1.After you ordered, you will receive a Friend Invite.
2.Open the social panel and click Accept Friend Invite.
3.Click to join our world.
4.Enter the world.
5.After entering the world, click on us and fast trave to our map.
6.We will invite a trade with you.
7.Accept the trade invite.
9.We will mark the weapon (item) you ordered with a price of 0 Caps, you click to buy.
10.You can also click on the weapon (item) you purchased in our inventory.
11.We will also set the price for 0 Caps, then you click to buy.
12.Trading caps. The maximum transaction limit for a single item is 5000 caps.
13.If you purchased 10,000 caps. You can sell 2 same items each for 5,000 Caps.
14.We will buy your items and you will get the Bottle Cap.