✅Guaranteed the cheapest product among all competitors, you will not find cheaper. If this is suddenly not the case, notify me in the chat, I will lower the price.
✅After payment, you will get: Twitch Account, after linking which you will receive ALL of the items listed below in the Warframe game (PC / PS / XBOX) + the simplest instruction (activation takes about a minute).
❗️YOU CAN LINK TWITCH ACCOUNT NOT OFTEN THAN ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS, DONT BUY MORE THAN 1 ACCOUNT PER WEEK! If you have previously received these items, you will be able to get them again along with the purchase of this product in unlimited quantities.
✅ List of items to receive:
1. x1 Titania Prime, x1 Verikres Fan, x1 Sugatra: Renaila
2. x70 Essence of Steel
3. x1 Archon Shard, x15-x40 Universal Medallion, x30 Vitus Essence, x1-x6 Titanium Extractor, x30 Corrupted Hollowkey, x3-x5 Clem Clone, x1-x2 Cosmic Spectrum, x6-x15 Relics, x4 Warframe Slot, Weapons; Gravimag, Operator Switch
4. x300 Trust: Nora's Mix - Disc 2(x225), Disc 3(x75). Discs can be sold for 5.000 credits (1.500.000 total)
5. {Form} Drop randomly 9-11pcs: Form, Form: Aura, Umbra(Blueprint), Umbra, Stance
6. {Resources} Drop randomly 14pcs: x6.000 Cryotic, x600 Izos, x100 Thermal Slag, x100 Abyssal Slime Orb, x20 Thermia, x4 Rift Shard, Eidolon Shard, Ultimate Requiem, Locked Rift Mod Decoder, Toroid: Crisma, Lapis Lazuli; x3 Pure Sentient Core, x5-x10 Debt Bond(all types); Orokin Matrix: Ballistics, 3x Glyph: Granny, x20 Namalon, x5 Embolos, x5 Xenochrast, x20 Thaumik
7. {Mounts} Drop randomly 2pcs: Larva, Drone Cleaner (all types)
8. {Mods} Drop randomly: x2-x4 Archon, x2 Breach, x5-x9 Gold (all types)
9. {Overlay Effects} Drop randomly 8pcs (all types)
10. {Adapters} Drop randomly 2-6pcs: Weapon Exilus, Amplifier
11. {Decos} Drop randomly 44-89pcs: Kahl-175 Community Glyph/Display, stinax, Bust: Steadfast Dinar, Action Figures (all types); Models: Warframe, Corps, Grineer; Squeezer and Sol, Orokin Tea Service; Shazin (all types); Lua Flower Vase, Decanter, Lighthouse with Text, Palm Trees(all types), Mural: Leverian, Teshin Statue, Raptor Rx, Zariman(all types)
12. {Scene - Captura} 3 pieces randomly fall (all types)
13. x150 Nakak Pearls
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- RespoBoost Team❤