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Best Ammo in Escape from Tarkov

Best Ammo in Escape from Tarkov

Check out what's the best ammunition for every popular type of firearms in EfT

The Best Ammunition for Every Gun in The Escape From Tarkov
in-depth analysis and comparison


  • Reviewed and updated all top 3 ammunition choices. 
  • Updated All Penetration, Damage, and ADR% Values. 
  • Updated all "Effectiveness Against Armor" sections. 
  • Updated All "Compatible With" Sections. 
  • Reviewed and updated all ammunition descriptions. 
  • Updated all ammunition prices and traders. 
  • Added 5.7x28mm and 12.7x55mm Ammunition Types. 


  • Reviewed and updated all top 3 ammunition choices. 
  • Updated All Penetration, Damage, and ADR% Values. 
  • Updated all "Effectiveness Against Armor" sections. 
  • Updated All "Compatible With" Sections. 
  • Reviewed and updated all ammunition descriptions. 
  • Updated all ammunition prices and traders. 
  • Added the .45 ACP Ammunition Type. 



Ballistics present in Escape From Tarkov is among the key aspects of the game, and they reflect real-life weapon, ammunition, and armor behaviors. Understanding the ballistic mechanics of the EfT is vital for in-game success. Three main ballistic aspects of the Escape from Tarkov are projectile behavior in the air, projectile behavior when it enters the body, and how projectile is affected by armor.

Bullet flight in Escape from Tarkov is affected by things like muzzle velocity, bullet weight, air friction, bullet type(its shape and so on), and gravity. This means that the heavier and slower a bullet is, the larger its drop-off over distance will be (that is why your VSS is not that accurate at longer ranges).

The effect that a bullet has on the body is simulated at the point of impact. Damage done depends on an affected body part, bullet's distance traveled before a hit, possible fragmentation, and a player position in reference to the shooter (bullets can penetrate multiple body parts for increased damage; for example, if a bullet hits your arm, pierces through it and then enters your chest cavity, you will suffer higher amounts of damage). Please note that Damage Dealt is based on an Ammunition type, and not on a Weapon!

Armor protects its wearer from taking damage when struck by certain bullet types, depending on its Armor Class. In Escape from Tarkov Armor can stop a bullet completely; when this happens a % of bullets damage is done to the durability of the armor (Armor's protection quality lowers gradually as it loses durability), and the player receives some amount of "blunt" damage - a result of the bullet's impact force. Every bullet type in the game has its Armor Penetration Value, the higher it is, the better the chance for a penetrating hit it has. If a bullet penetrates the armor, it does its full damage to the body (unlike in other games, when armor reduces damage taken by some set percentile). This is why the right ammunition choice is necessary for fighting heavily armored targets effectively.

This Guide aims to describe the best ammunition types of every caliber present in the Escape From Tarkov. There a lot of statistics listed down below, so here is a quick roundup of their meaning:

  1. Damage - The number of Hit Points subtracted from Target's Total HP Pool when a bullet manages to penetrate through Armor.
  2. Penetration - A number used to determine bullet's penetration chances, and damage inflicted on armor when it fails to penetrate.
  3. Armor Damage Ratio (%) - Percentage of Bullet's Damage that is done to Armor when it fails to penetrate.
  4. Effectiveness Against Armor -  How good a bullet is at penetrating certain types of armor. We have assumed that a Bullet is "Effective" against an Armor Class when it pierces said Armor Class with first 6 (or less) hits.
  5. And some other self-explanatory stuff.

You can also check our list of the best "budget-friendly" weapons in EFT in this article: Budget Weapons in EFT


Table of Contents​​​​​​

1. Rifle Ammunition
2. Personal Defence Weapons Ammunition
3. Shotgun Ammunition
4. Pistol Ammunition


Rifle Ammunition

.366 TKM
Compatible Weapons Vepr AKM/VPO-209, VPO-215
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. .366 TKM AP
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 90 ; 42 ; 60
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Mechanic (Loyalty Level 3); also available as a craft on Level 2 Workbench ; ~238₽ 
Description - The best Cartridge of this Caliber, penetrates Class 5 Armor after ~2 shots and Class 6 after about 4 hits. 
2. .366 TKM EKO
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 73 ; 30 ; 40
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 2), ; ~67₽ 
Description - Penetrates Class 3 Armor easily, but is unreliable against Class 4 Armor (first ~7 hits will be stopped). 
3. .366 TKM FMJ
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 98 ; 23 ; 48
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 2 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Skier (Loyalty Level 1), Jaeger (Loyalty Level 1) ; ~43₽ 
Description - Penetrates Class 2 Armor easily and punch through Class 3 eventually (~4 hits), but is unreliable against Class 4 Armor and better. 

Compatible Weapons VSS Vintorez, AS VAL
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 9×39mm 7N12 BP
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 60 ; 48 ; 68
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4 + Completed Grenadier Task, Barter; Also Craftable) ; ~1180₽ (Flea Market) 
Description - Subsonic Round. The strongest Cartridge of this Caliber penetrates Class 6 Armor after ~2 shots.
2. 9×39mm 7N9 SPP
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 64 ; 45 ; 56
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4 and LL3 Barter) ; ~1180₽ 
Description - Subsonic Round. Strong against Armor up to Class 5, penetrating Class 6 requires ~4 shots. 
3. 9×39mm SP-6
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 58 ; 43 ; 60
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~764₽ 
Description - Subsonic Round. Very similar to 7n9 SPP, but has lower Fragmentation Chance. Penetrating Class 5 Armor with it takes around ~2 bullets. This is a good budget choice for VSS or VAL (but if you can afford to run these rifles, you probably don't need to bother about your budget). Penetrating Class 6 Armor takes ~4 hits. 

Compatible Weapons SV-98, Mosin, Mosin Inf. SVDS
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 7.62×54mmR 7N37
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 72 ; 70 ; 88
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ~974₽ 
Description - The strongest Cartridge of this caliber, has no problems dealing with Class 6 Armor. 
2. 7.62×54mmR SNB
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 75 ; 62 ; 87
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~517₽ 
Description - Very strong projectile, penetrates Class 6 Armor with the 1st shot. 
3. 7.62×54mmR 7BT1
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 78 ; 59 ; 87
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~597₽ 
Description - Still solid ammunition choice, penetrating Class 6 Armor will just take 1 shot. This ammo is pricier than SNB and has a disadvantage of being a Tracer Round, however. 

7.62×51mm NATO
Compatible Weapons M700, DVL-10, Orsis T-5000, SA-58, DT MDR .308,  RSASS, M1A, SR-25, Vepr Hunter/VPO-101
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 7.62×51mm M993
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 67 ; 70 ; 85
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Loot only (current price on the Flea Market - ~1688₽, but it fluctuates heavily) 
Description - The best ammunition choice for this caliber, pierces through ANY Armor with ease. 
2. 7.62×51mm M61
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 70 ; 68 ; 83
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 4 + Wet Job - Part 6 Task) ; ~13$
Description - Very Respectable cartridge, piercing through Class 6 Armor takes just 1 shot. 
3. 7.62×51mm M62
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 79 ; 54 ; 75
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3 + Spa Tour - Part 6 Task) ; ~1500₽ (Flea Market) 
Description - Solid Ammunition Choice, penetrating Class 6 Armor will take 2 shots on average. This round has a disadvantage of being a Tracer -it will reveal your firing position (on the other hand, it costs half of the M61's price). 

Compatible Weapons OP-SKS, SKS, AKMSN, AKMS, AKMN, AKM, AK-104, AK-103, Vepr KM/VPO-136
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 7.62×39mm BP
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 58 ; 47 ; 63
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3 + The Punisher - Part 5 Task) ; ~750₽ 
Description - Strongest Ammunition of this caliber, pierces through Class 6 Armor after ~4 shots, and through Class 5 after ~2. 
2. 7.62×39mm PS
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 57 ; 32 ; 52
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 4 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 1) ; 88₽ 
Description - Much cheaper than BP, pierces Class 4 Armor after ~4 shots. Budget and quite solid early game ammunition for 7.62×39mm chambered rifles. 
3. 7.62×39mm T45M
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 62 ; 30 ; 46
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 2) ; 71₽ 
Description - Pierces through Class 3 Armor after ~1 Shots. Penetrating Class 4 Armor takes 7 shots on average. This projectile is a Tracer which means that firing it is likely to reveal your position. 

5.56x45mm NATO
Compatible Weapons M4A1, HK 416A5, AK-102, AK-101, ADAR 2-15, TX-15 DML, DT MDR
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 5.56x45mm M995
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 40 ; 53 ; 58
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 4) ; 13$
Description - The most effective ammunition of this caliber, piercing through Class 6 Armor will take ~2 shots on average. 
2. 5.56x45mm M855A1
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 45 ; 43 ; 52
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3), Skier (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~3$/300₽ 
Description - Quite effective armor-piercing ammunition, goes through Class 5 Armor after around 2 hits, but piercing through Class 6 Armor will take around ~4.
3. 5.56x45mm M856A1
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 51 ; 37 ; 52
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 2 + The Cult - Part 1 Task) ; ~3$ 
Description - The M856A1 penetrates Class 4 Armor with the 2nd hit but is less effective against the armor of Class 5 and above (it will take ~4 hits to go through Class 5 Armor and ~7 to go through Class 6). This is a Tracer Round. 

Compatible Weapons RPK-16, AKS-74UB, AKS-74UN, AKS-74U, AK-105, AKS-74N, AKS-74, AK-74N, AK-74M, AK-74
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 5.45×39mm 7n39 "Ignolnik"
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 37 ; 62 ; 60
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Get ; The initial price Drops from Scav Riders in The Lab, from Killa on the Interchange, and spawns on Reserve ; n/a
Description - Very powerful, but rare cartridge, pierces through Class 6 Armor in one hit. This is a very rare and very expensive round, but there is no better one for 5.45×39mm chambered weapons. 
2. 5.45×39mm BS
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 40 ; 51 ; 57
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; the initial price Loot Only, can be found on Reserve quite easily; ~1050₽ (Flea Market) 
Description -  The best readily available ammunition of this caliber, penetrating Class 6 Armor takes around 2 hits. 
3. 5.45×39mm BT
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 44 ; 37 ; 49
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3 + The Punisher - Part 4 Task) ; ~509₽ 
Description - Descent ammunition choice for this caliber, will penetrate Class 4 Armor with ~2nd shot, but Class 5 Armor will withstand ~4 direct hits and Class 6 will easily absorb ~7. This is a Tracer Round. 

12.7x55mm STs-130
Compatible Weapons ASh-12
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 12.7x55mm PS12B
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 102 ; 46 ; 57
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Get ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~603₽ 
Description - Very powerful high caliber cartridge that will pierce through Class 6 Armor in ~4 hits. 
2. 12.7x55mm PS12
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 115 ; 28 ; 60
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; the initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~361₽ 
Description -  Heavy subsonic round, effective against Class 3 Armor. However, it struggles against Class 4 (it will take ~11 hots to go through). 
3. 12.7x55mm PS12A
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 165 ; 10 ; 22
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 1 Armor 
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~342₽ 
Description - Light subsonic bullet of high caliber. It deals massive amounts of damage but is not effective at piercing or damaging armor. 


Personal Defence Weapons Ammunition

4.6×30mm HK
Compatible Weapons MP7A2, MP7A1
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 4.6×30mm AP SX
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 35 ; 53 ; 46
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Mechanic (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~751₽ 
Description - Very good Armor-Piercing ammunition, pierces Class 6 Armor after ~2 hits. This ammo makes MP7s the best SMGs in the game. 
2. 4.6×30mm FMJ SX
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 43 ; 40 ; 41
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~1$ 
Description - Very effective against Class 4 Armor and weaker (penetrates with 1st hit), but penetrating Class 5 Armor will take ~4 rounds. 
3. 4.6×30mm Subsonic SX
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 45 ; 36 ; 46
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 4 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Mechanic (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~269₽ 
Description - Subsonic round. Descent ammo choice for MP7, piercing through Class 4 Armor will take 2 hits on average, but Class 5 will stop ~7 rounds. This ammunition is suited for stealthy tactics thanks to its subsonic nature. 

5.7×28mm FN
Compatible Weapons FN 5-7, P90
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 5.7×28mm SS190
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 49 ; 37 ; 43
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~3$ 
Description - Solid Armor-Piercing ammunition, pierces Class 5 Armor after ~4 hits and has no problems against Class 4 Armor and weaker. 
2. 5.7×28mm SB193
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 54 ; 35 ; 37
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 4 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~2$ 
Description - Great ammo choice for FN 5-7 and P90, piercing through Class 4 Armor will take 4 hits on average, but lower-class armors are not a problem. 
3. 5.7×28mm L191
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 58 ; 33 ; 41
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~2$ 
Description - Tracer Round. Below-average ammo choice for FN 5-7 and P90, piercing through Class 4 Armor will take 7 hits on average, but lower-class armors are not a problem. 


Shotgun Ammunition

Compatible Weapons TOZ-106
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 20×70mm Slug "Poleva-6u"
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 135 ; 17 ; 40
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 2 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 2) ; ~67₽ 
Description - This powerful 20x70mm Slug round will pierce through Class 2 Armor after ~2 shots, but higher classes of armor will prove impregnable against it. 
3. 20×70mm Star Slug
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 154 ; 16 ; 42
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 2 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~83₽ 
Description - Second best ammunition choice for 20x70 shotguns (as far as armor penetration goes). Star Slug will go through Class 2 Armor after ~2 shots. 
3. 20×70mm Slug "Poleva-3"
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 120 ; 14 ; 35
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 1 Armor
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 1) ; ~49₽ 
Description - 20x70mm Slug Round with low Armor Penetration capabilities. It will go through Class 1 Armor, but even Class 2 Armor will withstand ~11 hits with this type of ammo. 

Compatible Weapons M870, Saiga-12, MP-153, MR-133, 590A1 
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 12×70mm AP-20 Slug
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 164 ; 37 ; 65
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 4 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~196₽ 
Description - Deals massive amounts of damage to Lightly (Class 4 or lower) Armored targets. Devastating at short to mid ranges and in buildings. 
2. 12×70mm Flechette
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 8×25 ; 31 ; 26
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 6 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~77₽ 
Description -  This Dart round is deceptively powerful because it fires 8 Armor Piercing rounds at once. These rounds will break any armor very quickly and devastate any soft tissue hidden underneath it (Class 6 Armor will break after 2 or 3 hits if every dart will find its way to the target). There is no better ammunition choice for close-quarters combat with a 12x70 shotgun. 
3. 12×70mm shell with .50 BMG bullet
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 197 ; 26 ; 57
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Jaeger (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~127₽ 
Description -  This 12x70mm tracer round will go through Class 3 Armor in ~2 shots and inflict extremely high damage if not completely stopped by armor. 


Pistol Ammunition

.45 ACP
.45 ACP
Compatible Weapons M1911A1
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. .45 ACP AP
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 70 ; 36 ; 43
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 4 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~3$
Description - Armor-Piercing bullet able to penetrate Class 4 Armor in ~2 shots, but going through Class 5 will take ~7 hits on average. 
2. .45 ACP  FMJ
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 72 ; 19 ; 36
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 2 Armor
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 2) ; ~1$
Description - Full metal jacket Round, penetrating Class 2 Armor with it will take ~2 shots, but Class 3 will withstand about 17 hits. 
3. .45 ACP Lasermatch FMJ
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 74 ; 18 ; 37
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 2 Armor
Where to Buy ; the initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 2) ; ~1$ 
Description - Full metal Jacket Tracer round, it has AP capabilities very similar to the standard .45 ACP FMJ. 

9×21mm Gyurza
Compatible Weapons SR-1MP Gyurza
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 9×21mm SP13
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 63 ; 39 ; 47
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~282₽ 
Description - Tracer Round, one of the best pistol cartridges in the game, pierces through Class 5 Armor in ~4 shots. 
2. 9×21mm SP10
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 49 ; 35 ; 46
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 4 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; 149₽ 
Description - Penetrating Class 4 Armor will take this round 4 hits on average, but piercing through Class 5 Armor will take at least 7 hits. 
3. 9×21mm SP11
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 65 ; 18 ; 44
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 1 Armor
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; 159₽ 
Description - Effective only against very lightly Armored and Unarmored targets. Piercing Class 2 Armor will take ~7 hits. 

9×19mm Parabellum
Compatible Weapons Saiga-9, PP-19-01 Vityaz-SN, MPX, MP9-n, MP9, MP5K-N, MP5, P226R, MP-433 "Grach", M9A3, GLOCK18C, GLOCK17 
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 9×19mm 7N31
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 52 ; 39 ; 53
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 5 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 4) ; ~489₽ 
Description - The best 9×19mm Parabellum ammunition, bullets of this type will pierce through Class 5 Armor in ~4 hits. 
2. 9×19mm AP 6.3
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 52 ; 30 ; 48
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class Armor
Where to Buy ; The initial price Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 3) ; 3$ 
Description -  Strong Armor-Piercing 9×19mm Parabellum ammunition, bullets of this type will pierce through Class 4 Armor in ~4 hits. 
3. 9×19mm Pst gzh
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 54 ; 20 ; 33
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 2), Peacekeeper (Loyalty Level 2), Mechanic (Loyalty Level 1) ; 67₽/1$/67₽ 
Description - Only Parabellum ammunition available at LL1 that is worth using without resolving to "leg meta". Punching through Class 2 Armor will take ` shot on average. but Class 3 will withstand ~11 hits. 

9×18mm Makarov
Compatible Weapons PP-9 "Klin", PP-91-01 "Kedr-B", PP-91 "Kedr", APB, APS, PB, PM(t), PM,
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 9×18mm PM PBM
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 40 ; 28 ; 30
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~161₽ 
Description -  Makarov projectile with "increased" penetration ability, effective against lightly armored targets. It will take ~2 hits to go through Class 3 Armor with this ammunition, and as far as 9x18 rounds go, there are no better options. 
2. 9×18mm PM PMM
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 58 ; 24 ; 33
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 3 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~118₽
Description -  Round with increased powder charge, effective only against Class 3 Armor and weaker. Piercing Class 3 with this will take ~4 hits. 
3. 9×18mm PM 9 BZT gzh
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 53 ; 18 ; 28
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class Armor
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~68₽ 
Description - All-Steel bullet that pierces through Class 2 Armor in ~2 shots, but does not stand a chance against anything heavier. 

7.62×25mm Tokarev
Compatible Weapons TT, TT (gold), PPSH-41 
The Best Ammunition of This Caliber:
1. 7.62×25mm TT Pst gzh
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 50 ; 24 ; 36
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 2 Armor and Weaker
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 3) ; ~75₽ 
Description - Steel-Core bullet able to penetrate Class 2 Armor in ~1 shot, but going through Class 3 will take ~7 hits on average. 
2. 7.62×25mm TT PT gzh
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 60 ; 12 ; 34
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 1 Armor
Where to Buy ; The initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 2) ; ~67₽ 
Description - Tracer Round, penetrating Class 2 Armor with it will take ~17 shots. 
3. 7.62×25mm P gl
Damage ; Penetration ; Armor Damage Ratio(%) 58 ; 10 ; 32
Effectiveness Against Armor Effective against Class 1 Armor
Where to Buy ; the initial price Prapor (Loyalty Level 2) ; ~56₽ 
Description - TT round effective against very light Body Armor. 



Do note that there are a lot more ammunition types available in the game, and describing them all would take unbelievable amounts of time, so we have chosen the best ones for each Caliber. We hope that this guide will help you chose the best ammunition types for your favorite weapons in The Escape from Tarkov. If you have any suggestions, please share them with us in the comment section below. 

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of the Battlestate Games.