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New Unique Items in Patch 3.25 in Path of Exile

New Unique Items in Patch 3.25 in Path of Exile

A list of new Unique Items and Prismatic Oil Anointments introduced in Patch 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur.

Patch 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur
New Unique Items and League overview



The newest League brings a highly anticipated rework to the Melee archetype, as well as many new Unique Items, balance changes, Quality of Life updates including an Auction House for Currency Items, and many more! The League mechanic is probably the most complex and elaborate we have ever received, mixing the elements of ARPG and Town Simulator. The list of changes is massive and can be overwhelming, but you don't need to read it all to enjoy the game. The notable changes are that the Quality of Items is now much more effective, which will greatly improve the Damage of Physical Weapons and Defense from all Armour pieces; there are some new and reworked Scarabs, with the addition of a 6th slot in your Map Device to use them; Gladiator Ascendency got a complete overhaul, and the Raider Ascendency was replaced by the Warden, which focuses on Elemental Attacks and Tinctures. 


New 3.25 Unique Items

As usual, in the Settlers of Kalguur League you will be able to find new Unique Items. It follows the traditional vision: not every Unique should be Best in Slot or usable in every situation. Some of them fill their specific niche or gap between bad and good Rare Items. Obviously, some of them can enable completely new Builds or create new tricks you can use in your arsenal. We present you the full list of new Unique Items in the Settlers of Kalguur below. 


Unique Art Name and modifiers Note
Yndas Stand Ynda's Stand
Studded Belt

30% increased Stun duration on Enemies
Requires level 52
Regenerate 40 Life per Second
+30% to Fire Resistance
+20% to Cold Resistance
Gain Ward instead of 50% of Armour and Evasion Rating from Equipped Body Armour. 

It might be a decent addition to Evasion or Block-based Builds that lack Damage Reduction. You can expect 500-1000 Ward from this Item, which now only takes 2 seconds to recover. 

The Light of Meaning
Prismatic Jewel

Passive Skills in Radius also grant <random stat>
Possible modifiers: 
Passive Skills in Radius also grant +5 to maximum Life
Passive Skills in Radius also grant +5 to maximum Mana
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 5% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
Passive Skills in Radius also grant +2 to all Attributes
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 6% increased Physical Damage
Passive Skills in Radius also grant +4% to Chaos Resistance
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 6% increased Fire Damage
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 6% increased Cold Damage
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 6% increased Lightning Damage
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 6% increased Chaos Damage
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 7% increased Armour
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 7% increased Evasion Rating
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 3% increased Energy Shield
You might recognize this Jewel from the Necropolis League, it used to be called Perandus Pact. It now drops from the King in the Mist, which can be accessed via a special Fragment rarely obtainable from Ritual Mechanic. 
The Queller of Minds
Nameless Ring

50% increased Elemental Ailment Duration on you
50% Reduced Effect of Curses on you
Requires level 50
Grants level 20 Pacify 
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
+30 to maximum Mana
+10% to Chaos Resistance
Pacify is a Curse that has no initial effect but causes the target to deal no Damage once 60% of the Curse's Duration has expired. It shares a limit with other Curse Skills. It can be very powerful but requires very good timing. 
The Hateful Accuser
Nameless Ring

50% increased Elemental Ailment Duration on you
50% Reduced Effect of Curses on you
Requires level 50
Grants level 20 Penance Mark
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
+30 to maximum Life
+10% to Chaos Resistance
The Penance Mark causes the Marked Enemy to spawn 3 Phantasms when Hit. The Phantasms are your Enemies, you can utilize them to regain Flask Charges or trigger on-kill effects. They spawn far away from the Enemy, making it very hard to overlap AoE or proliferate Poisons. 
The Selfish Shepherd
Nameless Ring

50% increased Elemental Ailment Duration on you
50% Reduced Effect of Curses on you
Requires level 50
Grants level 20 Affliction
(5-10)% increased Cast Speed
+30 to maximum Energy Shield
+10% to Chaos Resistance
The Affliction causes your Damageable Minions to take accelerating Physical Damage over Time until they reach a fifth of maximum Life, causing them to Explode. You Regenerate 20% of total Affliction Damage per second as Life. As Rings cannot be Supported by Gems, it is unusable as the main Skill. 
Serles Masterwork Serles Masterwork
One Handed Mace
10% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
Requires Level 53
+(30-40) to Strength
+(30-40) to Dexterity
(150-250)% increased Physical Damage
+(400-500) to Accuracy Rating
Can have 2 additional Runesmithing Enchantments
Can be Enchanted by a Kalguuran Runesmith
A potentially Build-enabling Unique Item, depending on the available Runesmithing Enchantments. The second Enchantment would have to overcome the fact that this Weapon is rather weak on its own.

We will keep an eye on this Item for potential Build ideas. 
Admiral's Arrogance
Requires Level 39
(6–12)% increased Attack Speed
(100–140)% increased Armour
(10–20)% chance that if you would gain Rage on Hit, you instead gain up to your maximum Rage
+(1–3) to Level of all Melee Skill Gems
Those could be used for Builds that rapidly use Rage, such as Rage Vortex of Berserking. For regular Builds rage generation is quick enough to use any other pair of Gloves.
Svalinn Girded Tower Shield
+(10–20) to maximum Life
13% Chance to Block Spell Damage
+134 to Ward
-10% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage
-10% to maximum Chance to Block Spell Damage
Chance to Block is Lucky
Trigger a Socketed Elemental Spell on Block, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
A great way to get the Lucky Chance to Block without speccing into Gladiator Ascendency. Additionally, you can use the Trigger on Block modifier to automatically cast utility Spells such as  Elemental Curse, Vortex to apply Chill to nearby Enemies, or Molten Shell. 
Tawhoa's Felling
Two-Handed Mace
20% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold
Requires Level 61
Trigger Level 20 Tawhoa's Chosen when you Attack with
a Non-Vaal Slam or Strike Skill near an Enemy
+(30–40) to Strength
(250–300)% increased Physical Damage
(20–30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
(20–30)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon
The Tawhoa's Chosen summons a Mirrage that mimics your one Attack with a Cooldown of 1 second. It has a quite high physical DPS but lacks Attack Speed or Critical Strike Chance. Very good Weapon for many Melee Builds during early progression.
The Living Blade
Two-Handed Sword
+25% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Requires Level 61
(100–140)% increased Physical Damage
(25–35)% increased Attack Speed
Cannot be Poisoned
You can have an additional Tincture active
10% chance to remove 1 Mana Burn on Kill
A decent Sword that allows you to use 2 Tinctures on any Ascendency, or 3 as a Warden. It can be used during early progression, but it is not very good later on. Mana Burn removal is not useful as it only triggers on kill. 
Kaom's Command
+(60–80) to maximum Life
(25–35)% increased Warcry Speed
Nearby corpses Explode when you Warcry, dealing (5–10)% of their Life as Physical Damage
Warcry Skills have (25–35)% increased Area of Effect
An interesting Build-enabling Helmet. Requires a very specific setup to be good, otherwise, it won't be any useful. 
Grasping Nightshade
25% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Melee Weapons
(25-35)% increased Effect of Blind from Melee Weapons
Requires Level 52
Melee Weapon Hits Inflict (2-3) Withered Debuffs for 2 seconds
(20-30)% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Melee Weapon Hit
An interesting way to inflict Withered Debuff on Enemies, but it is not worth the Flask Slot. Slowing and Blinding Enemies is a decent Defensive layer, but doesn't provide any actual Damage Mitigation. 
Wildfire Phloem
25% chance to Ignite with Melee Weapons
(60–90)% increased Damage with Ignite from Melee Weapons
Requires Level 32​
-1 Fire Damage taken from Hits per Mana Burn
(15-25)% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Melee Weapon Hit
Cover Full Life Enemies in Ash for (4-10) seconds on Melee Weapon Hit​
It can be very helpful for Ignite Melee Skills with big Damage variance, as only the highest Ignite application deals the Damage at a given time, however, a Magic Tincture with DoT Multiplier will be probably better. 
The Battle Within
Gain 3 Rage on Melee Weapon Hit
Requires Level 60
Does not inflict Mana Burn over time
Inflicts Mana Burn on you when you Hit an Enemy with a Melee Weapon
(1-5)% increased Rarity of Items found per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 100%
Melee Weapon Attacks have Culling Strike
It can be a decent choice if you don't have any other source of Culling Strike. The additional Rarity is not very useful, and any fast-attacking Build will quickly Burn all their Mana. 
Sap of the Seasons
(70–100)% increased Elemental Damage with Melee Weapons
Requires Level 18
Melee Weapon Damage Penetrates 1% Elemental Resistances per Mana Burn
(20-40)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
(-35-35)% reduced/increased Mana Burn rate
A good starting Tincture for many Elemental Builds. With good rolls, it will last for a quite long time and can be used much faster again. Due to the ramp-up time of the Elemental Penetration, a proper Magic Tincture will be better. 
Mightblood Ire
40% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with Melee Weapons
(15–25)% increased Stun Duration with Melee Weapons
Requires Level 18
Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets
(15-25)% reduced Mana Burn rate
A simply bad Item. You want the Splash effect to be active all the time, which cannot be achieved with Tinctures. The Implicit is also not useful. 



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New 3.25 Prismatic Oil Anointments

The Blight also received a new update. You will now occasionally drop the Prismatic Oil, which can only drop in the Blighted and Blight-Ravaged Maps. This Oil is required for new powerful Passive Notables available only through Anointments. It also sometimes replaces the Golden Oil in already existing Notables. You can find the full list of new Anointments below.  

Oil Oil Name Notable
New Anointments

Worship the Blightheart
Create Fungal Ground instead of Consecrated Ground
(Allies on your Fungal Ground have +25% to Chaos Resistance. Enemies on your Fungal Ground have -10% to all Resistances.)

Selective Precision
First and Final shots of Barrage sequences fire Projectiles that Return to you

Wood, Stone, and Spell
10% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you per Summoned Totem

Always Angry
+8 to Minimum Rage

Beacon of Hope
80% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills

Bastion of Faith
Consecrated Ground you create also grants 50% reduced duration of Damaging Ailments on you

Adaptive Steel
5% chance to Defend with double your Armour for each time you've been Hit by an Enemy Recently, up to 30%

Sione's Ambition
Strike Skills which target additional Enemies can do so from 40% further away

Force of Darkness
Damage Penetrates 15% Chaos Resistance

King of the Hill
20% chance for used Retaliation Skills to remain Usable and not consume a Cooldown Use

Hollow Effigy

Your Offering Skills do not require a Corpse

Jagged Wounds
20% increased Maximum total Life Recovery per second from Leech if you've dealt a Critical Strike recently

Deliberate Brutality
Impales you inflict gain 50% increased Effect once 1 second of Duration has expired

Lasting Tempest
50% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies

Vinespike Cordial
Inflict a Grasping Vine on Hit against Enemies with fewer than 8 Grasping Vines during Effect of any Life Flask

Elusive on you reduces in effect 50% slower
Elusive is removed from you at 20% effect

Knowledge Barrier
6% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate for each different type of Mastery you have Allocated

Legacy of the Wilds
Tinctures have 40% increased effect while at or above 10 stacks of Mana Burn

Mixed Munitions
5% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for throwing Traps per Mine Detonated Recently

Cleansed Thoughts
Chaos Resistance is doubled
Changed Recipe

8% increased maximum Mana
Transfiguration of Mind
(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Damage at 30% of their value)

Vengeant Cascade
Returning Projectiles have 150% increased Speed

5% increased maximum Life
Transfiguration of Body
(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Life also apply to Attack Damage at 30% of their value)

-10 Physical Damage taken from Hits
-1 Physical Damage taken from Hits per Level

Way of the Warrior
16% increased Melee Damage
16% increased Armour
+16 to maximum Life
+30 to Strength

Heart of Darkness
27% increased Chaos Damage
Damage Penetrates 7% Chaos Resistance

5% increased maximum Energy Shield
Transfiguration of Soul
(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Energy Shield also apply to Spell Damage at 30% of their value)

Mystic Talents
16% increased Spell Damage
+14 to maximum Energy Shield
25% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+30 to Intelligence

Hardened Scars
15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
25% less Damage over Time taken during Effect of any Life Flask

Legacy of the Wilds
Tinctures have 40% increased effect while at or above 10 stacks of Mana Burn

Deadly Inclinations
18% increased Evasion Rating
+12 to maximum Life
16% increased Projectile Damage
+30 to Dexterity

Aspect of Stone
20% chance to Avoid Physical Damage from Hits



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Settlers of Kalguur Overview

The League Mechanic focused on building up your own town. You will upgrade specific Buildings and Crafting stations, develop NPC to do work for you, send trade missions, gather resources, and many more. It will require you to collect Gold and new Materials in the traditional way - by killing monsters on your Maps. There are tons of new mechanics awaiting discovery on the League Launch. Be sure to come back to check out our Guide planned to be released after the League goes live! 


Quality of Life changes

The most impactful change will be the addition of the Currency Trade Market where you will be able to instantly trade your goods with other players without their interaction. Doing so will require Gold, which you will acquire by slaying monsters. It will be also used in many other activities featuring new League Mechanics, so Trading large amounts of Currency at the beginning might still require the old-fashioned style. 

The other changes are less noticeable on a daily basis, but for sure are welcome to have. From now on:

  • Waypoints automatically activate when you run near them
  • You will have a vastly increased pick-up range of Items
  • The Atlas will showcase the Divination Cards available in each Map
  • The Reservation Skills remain active after death
  • Most Bosses will have a static Life bar
  • The Harvest encounters will start slightly faster


If you have any other build requests please leave that in the comments below. We are always open to suggestions and constructive feedback.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

Path of Exile Affliction League Marketplace