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Artifact Wikia | Artifact Creeps Cards - Odealo

Artifact Wikia | Artifact Creeps Cards - Odealo

View all available Creeps Cards in Artifact - the Dota trading card game

Artifact Creeps

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General information

Creeps are non-hero units in Artifact TCG and can be summoned via Creep Spell Cards. Creeps have similar stats to Heroes: Attack, Armor, and Health, but unlike Heroes they can't use Items nor respawn after death. Melee Creeps are the most basic type of Creeps and are not played by hand, but instead summoned passively for every player. Like Spell Cards, Creeps are categorized in four main colors:

  1. BlackBlack
  2. ControlBlue
  3. GreenGreen
  4. RedRed

In order to summon a Creep, you need a Hero of the same color and enough Mana in your Tower to cast the Creep Spell.

The layout of an Artifact Creep Card

Assassin's Apprentice

Like other Spell Cards, in bottom-left, you will find the Card's Mana Cost. In the central part, you can find Creep's unique ability if it has one, which can have either a Passive, Active or Triggered effect. This can affect the Creep, other allied or enemy units, Towers, or the lane itself. 

List of available Spell Cards

BlackBlack Creeps
Assassin's Apprentice
Assassin's Apprentice
Assassin's Shadow
Assassin's Shadow
Discipline of Nevermore
Disciple of Nevermore
Hound of War
Hound of War
Oglodi Catapult
Oglodi Catapult
Oglodi Vandal
Oglodi Vandal
Pit Fighter of Quoidge
Pit Fighter of Quoidge
Ravenous Mass
Ravenous Mass
Sister of the Veil
Sister of the Veil
Tyler Estate Censor
Tyler Estate Censor
Untested Grunt
Untested Grunt
ControlBlue Creeps
Incarnation of Selemene
Incarnation of Selemene
Plague Ward
Plague Ward
Relentless Zombie
Relentless Zombie
Satyr Magician
Satyr Magician
Troll Soothsayer
Troll Soothsayer
Artifact Green ColorGreen Creeps
Champion of the Ancient
Champion of the Ancient
Emissary of the Quorum
Emissary of the Quorum
Prowler Vanguard
Prowler Vanguard
Rampaging Hellbear
Rampaging Hellbear
Rebel Decoy
Rebel Decoy
Revtel Convoy
Revtel Convoy
Roseleaf Druid
Roseleaf Druid
Roseleaf Rejuvenator
Roseleaf Rejuvenator
Roseleaf Wall
Roseleaf Wall
Satyr Duelist
Satyr Duelist
Savage Wolf
Savage Wolf
Selfish Cleric
Selfish Cleric
Smeevil Blacksmith
Smeevil Blacksmith
Thunderhide Alpha
Thunderhide Alpha
Thunderhide Pack
Thunderhide Pack
Vhoul Martyr
Vhoul Martyr
Artifact Red ColorRed Creeps
Bronze Legionnaire
Bronze Legionnaire
Centaur Hunter
Centaur Hunter
Cursed Satyr
Cursed Satyr
Hellbear Crippler
Hellbear Crippler
Keenfolk Golem
Keenfolk Golem
Legion Standard Bearer
Legion Standard Bearer
Loyal Beast
Loyal Beast
Marrowfell Brawler
Marrowfell Brawler
Mercenary Exiles
Mercenary Exiles
Ogre Conscript
Ogre Conscript
Ogre Corpse Tosser
Ogre Corpse Tosser
Rebel Instigator
Rebel Instigator
Red Mist Pillager
Red Mist Pillager
Smeevil Armsmaster
Smeevil Armsmaster
Stonehall Elite
Stonehall Elite
"Neutral" Creeps
Melee Creep Artifact
Melee Creep

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