Games Marketplace - Odealo
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Mythic 5* Maxed WITHER IMPACT Scylla/Astraea/Hyperion/Valkyrie [Safest Seller,Cheapest,Friendliest!]

Mythic 5* Maxed WITHER IMPACT Scylla/Astraea/Hyperion/Valkyrie [Safest Seller,Cheapest,Friendliest!]
1 - PC
Mythic 5* Maxed WITHER IMPACT Scylla/Astraea/Hyperion/Valkyrie [Safest Seller,Cheapest,Friendliest!] - image
1 2332
  • 30 mins.
  • in 6 days
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 0% 129.99
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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With this order, you'll be able to pick any of the mythic maxed swords listed in the title! These are end game f7 type weaponswhich are incredibly overpowered! <--- this order will include wither impact as it's considered an add-on!

Shop Safely at my store with nearly 4 years of selling and 4000 sales across all platforms. Feel free to checkout my store by clicking my profile, if you would like an item that I don't stock, feel free to reach out, you can also reach out with any concerns or interest!

So far to date, I've sold well over 100b with the safest methods used and very minimal banned (like 1 in every 100).

Depending on how much you spend overall you will be given the items in particular way, i.e. you're eligible for the highest bracket of safety if you purchase 3 items worth $10 each.
- Purchases lower than $30 Will be delivered with a high skill lvl and high sb lvl account and using one method of transfer, your chance of ban will be low. (bans from this are unlikely but have happened before)
- Purchases greater than $30 will be delivered through a direct trade to your island (you won't need to do any trades). There is no 100% guarantee of safety, and I take multiple measures to make sure your chance of ban is as close to 0 as possible! Any seller that claims to guarantee 100% safety is a liar as hypixel often improves their detection methods. (your chance with this would be very low and is ideal to use for high valued items)

Why should you choose us over other sellers?

- Boasting 4.99 stars + 99.9% Positive feedback

- Safety is of highest concern over anything else, i.e. I could choose to deliver items in a risky manner and risk your safety for my convenience and profit but I do not because I do not want to see my customers get banned.

- I stock everything that you would like for a great price

- Fast delivery and response when i'm free (Usually free 8am - 10pm AEST), if your timezones don't work out, we can discuss pickup times :D

- Bonuses for customers :D (I love to give out bonuses for those that choose to shop here again and again)

If you would truly desire a safe and legitimate transfer of high valued items then shop here :) If you would rather save a few dollars and sacrifice your safety, feel free to go buy coins or buy from other sellers.

To end off, I have screenshots of many high valued transactions (i.e. like pictures of trades worth 5b where the customer is not banned nor wiped) to prove that the methods that I use are safe and that no one else can replicate the same method, if you would like assurance, I can show you some old or recent ones that the customers consented to share.

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