Warrior 1-36 Leveling Build Set Check Offer Description Best Price
1-23 Leveling:
Horns of Bynden Rusted Greathelm
Bramblejack Rusted Cuirass
Meginord's Girdle Heavy Belt
Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer
Igniferis Crimson Amulet
Glowswarm Lazuli Ring
Blackheart Iron Ring
Northpaw Suede Bracers
Luminous Pace Straw Sandals
5x Artificer's Orb
5x Uncut Support Gems
5x Lesser Jeweller's Orb (to add Socket to Skills)
23-36 Leveling
Warrior Pack Includes:
Black Sun Crest Wrapped Greathelm
Wanderlust Wrapped Sandals
Surefooted Sigil Jade Amulet
Wylund's Stake Smithing Hammer
Wulfsbane Painted Tower Shield
Painter's Servant Torn Gloves
Foxshade Quilted Vest
Rare Ring - add fire damage to attacks - any res (22-23 level req)
Rare Ring - add cold damage to attacks - any res (22-23 level req)
x5 Uncut support gems
After Act 4, we also add this to the bundle:
Cultist Greathammer - 125+ Total DPS - random other stats
If you have further questions, please let me know. Click chat button to contact me.