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Holy Staff PvP Healer build for Albion Online

Holy Staff PvP Healer build for Albion Online

Complete build guide on the best PvP Group Healer for Albion Online

Group PvP
Holy Healer build
Odealo's Pocket Guide

Check out our other Albion Online builds

Build notes:
May 15, 2019
-Build created


Build Overview

Healers are the core of any large scale PvP encounter and they get focussed a lot because of that. Dead Healer is of no use to a team, so the survivability is the key when it comes to being a successful Combat Healer in Albion. This Build embraces this idea and provides some solid defensive/survivability options that will allow you to stay out of harm's way and keep Healing your teammates while being very annoying to enemies.

Spells and Passives were picked with the maximum survivability and Healing output in mind. The spell/ability toolkit is a good mix of Healing/Defensive spells and should allow you to keep yourself alive and your teammates healthy.

Odealo is a player-to-player marketplace for Albion Online Silver.


 Pros  Cons
 Good Survivability  Lacks any offensive capabilities
 Solid defensive options  Some Healing potential was sacrificed in favor of additional survivability
 Able to reposition quickly  
Can Cleanse negative effects  


Items & Skills

Elder's Great Holy Staff  Weapon: Great Holy Staff is a solid PvP option, as it lets you scatter enemies or gain some distance on melee DPS's that are harassing you. It also provides a minor AoE Heal and has some synergy with the Frost Shield (knockback + Slow will let you escape from harm easier)
Flash Heal
  1. Flash Heal - Quick Healing spell that also applies Heal-increasing Stacks. The third cast on the same target will consume all stacks and restore you some energy. When combined with the Holy Blessing, this provides you with very strong Burst Healing ability.
Holy Blessing
  1. Holy Blessing - This spell lets you Heal a priority Target very quickly, thanks to the Healing bonus that it provides. If the enemy is not quick enough with a dispell, you should be able to top up your endangered teammate in no time thanks to this.
Holy Explosion
  1. Holy Explosion - A solid defensive option that also provides some AoE Healing and synergizes with your Frost Armor for additional escape ability.
Aggressive Caster 
  1. Passive: Aggressive Caster - This passive, combined with an Omelette gives you a constant cast speed buff.
Elder's Mercenary Hood Helmet: Mercenary Hood gives you access to the Cleanse spell and provides you with a strong passive as well.
  1. Cleanse - Cleanses all debuffs and movement impairing effects from you and closeby allies. Remember that you have to be close to the Target that you want to Cleanse. Great for getting out of all kinds of Stuns and Roots which may be imperative for keeping your allies/yourself alive.
Quick Thinker
  1. Passive: Quick Thinker - Reduces Cooldowns and, in turn, increases your HPS.
Elder's Mage Robe  Armor: Mage Robe provides you with a strong defensive Cooldown that also slows down attacking enemies, making escaping from them/kiting much easier.
Frost Shield
  1. Frost Shield - Increases your Magickal Resistance and Armor for 8 seconds. While active, it also slows enemies that attack you by 20% for 5s and reflects 10% of the incoming Damage to attackers. Your main defensive tool. It allows you to survive heavy incoming damage (especially when combined with the Gigantify Potion) and slows down melee attackers which enables you to disengage more easily.
  1. Passive: Aggression - Increases Damage and Healing Power.
Elder's Royal Shoes Boots: Royal Shoes can get you out of harm's way quickly and make you invulnerable when doing it.
Evasive Jump
  1. Evasive Jump - Allows you to Jump to a target location. You are invulnerable during the jump. A great defensive option that lets you avoid Damage and increases your overall mobility. This allows you to quickly gain some distance over enemies slowed by your Frost Shield.
Balanced Mind
  1. Passive: Balanced Mind - Increases your Damage and Healing Power, while also reducing all incoming Damage.
Pork Omelette Food: Pork Omelette - reduces the cooldown of your abilities and increases your Cast Speed, boosting your overall efficiency.
Major Gigantify Potion Potion: Major Gigantify Potion - increases your maximum load by 2100%, and more importantly, your maximum Health by 108% for 8 seconds. This serves as an emergency defensive Cooldown that will let you sustain heavy incoming damage for some time, and make you even harder to kill.

Odealo is a secure marketplace for AO Silver and Items where trades are made by regular players with the use of real money.



This is the premiere version of our Great Holy Staff/Healer build for Group PvP in Albion Online. This build is designed to maximize your Survivability so that you are able to stay safe and Heal your teammates. If you have any suggestions for other Albion Online builds or feedback about this build, you are more than welcome to leave it in the comments below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Sandbox Interactive GmbH