How will we do it?
The best way to complete tasks where you need to kill PMCs
We choose one server and load in different teams.
In the raid we meet and you kill me
If someone else kills you or me, we'll go again until you get as many kills as you ordered
100% guarantee that you will complete as many Kills as you paid for, if someone interferes with us and you or I die, then we will restart the raid
The Punisher - Part 4 | The Punisher - Part 5 | The Punisher. Part 6 | Grenadier | Test drive - Part 1 | Test Drive - Part 2 | Test Drive - Part 3 | Capturing Outposts | Escort | Our Own Land | Compensation for Damage - Wager | The Tarkov shooter - Part 3 | The Tarkov shooter - Part 4 | The Huntsman path - Controller | Huntsman path - Secured perimeter | The survivalist path - Cold blooded | Long Line | Assessment - Part 1 | Calibration | A Shooter Born in Heaven | Psycho Sniper | Counteraction | Insomnia | Setup | Chumming | Friend from the West - Part 1 | Stirrup |
Also you can buy from me:
FIR items VPX LEDX WD-40 GPU Virtex RFID Vase Car Battery Gasan Flash drive USB Teapot Roler Lion Spark plug SJ9 GPSA MCC AHF1-M 3-(BT-G) SALEWA FCond GPhone 6-STEN SG-C10 LAB access card
Guns: MSGL M32A1 HK-416 Vector GL-40 DT MDR SA-58 M4A1 ASH-12 mk-18 SR-25 AXMC M1A SR-25 MK-47 RD-704 AKM MCX MPX RSASS MDR MP7 P90 SA-58 HK416 UMP-45 RSP-30 SPEAR 6.8
Ammo: M80 M62 M61 M855A1 M856A1 M995 AP SX AP-20 BT BS 7N40 SPP BP PBP AP 6.3 FMJ SX .338 FMJ
Armor: Hexgrid Slick Killa Gen 4 Redut Zhuk-6a Tactec AACPC Korund 6B43 6B13M
Helmet: Altyn Rys-T AirFrame Exfil Fast MT Lshz Ulach Caima Maska Gorilla Ubey Bastion
Grenades: F-1 M67 RGD-5 Vog-25 VOG-17 RGO GRN