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Order Description:
The Punisher - Part 4-6
4.Kill 10 Scavs in Woods using 12 gauge shotguns
Kill 10 PMCs on Shoreline while wearing a balaclava and a scav vest.
Find in raid 5 knives Bars A-2607
Handover knives to Prapor
5.Find 3 AK-74N
Handover AK-74N rifles to Prapor
Find 3 M4A1 assault rifles
Handover M4A1 rifles to Prapor
Find 5 PM pistols
Handover pistols to Prapor
Kill 10 PMC operatives. You must be wearing a PACA vest and 6b47 helme
6.Kill 15 PMC operators. You must use SVD
Find 7 PMC USEC dogtags
Hand over 7 PMC USEC dogtags
Find 7 PMC BEAR dogtags
Hand over 7 PMC BEAR dogtags
2-5 hours
Main time online:
⌚London 00.00-15.00
⌚New York 19.00-10.00
⌚Paris 01.00-16.00
⌚Moscow 02.00 - 17.00