Games Marketplace - Odealo
25 (Click on the icon to view details)


[PC] 1,000 Legendary Scrip [3-Star Knives]

[PC] 1,000 Legendary Scrip [3-Star Knives]
[PC] 1,000 Legendary Scrip [3-Star Knives] - image
1 100
  • 30 mins. This user has set his status to "currently not available". Delivery time might be extended. (Click on the icon to view details)
  • 16:10:31
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 0% 3.00
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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Each knife is 3 stars (40 scrip) and has 1.1 weight without perk reduction perks/armor which makes it best for storage.

The price is for 1,000 scrip (25 knives) not 1,000 knives.

Daily scrip limit in game that you can sell to legendary scrip machine is 500 scrip.

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