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Artifact Wikia | Artifact Spell Cards - Odealo

Artifact Wikia | Artifact Spell Cards - Odealo

View all available Spell Cards in Artifact - the Dota trading card game

Artifact Spells

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General information

Spells are the most diversified type of Cards in Artifact TCG. Spells can be used to deal direct damage, summon Creeps, cause and change status effects, move units, improve lanes via Improvement Spells and much more. Spells can be played during the Action Phase if you can afford their Mana Cost indicated in top-left of the Card. Casting Spells is the main method of interacting with the board by each player. Spell Cards are categorized in four colors:

  1. BlackBlack - Assassination Spells;
  2. ControlBlue - Control Spells - focused on dealing very high damage;
  3. GreenGreen - Support Spells - focused on healing and buffing units;
  4. RedRed - "Combat" Spells, focused on increasing/reducing Attack Power, Armor etc.

Other important aspects of Spell Cards:

  1. In order to cast a Spell, you need a Hero of the same color and enough Mana in your Tower on the lane you want to cast the Spell on 
  2. Certain Spells can affect other or all of the lanes
  3. Improvements are a specific type of Spells which permanently affect the lane they are cast on

The layout of an Artifact Item Card

Spell Card
Spell Card

Improvement Spell
Improvement Spell Card

Each Spell Card has it cost indicated in the bottom left part of the Card. Mana Cost of Spells has to be paid with Mana available in the Tower on the lane you want to cast the Spell on. Spell that have horizontal arrows on each side of the Mana Cost can take effect on neighboring lanes as well. 

List of available Spell Cards

BlackBlack Spell Cards
Arcane Censure
Arcane Censure
Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning
Blood Rage
Blood Rage
Chain Frost
Chain Frost
Collateral Damage
Collateral Damage
Coordinated Assault
Coordinated Assault
Coup de Grace
Coup de Grace
Dirty Deeds
Dirty Deeds
Forward Charge
Forward Charge
Grazing Shot
Grazing Shot
Heartstopper Aura
Heartstopper Aura
Hip Fire
Hip Fire
Lodestone Demolition
Lodestone Demolition
Mana Drain
Mana Drain
Murder Plot
Murder Plot
No Accident
No Accident
Pick Off
Hip Fire
Relentless Pursuit
Relentless Pursuit
The Cover of Night
The Cover of Night
Winter's Curse
Winter's Curse
ControlBlue Spell Cards
...And One For Me
...And One For Me
Arcane Assault
Arcane Assault
Astral Imprisonment
Astral Imprisonment
At Any Cost
At Any Cost
Battlefield Control
Battlefield Control
Better Late Than Never
Better Late Than Never
Bolt of Damocles
Bolt of Damocles
Buying Time
Buying Time
Call the Reserves
Call the Reserves
Cunning Plan
Cunning Plan
Diabolic Revelation
Diabolic Revelation
Dimensional Portal
Dimensional Portal
Divided We Stand
Divided We Stand
Echo Slam
Echo Slam
Fog of War
Fog of War
Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire
Lightning Strike
Lightning Strike
Lost in Time
Lost in Time
Mystic Flare
Mystic Flare
Prey on the Weak
Prey on the Weak
Prey on the Weak
Prey on the Weak
Remote Detonation
Remote Detonation
Rolling Storm
Rolling Storm
Self Sabotage
Self Sabotage
Sow Venom
Sow Venom
Strafing Run
Strafing Run
Thunder God's Wrath
Thunder God's Wrath
Tower Barrage
Tower Barrage
Whispers of Madness
Whispers of Madness
Wrath of Gold
Wrath of Gold
Artifact Green ColorGreen Spell Cards
Act of Defiance
Act of Defiance
Allseeing Ones Favor
Allseeing One's Favor
Aphotic Shield
Aphotic Shield
Avernus Blessing
Avernus' Blessing
Caught Unprepared
Caught Unprepared
Cleansing Rite
Cleansing Rite
Corrosive Mist
Corrosive Mist
Curse of Atrophy
Curse of Atrophy
Defend the Week
Defend the Week
Defensive Bloom
Defensive Bloom
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
Divine Purpose
Divine Purpose
Hand of God
Hand of God
Ion Shell
Ion Shell
Ion Branch Protection
Ion Branch Protection
Restoration Effect
Restoration Effect
Rumusque Blessing
Rumusque Blessing
Seal Strength
Seal Strength
Soul of Spring
Soul of Spring
Stars Align
Stars Align
Truth to Power
Truth to Power
Viper Strike
Viper Strike
Artifact Red ColorRed Spell Cards
Berserker's Call
Berserker's Call
Clear the Deck
Clear the Deck
Combat Training
Combat Training
Crippling Blow
Crippling Blow
Defensive Stance
Defensive Stance
Double Edge
Double Edge
Enough Magic!
Enough Magic!
Fight Through the Pain
Fight Through the Pain
Fighting Instinct
Fighting Instinct
God's Strength
God's Strength
Heroic Resolve
Heroic Resolve
Kraken Shell
Kraken Shell
New Orders
New Orders
Pick a Fight
Pick a Fight
Poised to Strike
Poised to Strike
Primal Roar
Primal Roar
Rend Armor
Rend Armor
Rising Anger
Rising Anger
Smash their Defenses
Smash their Defenses
Spot Weakness
Spot Weakness
Spring the Trap
Spring the Trap
Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch
Time of Triumph
Time of Triumph
Tresdin's Standards
Tresdin's Standards
Viscous Nascal Goo
Viscous Nascal Goo
Whirling Death
Whirling Death

List of available Improvement Spell Cards

Improvement Spell CardsImprovement Spell Cards
Aghanim's Sanctum
Aghanim's Sanctum
Altar of the Mad Moon
Altar of the Mad Moon
Assault Ladders
Assault Ladders
Assured Destruction
Assured Destruction
Bitter Enemies
Bitter Enemies
Burning Oil
Burning Oil
Cheating Death
Cheating Death
Escape Route
Escape Route
Fractured Timeline
Fractured Timeline
Glyph of Confusion
Glyph of Confusion
Grand Melee
Grand Melee
Homefield Advantage
Homefield Advantage
Howling Mind
Howling Mind
Iron Fog Goldmine
Iron Fog Goldmine
Keenfolk Turret
Keenfolk Turret
Messenger Rockery
Messenger Rockery
Mist of Avernus
Mist of Avernus
Nether Ward
Nether Ward
Path of the Bold
Path of the Bold
Path of the Cunning
Path of the Cunning
Path of the Dreamer
Path of the Dreamer
Path of the Wise
Path of the Wise
Revtel Investments
Revtel Investments
Selemene's Favor
Selemene's Favor
Steam Cannon
Steam Cannon
Steel Reinforcement
Steel Reinforcement
Temple of War
Temple of War
The Oath
The Oath
The Omexe Arena
The Omexe Arena
The Tyler Estate
The Tyler Estate
Unearthed Secrets
Unearthed Secrets
Unsupervised Artillery
Unsupervised Artillery
Verdant Refuge
Verdant Refuge

If you will like to find different Artifact-related content on Odealo.com let us know in the comments below. You might also want to join the discussion on our Facebook fan page.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Valve Corporation.

Artifact Spells

Go back to the main: Artifact Wiki Page

General information

Spells are the most diversified type of Cards in Artifact TCG. Spells can be used to deal direct damage, summon Creeps, cause and change status effects, move units, improve lanes via Improvement Spells and much more. Spells can be played during the Action Phase if you can afford their Mana Cost indicated in top-left of the Card. Casting Spells is the main method of interacting with the board by each player. Spell Cards are categorized in four colors:

  1. BlackBlack - Assassination Spells;
  2. ControlBlue - Control Spells - focused on dealing very high damage;
  3. GreenGreen - Support Spells - focused on healing and buffing units;
  4. RedRed - "Combat" Spells, focused on increasing/reducing Attack Power, Armor etc.

Other important aspects of Spell Cards:

  1. In order to cast a Spell, you need a Hero of the same color and enough Mana in your Tower on the lane you want to cast the Spell on 
  2. Certain Spells can affect other or all of the lanes
  3. Improvements are a specific type of Spells which permanently affect the lane they are cast on

The layout of an Artifact Item Card

Spell Card
Spell Card

Improvement Spell
Improvement Spell Card

Each Spell Card has it cost indicated in the bottom left part of the Card. Mana Cost of Spells has to be paid with Mana available in the Tower on the lane you want to cast the Spell on. Spell that have horizontal arrows on each side of the Mana Cost can take effect on neighboring lanes as well. 

List of available Spell Cards

BlackBlack Spell Cards
Arcane Censure
Arcane Censure
Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning
Blood Rage
Blood Rage
Chain Frost
Chain Frost
Collateral Damage
Collateral Damage
Coordinated Assault
Coordinated Assault
Coup de Grace
Coup de Grace
Dirty Deeds
Dirty Deeds
Forward Charge
Forward Charge
Grazing Shot
Grazing Shot
Heartstopper Aura
Heartstopper Aura
Hip Fire
Hip Fire
Lodestone Demolition
Lodestone Demolition
Mana Drain
Mana Drain
Murder Plot
Murder Plot
No Accident
No Accident
Pick Off
Hip Fire
Relentless Pursuit
Relentless Pursuit
The Cover of Night
The Cover of Night
Winter's Curse
Winter's Curse
ControlBlue Spell Cards
...And One For Me
...And One For Me
Arcane Assault
Arcane Assault
Astral Imprisonment
Astral Imprisonment
At Any Cost
At Any Cost
Battlefield Control
Battlefield Control
Better Late Than Never
Better Late Than Never
Bolt of Damocles
Bolt of Damocles
Buying Time
Buying Time
Call the Reserves
Call the Reserves
Cunning Plan
Cunning Plan
Diabolic Revelation
Diabolic Revelation
Dimensional Portal
Dimensional Portal
Divided We Stand
Divided We Stand
Echo Slam
Echo Slam
Fog of War
Fog of War
Friendly Fire
Friendly Fire
Lightning Strike
Lightning Strike
Lost in Time
Lost in Time
Mystic Flare
Mystic Flare
Prey on the Weak
Prey on the Weak
Prey on the Weak
Prey on the Weak
Remote Detonation
Remote Detonation
Rolling Storm
Rolling Storm
Self Sabotage
Self Sabotage
Sow Venom
Sow Venom
Strafing Run
Strafing Run
Thunder God's Wrath
Thunder God's Wrath
Tower Barrage
Tower Barrage
Whispers of Madness
Whispers of Madness
Wrath of Gold
Wrath of Gold
Artifact Green ColorGreen Spell Cards
Act of Defiance
Act of Defiance
Allseeing Ones Favor
Allseeing One's Favor
Aphotic Shield
Aphotic Shield
Avernus Blessing
Avernus' Blessing
Caught Unprepared
Caught Unprepared
Cleansing Rite
Cleansing Rite
Corrosive Mist
Corrosive Mist
Curse of Atrophy
Curse of Atrophy
Defend the Week
Defend the Week
Defensive Bloom
Defensive Bloom
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
Divine Purpose
Divine Purpose
Hand of God
Hand of God
Ion Shell
Ion Shell
Ion Branch Protection
Ion Branch Protection
Restoration Effect
Restoration Effect
Rumusque Blessing
Rumusque Blessing
Seal Strength
Seal Strength
Soul of Spring
Soul of Spring
Stars Align
Stars Align
Truth to Power
Truth to Power
Viper Strike
Viper Strike
Artifact Red ColorRed Spell Cards
Berserker's Call
Berserker's Call
Clear the Deck
Clear the Deck
Combat Training
Combat Training
Crippling Blow
Crippling Blow
Defensive Stance
Defensive Stance
Double Edge
Double Edge
Enough Magic!
Enough Magic!
Fight Through the Pain
Fight Through the Pain
Fighting Instinct
Fighting Instinct
God's Strength
God's Strength
Heroic Resolve
Heroic Resolve
Kraken Shell
Kraken Shell
New Orders
New Orders
Pick a Fight
Pick a Fight
Poised to Strike
Poised to Strike
Primal Roar
Primal Roar
Rend Armor
Rend Armor
Rising Anger
Rising Anger
Smash their Defenses
Smash their Defenses
Spot Weakness
Spot Weakness
Spring the Trap
Spring the Trap
Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch
Time of Triumph
Time of Triumph
Tresdin's Standards
Tresdin's Standards
Viscous Nascal Goo
Viscous Nascal Goo
Whirling Death
Whirling Death

List of available Improvement Spell Cards

Improvement Spell CardsImprovement Spell Cards
Aghanim's Sanctum
Aghanim's Sanctum
Altar of the Mad Moon
Altar of the Mad Moon
Assault Ladders
Assault Ladders
Assured Destruction
Assured Destruction
Bitter Enemies
Bitter Enemies
Burning Oil
Burning Oil
Cheating Death
Cheating Death
Escape Route
Escape Route
Fractured Timeline
Fractured Timeline
Glyph of Confusion
Glyph of Confusion
Grand Melee
Grand Melee
Homefield Advantage
Homefield Advantage
Howling Mind
Howling Mind
Iron Fog Goldmine
Iron Fog Goldmine
Keenfolk Turret
Keenfolk Turret
Messenger Rockery
Messenger Rockery
Mist of Avernus
Mist of Avernus
Nether Ward
Nether Ward
Path of the Bold
Path of the Bold
Path of the Cunning
Path of the Cunning
Path of the Dreamer
Path of the Dreamer
Path of the Wise
Path of the Wise
Revtel Investments
Revtel Investments
Selemene's Favor
Selemene's Favor
Steam Cannon
Steam Cannon
Steel Reinforcement
Steel Reinforcement
Temple of War
Temple of War
The Oath
The Oath
The Omexe Arena
The Omexe Arena
The Tyler Estate
The Tyler Estate
Unearthed Secrets
Unearthed Secrets
Unsupervised Artillery
Unsupervised Artillery
Verdant Refuge
Verdant Refuge

If you will like to find different Artifact-related content on Odealo.com let us know in the comments below. You might also want to join the discussion on our Facebook fan page.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Valve Corporation.