Coins are 100% legit, I earned them with Mining
We're 24h online(We will mark Delivery Time as Unavailable if we're not)
Requirements: Skyblock level 50+ & playtime 100h+ (access to playtime menu with command /playtimedetailed)
Devliery Methods:
- Trade - I purchase items you want from ah and trade it to you(recommanded) OUT OF STONK
- AH transfer - you auction some trash item and I bid high value on it(VERY DANGEROUS, choose wisely)
Why you should choose us?
- Playing Skyblock for 4 years
- Sold 50b+ lifetime with 0 negative review (not all of them are sold on odealo)
- 1h delivery
- Easy trade method, help you get any item you want and boosts your gaming experience
- Trading with lv50+ accounts, makes it harder to detect and protect your profile
- 100% legal mining coins, no any coins or items from ratting so you don't get items that have been traded twice, which is safer
WARNING: IRL trade is PROHIBITED in hypixel and will cause a ban and wipe(clear all your progress and items) if you got cought, we don't take any responsibility after the purchase, buy at your own risk.