✅ Complete data change : password, email, nickname.Not a subscription, a purchased license✅
❤️Ready farm account
❤️ Mossy Fermento set and Fermento Artifact/12 GARDEN /1118 FARMING FORTUNE/10KK per hour !
❤️ 100 lvl elephant with green bandana
❤️ A built infernal growth farm consisting of 5 rafts and "NEWTON NETHER WARTS HOE" 223M counter
❤️ The farm is fully automated for autonomous farming of infernal growth " 150MS - 10-15kk per hour "
❗ The account is completely designed for farming, exclusively for earning coins. ❗
⭐ The account pays off in 7-10 days with an active grind ⭐
❤️ To provide more information, write in private messages! ❤️