Artifact Heroes
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General information
Heroes Cards are the most powerful Cards in Artifact. There is a wide variety of Heroes in Artifact, with each Hero possessing their own unique ability, attributes, and playstyle. There is currently a total of 44 Heroes in the initial set of cards players will receive upon launch of the game. Each deck consists of 5 preselected Hero Cards, and Heroes can be categorized in four main colors:
Black - Black Heroes are of the "Assassination" type. They focus on dealing high Hero damage, earning Gold, and obtaining an early-game advantage;
Blue - these are Control Heroes. Blue color offers powerful Spells, Crowd-control effects and gains great power in later phases of the game;
Green - Green Cards focus mainly on Support roles - healing, summoning creatures, and granting various buffs;
Red - Red Heroes are in general much stronger than others attribute-wise but have weaker abilities.
Other important facts about Artifact Heroes:
- The color of the Hero Card determines what Spells and Creeps you can cast with that Hero as most Cards will only work in the specified lane
- When you Hero dies, he returns to the Fountain for two turns before you can deploy it back to a lane
- Each Hero comes with three Signature cards which are added to your Deck when you play the Hero. Signature Cards can't be obtained separately, traded or collected
The layout of an Artifact Hero Card

Artifact Hero Card consists of three main parts:
- The topmost part where the Hero's Items are displayed. Each Hero can use three Items, one for each of the following categories: Weapon, Armor, Jewelry. When your Hero dies he does not lose the items and carries them when he gets deployed back on a lane. Item Cards in artifact can boost the Hero's attributes or grant him new unique abilities
- The central part where the Hero's ability is displayed. There are three main types of abilities a Hero can own, which are as follows:
Active Abilities - which must be manually activated, and go on cooldown afterward;
Reactive/Passive Abilities - which activate when certain conditions are met;
Continuous Abilities - which grant continuous effect for as long as the Hero remains in the lane.
Please note that few Red Heroes do not possess any ability which is compensated by having greatly increased attributes.
- The bottom part, where Hero's core attributes are displayed. These are
Attack Power,
Armor, and
List of available Hero Cards
Black Heroes |

Bloodseeker |

Bounty Hunter |

Lich |

Lion |

Necrophos |

Phantom Assassin |

Riley the Cunning |

Sniper |

Sorla Khan |

Storm Spirit |

Winter Wyvern |
Blue Heroes |

Crystal Maiden |

Earthshatter |

J'Muy the Wise |

Kanna |

Luna |

Meepo |

Ogre Magi |

Outworld Devourer |

Prellex |

Skywrath Mage |

Venomancer |

Zeus |
Green Heroes |

Abaddon |

Chen |

Dark Seer |

Drow Ranger |

Enchantress |

Fahrvan the Dreamer |

Lycan |

Magnus |

Omniknight |

Rix |

Treant Protector |

Viper |
Red Heroes |

Axe |

Beastmaster |

Bristleback |

Centaur Warrunner |

Keefe the Bold |

Legion Commander |

Mazzie |

Pugna |

Sven |

Tidehunter |

Timbersaw |

Ursa |
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