25 (Click on the icon to view details)


EOD / 65LVL / 30KK CASH / 280KK STASH / Mail

1 1
  • 20 mins.
  • 12:40:38
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 0% 800.00
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

Enter the name of the game character

⭐ Account personal use (says it, that played 2700 hours) ⭐
⭐KD 15.49
⭐ Give away with the mail ⭐
Never played with cheats in my life

all gun master level 2.
hideout max.
12000x BP 7.62x39

20x Slick & hexgrid

15x killa armor

40x altyn

40x exfil

20x exfil + night vision

200x propital & sj6

50x meta gun include : RD-704 & AK meta & m4a1 meta & mk47 meta

30M raw money

30x access cards.

8x THICC item case

From the cases are:

4x Weapon THICC.
4x Weapon Case.
2x Junk case.
2x Money Box

2x Medicine case
2x Grenade case
8x Ammo case
2x Document case.
Red Rebel (ice axe)
Briefcase for injectors
Nickname change available
Shelter is fully pumped(except 3rd farm)

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