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The Best Weapons in Borderlands 3 and where to find them

The Best Weapons in Borderlands 3 and where to find them

An updated list of the Best Weapons in Borderlands 3 with information on where to find them

The Best Weapons in
Borderlands 3


Borderlands 3 introduced a new and upgraded Weapon system which made things more interesting than in any previous game from the series. We have a lot of new interesting weapons, but also plenty of Guns that you might be familiar with if you have played Borderlands and Borderlands 2. Our list included the weapons we found to be the best when playing Borderlands 3, but you should understand that the list may be completely different for you. Weapons in Borderlands 3 have so much to offer it's impossible to pick the single-best Gun in the game, as this will depend on many factors including your Character class, specific build, and the type of enemy you are fighting. Either way, picking any of the below will never be a bad idea since the weapons listed are the very Top Tier when it comes to firearms in Borderlands 3. 

We have also decided to add brief information on how to get all the specific weapons so that you can go ahead and try getting them for yourself after you reach the required level. If you feel like we have missed something, make sure to leave your comment below. We are also always open to feedback, which will help us give you guys more accurate data in future updates of this article.

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Lucian's Call
Lucian's Call
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Assault Rifle
Overview - one of the deadliest weapons in the game and presumably the best Assault Rifle in Borderlands 3. Offers very high DPS with good Accuracy, but what makes this weapon truly godly are it's special treats. Lucian's Call Critical Hits return two bullets to your magazine, and also Richotets to two additional targets. FL4K can basically sustain infinite ammo capacity with this weapon, which also clears everything on your screen with the Ricochets
Where to find Lucian's Call? - Lucian's Call is a random world drop, meaning it can be basically found anywhere. Obviously farming high-level Bosses is your best shot, and we had confirmed drops from Troy Calypso, Graveward, and Chupacabratch. You can also farm Dinklebots in Skywell-27 for Loot-o-Grams and exchange them with Crazy Early for random loot, which also has a decent chance for Lucian's Call
Rowan's Call
Rowan's Call
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Assault Rifle
Overview - one of the best Assault Rifles in the game. It has slightly inferior stats compared to Lucian's Call, but for some builds like FL4K's Fade Away the extra crit may actually make this the Best in the Slot. 
Where to find Rowan's Call? - it is a random world drop so farm Bosses, open Loot boxes and you may eventually find the might Rowan's Call Rifle
Nuclear Vicious Lyuda
Nuclear Vicious Lyuda
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle
Overview - one of the most powerful Sniper Rifles that we have tested. It feels like an Assault Rifle with the extra projectile fired, and increased Rate of Fire. When you are playing a Crit. build (like FL4K's Fade Away) this weapon offers simply absurd DPS. It is a very decent long-range weapon as well
Where to find Lyuda? - Lyuda is a random world drop, and can basically drop form any Loot source. Obviously farming Bosses and Loot Tinks will give you a higher chance to obtain Legendary Weapons like Lyuda
Dastardly Headplosion
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle
Overview - another amazing Sniper Rifle, which fires exploding projectiles when fired. It offers amazing long-range Splash and very solid DPS. It has a very solid DPS and Accuracy for a Jacob's Sniper, making it a decent and a well-rounded option
Where to find Headplosion? - Headplosion is supposedly a random world drop, however, Manwark Boss in Konrad's Hold on Pandora has been confirmed to have a significantly higher drop chance
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Shotgun
Overview - one of the heaviest hitting weapons in the game. It deals your Melee Damage with each bullet, making it a great choice for players that prefer to stay in Melee Range since Face-puncher benefits from bonuses to Melee DPS as well
Where to find Face-puncher? - Face-puncher drops as a reward for Legendary Hunt missions for Sir Hammerlock. It's recommended to farm Chupacabratch who appears to be the easiest Boss to grind for Legendaries
Standardized Carrier
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Assault Rifle
Overview - Carrier is a direct reference to Starcraft's Carrier, which was the single-best unit in the game. It offers very solid balanced stats for an Assault Rifle, but what makes this weapon special it's the ability to tag an enemy and make all bullets always hit your target. It works wonders against Bosses and Badass enemies, allowing you to take them down while running away or shooting from behind corners
Where to find Carrier? - Carrier is a random world drop and getting it will most likely require you to farm Bosses and Loot Tinks
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Shotgun
Overview - Flakker fires five bullets simultaneously which explode dealing massive Splash Damage. It offers amazing burst and is simply insane when it comes to taking down grouped up enemies
Where to find Flakker? - Flakker is a random world drop which means it can drop basically anywhere. We had the luck to find Flakker as a drop from Graveward Boss
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Pistol
Overview - Unforgiven is one of the best Pistols in Borderlands 3. It offers insane Damage which comes at the cost of low Fire Rate. It also grants increased Melee Damage, making it a very enjoyable weapon if you like to one-shot stuff with Critical Hits
Where to find Unforgiven? - Unforgiven is a random world drop and can drop from any Loot source. As always, you will be best off farming Bosses to get one
Eridian Fabricator
Eridian Fabricator
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Undisclosed
Overview - Eridian Fabricator is in a completely different League of weapons. It will not deal any damage, but rather consume Eridium to shoot guns. Yes, literally it's a gun that shoots guns. It also has a chance of dropping Legendary weapons 
Where to find Eridian Fabricator? - It's a reward for completing the Footsteps of Giants Mission in Desolation's Edge on Nekrotafeyo. You will meet an NPC who is wielding it, and after completing his Quest line he will give you the Gun
Rarity Epic 
Weapon Type SMG
Overview - the damage this weapon deals, combined with its Rate of Fire, simply melts enemies on spot. It fires two round in the shape of a heart making it so much more enjoyable to use. At the same time, receiving damage to Projected Shield, returns ammo to your magazine, making this weapon extremely convenient to use
Where to find LOV3M4CH1N3- this beautiful SMG is a Quest Reward from Baby Dancer Side Quest. First, you need to complete all of Claptrap's Side Missions, then he will give you this task after you talk to him in the Sanctuary's Cargo Hold. It is recommended that you are level 30 or above before taking on this Quest
Stark Storm
Stark Storm
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle
Overview - Stark Storm on top of having a quite solid Shock Damage, and overall decent stats for a Sniper Rifle, but what makes it special is its Special power that allows us to create multiple electric spheres that Trap enemies. It is supposedly the best Crowd-Control weapon in Borderlands 3
Where to find Star Storm? - we are yet to confirm it, but it appears that Stark Storm is a random world drop, which means it can drop from any available Loot source
Rarity Legendary 
Weapon Type Grenade

Overview - we have also decided to include at least one Thrown weapon on our list. Hex is one of the best Grenades we have tested, which offers simply absurd AoE and pack clearing potential. It can split in multiple Grenades when thrown, and it also chains to closest enemies. It has three available variants:

  1. MIRV which causes the Grenade to split into three on impact;
  2. Mitosis which makes it split into two shortly after being thrown;
  3. Recurring which combines both of the above, utilizing this Weapon's maximum potential.
Where to find Hex? - Hex is a random world drop so it can drop basically anywhere. As always, you are best off farming Bosses and Loot Tinks

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Please note that this is an early version of the guide based on what we have found so far (and had a chance to test, at least briefly). We do plan to expand this article further in the future, so leave us your feedback in the comment section below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of the Gearbox Software.