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ArcheAge Unchained Gold Making and Farming Guide

ArcheAge Unchained Gold Making and Farming Guide

An in-depth guide on Gold Farming/Making for ArcheAge Unchained

ArcheAge Unchained Gold Making Guide

Labor-Based and no-Labor methods overview



Gold makes every MMO world run and the world of Archeage Unchained is no different in this regard. In fact, it is affected by money even more than other "standard" titles. This is because AA is a Sandpark title that highly values gameplay freedom and player-driven economy. Decisions made by players, their set goals, actions, successes, and failings - all of them affect the in-game economy and make pinpointing "the best" way of making Archeage Unchained Gold rather difficult. This forces dedicated moneymakers to quickly react to the constantly changing in-game economy in order to tune in with the newest trends. Luckily, there are also some proven and firm methods that should work regardless of inflation and changing supply-demand relations; these are usually not as effective, but also a lot less risky than the "meta" ones.

This guide aims to introduce you to the basic Archeage Unchained Gold Making concepts that will, hopefully, help you learn how to take your moneymaking skills to the next level. Both Labor-Based and Labor-Free methods are featured here to give you a good overview of what is possible - treat these as an inspiration or a benchmark that will help you devise your own methods. If you are not interested in the meta-game aspects of moneymaking, you should still find methods, that will make you some quick and easy Archeage Unchained Gold, here.

Note1: For those of you who value numbers more than words, we have devised a simple Star Rating System that should make spotting moneymaking activities that meet your requirements/playstyle much easier. We have granted from 0 to 5 stars, to each of the below-described activities, in three self-explanatory categories: Easiness, Quickness, and Profitability.

Note2: Please remember that the ability to analyze the market, draw conclusions from it, devise a Gold-making strategy (based on conclusions), and successfully implement it is the most important skill that you should learn. Moreover, remember that patience is a virtue and rushed decisions often lead to spectacular failures; be patient, analyze, succeed.

Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO gamers. Here you can buy, sell, and trade Archeage Gold with the use of real cash.


Labor-Based Methods

These methods all require Labor Points, which means that they have an upper limit of how much daily Gold you can actually make with them. Most of the moneymaking methods fall into this category, as making a profit in Archeage Unchained is closely associated with labor-based activities.

Opening Coin Purses

Important Note: We are starting with the so-called benchmark method. Every time you come up with a method of your own or want to use one of the already proven ones, you should compare it with this one to determine if your efforts are worth it; Opening Coin Purses is a benchmark method because it "generates" (every time you open a purse, you create money which affects inflation by a bit) consistent amounts of Silver per Labor. This means that you can easily compare Gold/Hour, Gold/Labor, and Gold/Effort Needed of other methods with this one to determine how worthwhile they actually are.

You can easily convert your Labor Points into Gold by using Larceny to open Coin Purses. This is one of, if not the fastest, ways of making (some) Gold in Archeage Unchained, but it is not too efficient. To make the most out of this method, you will have to max your Larceny* - Famed proficiency gives you a 40% Labor cost discount, which translates to ~40% higher overall profits with this method (unsurprisingly as this will raise your silver per labor ratio by 40%). There are 4 tiers of Coin Purses in Archeage Unchained that you can easily farm (there are several more overall, but these are the easiest to get in large quantities):

  • Jester's Coin Purse - drop from level ~40 to ~50 mobs; 3 Labor needed to open, ~4,2 Silver per Labor (at max proficiency). 
  • Prince's Coin Purse - drop from level ~50 to ~55 mobs; 6 Labor needed to open, ~7,1 Silver per Labor (at max proficiency). 
  • Queen's Coin Purse - drop from some of the level 55 mobs; 12 Labor needed to open, ~7,4 Silver per Labor (at max proficiency). 
  • Ancestor's Coin Purse - drop from ancestral level 1+ mobs; 21 Labor needed to open, ~7,6 Silver per Labor (at max proficiency). 

The drop chance of all Coin Purses is quite high, which means that you will get more of them than you can open, but the method still requires some grind if you want to maximize your profits. The grind also means that you will make Archeage Unchained Gold not only from Pures but also directly from loot drops; you should choose your farming spot carefully because of that. Farming Ancestor's Coin Purses is the most efficient, but also the most difficult, and the best spots are often contested (Prince's and Queen's give comparable results, so they are also worth considering).

*Please remember that bonus kicks in when you finish the Rank (Rank 3 bonus becomes active when you have 40000 proficiency, and so on).

Summary - If you don't spend too much time online and you are not able to invest your Labor Points in something more efficient (but also more time-consuming), Opening Coin Purses is a great, fast, and easy gold making method that you can use; just remember that it does not top any profitability rankings.

Note: You can stockpile Coin Purses by going on prolonged farming sessions (once a week, for example). This way you will be able to make some money by logging in, opening purses to burn your labor, and logging off, when you don't have much time to spare on the game.

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star | Quickness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarNo StarsNo StarsNo Stars


There are two main kinds of fishing in Archeage Unchained: Bait Fishing and Sports Fishing; this part of the guide will focus on the latter as it is the one that is actually extremely profitable. Sports Fishing is divided into the following subtypes:

  • Fresh Water Sports Fishing - Requires Sports Fishing Lure (lasts 2 hours), at least a basic Fishing Rod, and Chum. As the name suggests, it involves bodies of fresh water (lakes, rivers, ponds, etc.).
  • Salt Water Sports Fishing - Requires Sports Fishing Lure (lasts 2 hours), at least a basic Fishing Rod, Chum Bucket*, and at least a Rowboat, but Clipper is recommended. As the name suggests, it involves bodies of saltwater (oceans and seas).

Note1: Every fish that you catch and sell costs you 110 Labor in total (without discounts).

Note2: The right tool for the job - Fishing Rod comes in two lines - Flexible (faster cast frequency, lower Fish Damage - usually better for Bait Fishing) and Sturdy (slower cast frequency, higher Fish Damage - usually better for Sports Fishing). Ultimate Fishing Rod is created by combining the Master level of both of these (it combines advantages of both types).

To maximize your profits from Fresh Water Sports Fishing, you will want to fish from Fish Schools. These are located in lakes and are quite easily identified by birds circling above them. To make fishing from School possible, use Chum on the School to make it go into the "Fish Feeding Frenzy" status (this step is not needed if the School is already frenzied). The main benefit of Fresh Water Sports Fishing is the fact that fish schools are often located in safe areas (Arcum Iris, Silent Forest, Gwenoid Forest, and Ahnimar, for example). When it comes to profitability - At Maximum Proficiency, you should be able to make about 9 Silver per Labor, which is acceptable, considering the fact that it is almost completely risk-free.

Salt Water Sports Fishing is riskier than its freshwater counterpart and has a higher up-front cost associated with it, but it is also much more lucrative. It is a good idea to have at least a Novice Fishing Rod (Sturdy is preferable) before setting off on a Salt Water Sports Fishing trip because sea fish are rather healthy which makes them harder to catch. The routine here is the same as in freshwater - you find a fish school, use Chum Bucket* on it, and start fishing (the only problem comes from the vastness of oceans that can make finding a school problematic; look for birds or for people that already found schools - just remember that different people will react to your presence at "their" fish schools differently...). When it comes to profitability - At Maximum Proficiency, you should be able to make about 20 Silver per Labor, which overshadows all other, currently popular, Archeage Unchained Gold farming methods.

*Chum Bucket is created by Cooking from 60 Bait Worms and 40 Ground Grains. It costs 50 Labor to make.

Summary - Becoming a fisherman turns out to be one of the best decisions you can make (gold-wise) in Archeage Unchained. Fresh Water Sports Fishing lets you relax while making a decent profit, while Salt Water Sports Fishing is one of the best Gold making methods currently available.

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Quickness Full StarFull StarNo StarsNo StarsNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf a Star

Baobab Fruit Harvesting

Owning a Land in Archeage Unchained opens up some interesting Gold making possibilities for both hardcore and casual players. This method is suited for the latter, as it is very easy and very quick, but it is also not efficient, which means that if you have time to invest, you should skip it in favor of more profitable activities.

The order of business here is extremely simple:

  1. Get a piece of Land (even an 8x8 Farm will do, but bigger is preferable - 16x16 is perfect for this; Baobabs like Arid Zones)
  2. Buy Baobab Tree Saplings (they can be purchased for 225 Vocation Badges each)
  3. Fill every available spot with Baobab Trees
  4. Wait for the Trees to produce Fruits (Saplings turn into fully grown Trees in about 1 day (26 hours), and Fruits regrow every 14 hours and 18 minutes; if you plant them in an Arid Zone, they will produce fruits every ~10 hours, which will increase your profits*).
  5. Harvest the Fruits (this should take just a few minutes, depending on your Land's size) and re-plant all Baobabs that died in the process of harvesting.
  6. Vendor the Fruits (yes, vendor - Baobab Fruits have a good NPC merchant sale price - this is what makes them great for this method)

Note: The only problematic thing here can be getting enough Vocation Badges to buy Baobab Saplings. These can be easily gained by completing Family Quests (Family Quest and Cargo Delivery are the quickest). Remember that doing these Quests (Cargo Delivery especially) will cost you some Gold, which is not that bad, especially when you consider the fact that completing the Delivery quest will give you Onyx Archeum Essences that should sell for more than you have actually invested (there is a possibility of getting killed and losing the cargo, however; be cautious).

*To maximize profits, your land should be located in an Arid Zone and you should harvest the trees twice a day - the first time in the morning and then, after 10 hours (this is a 20 hour cycle and a day has 24, which means that you can easily adjust the harvest times to your daily routine).

Depending on your Land size (or the amount of Labor Points that you have if your Land is large enough - calculate how many Baobabs you can harvest  daily and plant just enough; planting more is a waste of resources), you should be able to make about 60 Gold per day with this method, which is not a lot, but it will take you only ~20 minutes a day in total, after you set it all up properly - this is what makes this method great for casuals that don't have much time to spare on the game mid-week.

Summary - If you own a Land in an Arid Climate, you can use it to make some quick Archaege Unchained Gold by planting and harvesting Baobab Trees. This, while inefficient, is one of the easiest and quickest gold making methods available in the game.

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf a Star | Quickness Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf a Star Profitability Full StarHalf a StarNo StarsNo StarsNo Stars

Resource Gathering

Collecting raw resources and selling them on the Auction House can be a great way of making a profit if you know which resources are in high demand at a given point. There are three Gathering Professions that you want to take a look at:

  • Gathering - allows you to collect flowers and herbs needed for Alchemy.
  • Logging - allows you to chop trees and gather logs needed for Carpentry. Logging is the most effective if you own a Land and harvest your own, previously planted, Trees.
  • Mining - allows you to mine stone and ore. Stone is needed for Masonry and Ores are used by Metalworkers to smelt ingots.

The most important thing with this method is the choice of resource that you want to gather. To choose right, you will have to analyze the AH prices of the most popular materials (use the graphs tab, and look out for people that want to manipulate the prices by posting items below their actual value). After your research is complete and the material is chosen, you should arm your self with a bucket of coffee and set off on a gathering run; if you want to make good money, you will have to invest a lot of time and Labor Points into this.

The other way of doing this is to set up a Logging operation on your Land. Creating an Orchard has an upfront cost (you will need saplings and lumber to build a farm), but it is worth it as collecting logs out of your Land is much less time consuming than "standard" resource farming. It is also "sure" money - there is no competition for logging trees planted on your Land.

Note1: Raw Material prices will fluctuate depending on the current server age, population numbers, and situation. For example, on new servers, Logs and Stones are of great value, because a lot of people are building houses and Galleons. Later on, Alchemy ingredients might rise in value, and so on. Your goal is always the same - spot these fluctuations and take advantage of them as a gatherer.

Note2: You can combine gathering professions with crafting professions that are associated with them (Gathering + Alchemy etc.) to maximize your profits by Crafting/Refining stuff using your gathered raw materials. This, however, requires an up-front investment as leveling up crafting professions is not cheap.

Summary - Becoming a workhorse of Archeage's economic system can be a good way of making AA Unchained Gold; just be prepared for hours of farming or paying some Gold upfront to set everything up. Gathering raw materials that are currently in high demand can be surprisingly profitable.

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Quickness Full StarFull StarHalf a StarNo StarsNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarHalf a StarNo StarsNo Stars

Running Trade Packs/ Aged Larders

Inter-zone and intercontinental trade is an inherent part of the Archeage Unchained economy and the trade itself largely revolves around Trade Packs. The Trade Pack system is based around creating, transporting, and selling packages for profit. Here is, more or less, how it works:

  • You find a Specialty Workstation (these are often located within every region's population hubs).
  • You create a Trade Pack that is native to the region you are currently in (this is an export/import thing; you want to make a pack out of goods that are common in your region and take them to a region where they are rare to profit on them).
  • Creating a Trade Pack consumes materials, Labor Points, some Gold, and sometimes Gilda Stars; amount and kind consumed are pack-dependant. Materials used for pack creation become the pack's cargo.
  • Created Trade Pack is automatically placed on your back and your character becomes encumbered (which means that your movements become very limited).
  • Now it is time to deliver the Pack to one of the Specialty Buyers that are located in all three regions on each continent. This might require a way of transport (Donkey, Farm Cart or a Farm Wagon).
  • Specialty Buyer will buy your Pack for a set amount of Gold. The Gold will be delivered to you via mail, in ~8 hours. Amount of Gold received for delivering a Pack depends on a few factors: the popularity of the Pack (the more packs of the said type delivered, the lower the payment), your distance traveled (higher distance equals higher payment), the trade pack's type (if it consists of goods that are rare in the region, it will be worth more), and its age.

Note1: If you decide to buy Trade Pack materials on the Auction House, you should always calculate your profits beforehand to check how much Gold you'll actually make. If you divide your potential Gold made for a pack by the amount of Labor needed, you will also get your Gold/Labor ratio.

The main difficulty of Running Trade Packs is transportation. If you don't fancy running on your feet with a pack on your back, at the start, you have the following options:

  • Donkey - A simple mount that increases your traveling speed while you are encumbered. It's handy at the start as it lets you save some time, but you should upgrade it as soon as possible.
  • Farm Cart - Faster than the Donkey and it can carry two Packs at once (and you can still carry the third one on your back!). Having a Farm Cart effectively triples your transportation efficiency. Blueprints for a Farm Cart are a reward from the Blue Salt Guild Questline.
  • Farm Wagon - Upgraded version of a Farm Cart; it has twice the capacity, which means that it lets you transport a total of five Trade Packs at once (4 in the Wagon + 1 on your back).

Note2: Due to the Archmage Unchained servers still being somewhat new, a lot of people are running Trade Packs. This greatly lowers the demand, which in turn has a negative impact on Gold received for delivering them; calculate your profit before starting a run to check if it is worth it on your server! After the server ages and people find alternative ways of making Archeage Unchained Gold, packs will rise in value again.

Aged Larders - Special kinds of Trade Packs that can be made with the help of Farmer's Workshop (the Workshop itself can be built on your Land). You can use the Workshop to craft "Multi-Purpose Aging Larders" that can be placed on your Land. After you place them, you fill them with materials that you want to age. Aging takes three days and these packs are rather expensive to make, but they sell for more. Transporting and Selling of Aged Larders works exactly the same as transporting and selling standard packs. These might be a better option on older servers, as they are more expensive to make and have a 3-day timer which makes them much more difficult to run (which in turn means that fewer people are running them, and this results in higher demand).

Summary - This is as close as Archeage Unchained gets to the Euro Truck Simulator. Get Cargo ⇒ Transport Cargo ⇒ Sell Cargo. Just remember that the more people are doing it, the less Gold you will make.

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarNo StarsNo Stars | Quickness Full StarFull StarNo StarsNo StarsNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarFull StarNo StarsNo Stars

Crafting (Cooking and Alchemy)

Services of skilled artisans are always in high demand, especially in Archeage Unchained, where not everybody has time, dedication, or resources to max out Crafting Professions. Professions, like Cooking and Alchemy, are the typical long-term investments; leveling them up requires some patience and a lot of Gold, but after you reach Famed proficiency, the money will start to flow into your pockets - all you have to do is analyze which Items, that you can craft, are currently in high demand, make them, and post them on the Auction House. The two above-mentioned professions (Cooking and Alchemy) are the best for this as they create Consumables and Consumables are in high demand constantly. Potions, like Kraken's Might, and food, like high-level Sandwiches, are the way to go. The demand for them should be high enough to warrant using Auction House as the only source of materials.

Note: If you don't have time to gather all the materials yourself, you can always buy them from other players. This way, you will make less money, but it will cost you a lot less time and effort (which means that you effectively trade some of the profits for great time and Labor Points savings).

Summary - Utilizing your crafting professions is a great way of making Gold, if you have them leveled, that is. If not, prepare for a hefty up-front investment. Don't hesitate, however, as it will almost always pay off (the only time when it won't is on a dying server).

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Quickness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarFull StarNo StarsNo Stars


No-Labor Methods

These methods are Labor-free, which means that they can be used to complement your Labor-based endeavors. Unlike the above-mentioned activities, these more heavily rely on the server's economic situation and player activities, needs, and goals.

Flipping the Auction House

You know it was coming... Auction House allows you to Buy and Sell almost all tradable Archeage Unchained Items for Gold, which makes it ideal as a moneymaking tool; you just have to know how to use it. The whole idea of flipping is based on the fact that most people want to sell their loot quickly, which means that they post it below its actual value. This loot can be bought out and re-posted at a higher price, and that results in profit. At its basics, the method is very simple, but there are some intricacies that make it deceptively complex. However, we are of the opinion that every player that has some Gold to invest can successfully flip the Auction House, if he follows the guidelines, that is.

The AH Flipping follows very basic principles:

  • Buy low and sell high - as basic as it gets; you have to sell stuff for a higher price than you've bought them for if you want to make money. There is a catch, however - AH has a tax; you should include it in all your calculations. Always aim for at least a margin of at least 20%.
  • Avoid common, easy-to-get Items; they are likely to quickly decrease in price because of auction flooding.
  • Avoid niche Items; there is no market for them and you might get stuck on these which will freeze your assets.
  • Focus on the stuff that is in high demand and rather hard to get in large quantities or needed by players in large quantities (this is the meta part - you have to analyze the AH - for example, Galeon and House building materials are an excellent flipping choice currently, but the situation will change after the popularity of the game falls).
  • Don't panic. Sometimes prices fall, just to increase again; it often is a weekly occurrence (prices rise on weekends because more people are playing and buying stuff, and fall mid-week because of lower overall server population). Take advantage of it - stock up mid-week and sell on weekends!
  • Invest Gold gained; if you increase your investments, your returns will also rise, but remember that higher investment equals higher risk.

With all the basics in mind, you are ready... to arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper, and start the Auction House analysis. This part is necessary if you don't know the market yet - you have to spot the best flipping targets (this might take you a few days, at least). When the paperwork is done, it is time to invest. Just remember that flipping is a lengthy process that requires regular (but short) AH visits.

Tip1: Don't forget to check your favorite flipping targets on a regular basis, this will allow you to spot AH trends and take advantage of them.

Tip2: Read the patch notes. Sometimes certain Item prices rapidly drop or raise after an update (because of content updates). Reading patch notes will allow you to spot these Items and react accordingly (by mass-buying or mass-selling them).

Summary - If you already have some Archeage Unchained Gold that you can invest, AH Flipping can be an excellent method for you, especially if you have an analytic mind and talent for speculation. You should always aim for, so-called, "meta" Items (stuff that is currently needed by players in large quantities), which means that constant analysis of market trends is required for this. Also, please remember that flipping is associated with risk, and thus can sometimes result in a net loss.

Easiness Full StarFull StarHalf a StarNo StarsNo Stars | Quickness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarNo Stars

Farming Gilda Stars/Reselling Blueprints

Note1: This is an example of a "metagame method" that is great on fresh servers, but falls out of favor pretty quickly as goals of the general player base change over time. Its greatness was associated with the land rush and the fact that people needed their resources and time to claim land and build houses, which meant that they were willing to pay a good price for blueprints just to save themselves some time and effort. Nevertheless, we feature this method to set your minds on the right tracks; use this example to help discover your own "meta" ways of making a good profit. Moreover, you can still use it, just remember that profits will not be as high as they used to.

Gilda Stars are a special type of in-game currency present in Archeage and Archeage Unchained. They are awarded for leveling, completing achievements, and progressing through the main story quest. Some of the available Daily Quests also award you with Gilda Stars. The main purpose of these is to trade them for blueprints of various much-needed assets, like furniture, mounts, vehicles, ships, and houses. 

This method is based on three facts: 

  • On fresh servers, players want (and need) blueprints. For example, getting an early Clipper gives a considerable advantage over other players during Salt Water Sports Fishing; this means that certain blueprints ware in very high demand for some time after a server launches. 
  • Blueprints purchased for Gilda Stars can be then sold on the Auction House for Archeage Unchained Gold, which makes them a great source of money on new servers. 
  • Characters below level 30 (1-29) take just 24 hours to delete (instead of a full week), which means that you can potentially create a new character, and level it up to 29, every day (and, as mentioned before Gilda Stars are awarded for leveling and completing the main story quest so doing this will give you a good amount of them). 

What arises from these three facts is a simple Gold making strategy: you level up to 29 and complete all story quests along the way. Then, you trade your Gilda Stars for blueprints that are in high demand*, you transfer these blueprints to your main, and you delete the character** to make space for a new one, with which you will repeat the whole process on the next day.

*Mainly Clipper Blueprints as these let you spend your Gilda Stars efficiently and they are in very high demand early on. 

**If you sleep in a bed before deleting the character, you will generate 100 additional Labor Points, which means that this method actually GENERATES Labor. You can easily find a bed in one of the starting zones. Sleeping costs 2 Gilda Stars, but you make 52 on your way to level 29 and Clipper Blueprint (the one you are most interested in) costs 50, which means that you have 2 spare; convenient. 

Note2: This might sound as an exploit, but it does not break any rules; All accounts have 2 character slots and players can use these slots as they please (nothing stops them from leveling up multiple characters to level 29 just to test some weird skillset combinations after all...). 

Summary - Take advantage of supply/demand relations of your server and provide other players with blueprints that they need to progress their game by farming Gilda Stars. Just remember to check current prices - this method will, most likely, not work too well on aged servers (but it will become great again, once a new server launches). 

Easiness Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf a StarNo Stars | Quickness Full StarFull StarFull StarNo StarsNo Stars | Profitability Full StarFull StarHalf a StarNo StarsNo Stars

Odealo is one of the most secure Archeage and Archeage Unchained marketplaces. It allows regular players to buy, sell, and trade Archeage Gold and Items with the use of real cash. 



Please remember that the in-game economy of Archeage Unchained is fluid and rapidly changing. This is why all gold making activities that require an initial investment should be performed with the highest caution to minimize the risks involved. Sometimes it is better to wait for the prices to stabilize before taking any risk-related in-game actions, like investing heavily or posting up a large stock of farmed goods.

We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. If we have missed a method that is worth mentioning, please let us know! Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.