Build notes: |
October 15, 2021 -Build created |
Build Overview
Fire Trapper based mainly of Wake of Fire Skill, is one of the best farming builds in the game. With all the synergies and proper equipment, you deal TONS of Fire Damage with very wide AoE from Traps that release fiery waves at your enemies, leaving nothing behind. Wake of Fire deals purely Fire Damage, so in order to deal with all the Fire immune enemies that Hell is filled with, we recommend using the following Hybrid Melee/Trap setup. With just a few extra Items and the recommended Skill point allocatinom, you will have a very powerful melee attack at your Disposal, that is going to deal Physical and extra Poison damage to enemies - the popular Dragon Talon.
At the same time, trap throwing speed scales with Increased Attack Speed stat, which makes it perfect to combine Traps with an Attack, instead of additional Spells like for example Mind Blast that would require you to invest in extra Faster Cast Rate to be viable. Overall, it's a very powerful build with very unique and captivating playstyle, with a bunch of utility skills at your disposal.
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Traps are your main source of damage in this build, and you are going to take Wake of Fire (the primary source of DPS) and all of its' synergy skills. Some variations of this build can include Lightning/Death Sentry Traps to deal alternative type of Damage, but this is not going to be included in the following Guide. Skills:
Shadow Disciplines Tree offers very useful utility and defensive abilties that makes this build more versatile, tanky, and interesting to play. We also recommend maxing out Venom which will add a ton of extra damage to your melee attacks Skills:
The only skills from the martial arts tree we're interested in is the Dragon Talon as main melee attack and Dragon Flight for extra mobility - that is, if you don't plan on getting Enigma Skills:
This is a very flexibile Hybrid build that offers various ways it can be built in. You can either stack more bonuses to Skills to increase the damage you deal with Traps, or get less Skills but higher IAS/Crushing Blow for increased damage you deal with Dragon Talon. |
[BIS] Harlequin Crest (Shako) - one of the best Helmets in the game. It gives you everything you might want - +2 to all skills, damage reduction, magic find, and all Attributes |
Delirium (Rune Word) - Solid boost to Magic Find and +2 to Skill Levels. A good alternative if you prefer to have extra skills triggered when fightning in melee range and additional defense rating |
Firelizard's Talons (Feral Claws) - this weapon is the best for the main-hand if you are looking to maximize the damage you deal with Dragon Talon. It has extra added base Fire Damage, bonuses to IAS, and with good rolls, it adds nearly as much damage as Bartuc's to your Wake of Fire |
Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Greater Talons) - one of the best Claws for this build, sadly without IAS and Crushing Blow, you will be mainly increasing your Trap Damage. But the extra Attributes and Life Steal can come in handy as well. Using Firelizard's in mainhand and Bartuc's in the off-hand is a very reasonable and powerful setup |
Magic Claws with +3 to Traps - These can be purchased in Act V from Anya. Claws like this are enough for the early ladder and provide a nice early power boost. Magic Claws with additional bonuses to Wake of Fire/Wake of Inferno or Fire Blast, and All Resistances are the BiS for this build. But if you don't want to cripple your melee damge, keep it in the off-hand slot |
Call to Arms (Runeword) - the best and most popular weapon swap Runeword in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It allows you to use Barbarian's Warcries without having a Barbarian on your team, which boosts your stats significantly. It's best to pair it up with a Spirit Monarch or some other +# to Skills/FCR offhand item |
Spirit (Runeword) - mainly used to the +2 to Skills and extra FCR to boost your Warcries and possibly Teleport speed. Spirit in a Monarch will require 156 Strength which is way above your standard equipment, but with Enigma and Bartuc's it should be easy to achieve |
Mara's Kaleidoscope - A great combination of offensive (+2 to all skills) and defensive (+20-30 to all resistances) properties. This is one of the best Amulets in PD2 overall and it fits most of the builds, which makes it a good investment |
The Rising Sun - A very solid choice for any fire-based build. It not only gives a boost to fire skills but grants extra Fire Damage and Fire Absorb |
[Alternative] Rare/Magic Amulets with + Assassin/Traps Skills are great budget choices and solid fillers before you are able to get Mara's Kaleidoscope.
[BiS] Enigma (Runeword) - A solid all-around choice; it provides pretty much everything you might want from an item, including Teleport which makes it the most popular body armor for all non-Sorc characters. Because of the Jah • Ith • Ber runes required to complete it, it is very expensive, however. |
Chains of Honor (Runeword) - Very strong runeword that mixes solid defenses (resistances, leech, and enhanced def) with a nice +2 bonus to all Skills. It's best used with Dragon Flight as a substitute mobility Skill |
[Alternative] Skin of the Vipermagi (Serpentskin Armor) - this should be considerably cheaper than two of the armors mentioned earlier, and with the bonuses to All Skills and FCR it can be beneficial for your character |
[BIS] Raven Frost - This ring provides Freeze immunity which is pretty much mandatory for most builds |
The Stone of Jordan - One of the most iconic items in Diablo 2, which increases the level of all your Skills and your max Mana. A solid offensive choice. |
[BIS] Magefist (Light Gauntlets) - The best choice if you're after Damage. They grant a bonus to Fire Skills, extra Fire Damage and Mana Regeneration. FCR can also be useful if you are using Enigma and/or CTA on weapon swap |
Gore Rider (War Boots) - this pair boosts your melee damage significantly. Sadly, only the Crushing Blow will apply to Dragon Talon, but still it's a substantial bonus. They also have much higher Kick Daamge when compared to the other viable pairs |
War Traveler's (Battle Boots) - The best pair if you want to increases your Loot by boosting MF stat. They also provide decent Movement Speed and extra STR/VIT attributes |
Waterwalk (Sharksin Boots) - a great pair when it comes to defenses. This pair adds a lot of extra Life, Defense vs. Missiles and increases your Maximum Fire Resistance - effectively reducing Fire Damage by up to 20% |
[BIS] Arachnid Mesh (Spiderweb Sash) - Grants extra Skills and FCR which makes it the best DPS-wise belt for a lot of builds. It also allows you to slow down enemies, which is useful in terms of survivability. The downside is it's the extremely high price - buy it only if you can afford everything else you might need |
String of Ears (Demonhide Sash) - this inexpensive Belt greatly reduces all incoming damage and offers extra Life Steal with melee attacks |
Verdungo's Hearty Cord (Mithril Coil) - a slightly better String of Ears alternative. Instead of Life Steal you get higher Life, Vitality, and Defense rating |
We recommend picking up a defensive Act 2 Holy Freeze Mercenary that will boost your survivability by a lot of with the extra Freeze, but also with end-game gear, it will significantly boost your damage via Inifinity Runeword
END NOTE This is our premiere Fire Trap Hybrid Assassin Build for Diablo 2 Resurrected d where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. We will be happy to cover your most requested D2R builds in the future! Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback. |
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