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Smithing allows you to make various metal items from Ores and Bars. Bars can be smelted at Furnaces, and the Items can be Crafted at Anvils. It is the complementary skill of Mining, and picking up both of these Skills will allow you to level them up very cheaply (but it will take more time than grinding both of them separately, using the fastest methods). At high Skill levels, Smithing can be used as a solid moneymaking Skill, thanks to the high demand for high-level Metal Bars. Smelting Runite Ore is one of the most profitable activities in the entire Game. It requires 85 Smithing, and can potentially net you up to 1kk Gold/Hour.
Leveling up Mining quickly can be very expensive, and it requires high initial investment (you have to buy Ores and/or Bars on the Grand Exchange), but you can get some of your money back if you sell smelted Bars and/or created Items. This means that many Players might opt for slower, but also cheaper, and/or much more profitable leveling methods. This Guide will go over the fastest, the most efficient, the easiest, and the most profitable, alternative methods of leveling up Smithing from 1 to 99. It will also cover the prerequisites, Smithing-related Quests, and some optional Gear and Items that can make skilling process smoother.
Before You Start
There are some preparations to be made before you begin to level up Smithing Skill. Some of these preparation steps are mandatory, while others are optional but recommended. These steps take a form of Quests and Items that improve your Skilling efficiency and generally make your Leveling process much more bearable. There are also a few things you should remember when Leveling Smithing, we will cover these as well. |
Quests |
Quests are a great way of getting the first few Smithing Levels under your belt. Completing them is generally much faster (and quite cheaper) than Grinding through early Smithing Levels traditionally. Quests with higher requirements (and the longer ones) can be used for getting some additional Smithing Experience or as a small leap away from the boring, repeatable grind. They might be slower, but they are also certainly more engaging than using an anvil or a furnace nonstop for a few hours.
Items and Equipment |
If there are any OSRS Skilling rules, this is certainly one of them: If there is an item or a piece of equipment that can make your grind easier, you should use it. Below, we present you a list of items that will make your Smithing grind a little easier.
Things to Remember |
The Training For the most part, leveling up Smithing is straightforward and can be done in just a few major steps. Of course, there are some alternative, more profitable, but also slower methods - we will cover those as well. |
![]() Skill Levels 1-37 ⇒ The Smithing Quest Run |
Note: The Knight's Sword Quest alone is enough to carry you straight to the Level 29 Smithing, and you should complete it even if you do not plan on doing any other Smithing-related quests. |
![]() An alternative approach for Levels 1-30 ⇒ Smithing Bronze Items |
Note: The above-mentioned Bronze Items are currently the most profitable to make at the respectable Skill-levels, but profits from creating them are marginal. |
![]() An alternative approach for Levels 30-(85)99 ⇒ Smelting Steel Bars at the Blast Furnace + Smelting Cannonballs (from Level 35 Smithing) |
Note: From Level 35 Smithing you can turn created Steel Bars into Cannonballs for even more profit. This is not experience-effective, however.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() An alternative approach for Levels 34-99 ⇒ Smithing Dart Tips |
![]() Skill Levels 30(37)-40 ⇒ Smithing Iron Items |
![]() Skill Levels 40-99 ⇒ Smelting Gold Bars at the Blast Furnace |
Note: You will lose over 72000000 Gold if you choose this method for Skilling from Level 40 to Level 99 Smithing (if you sell all the Gold Bars). |
![]() An alternative approach for Levels 85-99 ⇒ Smelting Runite Bars at the Blast Furnace |
This Guide has covered the basics of Leveling up Smithing Skill and should allow you to Grind Smithing experience efficiently. Please remember that all steps featured above are just raw guidelines, and you are free to develop your Skills however you want, but nevertheless, we hope that you will find this Guide at least somewhat helpful.
Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comment section below. We also plan to add further, less known Skilling methods to the list in the foreseeable future.
Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Jagex