Maps |
Maelström of Chaos - A circular map with Marveil inside of it that you will do once for the Atlas completion. There's no rare loot or anything else noteworthy in here. |
Area has patches of Chilled Ground
20 patches with Ground Effect per 100 tiles (Hidden)
Ground Effect has a radius of 14 (Hidden)
Monsters deal 50% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters are Immune to randomly chosen Elemental Ailments or Stun
Monsters' Melee Attacks apply random Hexes on Hit
Monsters Reflect Hexes
Olmec's Sanctum - A map with four totems in its corners. Slay them to confront the one in the center next. There are no good reasons to do this map more than once. |
(40-50)% more Monster Life
(30-40)% increased Monster Damage
Final Boss drops higher Level Items
Hallowed Ground - It contains one main and four minor bosses in its corners - they have to be slain first, the main boss in the center is immune to damage otherwise. It grants a lot of experience which may make it worth running if your character's level is also low. It's not hard to kill. |
Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 seconds
+(-2-2) to Monster Level of Area
The Vinktar Square - You can craft it by combining four different Agnerod Staves at a vendor. This map too contains minor bosses in its corners with the main one residing in the center. It's not a difficult fight if your Lightning Resistance is capped. It's the only place where you can loot Vessel of Vinktar Flasks. |
20% more Monster Life
(30-50)% increased Pack size
Monsters are Unaffected by Shock
20% increased Monster Damage
+35% Monster Lightning Resistance
Monsters deal 35% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
The Coward's Trial - There are a lot of enemies there packed in a small space so it's efficient to run be it for the experience, high-level items, or the level-100 Unique item that drops from the final boss at the bottom. The area level grows as you descend, so it's one of the very few places with area levels of 85 and 86 if the original map is of tier 16. It's a rare and desirable map because of that. |
Contains waves of Monsters
Contains additional waves of Undead Monsters
<0 to 7 random additional waves modifiers>
Pillars of Arun - The map requires the player to have a Movement Skill to progress, but it's also good to have some sort of a passive Life/ES Recovery mechanism (such as Regeneration or Life/ES gained on Hit/Block) to not get killed by monsters firing projectiles at you from within the large pillars with proximity shields, but that's not mandatory if your character is fast. The boss of this map is the only enemy that drops Gorgon's Gaze - a mediocre Helmet. |
(60-100)% increased Experience gain
Area contains unbridged gaps to cross
Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Ailments
(20-25)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(20-25)% increased Monster Attack Speed
(20-25)% increased Monster Cast Speed
Players have 200% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for Movement Skills
Replica Pillars of Arun - It has more monsters that deal more damage when compared to the original. It's a low-tier map so it's only useful to a low-level character to gain slightly more experience. We don't recommend running it. |
(60-100)% increased Experience gain
Area contains unbridged gaps to cross
Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Ailments
30% increased Pack size
100% increased Monster Damage
(20-25)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(20-25)% increased Monster Attack Speed
(20-25)% increased Monster Cast Speed
Players have 200% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for Movement Skills
  The Beachhead - It contains Harbingers from which you can loot Currency Fragments - Ancient, Annulment, and Fracturing Shards are the most valuable ones. If lucky one can also obtain Mirror Shard, but we wouldn't run these maps with that idea in mind. The final Harbinger also drops item fragments that you can assemble into The Enmity Divine, The Fracturing Spinner, The Unshattered Will, The Tempest's Binding, The Rippling Thoughts, and The Flow Untethered. It's a great map to run for currency and experience, but having a juiced rare map is still better, especially during a league that encourages mapping. |
Area contains 6 additional Harbingers
Infused Beachhead - A tier-16 Beachhead with more powerful monsters. The loot is better too - the Harbinger Scrolls are used to upgrade the above-mentioned items, and the possibility to drop The Endless Darkness Div Card is also a major upside. It's an expensive map that drops in Tier-15 Beachheads. |
100% more Monster Life
100% increased Monster Damage
Unique Boss drops an additional Harbinger Scroll
Area contains 20 additional Harbingers
Doryani's Machinarium - A rare item that drops only from the red Delve boss (making it very expensive). It's where you can acquire Doryani's Delusion Boots. You can fully customize them by selecting their base defense type, type of added damage, and type of Purity Aura. To complete the map you will need to push a payload and defeat the Apex Assembly boss. |
(20-50)% increased Experience gain
Found Items have 10% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
Unique Boss is augmented by Player choices
The Twilight Temple - Find all 6 rooms with a square pressure plate in the middle; step on it to defeat the minor boss accompanied by a wave of enemies. If that's done, at the far end of the map, you're presented with a choice to fight either the sun or moon-themed boss and have a 100% chance to drop Vix Lunaris or Invictus Solaris Shields, depending on your choice. The Magna Ecliptis that you can create from combining both of these Shields at a vendor is quite good, and we recommend running this map two times if you want it. |
Area has increased monster variety
Players are Cursed with Flammability
Players are Cursed with Frostbite
Area is inhabited by Lunaris fanatics
Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics
(25-50)% increased Pack size
The Putrid Cloister - It contains vexatious ranged enemies that fire rapid barrages of projectiles, accompanied by monsters with proximity shields. Be sure that you can close the gap quickly, have good Life/ES recovery or high Armour, or are hexproof in order to stand a better chance against these enemies. The boss drops a lot of Divination Cards. It's a great map to run, as some of them can be valuable. |
Players are Cursed with Vulnerability
Players are Cursed with Conductivity
Players are Cursed with Flammability
Players are Cursed with Frostbite
Players are Cursed with Despair
Unique Boss drops divination cards
Death and Taxes - Reach the end of the map to spawn the boss, and lead it to the portal you've passed by. Defeat him, and repeat 3 more times. The boss grants a lot of Experience, but it takes too long to defeat it, so leveling conventionally is still better. |
Unique Boss deals (30-35)% increased Damage
Unique Boss has (25-30)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss gives 20000% increased Experience
Unique Boss drops (12-20) additional Currency Items
Acton's Nightmare - Find the pair of bosses and kill them both within 10 seconds after the first one dies. It shouldn't be hard, they're not particularly tanky. The burning Ground can be an obstacle if you rely only on ES Recharge as your Life Pool Recovery tool. There is little to no reason to run this map more than once. |
Area has patches of Burning Ground
20 patches with Ground Effect per 100 tiles (Hidden)
Ground Effect has a radius of 14 (Hidden)
Area is inhabited by Skeletons
Restless Dead
Undead Monsters resurrect after 10 seconds (Hidden)
Area is a large Maze
Area contains a Large Chest
Hall of Grandmasters - Stay clear of that place. Exceedingly perilous, offers scant rewards. |
Contains the Immortalised Grandmasters
PvP damage scaling in effect
Mao Kun - Find Fairgraves - he's usually on the opposite side of the entrance near a large rock, marked with the X on the map. You will then need to find and open 8 Booty Chests, they will appear when you're close to them. The final chest contains a killable boss that drops lots of currency. It's not a very profitable map as the chests are often hard to find. |
(60-100)% increased Experience gain
Monsters deal (175-190)% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters gain an Endurance Charge on Hit
Monsters gain a Power Charge on Hit
Whakawairua Tuahu - The boss of this map can be hard to kill as it constantly teleports with Smoke Mine, conjures a Frost Wall, has a proximity shield, and cannot be Frozen in place. Try using some sort of large-radius DoT Skill or stay still and wait for an opportunity to kill it. The Map also increases Item Rarity and Quantity per Light Radius, but there's no sensible way to capitalize on that - it's not a good map to run. |
Area contains many Totems
Curses have 50% reduced effect on Monsters
Altered Distant Memory - The boss of this map can drop the Magnum Opus Div Card, various Unique Herald-improving Rings, Mask of the Tribunal, Perepiteia Shield, or Storm's Gift. |
25% increased Pack size
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
Augmented Distant Memory - The boss of this map can drop the Magnum Opus Div Card, various Unique Herald-improving Rings, Mask of the Tribunal, Perepiteia Shield, or Storm's Gift. |
25% increased Pack size
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
Rewritten Distant Memory - The boss of this map can drop the Magnum Opus Div Card, various Unique Herald-improving Rings, Mask of the Tribunal, Perepiteia Shield, or Storm's Gift. |
25% increased Pack size
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
Twisted Distant Memory - The boss of this map can drop the Magnum Opus Div Card, various Unique Herald-improving Rings, Mask of the Tribunal, Perepiteia Shield, or Storm's Gift. |
25% increased Pack size
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
Cortex - One of the best Synthesised Maps - it contains Venarius that can drop Offering to the Serpent, Nebulis, Bottled Faith, or Garb of the Ephemeral. If you have the Memento Mori Atlas Keystone allocated, the area is much more challenging, but the boss can drop Rational Doctrine, Forgotten Reliquary Key, and some of the best triple-Synthesised base items in the game. |
25% increased Pack size
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 83
Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
Replica Cortex - It's better than the original Cortex - its monsters grant much more Experience and drop higher-level items. If you've allocated Memento Mori, the difference is negligible - it fixes the area level to 85. |
25% increased Pack size
200% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 84
Map has (6-8) additional random Modifiers
Map has (4-6) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
Poorjoy's Asylum - It's commonly run for its bonus Experience, as it's quite a large map with a lot of monsters, be it deadly ones. Be prepared to withstand Physical Hit Attacks and make yourself fast and hexproof to increase your chances of survival. The boss drops a bunch of rare items. |
150% increased Experience gain
(140-160)% more Monster Life
(140-160)% increased Monster Damage
25% increased Monster Movement Speed
25% increased Monster Attack Speed
25% increased Monster Cast Speed
Area is a large Maze
Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare <Item Class>
Replica Poorjoy's Asylum - It's similar to the original, but grants more Experience, and has more monsters causing powerful Critical Strikes. If you take reduced damage from Critical Strikes (by wearing The Brass Dome, for example), it's not a big deal. The main reason to run this map is more pronounced here, making it a more desirable map out of the two. |
200% increased Experience gain
(140-160)% more Monster Life
50% increased Pack size
Monsters have (500-1000)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(60-100)% to Monster Critical Strike Multiplier
(140-160)% increased Monster Damage
25% increased Monster Movement Speed
25% increased Monster Attack Speed
25% increased Monster Cast Speed
Area is a large Maze
Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare <Item Class>
Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den - Not much here, just some wolves that drop maps at the end. You can run it if you've ran out of maps or if you want The Cursed King Div Card, but that's rarely a good reason. |
Unique Boss drops 4 additional Maps
(20-50)% more Magic Monsters
(20-50)% increased number of Rare Monsters
25% more Monster Life
30% increased Monster Damage
Oba's Cursed Trove - It can drop high-level loot from the Strongboxes at the end because the area level increases as you delve deeper into the caverns. Some of these high-level bases can be moderately expensive, but most players will run The Coward's Trial if given a choice - it too can be a source of these items. You have 9 minutes to complete the map which is plenty of time. |
Area has patches of desecrated ground
20 patches with Ground Effect per 100 tiles (Hidden)
Ground Effect has a radius of 10 (Hidden)
(40-50)% more Monster Life
(30-40)% increased Monster Damage
Area becomes fatal after some time
Vaults of Atziri - It contains some chests with loot, but there's rarely anything good there, and running it is often just a waste of time. The Atziri's Vessel has Vaal Fragments and Vaal Skill Gems, but these are very cheap. |
Chests have (2500-3500)% increased Item Rarity
Area contains no monsters
Chest drop scaling is disabled. (Hidden)
Found Items have (20-40)% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
Untainted Paradise - It's only obtainable as a Kirac's Mission and it's the best map to gain more experience, given the map tier is adequate. The monsters are not as deadly as in Poorjoy's Asylum. |
(300-400)% increased Experience gain
Area has increased monster variety
Area is inhabited by wild Animals
Monsters drop no Items