25 (Click on the icon to view details)


[PS] 1 unit - 40000 Caps

[PS] 1 unit - 40000 Caps
[PS] 1 unit - 40000 Caps - image
1 4
  • 2 hours
  • in 19 days
Actual price
for 1000 Caps
Units Discount rate Price / 1 unit
1 0% 4.00
Total price
for 1000 Caps
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

Enter your Username/Xbox GT/PSN ID

PS 1 unit - 40000 Caps

Please remember: one character can only store 40,000 caps, if you want to buy more you may need another characters.

How do you get the caps:
In the trade menu, offer me any item you don't need (1 bullet, 1 unit of any junk, or a bobby pin). Set the price of the item according to your order - for example 40,000 caps. And I will buy this bobby pin from you for 40,000 caps.

Delivery takes 10-20 minutes if i'm online. Specify Gamertag in order details, i will add you as а friend. After you purchase the item i will send you all the information

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