Supported only for account users of The Unheard Edition
You don't need to bring anything into the raid, but make sure you won't starve or die of thirst;
We will join raids together;
I will collect found in-raid (FIR) items and give them to you;
We will evacuate together at the extraction points;
You can list them for roubles on flea market as I instruct you;
You will receive the rubles you purchased, and we will cover the fees.
If you don't want to raids, you can follow my instructions to sell some items at the flea market for rubles, .
You will receive the rubles you purchased,including the price of the item itself and we will cover the fees.
We also provide customized order and wholesale order services.
Order process: Please let us know what you need, and we'll let you know the price. If we make a deal, you make an order, and we start delivering.
Please contact us in the chat if you have any questions or need help.