25 (Click on the icon to view details)


[PC] Unrolled Calibrated Stinging Accelerated Gatling Plasma + 4 Legendary Mods of Your Choice

[PC] Unrolled Calibrated Stinging Accelerated Gatling Plasma + 4 Legendary Mods of Your Choice
[PC] Unrolled Calibrated Stinging Accelerated Gatling Plasma + 4 Legendary Mods of Your Choice - image
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25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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This is an unrolled Gatling Plasma equipped with the following weapon mods:

* Calibrated Capacitor
* Stinging Core Receptacle
* Accelerated Nozzle

Plus 4 legendary weapon mods:

Pick ONE:

* Anti-armor
* Bloodied
* Quad
* Two Shot
* Vampire's

Pick ONE

** Explosive
** Rapid (+25% Weapon Speed)
** Vital (+50% Critical Damage)

Pick ONE

*** VATS Optimized (25% less Action Point Cost)
*** Swift (15% reload speed)
*** Lightweight (90% reduced weight)
*** Durability (Breaks 50% slower)

Pick ONE

**** Conductor's (Critical hits restore 5% of health & action points)
**** Pin-Pointer's (+50% damage when targeting enemy appendages)
**** Polished (The greater the equipped item condition, the greater the weapon damage)
**** Stabilizer's (Improves weapon recoil & stability)

Listed the most popular choices among our customers. Other legendary mods are available upon request.

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