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Quill Rain Poison Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide

Quill Rain Poison Assassin Build - Odealo's Crafty Guide

Loose nearly 100 arrows per second, applying a tremendous number of poison stacks with each attack

Quill Rain
Poison Assassin build

Updated for Patch 3.5

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

Estimated budget: high
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Guide notes
May 2, 2018
-Build created
December 16, 2018
-Updated for Patch 3.5
-Overall DPS of this build has been reduced by nearly 40% in Patch 3.5. It still is a decent build, but DPS-wise, it would perform better with Lioneye's Glare for example. As it changes the concept of this build entirely, it will not be included in here

This Quill Rain Poison Assassin is a very strong build, which can reach over one million DPS. Poison can stack multiple times from each hit out of the nearly 100 arrows you can shoot every second. On top of that, thanks to Assassin Ascendancy class, every stack of Poison applied to enemies increases the Poisons' duration by 5%. Combining it with Vile Toxins Support Gem allows scaling the Poison damage to extreme height, allowing this build to clear all the Path of Exile's content.  

You can also check our other Path of Exile builds right over here Odealo's Crafty Guides - Full List

1. Gameplay

This Poison Assassin build is based on applying hundreds of Poison stacks on your target. The Poison damage is multiplied to the extent where everything dies within seconds. This is accomplished by utilizing the Quill Rain's insane Attack Speed bonus, and very high number of projectiles shoot by Barrage and Tornado Shot skills. While Tornado Shot shoots significantly more arrows, they are spread out. When fighting Bosses, it's the Barrage attack skill that will have more arrows hit your target every second. Regarding defenses, this build is Life-based, with high Evasion and Dodge Chance. On top of that, it's advised to use the Arctic Armour Aura for additional Physical Damage mitigation. 

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2. Build's PROS & CONS

  • very high damage both AoE and single-target
  • amazing speed-farming potential
  • good defenses based on high Evasion and Dodge Chance
  • smooth leveling as a ranged class
  • can do all map mods
  • requires two, at least 5-linked items for your core DPS skills
  • end-games Bosses require investing in gear, which will help you not to get one-shotted

3. Leveling

Leveling with a Ranged/Poison is very easy. You can shoot arrows from range, avoiding unnecessary danger, and applying powerful Poison which will finish off the monsters. While your end-game character relies on very high Attack Speed and stacking multiple Poisons, during the leveling phase, high Physical Damage of your weapon will be more important.  

Suggested leveling Gem setups:

Split Arrow setup
Split Arrow Split Arrow - one of the first accessible bow skills in Path of Exile. They provide good Physical DPS and decent AoE
Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support - increases the damage of your projectiles, and the damage they deal with Poison
Lesser Poison Support Lesser Poison Support - grants a chance to Poison on hit, and increases Chaos damage dealt by supported skills
Faster Attacks Support Faster Attacks Support - increases Attack Speed of supported skills
Blink Arrow setup
Blink Arrow Blink Arrow - your primary mobility skill
Faster Attacks Support Faster Attacks Support
Utility Gems
Despair Despair - recommended Curse for this build
Clarity Clarity - increases your Mana Regeneration rate
Stone Golem Stone Golem - Stone Golem increases your Life Regenerated per second


Kill all the Bandits for two additional Passives Points

Leveling Skill Trees:

35 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Blood Siphon 2) Fangs of the Viper 3) Fatal Toxins 4) Toxic Strikes

54 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Deadly Draw 2) Heavy Draw 3) Growth and Decay 4) Thick Skin

Recommended leveling items:

BlackheartBlackheart - one of the best Phys. DPS leveling ring. You can get it starting at level 1, and it can be fairly powerful until you swap them for the Voidheart rings
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
5% increased Physical Damage
Adds 1 to 3 Chaos Damage to Attacks
+(20-30) to maximum Life
(2-4) Life Regenerated per second
10% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
VoidheartVoidheart - the upgraded version of the Blackheart ring
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
5% increased Physical Damage
Adds 1 to 3 Chaos Damage to Attacks
+(20-30) to maximum Life
(2-4) Life Regenerated per second
10% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
Melee Attacks have (30-50)% chance to cause Bleeding
Melee Attacks have (20-40)% chance to Poison on Hit
Meginord's GirdleMeginord's Girdle - a very powerful belt. It greatly increases your DPS and is reasonably robust even in the late-game
+(25-35) to Strength
Adds 5 to 15 Physical Damage to Attacks
+25 to Strength
10% increased maximum Life
+(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
25% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
SilverbranchSilverbranch - the first unique bow that you can use in Path of Exile
+1 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems
(80-100)% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+30 to Accuracy Rating
+10 Mana gained on Kill

Death's HarpDeath's Harp - very powerful Bow. You can use it until you can equip the Death's Opus, which adds additional two arrows instead

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
(100-125)% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+100% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow

Death's OpusDeath's Opus - this bow can be used until end-game, where you switch to your final gear

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
(100-125)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (10-20) to (30-35) Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+100% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Two additional Arrows

4. Final Skill tree, Ascendancy Points, and Pantheon

Final Skill Tree:

113 Points Final Skill Tree
113 Points Path of Building(PoB) link

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

  1. Noxious Strike
  2. Toxic Delivery
  3. Opportunistic
  4. Ambush and Assassinate


Major God: Soul of Lunaris 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%; 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%

Minor God: Soul of Gruthkul 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each Hit you've taken Recently up to a maximum of 5%

5. Final Gems links

[DPS] Tornado Shot setup
(mapping and AoE, should be socketed in your Bow)
Spectral Throw Tornado Shot - Tornado Shot shoots very high amount of arrows and should be used when grinding maps and dealing with spread out enemies
Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Greater Multiple Projectiles Support - increases the number of supported skills' projectiles
Lesser Poison Support Lesser Poison Support - increases the chance to Poison on Hit, and adds Chaos Damage to supported attacks
Added Chaos Damage Support Added Chaos Damage Support
Deadly Ailments Support Deadly Ailments Support - dramatically increases your Poison Damage
Unbound Ailments Unbound Ailments Support - increased your Damage over Time
[DPS] Barrage setup
(single-target DPS, should be socketed in Dendrobate)
Barrage Barrage - after charging the attack for a brief moment, shoots multiple arrows in a concise time. The best single-target DPS bow skill in PoE
Mirage Archer Support Mirage Archer Support - summons a Minion that uses the supported attack skill. The Minion attacks even when you are moving/running away, and adds quite a bit of Poison stacks
Unbound Ailments Unbound Ailments Support
Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
Added Chaos Damage Support Added Chaos Damage Support
Deadly Ailments Support Deadly Ailments Support
Lesser Poison Support Lesser Poison Support - a level 10 of this Gem is provided by the unique Dendrobate Body Armour
[AURAS] Despair, Purity of Elements, Arctic Armour
Despair [2 Links]Despair - recommended Curse for this build. It is supposed to be linked with Blasphemy Support gem and work as an Aura. It should be used as an Aura only with Impresence amulet equipped, which makes it reserve no Mana
Blasphemy Support [2 Links]Blasphemy Support - makes supported Curse work as an Aura around your character
Arctic Armour Arctic Armour - provides Physical and Fire Damage mitigation
Purity of Elements Purity of Elements - helps you can resistances, and makes item planning much easier for this build
Blink Arrow [1 Link]Blink Arrow - used for mobility. With Quill Rain equipped it's no longer necessary to support it with Faster Attacks
Blood Rage [1 Link]Blood Rage - increases your Attack Speed for the duration
Lightning Golem [1 Link]Lightning Golem - increases your Attack Speed
Vaal Haste [1 Link]Vaal Haste - a Vaal Aura that increases your Attack, Cast, and Movement Speed for a brief duration
[UTILITY] Wither Spell Totem
Wither Wither - increases Chaos Damage dealt to enemies affected by Wither
Spell Totem Support Spell Totem Support - will summon a Totem that casts Wither
[UTILITY] Immortal Call
CwDT Support Cast when Damage Taken Support - will auto-cast supported spells after a certain amount of damage is taken by your character. Keep this gem at level 1
Immortal Call Immortal Call - grants brief Physical Immunity. Will be auto-cast if you keep it at maximum level 3

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5. Gear Setup

This is one of the most powerful DPS-wise builds we have made so far. Properly geared characters will be able to kill all Bosses in Path of Exile with ease. However, this may require two fully 6-linked items. This requirement may be out of reach for the more casual players.

If you would still like to try this build out, we would like to invite you to visit our Path of Exile marketplace where you can buy PoE Currency with real cash from other PoE players.

Our recommended items will:

  1. Cap your resistances 
  2. Give you enough DPS/Life to start mapping successfully

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Life
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Attack Speed
  4. Attributes (300 Dexterity and 150 Intelligence is required)
  5. Accuracy Rating (min. 90% is recommended)
Starkonja's Head(Helmet) Starkonja's Head - the best in slot helmet for this build. Provides amazing defensive bonuses, and increases Attack Speed
15% increased Attack Speed
(60-75)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
150% increased Evasion Rating
(20-25)% increased Rarity of Items found
10% increased Movement Speed
10% reduced Character Size
Devoto's Devotion(Helmet) Devoto's Devotion - another decent helmet option. Used mainly for the increased Attack and Movement Speed
10% reduced Global Physical Damage
+(50-65) to Dexterity
16% increased Attack Speed
(150-200)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(15-25)% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Movement Speed
Mercury Footprints
Helmet Enchantments:
Barrage fires an additional Projectile
Tornado Shot fires 2 additional secondary Projectiles
Quill Rain(Weapon) Quill Rain - a build-defining item. It provides the highest Attack Speed bonus in Path of Exile, making it the best choice for stacking massive amounts of Poison
100% increased Physical Damage
+(10-20) to Dexterity
100% increased Attack Speed
+(25-50) to Accuracy Rating
+2 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks
(50-100)% increased Projectile Speed
40% less Damage
Maloney's Nightfall(Quiver) Maloney's Nightfall  - provides an insane damage bonus to Hits against blinded enemies. This build requires 
(25-35)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
10% increased Attack Speed
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(12-16)% to Chaos Resistance
Adds (8-10) to (14-16) Physical Damage to Bow Attacks
25% chance to create a Smoke Cloud when Hit
(40-60)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
Dendrobate(Body Armour) Dendrobate - mandatory item for this build. It provides a free 7th link and more than doubles your Poison damage
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Lesser Poison
(130-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+40 to maximum Energy Shield
+(15-25)% to all Elemental Resistances
(75-100)% increased Damage with Poison if you have at least 300 Dexterity
(15-25)% increased Poison Duration if you have at least 150 Intelligence
Atziri's Step(Boots) Atziri's Step - this builds defenses rely on high Evasion Rating and Dodge Chance. This is the best pair of boots for this build
180% increased Evasion Rating
+(55-75) to maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
(14-16)% chance to Dodge Spell Damage
Boots(Boots) Rare Life/Res. boots - if you struggle to cap your resistances, this might be the proper slot to help you out. Though Atziri's Step will surely be a cheaper option
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
25% increased Movement Speed
30% Fire Resistance
30% Lightning Resistance
30% Cold Resistance
Boots Enchantments:
16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
10% Chance to Dodge if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
Leather Belt(Belt) Rare Life/Res. belt - simply aim for the highest defensive stats you can afford
Min. requirements:
100 maximum Life
30% Fire Resistance
30% Lightning Resistance
30% Cold Resistance
Impresence(Amulet) Impresence (Chaos) - the best in slot amulet for this build. Allows to use Despair as a "free" Aura
+(10-16) to all Attributes
(30-40)% increased Damage over Time
Adds (17-19) to (23-29) Chaos Damage
+(50-70) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
100% reduced Despair Mana Reservation
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Amulet(Amulet) Rare Attack Speed/Life amulet - can be used until you can afford the Impresence amulet. 
Min. requirements:
70 maximum Life
6% increased Attack Speed
Optional affixes:
added Physical Damage to Attacks
increased Evasion Rating
Elemental Resistances
Thief's Torment(Ring) Thief's Torment - pretty much a mandatory item for this build. With the number of attacks per second, the Life and Mana recovery Thief's Torment provides, it is extremely hard to replace. Increased Item Quantity is a nice addition too
+(8-10)% to all Elemental Resistances
(10-16)% increased Quantity of Items found
Can't use other Rings
+(16-24)% to all Elemental Resistances
50% reduced Effect of Curses on You
+(40-60) Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
+30 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
Gripped Gloves(Gloves) Rare Life/Res. gloves - preferably with increased Attack Speed
Min. requirements:
70 maximum Life
20% Fire Resistance
20% Cold Resistance
20% Lightning Resistance
Optional affixes:
increased Attack Speed
Gloves Enchantment:
Commandment of Blades
Abyss Jewel(Jewels) Abyss Jewels - with mandatory chance to Blind on hit (if you are using the recommended quiver this is a must-have)
Recommended affixes:
maximum Life
chance to blind on Hit
chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
Optional affixes:
added Physical Damage to Attacks/Bow Attacks
added Chaos Damage to Attacks/Bow Attacks
Atziri's Promise(Flask) Atziri's Promise - provides amazing DPS buff and Life Leech. It is a very cheap and powerful Flask
2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
Gain (15-20)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
Gain (10-15)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
Dying Sun(Flask) Dying Sun - provides amazing DPS buff with the increased number of projectiles 
+50% to Fire Resistance
+6% to maximum Fire Resistance
(-10-10)% increased Charges used
(15-25)% increased Area of Effect during Flask Effect
Skills fire 2 additional Projectiles during Flask Effect
Coralito's Signature(Flask) Coralito's Signature - grants insane DPS buff during Flask effect
Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky
Take 30 Chaos Damage per Second during Flask effect
25% chance to Poison on Hit during Flask effect
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage during Flask effect
(50-75)% increased Duration of Poisons you inflict during Flask effect
Grants Perfect Agony during Flask effect
Witchfire Brew(Flask) Witchfire's Brew - provides very high DoT bonus during the Flask's effect. Also creates the Smoke Cloud, which Blinds enemies
100% increased Evasion Rating
Creates a Smoke Cloud on Use
50% increased Charges used
(25-40)% increased Damage Over Time during Flask Effect
Grants Level 21 Despair Curse Aura during Flask Effect
Other suggested Flasks:
  1. Seething Divine Life Flask of Staunching (Bleeding immunity)
Atziri's PromiseDying SunCoralito's SignatureWitchfire's BrewLife Flask

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If you have any other build requests, please leave that in the comments below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

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