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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villagers FAQ

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villagers FAQ

An in-depth guide on Villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Villagers FAQ



Villager system is one of the main features of all games in the Animal Crossing series. During gameplay, the player is able to invite, interact with, and befriend his villagers who, in turn, will make his playthrough more varied, enjoyable, and funny. Unlike the player, who is always portrayed as a Human, all villagers appear as anthropomorphic animals; they keep an upright posture, wear clothes, speak, and display a plethora of human emotions. Moreover, they all have distinct personalities and interests. Each of the Animal Crossing iterations has added something to the villager system, both mechanic and content-wise, which results in quite a lot of information that has to be ingested by a new player. This is why we have decided to gather the most commonly appearing villagers-related questions and create a comprehensive FAQ out of them. 

Note: This guide is by no means complete, so if you have any other questions related to the villagers' topic, feel free to ask them in the comments section below. 

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Villagers FAQ

Q: How many villagers there are in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? 

As of right now, there are 393 different villagers you can invite to your island, but that number is likely to change with future updates.

Q: How many villager species there are, in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and what are they? 

There are 35 species of villagers; Wolf, Tiger, Squirrel, Sheep, Rhino, Rabbit, Pig, Penguin, Ostrich, Octopus, Monkey, Mice, Lion, Koala, Kangaroo, Horse, Hippo, Hamster, Gorilla, Goat, Frog, Elephant, Eagle, Duck, Dog, Deer, Cub (which are adolescent bears in essence), Cow, Chicken, Cat, Bull, Bird, Bear, Anteater, and Alligator. 

Q: Which villagers are the rarest because I want to invite ones that none of my friends already have?

Judging by the number of villagers that belongs to any given species, the Octopi are the rarest because there are only three of them at the moment (Zucker, Octavian, and Marina). Cow villagers are also quite rare as there are only four of them (Tipper, Patty, Norma, and Naomi).

Q: Which villagers are the best for my island?

We have a separate guide which addresses that question very thoroughly, you can check it out HERE. If you are not interested in details, here is a short version: from our experience, the best villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are Marshal, Julian, Coco, Merengue, Fauna, Rosie, Audie, Apollo, Bob, and Goldie. 

Q: I’ve heard that my villagers can have different personalities, what are they? 

There are 8 villager personalities in total, 4 male and 4 female:


  • Sisterly – The rarest personality in the game (there are only 23 Sisterly villagers currently). Sisterly types are among the most supportive and caring of villagers but they can be a bit patronizing sometimes (like older sisters, hence the Japanese name,アネ; Big Sister, of this type) which can make them appear somewhat rude and blunt on occasion. Befriended Sisterly villagers are almost guaranteed to give you medicine if you are stung by bees, so it is a great idea to have at least one of them on your island.
  • Peppy – These villagers are like cheerleaders, essentially. They love cheering and are overly excitable which makes them act before they think, sometimes (and quickly apologize for their actions, even if they didn't do anything wrong). The word "energetic" is often the first that comes into mind when interacting with Peppy villagers. Currently, there are 65 Peppy female villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. 
  • Normal – The most common female villager personality; as of New Horizons, there are 71 Normal Villagers. Normal Villagers try to keep a down-to-earth mindset, which makes them have neutral opinions on some things; they don't get excited by anything, but they also don't disapprove of things. Their behavior towards the player is very kind and friendly, most of the time, as is their stance towards other villagers (however, they don't get along with Cranky villagers because of their arrogant behavior). If you like mother-like figures, Normal villagers will fit on your island perfectly. 
  • Snooty – These villagers like to emphasize how well-behaved, posh, and mature they are, which sometimes makes them appear rude, and, well... snooty, towards the player and other villagers. Their stance towards people and their "high standards" result in them being overly sarcastic. Moreover, they tend to be narcissistic and think mostly (or only) about themselves, their looks, their clothing, and their overall appearance. Snooty Villagers are often like those "popular" kids in every school; they are artificially kind as long as they stay in the center of attention. They struggle to socialize with villagers who don't admire them and with ones who don't care about their personal appearance. 


  • Smug – These villagers tend to behave very friendly towards the player and other villagers, but they also like to emphasize how cool they are in the process (which can make them appear somewhat conceited at times). Smug villagers are likely to flirt with the player, for example by being overly gentleman-like and a bit too kind. Despite the fact that they tend to get along with other villagers rather well, they find it hard to tolerate the companionship on Sisterly, Jock, and Cranky villagers. As of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are 36 Smug Villagers available. 
  • Jock – The most common personality overall, with 76 villagers. Jock persons are often described as sports enthusiasts who prefer muscles over brains (high school football player stereotype fits the term rather well). In Animal Crossing, Jock villagers are mainly interested in physical fitness, sports competitions, and exercises. This makes them dislike Lazy and Snooty villagers who don't like physical effort. Jock villagers often brag about their physical shape and capabilities, but also tend to behave like bigger brothers towards the player (which is not always a good thing, unless one likes a bit of bullying mixed up with pep talks and somewhat primitive encouragements). 
  • Lazy – As the name suggests, lazy villagers are the exact opposite of the Jock ones. What they like the most is food (a large amount of it) and twiddling their thumbs. Even thought of physical exercises or effort makes them flinch; no wonder that Jock villagers tend to dislike them. Lazy Villagers' laid-back and relaxed lifestyle makes them get along with Peppy and Normal villagers rather well but gets on the Jock, Snooty, and Pepy ones' nerves. When befriended, Lazy Villagers like to tell the player various made-up stories. As of right now, there are 74 Lazy Villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which makes them the second-most common type. 
  • Cranky – These villagers are somewhat socially-awkward and a bit hot-headed. Moreover, they tend to get irritated and annoyed surprisingly easily which makes interacting with them similar to playing with a bomb that can explode at any time. Cranky villagers appear rude and withdrawn at first glance, but they eventually open up, after the player gains enough of their trust, and start to behave much more friendly and even protective towards the player. Cranky villagers don't get along with Sisterly, Smug, and Peppy villagers, but easily befriend Snooty and Jock types. Currently, there are 63 Cranky Villagers in the Animal Crossing series. 
Q: Which villager personalities collide and do not get along with each other very well? 
  • Sisterly villagers don’t get along with Cranky ones.
  • Peppy ones clash with Cranky and Snooty villagers a bit.
  • Normal villagers get irritated by Lazy ones.
  • Snooty ones don’t get along with Jock, Lazy, and Cranky types.
  • Smug villagers are known to get on Cranky and Sisterly villagers’ nerves.
  • Jock types clash with Cranky, Snooty, and Lazy ones.
  • Lazy ones are not tolerated by Jock and Snooty types.
  • Cranky villagers don’t get along with Peppy and Sisterly and don’t like Smug and Snooty types.
Q: How many villagers can reside on my island at any given time?

There is enough living space for up to 10 villagers on any player-owned island. You will have to provide each of your villagers with proper accommodation, however.

Q: Who are Starting Villagers and how many of them do I get in New Horizons?
Starting Villagers are the first ones to settle on your island when you start a new game. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you will always get 2 starting villagers with predetermined personalities; 1 Sisterly female villager and 1 Jock male villager. 
Q: What do Villagers do exactly? 
Their role varies a bit from one iteration of the game to another. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, villagers can plant and water flowers, interact with objects (they can use furniture they come across, for example), exercise, perform yoga, gossip with each other and the player, sing, tell stories and jokes or even visit the museum. They can also send you presents and provide you with medicine. Basically, there are in the game to keep you company and make the game more alive and enjoyable. 
Q: When will I be able to invite new Villagers to settle on my Island and how to do that?

After the Nook's Cranny opens and Tom Nook gives you three housing kits. Placing them around the island will create a living space for new Villagers. After that is done, you will have to furnish newly-built houses with three pieces of indoor furniture and three pieces of outdoor furniture. With all that completed, all you need to do is wait for the Villagers to settle in (one new Villager will appear each day). 

Note: This only applies to the first three new Villagers who will settle on your Island. For all subsequent ones, all you need to do is designate a plot of land on which they can settle on. 

Q: How do I invite more new Villagers to my Island? 

Important Note: If you have designated a plot of land for settling, a random new Villager will, sooner or later, buy it and settle there. Luckily, you can turn the odds in your favor by encouraging specific villagers to move in. 

There are a few ways of inviting new Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villagers to settle on your Island; they include: 

  • Inviting Villagers from a Campsite - After your Residential Services are upgraded, you will be able to build a Campsite on your island. This Campsite will sometimes attract Villagers who will stay there for some time (you will be given a notice from Isabelle if someone new is camping on your Island). Interacting with the Camper will sometimes lead to him deciding that he/she wants to settle in on your island. If you have a free plot of land, all is good and the Camper will become your new Villager. If not, things will get a bit tricky: If your island is full, but you still want to accommodate the Camper, he/she will select one of your current villagers at random and ask you if he/she can settle in their house. If you agree, your current villager will leave and the Camper will take his/her place. 
  • Inviting Villagers met on Mystery Islands - Random Villager will appear on each of the Mystery Islands you visit if you have a free plot of land available on your Island. These Villagers can be encouraged (or discouraged) to settle on your island if you talk to them. Villagers that appear on Mistery Islands are completely random, however, so be prepared to spend a lot of Nook Miles on Nook Mile Tickets if you want to meet and invite a specific one. 
  • Using Amiibo Cards - Building a Campsite also upgrades the Nook Shop so that you are able to scan Amiibo Cards into the game, but only once a day. After you use the Villager Amiibo Card, the specific Villager will appear at your Campsite the next day. Inviting him/her to settle on your island works differently to standard Campfire interaction, however: The villager has to be invited via the Amiibo Card a total of three times before he/she settles in; each time he/she appears, he/she will ask you to craft a specific piece of furniture for him/her (he/she will give you the recipe if you don't have it, so don't worry). After you fulfill all three orders, you will be able to invite the Villager to settle on your island (mechanics for this part are similar to regular Camper invites, but you are actually able to choose which Villager will swap places with the Camper). 
  • Inviting Villagers from your friends' Island - If your friend wants to get rid of a villager, and has encouraged him/her to leave, you will be able to invite that Villager to settle on your Island if you have a plot of land available. You will easily recognize Villagers that are about to leave your friends' island by their belongings being packed inside cardboard boxes. 
Q: How do I... "encourage" a Villager to leave my Island? 

There are a few ways of doing this (we will not delve into your motivations for throwing someone into the street): 

  • Firstly, remember to talk to Villagers with thought bubbles above their heads; These bubbles sometimes indicate that a Villager considers moving out of your island. If that's the case, you have two options; ask them to stay or encourage them to leave.
  • Invite a Camper when there are no free plots of land on your island - As mentioned in the previous answer, there is an option to exchange one of your current Villagers for one who has visited your Campsite. The Villager who will be designated to pack up and leave is chosen at random, however, unless the Camper has arrived as a result of you using an Amiibo Card. 
  • Ignore Villagers you don't want in your Village - Doing this will slightly raise the probability of them wanting to leave. 
Q: How do I become best friends with a Villager in New Horizons?

The presence of the "friendship" mechanic is not immediately apparent in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but it is there and it is fully functional. It will allow you to befriend your favorite villagers by interacting with them in certain ways. In simple terms, to become best friends with a villager, you have to make them like you as much as possible, which is achieved by: 

  • Giving them presents (villagers tend to like nicely wrapped items, mainly furniture). 
  • Talking to them daily (nobody likes being ignored, so talking to a villager every day will make him like you much more). 
  • Remembering their birthday and giving them another present on that occasion (like with other presents, nicely wrapped pieces of furniture work well). 
  • Tending to them when they are sick (villagers appreciate you giving them medicine when they need it) and ridding them of fleas if they have them. 
  • Getting them items they want to buy and completing any quests they offer you. 

Your "befriending" progress is indicated by gradually appearing new interaction options, like being able to present a villager with a gift or being able to change their catchphrase. After a villager truly becomes your best friend, you will receive a framed photo, that you can display in your house, from him/her. 

Q: What are the "Villager Quests"?
Villagers who like you will often ask you to do specific things, like going on a treasure hunt, catching a specific bug or a fish, making a certain piece of furniture for them, or finding something that they lost and returning it to them. These tasks are what is called "Villager Quests". 

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If you have any questions, about Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villagers, that still need answering, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. We will be glad to answer them and add them to our FAQ list. 

We hope that you have found this FAQ useful and informative. If you liked it and want us to make more FAQs like this in the future, please let us know! Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticism that will help us improve our future work so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.