resurrected Runewords; all items through Etheral and Low Quality, to Normal, Elite, and Exceptional will work. Magic, Rare, Set, Unique, and Crafted items can't be used, however. 
  • Secondly, your chosen equipment piece must be of the correct type (Runewords are type-specific; weapon runewords will only work on weapons, etc.) and must have the correct number of sockets - if it has more, the Runeword will not work. 
  • Thirdly, runes must be inscribed in the correct order. Runes fill sockets in numerical order automatically, so, for example, to make a runeword Edge - TirTalAmn, you place Tir Rune first, Tal Rune second, and Amn Rune third. 

Now that you know how to inscribe Runewords into your gear, you might want to know what runewords do exactly. There are ~78 Runewords in the game, however, some are restricted to Ladder characters, or specific characters (i.e. Exile Can only be applied to Paladin-specific shields). Here are some examples, starting from early-game ones and ascending to the end-game runewords eventually: 

  • Steel TirEl (Maces, Axes, Swords, requires 2 Sockets) - The simplest Runeword that will help you breeze through the early game. It requires just Character Level 13 to use and consists of two Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes; Tir (T3) ⇒ El (T1). You can farm it extremely quickly - quicker than all other early-game runewords because both required runes drop very often from the Countess. It increases Attack Speed by 25%, Damage by 20%, Min and Max Damage by 3, Attack Rating by 50, provides =1 to Light Radius, and grants 2 Mana after each kill (not bad for low-level, easy-to-get stuff, huh?). 
  • King's Grace AmnRalThul (Scepters and Swords, requires 3 Sockets) - A mid-level Runeword that requires Character Level 25 to wield. It consists of three runes; Amn (T11) ⇒ Ral (T8) ⇒ Thul (T10). It is not too difficult to farm up (and you can cheaply Buy Diablo 2 Runes needed for this runeword on our website), especially if you consider what it gives you: +100% Enhanced Damage, +150 Attack Rating, +100% Damage to Demons, +100 Attack Rating against Demons, +50% Damage to Undead, +100 Attack Rating against Undead, +5-30 Fire Damage, +3-14 Cold Damage, and 7% Life stolen per Hit. 
  • Melody ShaelKoNef (Missile Weapons, requires 3 Sockets) - A mid-to-late game runeword for Amazon that makes Bowazon builds much more powerful.  It consists of three runes; Shael (T13) ⇒ Ko (T18) ⇒ Nef (T4) and while the last rune is very easy to acquire, getting the other two will take some time if you plan on farming it solo. this powerful runeword will give you: +3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills, +20% Increased Attack Speed, +50% Enhanced Damage, +300% Damage to Undead, +3 to Slow Missiles Skill, +3 to Dodge Skill, +3 to Critical Strike Skill, Knockback, and +10 Dexterity (note that Skill increases only work for Amazon). Putting this Runeword on a Bow or a Crossbow will allow you to breeze through the PvE content with ease; if you don't have time to farm for it, just Buy D2R Runes on Odealo. 
  • Hand of Justice SurChamAmnLo (All Weapons, requires 4 Sockets) - One of the most powerful Runewords in Diablo 2. It consists of four runes; Sur (T29) ⇒ Cham (T32) ⇒ Amn (T11) ⇒ Lo (T28), requires level 67 Character to use and provides the following bonuses: 100% Chance to Cast Level 36 Blaze on level-up, 100% Chance to cast Level 48 Meteor on Death, Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped, +33% Attack Speed, from +280 to +33-% Enhanced Damage, You ignore Target's Defense, -20% to Enemy Fire Resistance, 7% Life Leech, 20% chance for Deadly Strike, You Blind Targets on hit, you Freeze Target on Hit. Getting runes required for this runeword is very difficult, luckily our associates Sell Diablo 2 Runes needed for it. 

Odealo is one of the biggest online real-money trade hubs for Diablo 2. We offer a safe player-to-player exchange platform, comprehensive buyer and seller protection, and completely free registration and purchase-related tools (these are, and always will be, free of charge). On Odealo, you can safely Buy Diablo 2 Runes (sometimes referred to as D2R Runes), from the most common to the rarest ones; our stocks are almost unlimited so you will easily upgrade all your gear with our help. All our sellers were thoroughly checked, so you can be sure that your transactions made with the help of our website will go smoothly and you will get what you have ordered in a timely manner. On top of that, our transaction fees are the lowest in the business, which guarantees attractive prices. Don't hesitate, join our thriving community and take full advantage of our services. If you reside on the other end of the players' spectrum and have Diablo 2 Runes in abundance but struggle to Sell them, we also have an offer for you - register on our site and create your own auctions – that way you will easily Sell Diablo 2 Runes. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services, just like thousands of our current associates are. After you verify (it's no nearly as scary as it sounds!), you will be free to create your own auctions and take full advantage of our rapidly-growing real-money-trading platform. 


Odealo.com is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way connected with Blizzard Entertainment, its subsidiaries, or affiliates. The official Blizzard Entertainment website can be found at https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/

The names Diablo 2, as well as related names, marks, and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Blizzard Entertainment is the sole owner of Diablo 2 Gold, Items, Accounts, or any other virtual goods available within Diablo 2's game world.

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