The Training
For the most part, leveling up Hunter is straightforward, but there are some alternative methods available here and there, so you should pick the ones that suit you (and your wallet) the best.

Skill Levels 1-9 ⇒ The "Natural History Quiz" Quest |
- You can pick up the Quiz in the Varrock Museum
- Check the "Quests" section for a reference
- If you don't know the Quiz answers, just ask other players, or search for them on the internet, they are readily available.
- Completing the Quiz just takes a few minutes, and is a great way of leveling up some Hunter Skill Levels without any actual Hunting.
Note: This is the recommended way of getting the first few Hunter levels, as it is a lot less time-consuming than the standard Experience Grind.

An alternative approach for Levels 1-7 ⇒ Hunting Polar Kebbits |
- The Noose Wand is required for Hunting these.
- They can be found in the Relekka Hunter Area, situated north-east of Rallekka (the best spot is located on the northern island, on its north-west corner). Fairy Ring comes in handy when traveling to the spot.
- Catching a Polar Kebbit awards 30 Hunter Experience, and Catching a total of 22 is required for advancing to Level 7 Hunter.

Skill Levels 7(9)-15 ⇒ Hunting Feldip Weasels |
- The Noose Wand is required for Hunting these.
- They can be found in the Feldip Hunter Area, situated south of Yanille. You can get there quickly by using the Ring of Dueling (Castle Wars option) and running south.
- Catching Feldip Weasel awards 48 Hunter Experience, and Catching a total of 37 is required for advancing from Level 7 to Level 15 Hunter.
Note: The Ring of Pursuit might come in handy for Hunting these, as it provides a 25% chance of revealing the entire track of a Weasel. If you opt for using it, remember to bring a few, because it has 10 charges only.

Skill Levels 15-33 ⇒ Hunting Ruby Harvest Butterflies and Copper Longtails |
- The Butterfly Net is required for Hunting these.
- You should bring a full inventory of Butterfly Jars.
- They can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter Area, situated south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Piscatoris Teleport can be used to get to the spot very quickly.
- It is a good idea to also bring Bird Snares because Ruby Harvest Butterflies reside at the same spot as the Copper Long Tails. You can take advantage of this by Hunting both of those at once for increased Experience per Hour.
- Catching Ruby Harvest Butterfly awards 24 Hunter Experience, and Catching a total of 660 is required to reach Level 33 Hunter (if you don't catch any Copper Long Tails).
- Catching Copper Longtail awards 61 Hunter Experience.

Skill Levels 33-37 ⇒ Hunting Swamp Lizards |
- A Rope and a Small Fishing Net are needed for catching these (1 Rope and 1 Net for each Trap).
- Swamp Lizards can be found in Morytania, south-east of Canifis, and north of Slepe. Kharyrll Teleport can be used for quick Bank traveling.
- Catching Swamp Lizard awards 152 Hunter Experience. You should be able to gain about 22k Hunter Experience per Hour when Hunting these.

An alternative approach for Levels 33-37 ⇒ Hunting Barb-Tailed Kebbits |
- A Knife and an Axe are required for Hunting these (the Noose Wand doesn't work, and the Deadfall Trap must be used instead).
- Barb-Tailed Kebbits can be found in the Feldip Hunter Area, situated south of the Feldip Hills (travel south from Yanille).
- Kandarin Headgear comes in handy when Hunting these, as it lets you cut two logs at a time.
- It is a good idea to also bring Bird Snares because Barb-Tailed Kebbits reside at the same spot as the Crimson Swifts. You can take advantage of this by Hunting both of those at once for increased Experience per Hour.
- Catching Barb-Tailed Kebbit awards 168 Hunter Experience, and Catching a total of 55 is required for advancing to level 37 Hunter (if you don't catch any Crimson Swifts).
- Catching Crimson Swift awards 34 Hunter Experience.

Skill Levels 37-43 ⇒ Hunting Prickly Kebbits |
- A Knife and an Axe are required for Hunting these (the Noose Wand doesn't work, and the Deadfall Trap must be used instead).
- They can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter Area, situated south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Piscatoris Teleport can be used to get to the spot very quickly.
- If you have at least 32 Fletching, you should bring a Chisel, which will allow you to fletch Kebbit Spikes into stackable Kebbit Bolts. This will free a lot of inventory space and let you Hunt for longer.
- It is a good idea to also bring Bird Snares, Butterfly Net and some Butterfly Jars because Prickly Kebbits reside at the same spot as Copper Longtails and Ruby Harvest Butterflies. Hunting all three of them will increase your Experience gain per Hour.
- Catching Prickly Kebbit awards 204 Hunter Experience, and Catching a total of 117 is required for advancing to level 43 Hunter (if you don't catch any Copper Longtails and/or Ruby Harvest Butterflies).

Skill Levels 43-60 ⇒ Hunting Spotted Kebbits at the Falconry |
- 500 Gold is needed for renting a Gyr Falcon that can be used for catching Spotted Kebbits (You can't have Gloves, Weapons, and Shield equipped or you won't be able to rent a Falcon). Please remember that 500 coins are needed for every Falconry entry.
- Falconry is located at the Piscatoris Hunter Area, situated south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Piscatoris Teleport can be used to get to the spot very quickly.
- It is a good idea to bring a Bonecrusher because it will automatically bury the Kebbit bones, which halves the time needed for dropping items.
- Catching Spotted Kebbits at the Falconry should make you around 45k Hunter Experience per Hour (it is very Clicking-intensive and requires some precision, so the ultimate experience number will depend on your skill in using a Falcon).
- From Hunter Level 57, you can also catch Dark Kebbits for increased Experience per Hour. Each caught Dark Kebbit awards 132 Hunter Experience.
- Catching Dark and Spotted Kebbits at once should result in about 70k Hunter Experience per Hour, depending on your skill in using a Falcon.

Skill Levels 59(60)-67 ⇒ Hunting Red Salamanders |
- These are unlocked at Level 59 Hunter but is better to start Hunting them at Level 60, as this is when you unlock the ability to lay 4th Trap.
- One Rope and one Small Fishing Net is required for each Trap.
- They can be found south of the Ourania Cave's entrance. Ourania Teleport can be used to get to them very quickly.
- Hunting them from level 60 Hunter with 4 Traps should yield you around 80k Hunter Experience per Hour. With a proper Trap placement, some consumables (Stamina Potions), and when wearing a Graceful Outfit, it is possible to achieve up to 100k Hunter Experience per Hour when Hunting Red Salamanders.

Skill Levels 67-80 ⇒ Hunting Black Salamanders |
- One Rope and one Small Fishing Net is required for each Trap.
- Black Salamanders can be found in the Wilderness, south-east of the Bone Yard and north-east of the southern Chaos Temple. However, the Hunting area is rather safe, and you will be able to Teleport away (this means that you SHOULD bring some form of Teleportation with you) when attacked by a PK.
- Please remember that you can place one additional Trap when Hunting Black Salamanders (the Wilderness bonus).
- Hunting Black Salamanders in the WIlderness should net you about 110k Hunter Experience per Hour.

Skill Levels (73)80-99 ⇒ Hunting Black Chinchompas |
- Hunting Black Chinchompas offers the best Hunter Experience gains per hour from level 73 onwards, but Hunting them is very risky, as they can be found in very dangerous parts of the Wilderness (levels 32-36).
- They can be found in the Wilderness, south-east of the Lava Maze. You can get there quickly by using the Waka Canoe from Edgeville to the Wilderness pond (this will require 57 Woodcutting).
- Eagles' Peak Quest is required to Hunt these, as they require Box Traps.
- Hunting Black Chinchompas from Level 73 to Level 99 Hunter will earn you about 111kk Gold in total, and you will have to catch about 38000 of them in order to reach Level 99 Hunter.
- High Defense and Magic levels (90+) and good defensive equipment are recommended for additional safety when Hunting these.
Note: Hunting Black Chinchompas is associated with high risks, and you should Hunt Red Chinchompas instead if you have problems avoiding/running away from Player Killers.

An alternative approach for Levels 63(80)-99 ⇒ Hunting Red Chinchompas |
- Hunting Red Chinchompas is a bit less profitable, but also a much safer alternative for Hunting Black Chinchompas.
- These can be Hunted from Level 63 Hunter, but Experience Gains below Level 80 Hunter are rather low. However, it might still be worth it if you are profit-oriented because Red Chinchompas are in very high demand.
- Eagles' Peak Quest is required to Hunt these, as they require Box Traps.
- Red Chinchompas can be found in the Red Chinchompa Hunting Ground, situated south of Feldip Hills (you have to complete Hard Tasks of the Western Provinces Diary for access). Use the Feldip Hills Teleport to get there quickly.
- From Level 80 Hunter forward, you should be able to get about 110k Experience per Hour when Hunting these. With the 3-Tick Hunting method, it is possible to achieve up to 170k Experience per Hour, which makes this method potentially the fastest in the game.
- Hunting Red Chinchompas from Level 63 to Level 99 Hunter will earn you ~74kk Gold in total, and you will have to catch around 47800 of them in order to reach Level 99 Hunter.