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The Most Expensive Items in WoW Classic

The Most Expensive Items in WoW Classic

Check out what are the most valuable items in World of Warcraft Classic and how to obtain them

The Most Expensive Items
in WoW Classic


World of Warcraft offers thousands of Epic items for players to loot. While most of the high-end gear is obtained from Raids and Dungeons and binds to the player upon pick-up, there are some extremely rare and valuable items that can be traded, and hence, it's possible to estimate their value in in-game Gold. Have you ever wondered, what are the most expensive Items in WoW Classic and how to obtain them? In this article, we will present ten most expensive Items in Vanilla WoW, and give you detailed information on where to find them. Keep in mind that some of those items will either take thousands of hours to farm or getting them will be on a 40-man Raid difficulty level. Finding any of the items below will either make you rich or at least make thousands of players envy you when you cross paths in Azeroth. Furthermore, a bunch of the listed Items are BiS or BiS Twink items and have been included in our comprehensive list of all the Best BoE Items in WoW Classic

We have also added estimated market value and drop rates for each item. Prices may vary depending on the server, and will most likely change over time, however, we will try to keep it up to date with weekly updates!

Odealo is a secure player-driven marketplace for World of Warcraft Classic Gold, Items, and Power Leveling Services. 


Hand of Edward the OddHand of Edward the Odd

Hand of Edward the Odd

Type One-handed Mace
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 500 - 2,000
Difficulty level Medium
Loot chance Low
Item overview - Hand of Edward the Odd is among the best BoE Spell Caster Weapons available currently in Classic WoW. It grants a chance on hit to make your next Spell Cast instant. This ability is extremely powerful for Spells with a high cast time, and in order to not make this item overpowered, the chance has been set to approximately 3%
Where to find Hand of Edward the Odd? - this weapon is a random world drop, so farming Elites in Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Spire, and Molten Core will be your best bet. On top of being very rare, you will usually have to roll for it with other party members, greatly reducing the chances of getting it even after it drops, hence the actual market value being so high

The Eye of ShadowThe Eye of Shadow

The Eye of Shadow stats

Benediction WoW Classic
(Benediction - the final Quest Reward)

Type Trinket
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 250-350 
Difficulty level Hard
Loot chance Low
Item overview - The Eye of Shadow is a Epic Trinket which is part of the Epic Priest Staff Quest called Balance of Light and Shadow. The Staff; Benediction, is one of the best weapons for Holy Priests, and since it's very hard to farm for it solo, the price can reach very high levels
Where to find The Eye of Shadow? - this Trinket drops from Elites in Winterspring and Blasted Lands. It can be also looted from Lord Kazzak - a world Boss who resides in the Tainted Scar part of the Blasted Lands area. Lord Kazzak offers the highest drop chance, but defeating him requires approximately 30-man group which should have a composition of a typical Raid Group

Alcor's SunrazorAlcor's Sunrazor

Alcor's Sunrazor

Alcor's Sunrazor stats

Type Dagger
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 800 - 1,200
Difficulty level Medium
Loot chance Low
Item overview - this is one of the most overpriced items in WoW Classic. It surely is a very decent Dagger for Rogues, however, in most cases, you will want to have two extra attributes to increases your DPS instead of getting a little extra Fire Resistance. On the other hand, it has its Attack Speed at 1.30 which is among the fastest in the game, giving it some extra utility when playing a DoT Stacking Rogue or when generating threat during certain encounters as a Protection Warrior
Where to find Alcor's Sunrazor? - it's a random Epic world drop. We have confirmed drops from Molten Core's Elites, as well as Scarlet High Clerist, a level 60 Elite Mage that can be found in the northern part of Western Plaguelands. It has been also known to drop from Colossus Bosses in Ahn'Qiraj's Event, however, this part of the game is not yet implemented, and it's hard to predict whether we will be able to find it in the loot table when it gets unlocked

Teebu's Blazing LongswordTeebu's Blazing Longsword

Teebu's Blazing Longsword

Teebu's Blazing Longsword stats

Type One-handed Sword
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 2,000 - 4,000
Difficulty level Medium
Loot chance Low
Item overview - one of the most iconic weapons in World of Warcraft Classic. It has been displayed on the original World of Warcraft box back in the days. It's a very powerful, but slow Main-hand weapon which deals extra Fire Damage. It looks simply astounding, making it one of the most sought-after items in the game
Where to find Teebu's Blazing Longsword? - it's a random world drop, with currently the highest chance to drop from Elites in Molten Core. It was also very popular to farm for it in the Silithus Zone back in the days of Vanilla World of Warcraft

Staff of JordanStaff of Jordan

Staff of Jordan

Staff of Jordan stats

Type Staff
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 150 - 300
Difficulty level Easy
Loot chance Low
Item overview - the BiS Weapon for leveling, Spell-caster twinks, and still quite powerful on higher levels. You may even still find level 60 characters using it efficiently
Where to find Staff of Jordan? - it's a random world drop so it basically can drop from any monster with the appropriate level (it's a level 40 Weapon, with a level 35 required to wield it)

Spellshock LeggingsSpellshock Leggings

Spellshock Leggings Stats

Type Cloth Pants
Rarity Rare Rare
Estimated price 100 - 500
Difficulty level Easy
Loot chance Low
Item overview - one of the best BoE Pants for Cloth users. They are extremely rare so their price can usually reach very high levels
Where to find Spellshock Leggings? - they can drop randomly from any monster in Zul'Farrak. They are among a few very solid BoE Rares that can be looted there, but with a very very low drop rate

Foror's Compendium of Dragon SlayingForor's Compendium of Dragon Slaying

Foror's Compendium description

Quel'Serrar stats
(The final Quest Reward - Quel'Serrar stats)

Type Book
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 600 - 800
Difficulty level Hard
Loot chance Low
Item overview - Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying starts a Questline that leads you to obtain the best tanking Main-hand weapon for Warriors and Paladins; Quel'Serrar
Where to find Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying? - the Book is a random drop from any Boss in the Dire Maul Dungeon. It's quite rare, and the dungeon itself is not easy either, which makes the Book extremely valuable

Skullflame ShieldSkullflame Shield

Skullflame Shield

Skullflame Shield  stats

Type Shield
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 300 - 500
Difficulty level Medium
Loot chance Low
Item overview - Skullflame Shield is the BiS Shield for AoE tanking as a non-Engineer character. This shield provides decent Life Steal, and extra AoE damage around you when you are hit, which make it exceptionally expensive
Where to find Skullflame Shield? - it's a random world drop, with currently the highest drop chance from Elites in Molten Core

Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)

Parrot Cage Hyacinth Macaw description

Hyacinth Macaw WoW Classic

Type Pet
Rarity Normal Normal
Estimated price 700 - 1,200
Difficulty level Easy
Loot chance Very Low
Item overview - Hyacinth Macaw is one of the most expensive and the rarest Pets available in World of Warcraft Classic that can be traded
Where to find Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)? - it can drop from any Bloodsail Pirate in Stranglethorn Vale, but it has an extremely low chance to drop

Mature Blue Dragon SinewMature Blue Dragon Sinew

Mature Blue Dragon Sinew description

Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina description
(The final Quest Reward - Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina stats)

Type Quest Item
Rarity Epic Epic
Estimated price 500 - 700
Difficulty level Easy
Loot chance Low
Item overview - Mature Blue Dragon Sinew is a quest Item required to obtain Epic Hunter's Bag which increases Ranged Attack Speed by 15% making it a heavily demanded item. Drop rate lower than 0.1% makes it a very expensive Item
Where to find Mature Blue Dragon Sinew? - it can drop from any Azure/Cobalt Dragonkin monster in Winterspring, as well as, Azuregos World Boss who roams around Azshara


Make sure to leave your feedback below! If there are any rare and valuable items that we have missed in our Guide, we would like to know what are they and add them in our future updates! We will obviously also try to keep this up-to-date with all the upcoming Patches and Content Updates for World of Warcraft Classic

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