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Tarkov Traders Guide - in-depth comparison and analysis

Tarkov Traders Guide - in-depth comparison and analysis

In-depth Guide to Traders in Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov
Guide to Traders and Bartering



Traders are people who have built their fortunes on the ashes Tarkov and whatever secrets, riches, and mysteries can be extracted from them. You, as a player, are nothing but a well-trained tool in their hands - they will use you to push their personal agendas. This doesn't sound too optimistic, but you don't really have a choice. Traders are the primary source of your gear and income, so you are forced to get on well with them. After you gain their trust and prove yourself to be a worthwhile asset or possibly even a business partner, they will give you access to the best equipment they have to offer. 

There are 8 Traders in Tarkov, Prapor, Therapist, Fence, Skier, Peacekeeper, Mechanic, Ragman, and Jaeger. All of them (except Fence) have their own requirements you have to meet to unlock their higher-level offers, as at the start, you have access only to their basic stocks of goods; you can advance each trader 3 times, which gives a total of 4 tiers (Called Loyalty Levels in Tarkov). The requirements are as follows: 

  • Player's PMC level - this is gained by simply playing the game with your primary character and earning experience points. You also gain experience by completing quests given to you by the Traders. 
  • Trader Reputation - The main source of reputation are quests, given to you by Traders; Each quest has a pre-determined amount of Reputation you will get for completing it. Important: Completing a quest for a Trader will rise reputation with that trader only. Moreover, some Traders don't like each other so it is possible to gain Reputation points with one and lose it with the other. 
  • Money exchanged with the Trader - A set amount of money must change hands between you and the Trader before you can advance their Loyalty Level. Both selling and buying stuff counts towards this. 

Note: We will post the specific requirements for each of the traders in their dedicated sections. Also, this is one of the main sections of our Tarkov's Beginners Guide which we just decided to divide into smaller parts.


Some Traders also offer to insure your equipment in case it's lost during a Raid. If you decide to buy the insurance and you don't make it out of the Raid, your items will return to you after a pre-determined amount of time - if nobody steals them, of course.  There are a few limitations and things to remember with this system: 

  • Consumables (Ammunition, Meds, and Food) cannot be insured. If you ensure a loaded Magazine, it will return to you without the ammunition., if you ensure a Backpack filled with Meds, the Meds won't be inside when you get it back, etc.. 
  • Items lost in The Lab will not be recovered - they are lost forever. Keep this in mind when embarking on a Raid there. 
  • When you end the Raid with the MIA (Missing in Action) status, your EQUIPPED Insured Items will not be recovered. It is given to you when you fail to extract or dye from dehydration. This means that you should throw away all your insured items if: 
    • You expect to die from Dehydration. 
    • You know you will fail to extract before the Raid ends. 


Barter Trades

Some things are just too precious to simply give away for money. Sometimes, Traders simply need some specific items and they are willing to give you something really good in exchange for them. And sometimes, they just want to expand their collection of seemingly useless stuff. 

The Barter system gives you access to high tier stuff early in the game (usually 1 Loyalty Level earlier than regular trading); Some Barter Trades even offer fully-modded weapons! Thanks to this, you can gain an advantage over the opposition or simply save a lot of money - if you are able to collect all the needed items, that is.

The system is quite straight forward - you bring specific stuff to a Trader and you get a specific thing in return. Most of the items required for bartering can be found in Raids - they can be anything, from provisions to high-tier military equipment. Many of the required items can also be crafted in your hideout - doing so can save you a lot of effort, which is one of the reasons you should invest in expanding it. 


The Traders

Elvira Khabibullina, now known as the Therapist, was once the Head of the Trauma Care Department in Tarkov's main hospital. Thanks to her background, she was able to secure the hospital's reserves of drugs and provisions. Moreover, as a doctor, she was in the center of conflict between USECs and BEARs, which means that she now possesses a lot of valuable intelligence collected from their patients, in one way or another... She will happily sell you medication, foodstuffs, and, if you have enough money, classified information that can prove to be invaluable in the outside world. 
Currency Rouble(₽) and Euro(€) 
Offered Goods Provisions, Maps (we don't recommend using them as there are much better ones available online), Medkits, Painkillers, Injury Treatment Items, Stimulants (only a few types), Various types of Containers. 
Gives Best Prices for
  • Medical Supplies
  • Dogtags and Physical Bitcoins (not a good idea to sell these, however. Better use them for bartering) 
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 400,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.15 Reputation, Character level 12. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 700,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.30 Reputation, Character level 20. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 900,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.60 Reputation, Character level 32. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

2x Duct Tape  1x Car First Aid Kit 
2x Duct Tape  1x Car First Aid Kit 

With this barter, you can get a medkit that also removes bleeding very early in the game. It is probably better to save your Duck Tapes for Small SICC Case (Jaeger Ll3 Barter). 

  • Duct Tape can be found in Jackets, Sports Bags, Drawers, Toolboxes, Technical Supply Crates, Buried Caches*, and is sometimes carried by Scavs. 

1x Paid AntiRoach  1x Salewa First Aid Kit
1x Paid AntiRoach  1x Salewa First Aid Kit

Another barter trade that lets you get some higher tier meds early. With this barter, you will also be able to complete the "Shortage" Task much easier as it requires you to hand over 5 Saleva First Aid Kits. 

  • Paid AntiRoach can be found on Dead Scavs, in Buried Caches*, and in Sports Bags. 

4x Crickent Lighter + 4x Classic Matches ⇒ 1x Pile of Meds
4x Crickent Lighter + 4x Classic Matches 1x Pile of Meds

A Pile of Meds is needed for multiple Barter Trades (Items Case, Ibuprofen, Pack of Sugar, Pistol Case) and for crafting at the Medstation which makes it extremely handy to have. With this barter, you can get a few more Piles of Meds and craft yourself some of the best medical items in the game. 

  • Classic Matches and Crickent Lighters can be found in Jackets, Ground Caches*, Drawers, Sports Bags, technical Supply Crates, and are sometimes carried by Scavs.
Loyalty Level 2

10x Crickent Lighter + 2x Toilet Paper + 2x Ortodontox Toothpaste ⇒ 1x 
10x Crickent Lighter + 2x Toilet Paper + 2x Ortodontox Toothpaste ⇒ 1x Grizzly First Aid Kit

This bearer lets you get the best first aid kit available in the game extremely early (if you want to buy it for money, you have to wait until you reach LL4 with the Therapist). Grizzly can restore 1800 Health in total and cures both Fractures and Bloodloss. If you get it, it is a good idea to store it in your secure container, at least until you build up a bank. 

  • Crickent Lighters can be found in Jackets, Ground Caches*, Drawers, Sports Bags, technical Supply Crates, and are sometimes carried by Scavs.
  • Toilet Paper can be crafted at Lavatory Level 1 from Printer Paper or found in Sports Bags, Plastic Suitcases, Caches*, Medical Supply Crates. Scavs also carry it sometimes. 
  • Ortodontox Toothpaste can be found in Caches*, Medical Supply Crates, Plastic Suitcases, and Sports Bags. Scavs also carry it sometimes. 

1x Pack of Sugar  + 1x  Sodium Bicarbonate ⇒ 1x IFAK First Aid Kit
1x Pack of Sugar + 1x Sodium Bicarbonate ⇒ 1x IFAK First Aid Kit

This lets you get the IFAK one Loyalty Level earlier and without completing the "Health Care Privacy - Part 1" Task. 

  • Pack of Sugar and Sodium Bicarbonate can be found in Caches*, Sports Bags, and Ration Supply Crates. Scavs also carry it sometimes. 

1x Cat Figurine + 1x Bronze Lion + 5x Horse Figurine 1x Documents Case
1x Cat Figurine + 1x Bronze Lion + 5x Horse Figurine ⇒ 1x Documents Case

Limited inventory space can become a problem, so this barter trade is bound to come in handy sooner or later. Documents case provides you with 4x4 inventory while taking up only 2 slots. Items that can be placed inside include Money, GP Coins, Maps, Keycards, Keys, SSD Drives, Physical Bitcoins, and Flash Drives. Documents Case can also be placed in your secure container which makes it even more desirable. 

  • Cat Figurines, Bronze Lions, and Horse Figurines can be found in Caches*, Safes, Sports Bags, Plastic Suitcases, in the Shturman's Boss Crate, and are sometimes carried by Scavs. 
  • Bronze Lion can also be found in the IDEA store on the Interchange and in The Lab, in Manager Office and Arsenal room. 

7x Medical Bloodtest + 7x Disposable Syringe + 2x Vaseline ⇒ 1x Meds Case
7x Medical Bloodtest + 7x Disposable Syringe + 2x Vaseline ⇒ 1x Meds Case

This Medical Items Storage Container takes up 9 of your main Inventory Slots and offers 49 slots dedicated to Medical Supplies in return. It is a great thing to have in the mid-to-late game when your inventory starts to fill up. 

  • Medical Bloodtests, Disposable Syringes, and the Vaseline can be found in Caches, Medbags, Medcases, Sports Bags, and Medical Supply Crates. They are also carried by Scavs from time to time.  Medical Bloodtests and Vaseline can also be crafted at the Medstation. 

100x Dogtag ⇒ 1x Lucky Scav Junkbox
100x Dogtag (level 10 and up) ⇒ 1x Lucky Scav Junkbox

This container is a wet dream of every loot hoarder. It takes up just 16 inventory slots and offers a whopping 196 for every item that is considered "Loot", so pretty much every Barter and Miscellaneous Item - junk, basically (you can't store provisions, keys, meds, weapon parts, weapons, and other items like that in it, however). 

  • Every PMC carries a Dogtag that can be looted from their corpse. For this barter, you have to gather 100 Dogtags from players who are at least level 10. 
Loyalty Level 3

20x Ophthalmoscope + 10x Pile of Meds / 140x Dogtag ⇒ 1x Items Case
20x Ophthalmoscope + 10x Pile of Meds / 140x Dogtag (Level 15 and up) ⇒ 1x Items Case

These are two separate barters; you can provide either 20x Ophthalmoscope and 10x Pile of Meds or 140x Level 15+ Dogtags. Items Case is a universal storage container that takes up 16 inventory slots and provides 64 in return. Everything except other Containers can be stored in it. 

  • Ophthalmoscope and Piles of Meds can be found in Caches*, Medbags, Medcases, Medical Supply Crates, and Sports Bags. They are sometimes also carried by Scavs and Piles of MEds can be crafted with the Medstation.
  • Ophthalmoscope also spawns as a loose loot in the Lab; RB-SMP Room on Reserve; Mantis and ULTRA Medical Storage facilities on the Interchange; and in some rooms of the Shoreline's Holiday Resort. 
  • You can also use one of the above-mentioned Therapist barters (4x Crickent Lighter + 4x Classic Matches 1x Pile of Meds) to get a Pile of Meds. 
Loyalty Level 4

1x Medical Bloodtest + Pile of Meds ⇒ 1x Ibuprofen Painkillers
1x Medical Bloodtest + 1x Pile of Meds ⇒ 1x Ibuprofen Painkillers

A very easy barter to complete and we would not feature it here if not for the next one on the list. Also, Ibuprofen is one of the best Painkillers in the game. 

  • Medical Bloodtestsand Piles of Meds can be found in Caches, Medbags, Medcases, Sports Bags, and Medical Supply Crates. They are also carried by Scavs from time to time.  Medical Bloodtests and Piles of Meds can also be crafted at the Medstation. 
  • You can also use one of the above-mentioned Therapist barters (4x Crickent Lighter + 4x Classic Matches 1x Pile of Meds) to get a Pile of Meds. 

10x Portable Defibrillator + 10x LEDX Skin Transilluminator + 10x Ibuprofen Painkillers ⇒ 1x THICC Items Case
10x Portable Defibrillator + 10x LEDX Skin Transilluminator + 10x Ibuprofen Painkillers ⇒ 1x THICC Items Case

This is an upgraded version of the standard Items Case. It takes up 15 inventory slots and offers a whopping 196 slots in return. Pretty much every in-game item, except other containers, can be stored inside it. 

  • Portable Defibrillators spawn in Medbags, Plastic Suitcases, Sports Bags, Caches*, Shtruman's Stash, Medcases, and can sometimes be found on Scavs. There are also multiple loose spawns in The Lab (G22 room and O11 section), and on the Interchange (inside ULTRA, Mantis, and EMERCOM). 
  • LEDX Skin Transilluminators spawn in the same loot containers as Defibrillators and can also be found as loose loot anywhere where "medical" loose loot spawns, for example, EMERCOM, ULTRA, and Mantis on the Interchange, or G11 and G22 rooms in The Lab. You can also barter 20 Level 40+ Dogtags and 140 level 11+ Dogtags for 1 LEDX with Therapist LL3. 
  • Ibuprofen Painkillers spawn in Caches*, Medbags, Medical Supply Crates, and Sports Bags. You can also use the above-mentioned barter to get them. 
  • There is a second THICC Items Case barter that requires 50 "Fierce Hatchling" Moonshines, 30 Dan Jackiel Whiskey bottles, and 35 Tarkovskaya vodka bottles. 

*Buried Barrel Caches and Ground Caches are hidden loot containers scattered around open areas of Raid maps. Inside these, pretty much any item can spawn so doing a "Cache Runs" is a viable option if you know where they are hidden. 

Alexander Fyodorovich Kiselyov, also known as Skier, was once employed in Tarkov's customs terminal. When the conflict broke out, he formed a gang that specialized itself in grabbing everything of value that could be found in the terminal's vicinity. His gang has been able to secure multiple military supply shipments sent into the city, and now, Skier is willing to share the "secured" goods, for an appropriate... gift of course. If you are looking to Sell exchange Roubles for another currency, mainly €, Skier can do that as well. 
Currency Rouble(₽), Euro(€), and Dollar($) 
Offered Goods Weapons (at the start mainly Civilian Versions of rifles, later some sniper rifles), Ammunition, Magazines, Weapon parts and Attachments, Optics, Currency (Euro), and Containers. 
Gives Best Prices for
  • Weapon Attachments (Pays a bit less than the Mechanic)
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 800,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.20 Reputation, Character level 15. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 1,600,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.40 Reputation, Character level 28. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 2,600,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.75 Reputation, Character level 35. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

1x Rechargeable Battery ⇒ 1x ADAR 2-15 .233 Carbine
1x Rechargeable Battery ⇒ 1x ADAR 2-15 .233 Carbine

This Barter allows you to get an ADAR one Loyalty Level earlier. This weapon is a very viable early game option, despite being semi-auto only.

Hint: If you want to use Optics with it, change the stock Muzzle device for MK12 Low Profile Gas Block as the original one is very high and will obscure your vision through low-mounted optical devices. 

  • Rechargeable Batteries can be found in Caches, Drawers, Plastic Suitcases, Sports Bags, and Technical Supply Crates. Scavs also sometimes carry them. They also spawn quite commonly in industrial areas and can be crafted at the Level 2 Workbench. 
Loyalty Level 2

6x D Size Battery  ⇒ 1x Rotor 43 9x19mm Muzzle Brake
6x D Size Battery ⇒ 1x Rotor 43 9x19mm Muzzle Brake

Rotor Muzzle Brake also acts as a sound suppressor and can be mounted on multiple 9x19mm chambered weapons (MPX, Saiga-9, Vityaz-SN, MPX, MP5). Considering how expensive Suppressors in Tarkov are, this barter is definitely worth looking at. 

  • D Size Batteries can be found in Caches, Drawers, Plastic Suitcases, Jackets, Sports Bags, Toolboxes, Technical Supply Crates, and are sometimes carried by Scavs. They can also spawn loosely in offices and industrial areas. 
  • D Size Batteries have quite a few Barter Trades associated with them, you might want to check them out before committing to this particular one (you can also get a Mosin, a Glock 17 with a Drum Mag, B-11 Handguard for AKSU, and a pack of 5,56x45mm Warmage ammo for them). 
  • You can also get this Muzzle Brake from Mechanic LL2 for 2 Magnets. 
Loyalty Level 3

5x USEC Dogtag ⇒ 1x Eotech 553 Holographic Sight
5x USEC Dogtag (Level 2 and up) ⇒ 1x Eotech 553 Holographic Sight

This is a very easy Barter trade to make and the reward is pretty nice. Eotech has a very clean reticle that is comfortable to use at both close and medium ranges. It decreases Weapons Ergonomics by 3 and can be mounted on pretty much every weapon that has rails on it (or you can change some parts and adapt your weapon for it). 

  • Every USEC Player will drop a "USEC Dogtag" on death and pretty much every one looted will count for this barter unless you loot a player who was playing his first-ever Raid. 
Loyalty Level 4

2x Chainlet  1x 9x19mm RIP Ammo Box
2x Chainlet  1x 9x19mm RIP Ammo Box (20 Rounds)

This is one of several Barters that give you access to the 9x19 RIP Ammunition (There is also one with Skier LL3 and Jaeger LL4). 9x19 RIP deals DEVASTATING damage to unarmored targets which makes it ideal for "leg meta" tactics where you aim exclusively at the enemy's legs (with these rounds, you will drop them in 5 shots which, with a high rate of fire SMGs, takes almost no time at all). Just remember that pretty much any armor available in the game will stop these rounds. 

  • Chainlets can be found in Jackets, Caches, Safes, Sports Bags, and Plastic Suitcases. They are also carried by Scavs sometimes and can spawn randomly in a Raid. 

4x BEAR Dogtag ⇒ 1x TGP-A
4x BEAR Dogtag (Level 20 and up) ⇒ 1x TGP-A 5.45x39mm Muzzle Device/Suppressor

Barter similar to the one for Rotor Muzzle Brake, however, this one requires BEAR-only Dogtags of level 20 and higher. TGP-A 5.45x39mm Muzzle Device/Suppressor is compatible with pretty much all 5.45 AKs, including the RPK-16, so you will definitely find a use for it. This barter will let you save a lot of money, as Prapor LL3 sells TGP-A for around 45000 Roubles. 

  • Every BEAR Player will drop a "BEAR Dogtag" on death. This Barter requires Dogtags from quite experienced players, because of the level 20 and up requirement. 

4x Wooden Clock + 4x Roler Watch + 4x Golden Skull Ring ⇒ 1x Trijicon REAP-IR Thermal Riflescope
1x Wooden Clock + 4x Roler Watch + 4x Golden Skull Ring ⇒ 1x Trijicon REAP-IR Thermal Riflescope

This Barter Trade is very hard to make, but the reward is one of the most powerful items in the game. Thermal Scopes make Raids on open maps, like Woods, extremely unfair, however, they are also extremely expensive. You will also need the Trijicon REAP-IR for the "Gunsmith - Part 16" and "test Drive - Part 1" Tasks. 

  • All three item types needed for this barter are quite rare and can be found in containers like Safes, Caches, Suitcases, and Sports Bags. Roler and the Ring are also sometimes carried by Scavs.  
  • Wooden Clock spawns on the Reserve in crawlspace between King building and the helicopter. 
  • Roler can be found on Shoreline (East Wing Room 310 and West Wing Room 220) and in The Lab (Arsenal Room and Manager Office). 
  • Mechanic and Jaeger also offer Barter Trades for the Trijicon REAP-IR. 

8x "Fierce Hatchling" Moonshine + 2x Bottle of Vodka Tarkovskaya ⇒ 1x Weapon Case
8x "Fierce Hatchling" Moonshine + 2x Bottle of Vodka Tarkovskaya ⇒ 1x Weapon Case

Very handy storage for your arsenal, it takes 10 inventory slots and offers 50 slots for weapons, ammunition, and weapon mods storage. 

  • "Fierce Hatchling" Moonshine can be crafted at the Booze Generator from sugar and Purified water. 
  • Bottle of Vodka Tarkovskaya can be crafted at the Nutrition Unit level 3 from "Fierce Hatchling" and 5 bottles of water. 
  • The Mechanic also offers Barters for the Weapon Case. 
Abramayan Arshavir Sarkisivich, known by his nickname "Ragman", was a director of one of the city's biggest Shopping Centers. His background has allowed him to secure many valuable goods that were stored in various military, survival, and hunter's shops situated in his Center. If you are looking for Body Armours, survival gear, and combat backpacks, visiting the Ragman is your best bet. 
Currency Rouble(₽) 
Offered Goods Various more and less useful clothing, Armored Vests, Helmets, Tactical Backpacks, Tactical Rigs, Tactical Gear (Headphones, Faceshields, Eye Protection). 
Gives Best Prices for
  • Containers (pays a bit more than Therapist) 
  • Armor 
  • Helmets 
  • Tactical Gear 
  • Clothing 
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 750,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.00 Reputation, Character level 15. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 1,600,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.30 Reputation, Character level 30. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 2,500,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.60 Reputation, Character level 40. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

3x Lower Half-Mask ⇒ 1x PACA Soft Armor
3x Lower Half-Mask ⇒ 1x PACA Soft Armor

This barter gets outdated quite quickly but, if you are new to the game, you might not have access to anything better, and this will still save you from quite a few Scav bullets fired in your direction. 

  • Lower Half-Masks are often worn by Scavs. 

2x Ox Bleach ⇒ 1x Ratnik-Bsh Helmet
2x Ox Bleach ⇒ 1x Ratnik-Bsh Helmet

Ratnik Helmet may be only Armor Class 3, but it has a high ricochet chance which makes it a very solid choice actually. This is a cheaper alternative to the SSh-68 Helmet. 

  • Bleach is a quite common loose spawn and can be found in Caches and Sports Bags. Scavs also carry it sometimes. 

2x Dogtag ⇒ 1x Flyye MBSS Backpack
2x Dogtag (any - level 1 and up) ⇒ 1x Flyye MBSS Backpack

A good price to pay for a backpack, especially early on in the game. The MBSS Backpack offers a 4x4 grid and will allow you to carry at least some loot out of a Raid. 

  • Every PMC carries a Dogtag that can be looted from their corpse. For this barter, you have to gather just 2 Dogtags from any players as level 1s are enough. 
Loyalty Level 2

1x Coffe Majaica + 1x TarCola  + 1x Pack of Milk 1x BNTI Kirasa-N Armor
1x Coffe Majaica + 1x TarCola + 1x Pack of Milk 1x BNTI Kirasa-N Armor

The Kirasa offers Class 3 armor protection which is enough to protect you against most Scavs and quite a few low-level players and mages it a great early game armor choice. 

  • Coffe, TarCola, and Milk are common in Ration Supply Crates, Jackets, Suitcases, and Sports Bags. They can also be found in places like the Goshan store on the Interchange. 

1x Energy-Saving Lamp ⇒ 1x Camelbak Tri-Zip Backpack
1x Energy-Saving Lamp 1x Camelbak Tri-Zip Backpack

Camelback Backpack offers 5x6 Grid Size so you can fit a lot of loot into it. Thanks to this barter, you can get a spacious Backpack early, which is always a good investment. 

  • ES Lamps are commonly found in industrial/storage/shop areas on all maps and can spawn in Drawers, Sports Bags, Toolboxes, and Technical Supply Crates. Scavs also carry them sometimes. 
Loyalty Level 3

4x Ox Bleach + 2x Schaman Shampoo ⇒ 1x Wartech TV-100 Plate Carrier
4x Ox Bleach + 2x Schaman Shampoo ⇒ 1x Wartech TV-100 Plate Carrier

This is a very good deal as TV-100 is a Tactical Rig that doubles as Class 4 Armor; it also has quite a lot of room in it, so you can even consider using it without a backpack.

  • Bleach and Schaman Shampoo are quite common spawns and can be found in Caches and Sports Bags. Scavs also carry them sometimes. 
  • Schaman Shampoo can be crafted at Level 2 Lavatory from 1 Soap and 1 0.6L Water Bottle. 
  • 5 Ox Bleaches can be crafted at Level 2 Lavatory from 1 Soap, 1 Alkali Surface Washer, and 1 Sodium Bicarbonate
  • You can also barter 4 Bottles with Filter Aquamari for an ANA Tactical M1 Armored Rig which is very similar to TV-110 but has a bit higher mobility penalties. 
Loyalty Level 4

7x Ox Bleach  1x Mystery Ranch Blackjack 50 backpack
7x Ox Bleach  1x Mystery Ranch Blackjack 50 backpack

One of the bigger backpacks in the game (it offers a 6x7 grid size and takes up 5x7, so you can stack them infinitely and actually gain extra storage space in the process). 

  • 5 Ox Bleaches can be crafted at Level 2 Lavatory from 1 Soap, 1 Alkali Surface Washer, and 1 Sodium Bicarbonate, so this should be an easy barter to make in the late game. 

1x Antique Vase + 10x Chainlet  1x 5.11 Tactec Plate Carrier
1x Antique Vase + 10x Chainlet ⇒ 1x 5.11 Tactec Plate Carrier

This plate carrier offers a lot of carrying space and very solid protection with its Class 5 armor. Thanks to the materials it's made of, it repairs very well so it will serve you for a long time. 

  • Chainlets can be found in Jackets, Caches, Safes, Sports Bags, and Plastic Suitcases. They are also carried by Scavs sometimes and can spawn randomly in a Raid. 
  • Antique Vase Spawns in The Lab (Manager Office and Arsenal Room), Woods (next to the dead scav by the shore), Factory (officer hallway), Shoreline (East Wing Room 310), and Reserve (dead body close to the helicopter). It can also be found in Safes, Sports Bags, Suitcases, and Caches. 
Pavel Yegorovich Romanenko, more widely known as Prapor, is a warrant officer that controls supply warehouses of the Norvinsk Blockade. Despite his position, He will not hesitate to make some private income out of the national property. He specializes in selling Post-Soviet Block equipment and weapon systems, including AK series of rifles and Spetsnaz gear. If one is looking to buy specialized, Russian-made, Special Operations Forces weapons, Prapor is the one to talk to. 
Currency Rouble(₽) 
Offered Goods Post-Soviet Bloc Weapons (AK platform; Klin and Kedr SMGs; 9x18 and 9x19 Russian-made pistols; Historical Soviet-made weapons - Mosin, SKS, and PPSh-41; DMRs - SVDS, SV-98; Specialist Weapons - VSS and VAL; and more), Ammunition, Grenades, Weapon Attachments, Weapon Modifications, Optics. 
Gives Best Prices for

Prapor is a bit... greedy. He does not pay particularly well for anything.

  • Grenades 
  • Weapons (sell them to him only if you need more money exchanged to advance his Loyalty Level) 
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 750,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.20 Reputation, Character level 15. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 1,500,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.35 Reputation, Character level 22. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 2,300,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.50 Reputation, Character level 33. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

5x T-Plug ⇒ 1x Vityaz-SN
5x T-Shaped Plug ⇒ 1x 19-01 Vityaz-SN 9x19 Submachine Gun

This is a very solid 9x19 SMG that will wreck people early with Pst gzh ammunition and in the late game when loaded with high flesh damage rounds and aimed at legs (leg meta ftw). It's good to go as it is, as it's recoil is almost non-existent - all you might need is optics. 

  • T-Shaped Plugs can be found in industrial areas. They also spawn in Toolboxes, Technical Supply Crates, Sports Bags, Caches, and Drawers. Scavs sometimes carry them as well. 

3x Can of Beef Stew ⇒ 1x AKM 7.62x39mm Assault Rifle
3x Can of Beef Stew ⇒ 1x AKM 7.62x39mm Assault Rifle

Fully-sized AK at LL1? Yes, please! The second-best 7.62x39mm ammo, PS, is available from Prapor LL1 by the way. If you have tushonkas, this is a no-brainer. 

  • Tushonka can be crafted, at Nutrition unit Level 1, from 1 Can of Delicious Beef Stew, 1 Squash Spread, and 1 Rye Croutons. 
  • It is also a common spawn in Ration Supply Crates and can also be found in Sports Bags, Suitcases, and as a loose loot in places like the Goshan grocery store on Interchange. 

5x D Size Battery  + 8x AA Battery ⇒ 1x Mosin Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
5x D Size Battery + 8x AA Battery ⇒ 1x Mosin Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle

Mosin is extremely devastating at all stages of the game because of the ammunition that it fires (7.62x54R LPS gzh ammo, available from LL1 Prapor, Deals 81 Damage and has 42 Penetration). Mosin from this barter comes with the Scope pre-mounted. Considering that this is an LL1 Barter, it is definitely worth going for. 

  • D Size and AA Batteries Batteries can be found in Caches, Drawers, Plastic Suitcases, Jackets, Sports Bags, Toolboxes, Technical Supply Crates, and are sometimes carried by Scavs. They can also spawn loosely in offices and industrial areas. 
Loyalty Level 2

5x Apollon Soyuz Cigarettes ⇒ 1x  AK-74N Assault Rifle
5x Apollon Soyuz Cigarettes ⇒ 1x AK-74N Assault Rifle

This Barter Trade gives you a lightly-modded AK-74N in which most wooden parts were changed for the composite ones. Apollon Cigarettes are quite cheap, so this is a bargain. 

  • Apollon Soyuz Cigarettes commonly spawn in Jackets, Sports Bags, and Caches. Scavs also like to smoke. 

2x Damaged Hard Drive ⇒ 1x  60-Round 6L31 magazine for AK-74
2x Damaged Hard Drive ⇒ 1x 60-Round 6L31 magazine for AK-74

This lets you save A LOT of money on 5.45x39mm 60-round magazines (even if you were to buy drives on the Flea Market) and it is very easy to complete as Damaged Hard Drives are very easy to find. If you are running a 5.45x39 AK, this barter is how you get mags for it. 

  • The best loot container to search for HDDs is a PC Block - they can be found in the office/urban areas on all maps. 

1x Energy-Saving Lamp ⇒ 1x RGD-5 Hand Grenade
1x Energy-Saving Lamp ⇒ 1x RGD-5 Hand Grenade

This offers you a rather easy way of getting early grenades, and grenades are always welcome. If you are low-level, this is an extremely good barter to make. 

  • ES Lamps are commonly found in industrial/storage/shop areas on all maps and can spawn in Drawers, Sports Bags, Toolboxes, and Technical Supply Crates. Scavs also carry them sometimes. 
Loyalty Level 3

25x USEC Dogtag ⇒ 1x 6SH118 Raid Backpack
8x USEC Dogtag (Level 25 and up) ⇒ 1x 6SH118 Raid Backpack

This Backpack offers a 6x8 grid and is the biggest one in the game, the downside is that it's HUGE and it will stick out from your back like a Christmas tree. 

  • Every USEC Player will drop a "USEC Dogtag" on death. This Barter requires Dogtags from quite experienced players, because of the level 25 and up requirement. 
  • Prapor offers a second barter for this Backpack at LL4; that one requires 2 Military Cables instead, so it's easier to complete. 

2x Hot Rod  ⇒ 1x Box of 5.45x39mm BS gs Ammo
2x Hot Rod ⇒ 1x Box of 5.45x39mm BS gs Ammo (30 rounds)

BS rounds are the second-best ammunition type you can use in your 5.45x39 AKs and this barter is how you get them. Without these rounds, AK-74s are not really viable in the late game. Luckily, Hot Rods are rather easy to come by after you advance your hideout (you can craft 20 of them at a time!). 

  • Hot Rods can be found in Caches, Sports Bags, Suitcases, and Jackets. Scavs also sometimes carry them.
  • At Nutrition Unit level 3 you can craft 20 Hot Rods at a time from 1 Purified Water, 1 Pack of Sugar, 1 Coffee Majaica, and 1 English Tea. 
Loyalty Level 4

Bottle of Vodka Tarkovskaya ⇒ 1x ASH-12 12.7x55 Assault Rifle
3x Bottle of Vodka Tarkovskaya ⇒ 1x ASH-12 12.7x55 Assault Rifle

Note: This becomes available after you complete the "Regulated Materials" task for Prapor. 

This is a laughably easy barter to make and it provides you with a very deadly  (but also somewhat meme) weapon. When loaded with 12.7x55mm PS12B ammo, ASH-12 is extremely deadly at any range. 

  • Bottle of Vodka Tarkovskaya can be crafted at the Nutrition Unit level 3 from "Fierce Hatchling" and 5 bottles of water. It can also be found in Ration Supply Crates, Sports Bags, Suitcases, and Caches. Scavs also sometimes carry it. 
Tadeusz Piułsuszki, more widely known as "Peacekeeper" is a supplies officer of the UN contingent tasked with deescalating the Tarkov conflict. He makes the most out of it and tries to make as much money as he can before the "Tarkov problem" ends. Thanks to his position, Peacekeeper has access to Western-made weapons and armor not available from other traders, so if you are looking for armaments based on the AR and other NATO platforms, look no further. Unlike other Dealers, he is not interested in Roubles and mainly trades with American Dollars. 
Currency Dollar($) 
Offered Goods Western-made Weapons (AR platform - M4A1s, HK 416s; 9x19 SMGs - MP5, MPX, MP9, MP7, P90; Pistols - FN 5-7, Glock, Beretta); M1A; DT MDR; and more), Ammunition, Weapon Mods, Weapon Attachments, Western-made Optics, Helmets, Helmet Attachments, Grenades, Currency (Dollars), Secure Containers. 
Gives Best Prices for

Peacekeeper does not pay particularly well, but he has one advantage, mainly, he pays in hard, green US Dollars. 

  • Depending on the current Dollar to Rouble value, you can actually make a favorable deal with Peacekeeper. 
  • Flashdrives, SAS Drives 
  • Slim Diaries, Diaries 
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 11,000 Dollars worth of goods bought/sold, 0.00 Reputation, Character level 10. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 25,000 Dollars worth of goods bought/sold, 0.30 Reputation, Character level 18. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 32,000 Dollars worth of goods bought/sold, 0.60 Reputation, Character level 29. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

1x Damage Hard Drive ⇒ 1x Flyye MBSS Backpack
1x Damaged Hard Drive ⇒ 1x Flyye MBSS Backpack

A very solid barter early after the wipe. The MBSS Backpack offers a 4x4 grid and will allow you to carry at least some loot out of a Raid. 

  • Damaged Hard Drives are very commonly Found in PC Blocks. 

2x Zibbo Lighter ⇒ 1x M67 Hand Grenade
2x Zibbo Lighter ⇒ 1x M67 Hand Grenade

Early Grenades are extremely powerful and will give you an advantage in pretty much any combat scenario. This is one of the barters that give you access to Grenades right from the start - take advantage of it. 

  • Scavs love their cigarettes and Zibbo Lighters are just perfect for igniting them...
  • Zibbo Lighter can also be found in Sports Bags, Jackets, Drawers, Caches, and Technical Supply Crates. 

8x Bars A-2607- 95x18 ⇒ 1x HK MP5 Navy
8x Bars A-2607- 95x18 ⇒ 1x HK MP5 Navy Submachinegun

MP5 can be described as a NATO version of the Vityaz-SN; its ergonomics let you use it successfully without any modifications. This barter gives you access to this amazing SMG very early, you'll need to defeat a bunch of Scavs to get the needed knives, however. 

  • Bars A-2607- 95x18 is one of the most common melee weapons used by Scavs. 
Loyalty Level 2

8x Dogtag  ⇒ 1x SIG MPX
7x Dogtag (level 8 and up) ⇒ 1x SIG MPX Submachinegun

SIG MPX has one of the highest stock ergonomics values in the game which makes it great straight out of the box. It is also one of the easiest weapons to mod. 

  • Every PMC carries a Dogtag that can be looted from their corpse. For this barter, you have to gather 7 Dogtags from players who are at least level 8. 
Loyalty Level 3

8x USB Adapter ⇒ 1x Springfield Armory M1A
3x USB Adapter ⇒ 1x Springfield Armory M1A

Springfield Armory M1A uses 7.62x51mm ammunition which is one of (if not the) most devastating ammo types in the game (7.62x51 M80 Rounds, available from Peacekeeper LL2 have 41 Penetration!). 

  • USB Adapters are a very common spawn. They can be found in Sports Bags, Drawers, Caches, and Technical Supply Crates. Scavs also carry them sometimes. 

2x Printed Circuit Board ⇒ 1x 60-round MAG-60 5.56x45 STANAG magazine
2x Printed Circuit Board ⇒ 1x 60-round MAG-60 5.56x45 STANAG magazine

This is the only way of getting these 60-round AR magazines so there's not much to contemplate.

  • Printed Circuit Boards can be found mainly in PC Blocks but they also spawn in Sports Bags, Caches, and are carried by Scavs from time to time. 

Note: You can also get another 60-Round M4 magazine from Peacekeeper LL3 - Magpul PMAG D-60 - if you provide 1x Air Filter for Gas Mask. 

Loyalty Level 4

3x GP Coin ⇒ 1x AK-74N Magpul
3x GP Coin ⇒ 1x AK-74N Magpul

This is a late-game barter, but it's definitely worth a look. AK-74N Magpul comes pre-modded with pretty much everything you might want to mount on a weapon to make it handle better, and it has optics pre-mounted, and a large mag already attached. 

GP Coins can be found in Safes, Suitcases, Caches, Jackets, and Sports Bags. Scavs also sometimes carry them. 

Sergey Arsenyevich Samoylov, more widely known as the Mechanic, has worked as a foreman in Tarkov's chemical plant. As a talented technician, after the city turned itself upside down, he specialized himself in weapon repair and modification. If you want to modify, repair, or customize your armaments, he can help you for a reasonable fee. His talent in mechanics also enabled him to repair damaged NATO weapon systems left behind by USEC operatives and UN peacekeeping forces; he will gladly pass them to you, for the right amount of money of course. 
Currency Euro(€), Rouble(₽), Physical Bitcoin(₿) 
Offered Goods Various modified and non-modified Western and Russian-made Weapons (mainly via barter trades), Containers, Ammunition, Weapon Parts, Weapon Attachments, Magazines. 
Gives Best Prices for
  • Weapons other than Shotguns and Sniper Rifles
  • Incomplete Weapons 
  • Weapon Attachments 
  • Weapon Parts 
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 750,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.15 Reputation, Character level 20. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 1,600,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.30 Reputation, Character level 30. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 2,500,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.60 Reputation, Character level 40. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

5x DVD Drive + 5x Ultraviolet Lamp + 2x Weapon Parts ⇒ 1x SIG MPX
5x DVD Drive + 5x Ultraviolet Lamp + 2x Weapon Parts ⇒ 1x Modded SIG MPX Submachine Gun

This barter provides you with a fully-kitted MPX so it's definitely worth a look, even if getting all needed items is quite a chore (weapon parts, especially). 

  • DVD Drives commonly spawn in PC Blocks. 
  • UV Lights can be found mainly in Toolboxes and Technical Supply Crates. They are also quite common in the Interchange's Mall. 
  • Weapon Parts can be found in Wooden Crates, Caches, and Sports Bags. 

1x UZRGM Grenade Fuze ⇒ 1x VOG-17 Khattabka Grenade
1x UZRGM Grenade Fuze ⇒ 1x VOG-17 Khattabka Grenade

Grenade Fuzes are rather hard to come by but if you find one, you can get a frag grenade EXTREMELY early in the wipe. VOG-17 Khattabkas are basically home-made hand grenades made out of grenade launcher ammunition. They also explode quicker than other grenades because of a short fuse. 

  • The best places to look for UZRGM Grenade Fuzes are the Grenade Boxes. 

5x Gunpowder "Kite"  + 2x Gunpowder "Eagle" ⇒ 1x Ammo Case
5x Gunpowder "Kite" + 2x Gunpowder "Eagle" ⇒ 1x Ammo Case

Ammo Case takes up 4 Inventory Slots and gives you 49 slots for ammunition storage in return. This is a great early investment that will let you store all your ammo in one place and clean up your stash in the process. 

  • Gunpowders can be found in Weapon Boxes, Toolboxes, Sports Bags, and Caches. Scavs also carry them sometimes. 
  • Gunpowder "Kite" can be crafted, on the Workbench level 1, from 70 5.45x39mm PS rounds. 
  • Gunpowder "Eagle" can be crafted, on the Workbench level 2, from 2 M67 Grenades and 1 RDG-2B smoke grenade. 
Loyalty Level 2

1x GP Coin + 1x Screwdriver  ⇒ 1x SKS Carbine
1x GP Coin + 1x Screwdriver ⇒ 1x Modded SKS Carbine

This particular SKS is ready to go out of the box (barter?) - just load it with PS ammo and you'll be fine (and if you attach a scope to it, you'll have a deadly mid-to-long range weapon). This is certainly one of the better early-game weapon barters. 

  • GP Coins can be found in Safes, Suitcases, Caches, Jackets, and Sports Bags. Scavs also sometimes carry them. 
  • The best place to find a Screwdriver is of course a Toolbox, but they are also common in Technical Supply Crates. 

4x RAM + 1x T-Shaped Plug ⇒ 1x Silencerco Hybrid 46 multi-Caliber Silencer
4x RAM + 1x T-Shaped Plug ⇒ 1x Silencerco Hybrid 46 multi-Caliber Silencer

Silencerco Hybrid 46 multi-Caliber Silencer can be mounted on 5.56x45, 7.62x51, 9x19, 5.45x39, and 7.62x39 which makes it the most universal silencer in Tarkov. Just remember that you will also need a special Direct Thread Mount Adapter for it. 

  • The best places to look for Ram sticks are PC Blocks. 
  • T-Shaped Plugs can be found in industrial areas. They also spawn in Toolboxes, Technical Supply Crates, Sports Bags, Caches, and Drawers. Scavs sometimes carry them as well. 
Loyalty Level 3

17x Wilston Cigarettes ⇒ 1x M1A
17x Wilston Cigarettes ⇒ 1x Modded M1A

This version of the M1A comes pre-modded, so all you need for it is optics and a front grip. 

  • 5 Wilston Cigarettes can be crafted, at Nutrition Unit Level 2, from 1 Apollon Soyuz Cigarettes and 1 42nd Signature Blend English Tea. 
  • Wilston Cigarettes also spawn quite commonly in Jackets, Suitcases, Sports Bags, and Ration Supply Crates. Scavs also like to smoke, so you might find them in their pockets as well. 

4x GP Coin ⇒ 1x Colt M4A1 Assault Rifle
4x GP Coin ⇒ 1x Modded Colt M4A1 Assault Rifle

M4 from this barter is not Raid-ready, but that's not a big problem. Just get some mags, optics, maybe a front grip, and you're ready to go. 

  • GP Coins can be found in Safes, Suitcases, Caches, Jackets, and Sports Bags. Scavs also sometimes carry them. 
Loyalty Level 4

4x NIXXOR Lens ⇒ 1x DS Arms SA-58
4x NIXXOR Lens ⇒ 1x DS Arms SA-58

This DS Arms SA-58 comes with an expensive silencer pre-mounted (Hybrid 46 Multi-Caliber Silencer) which alone makes it worth your time - and you get a very deadly 7.62x51mm caliber weapon as well. 

  • NIXXOR Lenses can be found on the Interchange (IDEA store's small storage room, and inside of the Techlight store). They also spawn in Drawers, Sports Bags, and Caches. Scavs also carry them sometimes. 
Kharitonov Ivan Egorovich, who goes by the name of Jaeger, is a professional hunter and survivalist who still protects the Priozersky Reserve from unwanted guests. Trading with Jaeger is unlocked by a quest given to a player by the Mechanic. He sells hideout resources, Soviet-made armaments, mods, ammunition, and much-needed survival gear. 
Currency Rouble(₽) 
Offered Goods Hunting Rifles, Shotguns, Civilian Rifles, Post-Soviet Bloc Weapons, Magazines, Ammunition, Weapon Parts, Weapon Attachments, Optics, Hideout Resources, Containers, Backpacks, Some Tactical Gear. 
Gives Best Prices for
  • Medical Supplies (Pays comparably to the Therapist)
  • Sniper Rifles
  • Shotguns
Loyalty Level Requirements
  • Loyalty Level 2 - 400,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.15 Reputation, Character level 12. 
  • Loyalty Level 3 - 700,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.30 Reputation, Character level 20. 
  • Loyalty Level 4 - 900,000 Rubles worth of goods bought/sold, 0.60 Reputation, Character level 32. 

Note-worthy Barter Trades

Note: Most of the listed barter items can also randomly spawn inside a Raid so keep your eyes peeled. 

Loyalty Level 1

3x Nippers ⇒ 1x CMS Kit
3x Nippers ⇒ 1x CMS Kit

This is an extremely good deal, considering the usefulness of a CMS Kit. Don't skip on this if you find Nippers. 

  • Nippers are a common spawn in industrial areas and can be found in toolboxes, technical Supply Crates, Sports Bags, and Caches. They are also carried by Scavs sometimes. 

2x Wrench + 2x Screwdriver ⇒ 1x MP-153 Semi-Auto Shotgun
2x Wrench + 2x Screwdriver ⇒ 1x MP-153 Semi-Auto Shotgun

MP-153 offers extremely high firepower at short ranges and is very fun to play with on maps like the Factory. If you load it with appropriate ammo, it can be successfully used even in the late game. 

  • The best place to look for Wrenches and Screwdrivers is inside Toolboxes. They also quite commonly spawn in Tarkov's industrialized areas. 
Loyalty Level 2

5x Hunter Matches ⇒ 1x Splav Tarzan M22 Rig
5x Hunter Matches ⇒ 1x Splav Tarzan M22 Rig

This is a quite easy barter to make and it offers a rather spacious Tactical Rig (14 slots). 

  • Hunter Matches can be found in Jackets, Sports Bags, and Technical Supply Crates. They are also carried by Svavs from time to time. 
Loyalty Level 3

15x Propane Tank  + 10x Fuel Conditioner + 15x Dry Fuel ⇒ 1x Red Rebel Ice Pick
15x 5L Propane Tank + 10x Fuel Conditioner + 15x Dry Fuel ⇒ 1x Red Rebel Ice Pick

Red Rebel Ice Pick is required for Clif Descent extract on Woods and Clif Descent extract on Reserve, which makes it very handy to have on these two maps. 

  • The best place to look for all three of these items is the Interchange (OLI, IDEA, and Goshan). They also spawn in Sports Bags, Jackets, Technical Supply Crates, and Caches. Scavs also carry these items sometimes. 

8x Pack of Sugar + 5x Water Bottle With a Filter Aquamari ⇒ 1x FLIR Thermal Riflescope
8x Pack of Sugar + 5x Water Bottle With a Filter Aquamari ⇒ 1x FLIR Thermal Riflescope

All Thermal scopes are among the most powerful devices in the game - on open maps they just unfair. With this barter, you can get one of them quite early. And... if you wanted to buy the FLIR the standard way, you'd have to prepare about half a million Roubles. 

  • At the time you unlock this Barter, you should be able to craft both required items in your hideout. 
  • Pack of Sugar can be crafted, at Nutrition Unit level 2, from 2 Aluonka Chocolate Bars. 
  • 8 Water Bottles With a Filter Aquamari can be crafted at Nutrition Unit level 3, from 1 Purified Water and 1 Silicone Tube. 

3x Iskra Launch Box ⇒ 1x Bramit Silencer for a Mosin Rifle
3x Iskra Launch Box ⇒ 1x Bramit Silencer for a Mosin Rifle

Mosin is a very popular early game weapon. If you like it, want to use it at higher levels, and want to upgrade it a bit - this is how you can cheaply get a dedicated silencer. 

  • You can barter 1 Disposable Syringe for Iskra Launch Box with Therapist LL1. 
  • You can Craft 2 Launch Boxes, at Nutrition Unit Level 1, from 1 Can of Beef Stew, 1 Squash Spread, and 2 Army Crackers. 
  • Iskra Launch Boxes are a quite common loot from Ration Supply Crates. 
Loyalty Level 4

1x Water Bottle with a filter Aquamari ⇒ 1x box of 9x19 RIP ammo
1x Water Bottle with a filter Aquamari ⇒ 1x A box of 9x19 RIP ammo (20 rounds)

9x19 RIP deals DEVASTATING damage to unarmored targets which makes it ideal for "leg meta" tactics where you aim exclusively at the enemy's legs (with these rounds, you will drop them in 5 shots which, with a high rate of fire SMGs, takes almost no time at all). Just remember that pretty much any armor available in the game will stop these rounds. 

  • At the point you unlock this barter, you are likely able to craft 8 Water Bottles from 1 Purified Water and a Silicone Tube (on Nutrition Unit Level 3). 
A shady dealer, known only as a Fence, who has secured outlets for selling and buying goods that make their way in and out of Tarkov. How he managed to stay anonymous, after establishing the biggest smuggling network in the region, is currently unknown. However, the fact that He can traffic anything to or out of the city is common knowledge around Tarkov's inhabitants. He is also known as a collector of rare, peculiar, and valuable things, and his main questline reflects that very well. If you have deep enough pockets, or you want to sell something exotic, Fence is your guy - he will trade anything for the right amount of Roubles. 
Currency Rouble(₽) 
Offered Goods Fence will resell anything you sell to him, so his inventory depends on his transactions with other Players. 
Gives Best Prices for
  • Broken Weapons 
  • Destroyed Armors (Only Fence will buy these) 
Loyalty Level Requirements none

Note-worthy Barter Trades

The Fence does not offer any Barter Trades



Knowing your Traders well will certainly help you maintain a healthy economy and allow you to progress through the game quicker. 

We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. We will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work so leave your suggestions in the comments section below. 

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of the Battlestate Games