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The best Mageblood Farming Strategies

The best Mageblood Farming Strategies

The best farming methods to earn a Mageblood in Path of Exile!

Best farming strategies to earn a Mageblood
Path of Exile Guide



The Mageblood Belt is arguably the most powerful and sought-after Item in the entire game. With this Belt equipped your 4 Magic Flasks will always count as active, which is quite powerful on its own, but the true potential lies in Flask modifiers. You can use Flask Enchant and the Alchemist Prefix to reach up to 95% increased Effect of your Flask, at the severe cost of Reduced Duration and not being able to obtain Charges during Effect which both are being ignored by the Mageblood Belt.  Having the double Effect of your Flask is extremely powerful, but don't forget that the additional bonus from the Flasks Suffix is also affected by the Flask's Effectiveness. With it, you can get massive bonuses to your Attack or Cast Speed, improve your Armour rating, cut your Mana Costs in half, or get insane amounts of Elemental Resistance and Ailment avoidance. The Elemental Flasks such as Topaz or Ruby not only grant you insane amounts of Elemental Resistances which frees up a lot of Suffixes on your Gear, but they also reduce the Damage you take from the corresponding type, which is a very rare modifier to obtain otherwise. As you can see, it is a versatile and powerful Belt that can be used by every Build. It boosts your Damage, Defense, and Speed in a way no other Item can achieve alone. It is no wonder that many players set obtaining this precious Belt as their goal and motivation to play. It is a rather long process, as it is the most expensive Unique Item in the game. 

To reach this goal you will have to grind. It can take many shapes and forms, and the possibilities of your approach are quite endless. You can decide to kill Bosses, farm dangerous maps, Craft items, or do a bit of everything at once. For some, obtaining the iconic Mageblood Belt is the goal itself, while for others, it is just a stepping stone necessary to upgrade their characters further. Obviously, the Mageblood is not the only thing that you can farm for. You will need lots of Currency to upgrade your Character, buy more reasonably-priced but still fun Unique Items, or test out different Builds. In this Guide, we want to teach you the best ways to obtain Currency in Path of Exile. 

The very important aspect of every farming strategy is to be efficient with your actions. Try to reduce idle time, plan ahead of time, and trade in bulk. Appraising individual Items one at a time or buying Scarabs one by one is the fastest way to waste your time, which is the most important resource of them all. You should also reconsider your Build of choice. Specialized characters will often yield better results than popular all-rounders, but it might be harder to switch to a different tactic once you grow bored of doing the same thing over and over. Sometimes a streak of bad luck might happen, leaving you with very little or even negative profit, but you can also get lucky and in one hour get richer than all the other hours combined. You might even drop the Mageblood Belt itself! They key is to never give up! 


Method 1: Boss Rush

Despite the name, it's one of the easiest strategies to make money. Your goal here is to kill the Boss of the Map as fast as possible, skipping all other Enemies on the way. You don't need a strong Character to defeat basic Map Bosses, they are often way less threatening than randomly encountered Rare Enemies with modifiers that directly counter your Build. It should, however, be fast. Use Quicksilver and Silver Flasks to get lots of Movement Speed. You can also use an enchant to make them more powerful at the cost of not obtaining Flask Charges during their effect, as it shouldn't take more than 2 of their charges to reach the Boss. The Map has to be at least Tier 14 to activate the Elder Influence, but it can have no modifiers on it. The Map of your choice can fluctuate depending on what is available to you in the current iteration of Atlas. Pick a layout that can access the Boss as fast as possible, since nothing else matters in this strategy. 

The main profit comes from Eldritch Invitations and special Maps inhabited by Guardians or Conquerors. You will get the Incandescent or Screaming Invitation every 28 Maps, which may sound like a lot, but if you cut your time on the Map to under half of the minute, it will quickly add up. The Maps are pretty much impossible to sustain, so you will need to buy them from other players. It is also worth noting that all those rewards come only from the final Boss, so Maps with multiple Bosses such as Racecourse do not provide any significant advantage. It is a very consistent strategy, and the constant competition for a better time can be quite thrilling. The gameplay, however, lacks the engagement. You will spend most of your time simply running and avoiding fights, and the Map Bosses are nowhere as exciting as the pinnacle Boss battles. 

The ideal Build for this strategy has to be fast. The Damage output doesn't have to be that high, but you shouldn't struggle with your opponents either. Requirements for your defenses are also not that high, as you will rarely engage in combat after all, just make sure a random hit won't stop you from reaching the Boss. The other activities you can engage with such Characters are Heist, Essences on Tier 1 Maps, and Enchant Farming in Uber Labirynth.  

The Atlas Passive Tree is very straightforward: you want to pick up Conquered Conquerors, Remnants of the Past, and Vivid Memories Notables, together with either Baptised by Fire or Etched by Acid depending on which Eldritch Invitation is currently worth more. All other points should be spent on the small traveling nodes that grant you chances to duplicate Map drops. You should also pick up Notables that grant you a chance to gain free uses of Map Crafting options. Extra Master missions are also very useful if you plan on using them in the future, as you will complete hundreds of maps while using this method. 


Method 2: Legion

Legion is currently the best intermediate content to farm. You will kill tons of powerful Rare Enemies in a condensed area. You can achieve very good results with just the Legions provided by the Atlas Tree, but you can make use of Scarabs and Sextants to have even more of them on your Maps, which highly improves your farming sessions even more. The loot here is very diversified, but it is still rather easy to liquidate. To farm Legions efficiently you will need a strong Build with good Clear Speed and AoE coverage. The Legion Keystone can be helpful at first, but you should avoid using it. It grants you infinite time to release Enemies, but the Schism counter fulfills very quickly, cutting out potential rewards.

Your main profit comes from regular drops of the Rare Enemies, the Incubators which you will have to hatch, and the additional guaranteed rewards from Legion Enemies. The Splinters are usually not worth your time, but you will occasionally drop whole Emblems, which can be worth a decent amount. The Fractured Rare Items can be quite tedious to identify, but some of them can reach the price of multiple Divine Orbs. You can start doing this strategy even on lower Tiers of Maps and it will still be quite profitable, but as you raise the difficulty, the rewards also improve accordingly. The layout is also very important - you need vast, open spaces. The best choice here is Dunes or Beach, but Cementary is a fine choice too. 

With greater investments, you will make your Maps more challenging, but also more dense in rewards. To add more Legions to your Map you should use a Sextant that grants the "Your Maps contain an additional Legion Encounter" modifier. You should also use either Rusted or Polished Legion Scarab. The Gilded version guarantees the General encounter, which is usually not desired, as it requires more time to complete, and the rewards are not great. 

On the Passive Tree, you should pick up all Legion-related Notables except the Face Off Notable, and potentially War Supplies and Emblematic if you are short on Passive Points. The Wandering Patch is not worth it here, as the Legion Notables are too powerful to not pick them up. You can include other mechanics such as Beyond, Delirium, or Tormented Spirits, but if the additional content slows you too much it might not be worth it. If the Legion Craft is not available in the Map Device in the current League, use The Seventh Gate Keystone to unlock it. 


Method 3: Delirious Maps

This strategy requires a very strong Build to make your money back. It also requires considerable investments into each Map you run. The goal here is to use 3 to 5 Delirium Orbs and unlock as many reward layers as possible by adding tons of extra monsters to your Maps. In the end, you should be able to unlock at least 16 layers, up to 20 if you are very lucky. The best rewards come from Skittering (Scarabs), Diviner's (Divination Cards), or Fine (Currency) Delirium Orbs. To achieve that many layers you will need to use Sextant which grants the "Delirium Reward Bars fill 100% faster in your Maps" modifier. Other than that, there is a lot of room for customization to your liking. You can use Legions, Breaches, Abyss, Beyond, Alva's Missions, or even Harvest, the main goal is to add as many monsters as possible. You should combine Eldritch Influence with the Conqueror Maps for tons of extra Packs of Influenced Monsters. The Wandering Patch Keystone is also very favorable here, as thanks to the increased magnitude of Map modifiers you can reach absurd amounts of increased Item Quantity bonuses.

Such Maps are extremely deadly and should only be attempted if you are confident your Build can handle them in an efficient manner.  You shouldn't skip on the investments here, as it will invalidate all other spending. Each Map can cost almost 1 Divine Orb and will take much longer to complete than usual, but the rewards are otherworldly. By achieving 16 layers in an 80% Delirious Map you will get 64 rewards from your Delirium Orbs. The Skittering Orb that grants Scarabs is the most consistent but requires a lot of management, so we recommend using the Diviner's Orb for tons of Stacked Decks and various valuable Divination Cards, such as The Apothecary or The Doctor. The individual mechanics are not worth specializing in, but the sheer amount of Rare Monsters will be more than enough to bring you a fortune over the longer course. 


Method 4: Essences

Essences are often used to Craft Items, but you will often need hundreds of them until you are satisfied with the result. Since it is a very popular method used in most stages of progression, the demand for all kinds of Essences is always high. To obtain Essences you will have to kill special Essence monsters found on your Map. They are very dangerous, but thankfully Essences do not scale with the difficulty of the Map, meaning you can run normal T1 Maps and be as successful as if you were running a very hard Tier 16 Map. Easy Maps are usually favorable, as they are usually faster to complete. There are two main ways of this farm, you can spec into all Essence Notables on the Atlas, use Essence Craft in the Map Device, add the Sextant that adds an extra Essence monster to your Map, and rush white Maps as fast as possible. You don't want to miss any special monster on your way, so layouts like Strand or City Square are favorable. The other approach is to use the Einhar Memory of Crystal Prisons, which generates more Essences, but the Cost of each Memory is quite high to offset that. When farming Essences it is important to understand the Remnant of Corruption usage. When using it on a Monster you have a chance to upgrade its Tier, change it into a different Essence, or do nothing. You should always use it on the Scorn, Envy, Misery, or Dread Essences, as those have a chance to turn into a special type of Essence, usually worth much more than regular versions. The Remnant is quite cheap, so you can freely use it on Essences with a high amount of Essences to upgrade them all. The price of each Essence drastically rises as you accumulate more of them compared to a singular sale, often doubling or even tripling the price. Make sure to account for high bulk when selling your precious goods. 


Other methods

There are many other ways to earn Currency in Path of Exile. Currently, every existing game mechanic rewards you generously with valuable drops, but some are just a bit better than others. Since you will farm for many hours, you should pick the one that is the most fun for you, as doing something just to get a few more Divine Orbs a day is the quickest way to get burned out and lose interest in the game at all. Changing the Atlass Passive Tree is a bit tedious, but it's not that expensive, so you should take your time to experiment with various mechanics. Remember that different Builds can perceive the same mechanic in a vastly different way. The Magic Find is also a great dilemma. Items with bonuses to Item Rarity and Quantity usually provide no other useful stats, which makes your Character significantly weaker. Killing Monsters faster and with fewer deaths will usually yield much more profit over time, but if you see no loss in your performance, you should try out those Items. You should also try to match mechanics with similar profiles. Beastiary, Essence, Metamorph, or Heist are all based on short encounters, and simply running more Maps will improve your profits. On the other hand, mechanics based on killing Rare Enemies such as Legion, Abyss, Breach, or Beyond will scale with the difficulty of the Map, so Corrupting them to get 8 Mods or adding Delirium Orbs will boost all those mechanics at once. Many players also find enjoyment in farming Simulacrums, Blighted Maps, or Delving. You can get lavishly rewarded for helping other Players kill a dangerous Boss for them, craft Items used by popular Builds for profit, or try your luck with opening Stacked Decks. At the end of the day, the best way to get Currency is the one that brings you the most joy. 


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