Games Marketplace - Odealo
25 (Click on the icon to view details)


⭐Trash Legendary Random⭐⭐⭐x50 INSTIGATING Legendary WEAPONS for Scraping , Scrips Cashback⭐

⭐Trash Legendary Random⭐⭐⭐x50 INSTIGATING Legendary WEAPONS for Scraping , Scrips Cashback⭐
⭐Trash Legendary Random⭐⭐⭐x50 INSTIGATING Legendary WEAPONS for Scraping , Scrips Cashback⭐ - image
1 5
  • 20 mins.
  • in 3 days
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 - 1 0% 4.00
> 1 5% 3.80
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

Enter your Username/Xbox GT/PSN ID

In this order, you'll get x50 one star instigating legendary weapons for scraping. When you scrap the armor with your workbench, you have a chance to get legendary modules or a plan for its creating, as well as certificates, which you can use to buy weapons and other items from the legendary merchant

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