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Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items


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Dynamo [God Roll]

Dynamo [God Roll]


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Dazzler [God Roll]

Dazzler [God Roll]


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Curse of Malice [God Roll]

Curse of Malice [God Roll]


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Buffmeister [God Roll]

Buffmeister [God Roll]


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Boltlash [God Roll]

Boltlash [God Roll]


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Barrelmaker [God Roll]

Barrelmaker [God Roll]


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Arcane Bolt [God Roll]

Arcane Bolt [God Roll]


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Undead Pact [God Roll]

Undead Pact [God Roll]


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Trick Mirror [God Roll]

Trick Mirror [God Roll]


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Transistor [God Roll]

Transistor [God Roll]


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Sweet Dreams [God Roll]

Sweet Dreams [God Roll]


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Static Charge [God Roll]

Static Charge [God Roll]


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Spirit Rune [God Roll]

Spirit Rune [God Roll]


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Shamwai [God Roll]

Shamwai [God Roll]


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Rivote's Shield [God Roll]

Rivote's Shield [God Roll]


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Mind Rune [God Roll]

Mind Rune [God Roll]


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Master Rune [God Roll]

Master Rune [God Roll]


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Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is not your standard First Person Shooter game with some RPG elements mixed in it. It takes the whole Idea of RPG-FPS and cranks it up to eleven. For instance, it introduces a multi-class system that lets you choose a starting class and, as you grow stronger, it gives you access to a secondary class slot that opens up a world of new and unique character builds. It also lets you create your own character via a creator tool that could easily be a highlight of a successful RPG game - you can not only choose how your character will look but also pick his/her personality (this will affect in-game dialogues and more!), min-max the stats (Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, and Attunement) to tailor your own playstyle, and set up a crazy backstory. 

Types of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items

As you might expect, the game that puts so high emphasis on its Role Playing aspects has tonnes of different consumables, equipment types, and gear to loot and discover. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items can be split into the following categories: 

  • Rings - This is one of the new equipment types added to the game. Rings let you increase your character's stats (Gun Damage, Melee Damage, Ability Damage, Spell Damage, and a plethora of secondary bonuses) and come in a very wide variety of types and flavors. After you progress through the game enough, you will end up with two Ring slots for your character. If you're looking to Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items that will boost your character's strength, you definitely should take a closer look at what Rings are currently available in our store. 
  • Amulets - Unlike Rings, Amulets provide special abilities to your character (these include Reload Speed Increase, Chances to apply status effects, Loot Luck, Magazin Size Increases, Cooldown Reductions, and more). Moreover, Amulets are capable of instantly reloading your gun or boosting your Class Power to unbelievable proportions, which makes some of them extremely powerful. You can have a single Amulet equipped, but the slot won't be available right from the start - you'll have to unlock it throughout the game. 
  • Ranged Weapons - These are a trademark of all Borderlands games (and let's not forget that, at its core, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a Borderlands game). These Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items come with a wide variety of types and rarities, flavors, and effects. Thanks to the random nature of the game's loot system, you can expect to obtain very powerful (and sometimes very weird) guns throughout your adventures. All weapon types use different kinds of ammunition, that excel at different things, which encourages you to switch between them. There are six different types of firearms to choose from, and you can Buy all of them on Odealo: 
    • Assault Rifles - These deal sustained damage at pretty much any range, so if you're looking for a universal weapon you should find one among them. Just pay attention to your ammo count as Assault Rifles have a very high rate of fire. 
    • Sniper Rifles - If Assault Rifles can be best described as multitools, Sniper Rifles are more like scalpels; very precise and deadly in the right hands, but with a rather narrow field of application. If you want to rain death on your enemies from a relatively safe spot, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items have got you covered. 
    • Shotguns - If Sniper Rifle is a scalpel and an Assault Rifle is a multitool, a Shotgun is a hammer. If you're up close and personal with your enemies but you don't want to engage them in melee, this is the best tool for the job. 
    • SMGs - Submashineguns can be best described as a specialized development of Assault Rifles. They use smaller bullets with lower accuracy, but they can spray those bullets much, much faster. As a result, these Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items are ideal for taking down targets at mid-to-close ranges. 
    • Pistols - This is one of the most difficult to master weapon types in the game. They can deal devastating damage if aimed carefully, but their rate of fire is terrible. If you want to improve your aim or you simply like high crit numbers, you should definitely Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items of this type and take them for a spin. 
    • Heavy Weapons - If everything else fails, just blow everything up with a rocket launcher. The previous sentence pretty much sums up the HEavy Weapons for you - they deal very high splash damage but take ages to reload and the ammunition for them is rather rare. 
  • Melee Weapons - A brand-new addition to the series' arsenal. Melee Weapons will let you chop, slash, and hack your way through hordes of enemies without expending any of your precious ammunition. These, just like firearms, are procedurally generated, so expect to find a plethora of powerful, weird, and fun to use ones during your adventures. While well-implemented, Melee Combat plays a secondary role to the firefights, so you shouldn't focus your build around these types of armaments but rather treat them as a nice and synergistic addition. Melee Weapons available in the game are split into four categories: Blunt Weapons (Morningstars and Hammers), Swords, Axes, and Two-Handed Blades. 
  • Armors - These heavy pieces of metal will not only protect your character but will also provide it with a plethora of additional powers. Armors can give you Stat Increases, Skill Points, and additional Class Power. They are in a way similar to Class Mods known from Borderlands games but their application is much wider as they are not Class-restricted and, as a result, can boost multiple different classes (Armor that's attuned to multiple classes usually focuses on a single "main" class and gives smaller boosts to the other, "secondary" classes). A nice thing about Skill Points given by Armors is the fact that you don't have to spend your own points to use the ability boosted by those additional ones. 
  • Spells - Unlike regular Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items, Spells work more or less like skills but they still have a physical form - Books. While they've replaced Grenades, known from other Borderlands titles, they are not the same thing; Spells can have a much higher impact on the gameplay and can do many different things (they mostly make things explode, however, there are also defensive, summon, and utility spells available). If you're looking to Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items of this variety, pay close attention to the effects and modifiers as they can make a major difference in combat. 
  • Wards - These are the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands equivalent of Shields. They will protect your Hitpoints and thus increase your overall survivability in combat. Wards are not your simple defensive tools, however, as they can also provide a plethora of useful bonus effects and modifiers. 
  • Moon Orbs - This is a special currency used in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Unlike Gold, it's quite hard to come by in large quantities and thus it is much more valuable. You can use it to improve your character's combat capabilities by re-rolling Enchantments on your gear. If you want your enchantments to be perfect, you'll need a lot of Moon Orbs, so prepare for a lengthy grind or visit our store. 
  • Skeleton Keys - These are exclusive items that are held on a special counter in your inventory. You can obtain them by using special codes that are published randomly by the developers. Skeleton Keys can be used to open the Skeleton Chest in Brighthoof. The contents of the chest vary, but you can expect Epic or even Legendary Loot. If you're new to the game, be sure to check which Codes are currently active and redeem them before they expire as you definitely don't want to miss out on the Skeleton Keys and the Chests' contents. 

If the mere prospect of spending hours upon hours grinding for your dreamt-of gear makes you want to stop playing, or you simply don't have the time or sanity to spare, we have some great news for you. We, on Odealo, have prepared a special section of our store where you can purchase all sorts of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items! You can now simply visit the relevant section of our player-to-player marketplace and Buy (or even Sell) all kinds of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands in-game assets very easily. Our storage is always filled to the brim with Armor, Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Spells, Jewelry, and other useful in-game stuff! Taking advantage of our diverse offer is the best way to save yourself a lot of time and effort – by spending a few moments browsing and buying everything you need on Odealo, you can save yourself weeks of laborious grinding! If you Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items via our website, you definitely will be able to fully experience the game; even the hardest mobs and the most difficult quests won't be unbeatable anymore (but they might still pose some threat). Your character will become visibly stronger and you will shine in all aspects of the game. There is no safer place to Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items than Odealo. All our sellers were thoroughly verified, so you can be sure that your transactions, made with the help of our online store, will go smoothly. This also means that you will get what you've ordered in a timely manner. We're pretty much guaranteed to have what you need - just check our wide offer. If you'd like to Sell Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items, we have some great news for you as well! You can very easily create your own auctions on our website, all you need to do beforehand is register and verify. That way you will quickly turn your Items into Cash. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services, just like thousands of our current associates are. If you hesitate because of the mandatory verification - don't! It ensures that all our sellers are legit and all our buyers leave with what they've ordered. In other words, it guarantees that everyone's satisfied with our services. After you verify, you will be free to create your own auctions and take full advantage of our rapidly-growing real-money-trading platform. Don't miss out on the opportunity Odealo presents to you and Sell or Buy Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Items right now! 

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