25 (Click on the icon to view details)


Arcana Season 7 - Flame Elementium - 1 :100 FE - Fast Delivery

Arcana Season 7 - Flame Elementium - 1 :100 FE - Fast Delivery
Asia - Season 3
America - Season 3
Europe - Season 3
Arcana Season 7 - Flame Elementium - 1 :100 FE - Fast Delivery - image
1 9999
  • 20 mins.
  • 01:23:49
Actual price
for 100 Flame Elementium
Units Discount rate Price / 1 unit
1 0% 0.25
Total price
for 100 Flame Elementium
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)
Step 1 / 2

Choose server

Please choose one of available server for this offer.

1 unit = 100 FE minimum 1k order
Auction House trade.

How it works:
1. Account must be level 60 to unlock AH
2. Put item for sale on your bought amount ( prefer Pedigree of Gods for safe transfer)
3.Take a screenshot of the items stats and send it to us.
4. wait for us to buy the items on AH
5. We dont cover AH tax

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Choose your default server

Please choose your default server for the selected game.